Must say going back to Group B hasn’t enhanced my relationship with the game, quite the opposite so far. God I hate the 037 at the moment. I dunno what it is. It was tough in DR2.0, but perfectly controllable and actually you could get into a decent rhythm with it if you knew the stages and when to back off. But on this, I’m despising it. That horrible, uncontrollable oversteer where it just lurches to one side under acceleration. So, so hard to recover pointing in the right direction as you go on this infuriating magical mystery tour of the game’s scenery, and so hard to get pointed back the right way even if you back up, the car just won’t go where I want it to. Kudos to anyone who’s mastered this so far. I’m hoping I will in time.
What’s making it more difficult though is the damage model, which is starting to annoy me. It’s OTT. Am I alone in this? This isn’t Wreckfest. Every stage, even before you’ve hit anything your bonnet is flapping up and down, then brush a bush and your door is flapping open before falling off, then the other one, then there goes the bonnet, the boot starts bouncing up and down then before you’ve got near the end of the stage your car is a generic black blob with no bonnet, bumpers or side doors like something Colin McRae has kicked back into shape. Hmm. I like a good damage model, but I wish these cars held together a bit better because bouncing boots and side doors are annoying me. I know the answer - “drive better”, but I do think it’s a little bit much.