EA Sports WRC: General Discussion

  • Thread starter xX Jojje Xx
I’m having alot of sound stuttering now on Xbox series x,it was perfect before the latest patch,starts after a few minutes driving and can carry on for between 30 seconds and a few minutes,anybody else experienced this issue?
Yeah ive had some sound stuttering as well

Seems like the PS5 is suffering more issues than Xbox atm, wonder if that's a UE4 specific problem cos there's more bugs in ACC on PS5 aswell
I’m having alot of sound stuttering now on Xbox series x,it was perfect before the latest patch,starts after a few minutes driving and can carry on for between 30 seconds and a few minutes,anybody else experienced this issue?

Haven’t noticed sound issues on Xbox here.

Most negative thing I’ve seen from the Xbox update is some screen tearing in the menus.
Yeah ive had some sound stuttering as well

Seems like the PS5 is suffering more issues than Xbox atm, wonder if that's a UE4 specific problem cos there's more bugs in ACC on PS5 aswell
I’m not sure about the ps5 problems as I don’t own one,but from reading on here ps5 seems to have more issues than Xbox

Haven’t noticed sound issues on Xbox here.

Most negative thing I’ve seen from the Xbox update is some screen tearing in the menus.
It’s a strange and very annoying problem.it was there at the game launch for me,then went away with the previous update and is now back again,but it’s abit random because it’s not guaranteed to happen at the same location and time on any stage,
I’m having alot of sound stuttering now on Xbox series x,it was perfect before the latest patch,starts after a few minutes driving and can carry on for between 30 seconds and a few minutes,anybody else experienced this issue?
Try going to Xbox home screen and then back to WRC, that has fixed it for me every time. Annoying bug, but at least it takes just 2 seconds to fix it.
Yeah ive had some sound stuttering as well

Seems like the PS5 is suffering more issues than Xbox atm, wonder if that's a UE4 specific problem cos there's more bugs in ACC on PS5 aswell
ACC on PS5 vs Xbox Series is completely identical. I can’t swear to every stage, every corner, every menu on EA WRC, but I haven’t seen any differences between platforms. I think the “more issues on PS5” thing is just objectively false. The differences are TV setups, whether you have VRR, what stages you’re judging off, rather than one console being better or worse.
ACC on PS5 vs Xbox Series is completely identical. I can’t swear to every stage, every corner, every menu on EA WRC, but I haven’t seen any differences between platforms. I think the “more issues on PS5” thing is just objectively false. The differences are TV setups, whether you have VRR, what stages you’re judging off, rather than one console being better or worse.
Agreed, I’m on both ps and Xbox and similar issues between both
I hope the career crashing bug is addressed in the next update or at least an official statement is given saying you have to restart career to make it work. I don't want to wipe out four seasons worth of play unless I know it's going to work.
It's a top priority right now, seeing what can be done and when. Can't say more than that right now.

Not easy with Christmas being a week away and various key people (including first-parties) having zero/limited capacity/availability as a reuslt.

Sadly there's no "fix game" button, if there were we'd have smashed that with a hammer anyway.

Don't want to rush a fix and inadvertently make an issue worse (like I've seen some games do).
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ACC on PS5 vs Xbox Series is completely identical. I can’t swear to every stage, every corner, every menu on EA WRC, but I haven’t seen any differences between platforms. I think the “more issues on PS5” thing is just objectively false. The differences are TV setups, whether you have VRR, what stages you’re judging off, rather than one console being better or worse.
Im not saying Xbox is better than PS5, I'm just wondering if there's something wrong with PS5 and UE4 that doesn't seem to affect Xbox as much. It's the same with ACC, the most issues seem to be with PS5
I am shelving this game.

I just endured the worst 35 minutes of screen tearing and microstuttering I have ever seen in my life in the VRC Sweden event. It caused multiple offs, a puncture, and started giving me a headache. I just retired from the rally two stages from the end. I couldn't take it anymore.

Unacceptable. At least I have a PS5 disc so I can get rid of it.
To this excellent game where the vast majority of it is more than fine and there's a few technical issues? You've lost all sense of perspective.

I've just been having a blast doing moments and then time trials in New Zealand in the Group A cars. The game is already fantastic and I've no doubt it'll improve further.
Maybe you have another copy of WRC or you mean DR2 but my EA WRC game is horrendous, has a lot's of bugs and shows often a stutter fest, it has wrong implemented hybrid modes which will also reset changing stages in career and so on.

I would have a blast if I hadn't bought it on release.
Maybe you have another copy of WRC or you mean DR2 but my EA WRC game is horrendous, has a lot's of bugs and shows often a stutter fest, it has wrong implemented hybrid modes which will also reset changing stages in career and so on.

I would have a blast if I hadn't bought it on release.

I think hybrid settings resetting was fixed in the last patch.

