
  • Thread starter Waheed
Here's another interview revealing some more tidbits of info:

Sounds like there will be 12 cars on track and current wheels will be supported.đź‘Ť

<a href="">YouTube Link</a>

Eeew, just 12, on a PS4? Ugh. Real Racing 3 on my iPhone 5 can have 22 cars on track.
I just realized that PS4 also has something like smartglass. But like cloud computing, they aren't talking it up much, like the PS eye.
Thank you guys for posting video footage of this game.
The graphics looks amazing and i guess they are still discovering the potential of the ps4 at the moment.

I am not sure, but the game really look arcadish (its not a criticism).
Make me think like car physics would be close to need for speed shift or something ?

I love the menu design anyway, very inspiring!
Simple and cool looking.

Can't wait to see more videos with better quality :)
12 cars is enough for me. Anymore and the idea of team based racing starts to become very diluted. Will a race really matter if its 12 team members vs another 12 team members? At that point its almost a toss up and totally chaotic.

As a team based arcade racer, 12 is plenty IMO. For simulation racing, much more is needed for a variety of reasons

Only 12? This "next generation of gaming" really isn't shaping up all that well at the moment.

Have you seen a 720p off camera video yet? Theres lots of things going on that are barely recognizable from a basic youtube feed. For starters, at one point theres what looks like 1,000 well modeled animated 3D spectators on the side of the track. The road texture is very impressive. Also you can see the hyper realistic and totally random clouds cast shadows over the racetrack. And theres the promised miles upon miles of draw distance of road you can actually race on.

neogaf brought up a good point about the track probably not being the best example of the game's graphics prowess. Personally I think the snow mountain track looks the best. This track at dusk doesnt do the game any favors. And we havent seen how great it will look at night or other unique time of day scenarios. Gran Turismo 5 looked far and away its best under cloudy conditions, so Im interested to see how that looks.

Also neogaf brought up a point about how Evolution's Motorstorm didnt look all too great when they first showed it, but was much better at launch.
If it's all street racing on real life roads (I'm thinking roads like the Stelvio Pass) you wouldn't want many more than 12 cars at a time, I mean roads are typically designed to have only two cars side by side, right? I suppose they could fictionalise them by making them wider but in any case it's not the same as circuit racing.
If it's all street racing on real life roads (I'm thinking roads like the Stelvio Pass) you wouldn't want many more than 12 cars at a time, I mean roads are typically designed to have only two cars side by side, right? I suppose they could fictionalise them by making them wider but in any case it's not the same as circuit racing.
In Monaco, Macau, Marina Bay, etc you don't have much more space either...
In Monaco, Macau, Marina Bay, etc you don't have much more space either...

Yeah, and look how exciting the racing is there! I believe Monaco was referred to as a 'fast procession' this year. I suppose F1 is more than slightly different to racing street cars, but then again the rules of touge racing - as Best Motoring specifies, anyway - is that the car behind doesn't actually have to pass the car in front to win. I'm guessing Drive Club will get around this somehow, possibly with a boost system, otherwise it'll be too predictable.
Ah, the punnet from Kotaku...why is he even driving? Oddly enough, I saw the Gadget Show review and there looked to be the exact same wipeout piece on the hairpin.

Definitely more arcade than anything, or is there a pro-sim difficulty level that makes it feel different? I do seem to remember something like that being mentioned, but I may be getting my games mixed up :)

I suppose the widened road is to facilitate the first kind of racing, as I don't seem to remember the average Scottish lochside road being quite that wide.

I'm not overly bothered by all of that to be honest, as I'd like to play it anyway - I just feel that having sections where no passing is possible would just make it more challenging.
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This has been about the only game from E3 that has no direct feed footage from what I've seen.

Not that I was ever interested in the game once more and more info made the light of day, but they waited several years for this?
It's to early to say anything about that game, for sure developers want to make this game to be first racing game for PS4. And i hope they will take their time to make it right.

Here's a question.

I wonder it i could use mine G27 with this game đź’ˇ Looks promising and i like what i see so far.
Off-screen footage

One of the most annoying journalists I've ever heard,also Why doesn't this game have more direct feed footage.

