EA Sports WRC: General Discussion

  • Thread starter xX Jojje Xx
I’d say game is 95% there now on ps5.
Most of the stuttering is gone and I haven’t had any screen tearing with new patch.

For those on PlayStation Have you downloaded new system update and done a restart before playing?
Good to hear! I'll be honest, I thought the game was 95% on PS5 out of the box (albeit with limited game time so far). Maybe I got lucky or maybe I haven't played the particular stages suffering most from stuttering etc. Either way, any updates from here on feel like a bonus as far as I am concerned.
The only reason I opened mine is because I got it for 40% off (US$30). It would still be in the cellophane wrapper if I had paid $50. I dunno, maybe it's my age (I'm 50), but these unfinished bugged-out launches that no one knows when or if will be patched are really starting to get on my nerves. I come from an era when the game had to work on launch or you were toast. The ironic thing is, these days it's one of the biggest industries on the planet, yet instead of playtesting and finding beta testers, they now sell the games as a beta for full price and let us do all the debugging.
This is why I don't ever pre order or buy games at launch anymore.

We live in a time that influencers and youtube will sell a game to thousands through social media hype, everyone these days have the fear of missing out and want everything now, once a company has your money (especially if bought digital) then it really doesn't matter what state that game is in at launch.

The only game I bought at launch this gen is GT7 but I trust PD and always get my moneys worth with every release.

This game certainly has potential and I'm sure I'll pick it up somewhere down the line after a few patches but waiting for reviews has paid off yet again for me.
How do you find the handling ?
And on older cars?
Rwd, fwd, awd, rear engine, historics?
Tarmac, dirt..
Is it believable, complete in it's reproduction of behaviors, handling, physics, or stunted, uneven, in some ways?
Sim like or arcadey or in the middle?
Compared to dr2 and wrc10.

Edit: any stutter, and screen tearing is absolutely unacceptable, especially nowadays, newgen only title, and a racing game, plus being at least a semi serious one.
Chiming in with my two cents.

It's rough around the edges visually, sometimes beautiful, sometimes not so beautiful. I do like the more realistic approach than the stylized DR2. I dont agree with someone earlier saying the car models looks identical to DR2. Much more detail imo, especially much nicer interiors.

Stage design is amazing imo. Plenty of variation within countries now. Monte got the mountain stage but also the more open valley section f.ex. I do agree that the surrounding sometimes might look a bit bland, but the roads themself feels like real stages(which the majority are ofc). Finland feels more like Finland here with the flowing crests, proper modeled jumps and more narrow parts. Even though the Finnish stage was 'real' in DR2 as well, it always felt slightly off, with exaggrated jumps and weird behaviour over them.

Physics wise this is a HUGE step up from DR2 for me. Tarmac truly is much tighter and I actually enjoy tarmac here compared to DR2. Cutting the corners in the valley Monte stage is a fantastic feeling.
Not only tarmac though, the grip might feel slightly higher compared to DR2 on the loose, but to me it feels just right. The way you can attack crests and jumps now and how the cars behaves over them both looks and feels much closer to reality than previously.
FFB is a massive improvement as well.

Things can always be improved and adjusted. I'd say RWD cars are the weakest of the layouts with a tendency to snap on you, although this can be tuned out to some extent.

I'm very positive as you can tell, but I just don't see myself going back to DR2 anytime soon, if ever.

I have been quite skeptical about trailers and official gameplay and was actually expecting to be slightly disapointed, but it really does feel so much better when you're behind the wheel yourself 🙂

(Everyone here seems to hate Digital Foundry, or pretty much any YouTube channel, for some reason. But here it is, anyway)

Already shared 3 posts above you.

It’s from their podcast, which was Monday I think.

That’s before the 1.3 patch. Not saying the update is a magic “everything is 100% perfect, 1 million FPS”, but it does solve shader precompilation stutter which was the big issue before today.
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The move to Unreal has been 100% worth it for me. I've had the game since early access and I've put almost 50 hours into it so far. I'm playing on a high spec PC, so I haven't really seen any of the performance issues affecting others, and I absolutely love this game. Some thoughts I also posted on another forum:

- Handling is sublime. Everything I've driven now, from 60s FWD, through 80s RWD and into 4WD cars, has behaved exactly as I'd expect. There's so much nuance to the handling model and you can really dance the cars through corners on the throttle. I've added a handbrake to my setup for this game and it's definitely made a difference; hairpins are a dream, especially on gravel. Handling on tarmac is streets ahead of DR2.0 and it's all a step up from WRC Generations.

