
  • Thread starter Waheed
Other than the sickness issue @Donnced all of those changes were known about months in advance, so they shouldn't be a surprise to reviewers.

Like I said though, I didn't read what they had to say.

Yes, indeed, the changes like less cars,less cars on track, no dinamic climate where known.
The visual details and graphic downgrade to achieve the minimum solid 60fps needed for PSVR was also known.

But the promotional images from Sony shows really better graphics that the game in the PSVR really has.

All that together with the sickness posted by the reviews..well that makes sense that the reviews are around an 6-7 score when in 2014 the original one got 7 to 8 scores.

Now the average score downed to 63/100...
You guys think is possible that the update to add the new tracks my drop next week? Since i would think that Sony would wanna give DCVR atleast a week with the new tracks before releasing them to the vanilla DC? Just a thought :indiff:
...But the promotional images from Sony shows really better graphics that the game in the PSVR really has.

All that together with the sickness posted by the reviews..well that makes sense that the reviews are around an 6-7 score when in 2014 the original one got 7 to 8 scores...
That's what I don't get about reviewers - this apparent need for a comparison factor. DC is one game and DCVR is a whole other approach to the same. People will presumably be buying it for the VR aspect, or the fad, whichever - the underlying point to DCVR is that it's not going to be simply DC with VR tacked on. Add to that the factor that despite Evolution being removed from the equation for a few months, it's a miracle that a two year old game can step up like this.

The motion sickness/vertigo thing is something else - possibly more to do with the VR headset itself. I do know that there are plenty of people out there who suffer with varying degrees of vertigo related ailments such as Ménière's (which isn't as rare now as people originally thought - I know three people is a relatively small area) but that's up to them if they decide to play on a device that alters the wearer's perception of what is actually happening. I won't be getting a VR headset myself until I've tested it, specifically for those reasons - remember what happened with the 3DS? Some folks just won't be suited to this - that's not a developer's or Sony's fault.

The promotional footage was mostly shown from the main screen from what I remember, as it's a bit difficult to see the view inside the VR visor in a meaningful way - that would certainly make a difference in the perceived image quality.

Only new tracks :)

This hasn't be stated outright, has it? They might surprise us. Not that I would put money on it, but it wouldn't be the first time Evo pulled a rabbit out of their hat, like when the La Ferrari was given to everyone for free (assuming you did the grinding).
This hasn't be stated outright, has it? They might surprise us. Not that I would put money on it, but it wouldn't be the first time Evo pulled a rabbit out of their hat, like when the La Ferrari was given to everyone for free (assuming you did the grinding).
Rushy from EVO on gaf said in a DC VR thread that there won't be new cars only new tracks, The new tracks from DCVR
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Sure thing that the technology is very new and still in diapers.
And in the case of Sony i think they realesed the technology to soon cause the normal PS4 is very limited in performance and the glasses also if you compare them with the others.

Sure it's an lles expensive entry level..
But im don't see any game good enough to make the investment yet.

I will wait to see how the technology evaluate and probably will buy one of the next generation VR glasses
So in Norway we will have track called: Bryggen


And in Canada: Port of Vancouver

Played DCVR for an hour or so (my very first experience with VR), with short brakes between each tour event. Contrary to many reviewers, I didn't feel sick at all. Being able to look into corners is just amazing, it feels so natural and the elevation changes are so much more noticeable. The head tracking is spot on too. But everything is out of focus while driving, no matter how hard I tried adjusting the VR equipment. I don't care that there are fewer trees and cars or no changing weather, but the lack of clarity is very disappointing. Is it worth playing? Yes! But be prepared to return to PS2 times, but now with 3D features like depth of field and head tracking.
Played DCVR for an hour or so (my very first experience with VR), with short brakes between each tour event. Contrary to many reviewers, I didn't feel sick at all. Being able to look into corners is just amazing, it feels so natural and the elevation changes are so much more noticeable. The head tracking is spot on too. But everything is out of focus while driving, no matter how hard I tried adjusting the VR equipment. I don't care that there are fewer trees and cars or no changing weather, but the lack of clarity is very disappointing. Is it worth playing? Yes! But be prepared to return to PS2 times, but now with 3D features like depth of field and head tracking.
Exactly what I thought too. Imagine you hadn't drove on these tracks before, for the majority you'd be totally clueless as to what was coming up. Such a shame.
My PSVR arrived a week earlier than originally scheduled. Only just finished my first demo - obviously DriveClub VR. And sadly, though I had remained optimistic based on earlier positive reports some weeks ago, I think I find myself among the naysayers.
Motion sickness aside (feels like I might still have an inclination towards it, though I'm certainly a lot better with that in general these days than ten or twenty years ago), the visual downgrade is just too huge. For me it's less a matter of dialing back the details of the assets - I don't think I would have minded that if the image was otherwise pretty sharp - and much more about how blurry and pixelated the entire game is, including for me even a rather blurry cockpit.

On the vastly more positive PSVR side, the Ocean Descent demo from PS VR Worlds was absolutely awe inspiring. Sharp visuals (but still subject to the tech limitations so it's no match for a 1080p TV), unbelievable sense of 3D depth and scale. I really felt like I was in that cage surrounded by life size aquatic life.