Re-the game I'm certainly looking forward to it ,the big plus is that every one will have it so that social integration would be interesting .

Damage seems meh,but that dynamic lighting is Gorgeous :drool:

Wish to see more of this game .
It's always a matter of what the game is doing tech wise.
MotorStorm and PGR are both perfectly playable at 30 fps, so I'm not too worried.
I simply cannot believe this is an option on next gen consoles. 30FPS seriously.

Reminds me of current gen all over again.
I said it in the other threads and I will echo the same response here. So far it doesn't seem like the next gen consoles are much of a leap forward of this gen. Some games like Forza 5 are already maxing out the current X1 technology. To the point where they still don't have night and weather racing. Which IMO is not a good sign at all. I realize games will improve over time with the new consoles, but so far I am not impressed.

12 cars and only 30fps does sound disappointing so far. Maybe it will be better once we actually see or play it. Just doesn't sound good on paper.
The game runs smoother, visually and physically, as the physics and input engines are often linked to the graphics engine.
Here's a question.

I wonder it i could use mine G27 with this game đź’ˇ Looks promising and i like what i see so far.

You know what? I highly doubt that if even if ffb wheels are usable, that they will be inspiring to use anyway, and you know what? I would not blame them (the developers). The way that the "arcade" tag is hurled around as an insult amongst people in places like this forum sullies the genre to a point where there would be no reason to focus on giving the cars proper road feel, feeling of weight, or yes, force feeeback compatibility and effectiveness. Better off just giving it nitrous, and other silly novelties.

Case in point: Shift 2. Horrible game to play, feel wise, but does that instantly make it arcade? Apparently so. I however view Shift 2 rather more as a failed simulation. I think that games like Drive Club, The Crew, and Driver would be a blast if they catered to a more discerning taste. It's just that sometimes those with more discerning tastes feel the need to betray aspects of themselves in order to appease some deep seated need to be viewed as being on some higher plane of existence.
I think the way the game is running they're much closer to 30fps then 60fps, so thats why they're leaning towards and will probably end up with 30fps, because they would have to remove too much to get 60fps.

You guys saying PS4 is not a big jump because of this make me laugh. In that case PS3 wasnt a big jump over PS2 either because most of its launch games were 30fps. PS4 games are having to deal with the extra issues PS3 games had. For example, the PS4 has to make the jump from 720p to true 1080p. PS3 had to take games from 480p to 720p, but many games still ran below 720p. I believe Metal Gear Solid 4 was 1024x768. On Xbox Halo 3 was 640p.

Also if you think the PS4 is not powerful enough of a machine to be considered next gen, then your standards are way too high. It slaughters the PS3 in every way imaginable. 6x bluray drive, a 8 core CPU, 8GBs of GDDR5 and a 1.8 tflop custom GPU is nothing to sneeze at. Mark Cerny rightfully described it as 8-10x stronger then the PS3.

The over reactions are unfounded IMO. Evolution studios is not Polyphony Digital, Santa Monica, Naughty Dog, or Quantic Dream. They make decent looking, fun racing games and thats about it. They're not the pinnacle of PS4 graphics.
Driveclub has real time dynamic lighting and even deformable guard rails. What game has deformable guard rails :)

30fps is fine.
Running 30 fps when you have all the hardware needed to run 60 fps smoothly means the developers will endlessly going to sacrifice performance over tiny details, no matter the hardware.

Tiny details = marketing.
I rather have smooth gameplay.
Paul Rustchynsk of Evolution Studios said on his twitter they expect to have a new build of Drive Club at Gamescon.

At that point we should know what to really expect from the final product
Paul Rustchynsk of Evolution Studios said on his twitter they expect to have a new build of Drive Club at Gamescon.

At that point we should know what to really expect from the final product

Yes, that's great to hear. I knew the build at E3 was just a early build, can't wait to see their new build. Should look great. :)
Driveclub has real time dynamic lighting and even deformable guard rails. What game has deformable guard rails :)

30fps is fine.

Well it may be fine for some but I just thought maybe these issues would be past us.

God help GT7 and Kaz's megalomaniac approach to detail.

I think I prefer the approach some Devs take to target 60fps and build around that premise. Although I can concede the importance for eye candy for the kids. Especially on launch.