- Stage design blows DR2.0 out of the water and is at least on a par with WRC Generations, I think it's even better. The addition of extra rallies that aren't on the WRC calendar is also excellent. Each environment has it's own characteristics and the rallies each feel unique.

- Pace notes. Best ever in a rally game; they are so detailed and really allow you to push through the stages. It can feel at first that they are a little late at times, but that's not generally the case. You just need to amend what you're listening for; for example, if it says 6 left slowing, you should be on the brakes (or at least off throttle) as you enter the 6 left so you can slow down enough by the time the next call comes. The way the notes are speed related is such a simple, but amazing idea. It means they work just as well for a 60s Mini Cooper as for a modern Rally 1 car, very clever.

- FFB, my god it is amazing and a massive step up over DR2.0 (WRC Gen wasn't great here so no comparison). The way you can feel different surfaces through the wheel is incredible, try a stage in Monte Carlo which starts off as clear tarmac and transitions to ice as you head up into the mountains for an extremely clear example. Also, things like compressions and jumps as you go through stages, the way the FFB weights up and goes light feels completely natural and so immersive. There's a lot more I could mention here but it's best to just experience it.

- Car selection. Very similar to the excellent selection in DR2.0 with the addition of the savage Rally 1 cars; heaven.

- Career is excellent once you get into it. Really like the way you can only commit to a couple of championships over the season and additional depth becomes clear once you progress past season 1; do you purchase a second car so your teammate can also drive in a championship with you, for example? I'm finding the calendar fine too, don't really understand the negativity here.

- Graphics - on a powerful PC with HDR they are incredible. I'm just not seeing the lack of consistency others have talked about and I've had moments where it's looked simply amazing. Coming round a corner at sunset to see the sky on fire was quite the thing.

So many more things I could mention like the excellent Moments feature. The one in Greece with the psychotic Lancia 037 is a particular highlight.

As a VR player, I hope it says something that I'm not really missing it at all. I'm finding the dashboard cam (the one where the steering wheel isn't displayed) perfect for me. Still excited for it to arrive next year but no way it's going to prevent me from playing this.
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This is why I don't ever pre order or buy games at launch anymore.

We live in a time that influencers and youtube will sell a game to thousands through social media hype, everyone these days have the fear of missing out and want everything now, once a company has your money (especially if bought digital) then it really doesn't matter what state that game is in at launch.

The only game I bought at launch this gen is GT7 but I trust PD and always get my moneys worth with every release.

This game certainly has potential and I'm sure I'll pick it up somewhere down the line after a few patches but waiting for reviews has paid off yet again for me.
I've pretty much had the opposite experience to you. It wasn't YouTube influencers that got me to pre-order the game but the low price, feature list and the developer's previous record.

I bought GT7 at launch and stopped playing after roughly a week as I was disappointed with the lack of single player content. With this game I've been putting in several hours a day since it hit last month and don't see myself stopping as the career gives me plenty to do and the gameplay has been sublime for me. The technical issues which have plagued so many have so far been minimal on my Xbox.

I'm happy to keep on playing while they continue to improve the game as I'm getting a lot out of it so far.
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Fired up the game today after the patch, now the co-driver is too quiet over the engine which is set at 50% volume. I'm reading that it's happening to others. :boggled:
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Hmm. Photomode has changed with the new update. You can't do internal closeups anymore, like engine parts etc, the freecam won't go through the bodywork.
Not impressed
Chiming in with my two cents.

It's rough around the edges visually, sometimes beautiful, sometimes not so beautiful. I do like the more realistic approach than the stylized DR2. I dont agree with someone earlier saying the car models looks identical to DR2. Much more detail imo, especially much nicer interiors.

Stage design is amazing imo. Plenty of variation within countries now. Monte got the mountain stage but also the more open valley section f.ex. I do agree that the surrounding sometimes might look a bit bland, but the roads themself feels like real stages(which the majority are ofc). Finland feels more like Finland here with the flowing crests, proper modeled jumps and more narrow parts. Even though the Finnish stage was 'real' in DR2 as well, it always felt slightly off, with exaggrated jumps and weird behaviour over them.

