Well I Gave in and got the PSVR and camera

I tried it briefly (not DC) just the demo and was amazed at it so went ahead and got it and the first full game I got was DriveClub, but downloaded all the free demos. I had read a lot of reviews about the graphics etc and I was expecting a PS1/pixel effort but it is good, the finer sharper details of the scenery are missing but this is minor compared to the overall 'immersion'. It has taken a few goes on different tracks to get used to it so it needs a few goes to get better, so it will take time to adjust to the 3d world but there is no other feeling than you are part of the Drive Club 'VR World' looking around the tracks I have driven so many times and photographed actually being 'in the game' feels so surreal.
First impressions.
Set up very straight forward, I have hidden most cables behind the PS4 and the little box sits on top with the one cable coming out with the headset , took about 15 mins of messing around, calibration and setting up was very easy and a small update (2 mins) you are ready to play. Sound was quiet as standard via headset so I link this to TV as normal, and leave the TV/headphones on so I can run it through my amp.
Nothing I read mentioned or prepares you for the 360 degree all round views of VR and the huge size of the surroundings, the drivers feel full size next to you and the car interiors feel real as you adjust the seat up down, left and right and look round, what really amazed me was the size of the roads and the bridges, taking the wombat around the Japan tracks and leaning out the window on boost I was smiling all the way down the track the feeling of being ' in the game' you can't describe until you actually wear one of these, the graphics wizz by and you really forget about them and get immersed, going downhill in Norway the huge mountains the roads feel so real your stomach moves on the jumps/cambers and the degree of the road. This is just with the controller and I have set it to 'motion' and this feels great and realistic so far. I have yet to set the t300 up with it yet, but that must feel good.
I have tried most the demos, UD rush of blood was good as was Kitchen but if you have any kind of fear of rollercoasters, pigs, clowns or scary ladies I would not play at night, frightened the bloomin life out of me it feels so real
The Playroom with the robots was like a real world Mario bros as you control the little robot it is awesome as you move through the world.
If you have VR I highly recommend downloading the new littlstar 'App' to watch the 360 movies and music videos, nature etc, just seeing Rio carnival in 360 view and 'Lion King' - no words for it but - 'Amazing' videos to look around and see the audience or the countryside (full 360) In all the years I have been gaming this is a 'gamechanger' for me and the future of gaming alone, that they have an update via media player 360/3d videos you could even make/upload your own. This alone is awesome.
Cinema mode is great, again i read a lot moaning about the quality of video but it is no worse than a dvd 1080p on a big screen/projector and being able to watch blu rays or dvds of your choice is cool even if 2d on a big massive screen.
I will update when I have played more of DriveClub but no motion sickness yet just a little light headed after a 2hour session!
Overall very impressed if you get the chance to play it, try some 3d/360 videos/movies and other demos as well as Driveclub as some are very sharp and impressive, the 3d audio is also great.