Now if only my current country of residence wasn't being completely shafted by Sony on VR. Seems like it's one of very few EU PS stores - even in its English version - that has yet to have more than a few VR games available (and all but one are games that also have a regular non-VR support).
At least I'm downloading the 18 demos US disc with a US PSN account so I can get a better chance to sample before I may have to order disc versions of some of the games I want.

Edit: The Rigs demo was nauseating for me in less than 30 seconds of the match. Also seemed like the tracking was a bit off and changed to various off angles. Might just have been me rotating on my chair without knowing it :)
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I still have high hopes for Ace Combat 7's implementation of VR. But if Sony refuses to allow you to use the PS VR with your PC as well as console, then I think it's going to struggle.

Also would be nice to get some info on when we can expect the update. Looking most forward to the Japanese city track.
I've never been a fan of driveclub but gave the vr demo version a try and it made me feel nauseous. The instruments looked blurry no matter how I adjusted the headset. As above though the ocean descent was absolutely fantastic, I was totally blown away, I actually put my hand out to grab the edge of the cage it was that immersive. I'm going to purchase the vr world's disc today to get the full version of the ocean descent as I think that alone is worth the asking price. There is another vr short film free on ps store about a young girl can't remember the name but it literally puts you into her cartoon world and it's hard to explain but the effect is just amazing. Vr is absolutely not a fad, but I think some of the fast paced games will make some people feel nauseous.
I still have high hopes for Ace Combat 7's implementation of VR. But if Sony refuses to allow you to use the PS VR with your PC as well as console, then I think it's going to struggle.

Also would be nice to get some info on when we can expect the update. Looking most forward to the Japanese city track.

Sony would be shooting themselves in the foot by doing this. People are still purchasing a VR headset + whatever equipment is necessary. Sony is still getting paid.
I tried the vr demo, but the cockpit is blurry, i read in a lot of articles that the cockpit was crystal clear and the road ahead has a blur. Is this supposed to be this way?
I was seriously disappointed with the whole ps vr experience.
Got Driveclub VR on offer for season pass holders and I was really looking forward to it.
I don't know where all the positive reviews are coming from - the ps vr is a joke.
Awfully pixelated and blurry most of the time with hard to read text.
Maybe I am spoiled by 55" 4K TV connected to my ps4 but I really expected higher quality.
Then there is that fine "fabric" fine filter like thing between your eyes and the display - hard to explain but if you had a chance to try it you know what I mean.
So after spending just over an hour with ps vr I decided to sell it - it was gone in just few hours due to the shortage in supply here in Ireland.
I may try the next v2 if it is in 4K, but it will not happen with this generation of consoles.
So if you are unsure whether to get it now - don't.
Or at least demo it beforehand so you know what it really is - a demo of whats to come.

Edit -
Don't expect same quality of driveclub vr as in demo videos - it was upscaled to full 1080p -
the actual game is only 720p.
I tried the vr demo, but the cockpit is blurry, i read in a lot of articles that the cockpit was crystal clear and the road ahead has a blur. Is this supposed to be this way?

Cockpit is blurry for me too (compared to near distance objects in other PSVR games I've tried). I think someone else mentioned the same as well a little further up.
I will try the demo again now that I've had more time in VR, but I suspect my initial mostly negative impression will remain.

As far as the more expensive VR games go I've ordered Eve Valkyrie and Battlezone for now (from Amazon, sadly it seems that a few countries - Bulgaria among them - are getting completely shafted on the previously announced "worldwide release" and will have to wait weeks or months for it seems not only the hardware but perhaps also most of the VR content to go up on the local PS store).
I was seriously disappointed with the whole ps vr experience.
Got Driveclub VR on offer for season pass holders and I was really looking forward to it.
I don't know where all the positive reviews are coming from - the ps vr is a joke.
Awfully pixelated and blurry most of the time with hard to read text.
Maybe I am spoiled by 55" 4K TV connected to my ps4 but I really expected higher quality.
Then there is that fine "fabric" fine filter like thing between your eyes and the display - hard to explain but if you had a chance to try it you know what I mean.
So after spending just over an hour with ps vr I decided to sell it - it was gone in just few hours due to the shortage in supply here in Ireland.
I may try the next v2 if it is in 4K, but it will not happen with this generation of consoles.
So if you are unsure whether to get it now - don't.
Or at least demo it beforehand so you know what it really is - a demo of whats to come.

Edit -
Don't expect same quality of driveclub vr as in demo videos - it was upscaled to full 1080p -
the actual game is only 720p.

I'm holding on to my PSVR but even in the sharpest looking games my prior image clarity expectations have unfortunately also taken a bit of a punch.
I still sit in awe of the amazing 3D depth and sense of scale - and just being surrounded by the game worlds (I haven't yet stopped trying to reach out and touch stuff in some demos), but nothing is just really TV-like sharp, or at best perhaps the rough equivalent to sitting very close to a large 720p TV. And even with the size-wise impressive cinema experience for 2D content there's just no way I can imagine playing regular games or watching movies in cinema mode - without the depth and scale of VR the low res look is just not an acceptable trade-off.

Not sure if the Rift and Vive are much better in that regard, I suspect it's simply the limitations of first generation tech.

At this time - and until more comprehensive and longer lasting VR games hopefully show up - I really can't recommend a PSVR purchase. It's an odd kind of tech that's at once awesome and jaw dropping (when being immersed in the most impressive content) and at the same time too underwhelming in at least one area (basic visual sharpness) that it's very hard for me to ignore.