Physics wise this is a HUGE step up from DR2 for me. Tarmac truly is much tighter and I actually enjoy tarmac here compared to DR2. Cutting the corners in the valley Monte stage is a fantastic feeling.
Not only tarmac though, the grip might feel slightly higher compared to DR2 on the loose, but to me it feels just right. The way you can attack crests and jumps now and how the cars behaves over them both looks and feels much closer to reality than previously.
FFB is a massive improvement as well.

Things can always be improved and adjusted. I'd say RWD cars are the weakest of the layouts with a tendency to snap on you, although this can be tuned out to some extent.

I'm very positive as you can tell, but I just don't see myself going back to DR2 anytime soon, if ever.

I have been quite skeptical about trailers and official gameplay and was actually expecting to be slightly disapointed, but it really does feel so much better when you're behind the wheel yourself 🙂
Hey, bogani. I remember you well from the Codemasters forums years ago. You've always seemed to be a rational and impartial rally gamer, with a don for laying things out the way you see them without emotional attachments nor fanboyism. I really respect your opinions.

Thanks for that superb writeup.
SimHub V9.1.9b1

It's a raw beta, but to be honest I can't give more for today 😄 .. it's time to go out of my cave 😄

  • WRC23 Telemetry support : Warning final lap times are wrong, i'm still looking for a workaroud if somehow it's possible
  • Fix : Iracing oil pressure conversion issue
  • Feat : Simagic TB-RS haptic motors support
  • Feat : Added RBR wheel speed allowing to compute more shake it effects
  • Feat : RBR : Faking telemetry during intro to make game show as connected earlier
  • Fix : Dynamic added repetitions sometimes not in sync on the HTML render engine
  • Feat : Make usb devices update asynchronous (to reduce faulty devices impact on others)
  • Fix : F123 event deserialization during simhub replays fix
  • Fix : custom launcher path : Deduce working directory from exe path
  • Feat : Added DashStudio group content auto arangement/alignement
  • Feat : Added direct structured game rawdata object access to JS engine.

Beta 2 update : speed unit fix
Hey, bogani. I remember you well from the Codemasters forums years ago. You've always seemed to be a rational and impartial rally gamer, with a don for laying things out the way you see them without emotional attachments nor fanboyism. I really respect your opinions.

Thanks for that superb writeup.
Ouff, thank you for those nice words! The Codies forum was a cool place(for the most part). Feels like both yesterday but also like forever ago 😅
To be fair, Kyloton games never launched (on the series X at least) with screen tearing and stuttering issues like this.
Hopefully, the patch improves things.
Was completely unplayable for me when using my wheel on Xbox series X, 15fps - tried to contact them but they needed video footage, which the demo weekend had run out for me by, not sure why a dev wouldn't have my wheel to see for themselves. Still hoping they might fix it after working on Test Drive and I'll buy it cheap, but that could be ambitious thinking. The water reflections model was borderline unplayable on gamepad too just to look at a wet Japan early morning - gameboy material.

Pretty sad really, I wish it gets fixed...still need to try post patch but I am not holding my breath...

Will it really take 6-12 months to fix all the issues, if they can be fixed, would they keep working on this or be forced by EA just to work on a '24 release?

Hoping they port it to Unreal 5 just for the lighting model at the very least for us after this, or would this be too much to ask:
Played for a couple hours last night on Xbox series x, stuttering was nearly nonexistent same with the sound issues much improved, i played the first stage in Portugal at sunset in car and it looked amazing, so I’m very hopeful going forward they can improve stuff across the board , I’ve no regrets in fact it’s the best value game I’ve bought in years,
Edit my wheel works perfectly and now my shifter does after some advice from someone on the ea forum,so perhaps I’m just one of the lucky people not to have any game breaking problems
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Played again yesterday evening, started second half of season two (31 Hours played)

The career mode is the kind of career i like. I drive different cars, i feel the progression, i make my liveries. Different seasons and extra rallies rallies generate the necessary variety (monte in autunm and japan in spring are beatiful). Really good. This is what I was missing in dirt 2. I am really happy. There are no bugs or issues that make the career not playable. Out of the box is really good, you need one season just to understand what you need to do, from the second one with more money and garage slots it really steps up.

