
  • Thread starter Waheed
They have been doing maintenance today.
Thought as much, which is positive considering that the challenges seem to be pretty much working properly now and online has had a whole list of matches lined up for us to choose from and not just twelve, six or four as it has been in the past.

I'll be honest. I'm not trying to be a troll but drive club is sooooooo frustrating. I guess it was too much of a drop for me to go from gt or forza to pretty much need for speed
Well, I suppose it was never going to suit absolutely everyone. I will say that as a controller user, I find it hard to return to GT with any guarantee of competence nowadays.

It's not the partial driving aids thing either, but the way Evolution have set up the controller that makes DC feel more natural and far less twitchy than GT does. I think I'll have to dial back the controller responsiveness in GT6 now as there are some healthy looking challenges coming up.
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I don't know how likely this is, but I just saw @Nato_777 in a random single-player event as a face-off challenge!

Took me a couple of tries to snap this one!
He he, not hard to beat my scores. :lol: I haven't put in any effort into the face-off challenges. But yeah, I keep seeing familiar names popping up all over the place while playing DC, I like that about the game. :)
Yep, seen a few familiar names too. I think it does it on purpose, specifically for that reason. I also like how it pulls up increasingly more difficult face-off challenges on circuits.
He's really killing it every week! @sebmugi and you too @MeanElf. I feel a little jealous . Great Job! :cheers:
I thought you already had at least one up there in the past? This week was my first :)

Anyway, you needn't feel jealous what with some of your pics I've seen - I always spend far too much time taking screenshots, and I should really spend more time trying to beat your times :lol:

In general, I'd like to say thanks to all of ye who have been sending me challenges - enjoying every minute of it (except the drift ones ;) - still terrible at those...)
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He he, not hard to beat my scores. :lol: I haven't put in any effort into the face-off challenges. But yeah, I keep seeing familiar names popping up all over the place while playing DC, I like that about the game. :)
Generally neither do i, simply because 90% of the time they ruin the flow of the race! Either that or the AI is currently occupying the correct line in the cornering challenges!
I've been unable to play past few days because of my son since I've been home from working out of town lol. I cannot keep up with most the racers on here.
I must say that DC works really well with my new T300. Altough it's an arcade game, you still get a sense of realism in the handling with the wheel. With a controller it's just decent arcade handling, but definitely more fun with a wheel. Also a lot more difficult, but I don't mind :)
Indeed, I remember that list...quite a read.

Spectators dress for the weather – if it’s a cold night, expect them to be sporting hats and gloves.
I also remember reading that too, but could find no reference of it since and so had started to think I must have imagined it, or something. A shame that this particular idea got dropped, as those poor folks out there look damn cold and wet at times and it can spoil a shot's mood - still, I suppose we can't have everything :)
It was also said that the sprinklers in India would be on when appropriate, but for me they are always on, at least during the day.
Got Driveclub on christmas eve, and I must say, I am not disappointed. The graphics are outstanding, the sound is pretty good, and the cars handle great. I love the menu design, as well as the constant online challenges that pop up.

I hope they'll include an aspect ratio chooser for the photo mode at some point, as It can get a bit annoying always having to go with a wide shot. Also, replays can't come fast enough. It's also somewhat disappointing that there's no local splitscreen option. Have the devs of today forgotten the great 'ol days of playing with friends while in the same room?
That's a big oversight if you ask me.

But overall, I'm really enjoying the game. Think I'll create a group called GTP-McLaren.
...Have the devs of today forgotten the great 'ol days of playing with friends while in the same room?

That's a big oversight if you ask me...
Games companies in general probably checked the statistics of other games with local co-op to see how often it gets used - just a guess mind you. Also, as the average age of gamers has gone well north of thirty, perhaps they thought that players weren't so likely to visit their friends to play ;) I do appreciate that plenty of younger gamers are still out there who do this kind of thing still and I do enjoy it. I suppose I don't miss it though as my nearest friend is about two hundred miles away and the rest are far, far further away than that :)
I honestly feel like the new generation has been neglected in gaming. I'm 22, and started playing games when I was around 7 I think (PS1). I had an infinite amount of fun playing split-screen games with friends and siblings. Online just isn't the same... And aside from Ninendo franchises, there really doesn't seem to be much made for kids now-a-days. Only major franchise I can think of that isn't Nintendo exclusive, is Little Big Planet, and while that's pretty damn great for what it's worth, it is only one game every 2 years or so.

Or maybe all the kids just play Call of Duty now... Talk about trash. Spryo, Crash Bandicoot and so on, had so much more substance that that. Sorry, I'm rambling.

On another note, what happened to turning on the ignition in the cars in Driveclub? You get a brief cut-scene like thing where the driver enters the car, but nothing like what was originally shown at the Sony show almost 2 years ago. I was hoping to hear the glorious start-up sound of the McLaren F1.
...On another note, what happened to turning on the ignition in the cars in Driveclub? You get a brief cut-scene like thing where the driver enters the car, but nothing like what was originally shown at the Sony show almost 2 years ago. I was hoping to hear the glorious start-up sound of the McLaren F1.
Yeah, an earlier re-post somewhere on this page of an old(ish) article from which a few things have been noted that haven't made the final version.
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Got Driveclub on christmas eve, and I must say, I am not disappointed. The graphics are outstanding, the sound is pretty good, and the cars handle great. I love the menu design,

I agree with your opinion. The game is fun with the t300rs thrustmaster and the cars have more grip compare to Gran Turismo.
It's also somewhat disappointing that there's no local splitscreen option. Have the devs of today forgotten the great 'ol days of playing with friends while in the same room?
That's a big oversight if you ask me.

Most games nowadays are just too graphically complex to let the consoles render the scene 2 times and still maintain a constant framerate. That DC stays at rock solid 30fps with those visuals is already a marvellous achievement, but with double the rendering job, I cant see that being possible.