The only issue is that the AI is really slow even at 100% (at least in junior wrc and fwd). It’s not challenging. After 2 stages I have like 40+seconds. No interest in doing the other 3 stages of the rally. Probably with very fast cars it will be very hard.

I remember when i was 11 yrs old with the first colin. The struggle to win new zealand and then Corsica was super hard. You had also to do 2 stages before saving on ps1. I miss the right balance in difficulty.

Force feedback on t300 is perfect on all cars, nothing to be touched. So nice. I hate setting up the wheel.

Overall I think it is the best rally game I have played since ps2 era. Surely dirt rally one and two were higher quality out of the box but they were severely lacking in content (dirt 2 at release had 6 countries, with very poor stages and no career mode).

When I first evaluated the game I think I got a bit too emotional cause the graphics on ps5 are pretty meh and everyone (codemasters in charge and only next gen) was expecting forza or gt level of quality honestly. Especially after many years of poor games (visually) from milestone and kt.

My hope is that they really improve the graphics over time with patches and the next game.

Overall I am really happy with the game and I will play tons of hours in the career mode and try platinum it.
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Played again yesterday evening, started second half of season two (31 Hours played)

The career mode is the kind of career i like. I drive different cars, i feel the progression, i make my liveries. Different seasons and extra rallies rallies generate the necessary variety (monte in autunm and japan in spring are beatiful). Really good. This is what I was missing in dirt 2. I am really happy. There are no bugs or issues that make the career not playable. Out of the box is really good, you need one season just to understand what you need to do, from the second one with more money and garage slots it really steps up.

The only issue is that the AI is really slow even at 100% (at least in junior wrc and fwd). It’s not challenging. After 2 stages I have like 40+seconds. No interest in doing the other 3 stages of the rally. Probably with very fast cars it will be very hard.

I remember when a was 11 yrs old with the first colin. The struggle to win new zealand and then Corsica was super hard. You had also to do 2 stages before saving on ps1. I miss the right balance in difficulty.

Force feedback on t300 is perfect on all cars, nothing to be touched. So nice. I hate setting up the wheel.

Overall I think it is the best rally game I have played since ps2 era. Surely dirt rally one and two were higher quality out of the box but they were severely lacking in content (dirt 2 at release had 6 countries, with very poor stages and no career mode).

When I first evaluated the game I think I got a bit too emotional cause the graphics on ps5 are pretty meh and everyone (codemasters in charge and only next gen) was expecting forza or gt level of quality honestly. Especially after many years of poor games (visually) from milestone and kt.

My hope is that they really improve the graphics over time with patches and the next game.

Overall I am really happy with the game and I will play tons of hours in the career mode and try platinum it.

I think it’s been acknowledged the AI is bugged. I’m not touching career mode until it’s fixed or there’s a workaround for it. I love the game but I need to AI to be fixed, I’ve had 3 years of terrible AI in the KT games, need a challenge 😅.
Totally agree. I was one of those who thought it was a step backwards in physics, compared to DR 2.0. And that was my mistake. Now it's MUCH more realistic. Skidding, pulling the handbrake... or playing with weight distribution is much more intuitive and realistic. The cars have the right and necessary grip. The best existing rally simulator, with (only) realistic physics. It is much more pleasant to make the wheels spin. Even if only the WRC category came, with only three cars... it would still be worth it.
For startline issues try adding some dead zone to your brake and/or handbrake. This fixed it for me (even though in calibration both registered 0% when not engaged - the game seemed to register something. 1% dead zone was enough for me. I only had issues on RWD though so pretty sure it was registering something on the handbrake which was then disengaging the drive
Firstly, thanks to all the replies to my previous question. MCA was the nearest as it appears that the brakes were on 100% as soon as I touched the pedal. I have remed this, but still seem to have the problem with my Moza handbrake. I seem to need to push fairly hard on the handbrake to get it to fully release & then sometimes it seems to come back on a bit.
Can anybody explain the terms deadzone & saturation? I assume that deadzone is the amount of travel before any action takes place, which should solve the problem, although my first attempt failed. However I have never heard the word saturation applied to a handbrake, what does this mean & could adjusting this improve my situation.
Thanks in advance
I think it’s been acknowledged the AI is bugged. I’m not touching career mode until it’s fixed or there’s a workaround for it. I love the game but I need to AI to be fixed, I’ve had 3 years of terrible AI in the KT games, need a challenge 😅.
Yes, however I’m really reevaluating the coding of old games from my childhood. They were really simple compared with what you can do now but they were able to find the sweet spot. The first colin or the first toca. Maybe without the possibility of patching were released in a better state.
Firstly, thanks to all the replies to my previous question. MCA was the nearest as it appears that the brakes were on 100% as soon as I touched the pedal. I have remed this, but still seem to have the problem with my Moza handbrake. I seem to need to push fairly hard on the handbrake to get it to fully release & then sometimes it seems to come back on a bit.
Can anybody explain the terms deadzone & saturation? I assume that deadzone is the amount of travel before any action takes place, which should solve the problem, although my first attempt failed. However I have never heard the word saturation applied to a handbrake, what does this mean & could adjusting this improve my situation.
Thanks in advance
I've noticed that the game sees my handbrake as being at 50% when I first load it up, but fully pulling on it and returning it to the neutral position fixes it and it works correctly from then on. It might be worth just going into the first controller settings screen and seeing what each of the axes on your controllers are reporting, it might be that fully pressing/depressing them will fix the issues you're seeing, but that might need to be done each time you start the game.

I have the same handbrake as you btw, and this fixes the issue for me every time; I do suspect you might be barking up the wrong tree with deadzone and saturation changes.
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Yes, however I’m really reevaluating the coding of old games from my childhood. They were really simple compared with what you can do now but they were able to find the sweet spot. The first colin or the first toca. Maybe without the possibility of patching were released in a better state.

That's the crux I think- because patching wasn't a possibility games actually had to release in a fully fixed state or there would have been hell on - I do remember Metropolis Street Racer on the Dreamcast initially shipped with some kind of game breaking bug and they had to re-release the game, with those who'd bought the original version pretty much stuffed. It was rare though. These days games can release much earlier in the development cycle, essentially.
Was completely unplayable for me when using my wheel on Xbox series X, 15fps - tried to contact them but they needed video footage, which the demo weekend had run out for me by, not sure why a dev wouldn't have my wheel to see for themselves. Still hoping they might fix it after working on Test Drive and I'll buy it cheap, but that could be ambitious thinking. The water reflections model was borderline unplayable on gamepad too just to look at a wet Japan early morning - gameboy material.

Will it really take 6-12 months to fix all the issues, if they can be fixed, would they keep working on this or be forced by EA just to work on a '24 release?

Hoping they port it to Unreal 5 just for the lighting model at the very least for us after this, or would this be too much to ask:

I didn't play UE5 game with good optimisation. Was there games with stable 70fps for 3060Ti? I think that WRC looks great right now, and it goes 80-90fps. I don't want to see 50-60fps game, like Remnant 2. Even Robocop runs in 60fps+ and drops sometimes (and Robocop looks not impressive)
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The GTPlanet weekend exhibition starts in a couple of hours if anyone else wants to join. 4 single stages events over the next 4 days.
Please not Kenya... 🙏🏽:lol:

I'm glad the game remembers your choice of spare tyres for the whole rally unlike DiRT Rally 2.0. A little QoL boost.
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Please not Kenya... 🙏🏽:lol:

I'm glad the game remembers your choice of spare tyres for the whole rally unlike DiRT Rally 2.0. A little QoL boost.
No Kenya, this time...

Sardinia, Chile, New Zealand and Finland will ease us through this weekends fun.
I’d say game is 95% there now on ps5.
Most of the stuttering is gone and I haven’t had any screen tearing with new patch.

For those on PlayStation Have you downloaded new system update and done a restart before playing?
Good call. PS5 updated and restarted everything. I’m running a custom event at Monte Carlo and the stuttering is better but just marginally. Maybe this is what it’s going to be. What’s odd is the replays are smooth as glass and look terrific.

The marshall cinematics before and after stages are so poor stuttering-wise I can’t even look at the screen. Just nix them.