Bear in mind that the experience seems to be differing vastly across platforms. A lot of what I’m seeing negative experience wise is PS5 and PC. Not saying Xbox is completely free from issues but I know I’m having far less problems on XSX than fellow PS5 users.
Given their experience in the game development industry, yes, I'd say they know what they're doing, are they having teething trouble with Unreal? For sure. Career mode didn't break for everyone, it has broken for a lot of people yes, appears to be because of CER being inserted into the career, I'm lucky, it didn't affect mine. CM are on it as you would expect, will we get a hotfix? Who knows, worst case people need to restart career mode, not ideal, but could just be the unfortunate by-product of releasing the new rally into existing saves.

The stuttering seems to be affecting PS5 more than Xbox in terms of consoles, most of the comments I have seen around stutters still being there or being worse are all PS5 user, I've played a good number of hours on the new update now on Xbox and the stuttering is a non issue now on Xbox, occasional screen tearing but nothing terrible.

If you have any trial left, give it a go.

I took your advice and used the remaining hour I had left of the trial. I didn't have any stutters or freezes on the events I played, although the tearing was atrocious at times, some of, if not the worst I've seen on any game ever. Not kidding. The game is playable but it isn't a pleasant experience with the technical issues. I may buy it in a year when it's on sale for £5, unless it gets major improvements.
Im not saying Xbox is better than PS5, I'm just wondering if there's something wrong with PS5 and UE4 that doesn't seem to affect Xbox as much. It's the same with ACC, the most issues seem to be with PS5
What I’m saying is that I have both versions of both games and that’s not the case.
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I am shelving this game.

I just endured the worst 35 minutes of screen tearing and microstuttering I have ever seen in my life in the VRC Sweden event. It caused multiple offs, a puncture, and started giving me a headache. I just retired from the rally two stages from the end. I couldn't take it anymore.

Unacceptable. At least I have a PS5 disc so I can get rid of it.
I had exactly the same issue earlier. It felt like a few micro-stutters too, although it might just have been the heavy tearing. I tried running the same stage again to see if it improved on a second run, but if anything seemed worse. I did record how it looked and performed, so may post it for reference.

I genuinely really enjoy this game, but the issues that seem to have become present in this latest update are so frustrating. The heavy screen tearing and lack of a playable career mode make it really hard to love this game right now. I really, really, hope these can be fixed before Christmas but I'm somewhat sceptical of that. Time isn't on Codemasters side.

I'll continue to play, it's too addictive to not, but I can't shake the feeling of disappointment at the moment.
Tried monte in championship mode. Sorry but now on ps5 is nearly unplayable. Tearing is so insane it causes headache. I was really loving the game, now i’m tremendously pissed off.

Is it possible to delete the update?

I am shelving this game.

I just endured the worst 35 minutes of screen tearing and microstuttering I have ever seen in my life in the VRC Sweden event. It caused multiple offs, a puncture, and started giving me a headache. I just retired from the rally two stages from the end. I couldn't take it anymore.

Unacceptable. At least I have a PS5 disc so I can get rid of it.
Yes same situation with tearing. I can’t believe this was not tested and they released such a patch.

On top of that now the game has no career mode (it crashes the game)
I hope the career crashing bug is addressed in the next update or at least an official statement is given saying you have to restart career to make it work. I don't want to wipe out four seasons worth of play unless I know it's going to work.
That’s exactly what I was thinking. But I gave in and started a new career anyway.
Seems I chose a good time to fall ill so as to stay offline and miss all this negativity in the thread the last few days. As always the loudest "Criticism" is from people who haven't played the game and haven't contributed anything to the thread previously to boot. Why on earth are the people who always kick up the most fuss, The same people who haven't even played the game to form their own opinion? 🙄

Ofcourse I'm not referring to those that have legitimate problems with the game, I myself have the career bug. It's just a shame that the more time goes by the less GTP seems like that Mature, Respectful and fair place it once was and more like any other toxic Forum that steered us all toward GTP in the first place.

Had to step away from all forums/social yesterday evening, it got a bit much and I needed a clean break.

Never nice hearing people have game issues (though understandable from a player side) but sometimes a line of respect is crossed.

There is a good way to express concerns and a bad way, and yesterday was more bad than good.

There’s already some platforms I abandoned a long time ago due to toxicity. I don’t expect GTP to be one of them.
You know that the actual players and active members of the community really appreciate all that you do PJ. To have an official representative of the game active in the thread is brilliant and I can't think of many other games that can enjoy the same level of Developer/player interaction, So let me personally thank you for that. Please don't let those who treat the idea of hating on games and fostering negativity as something akin to a fulltime job let you feel any different about GTP please.
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Ofcourse I'm not referring to those that have legitimate problems with the game, I myself have the career bug. It's just a shame that the more time goes by the less GTP seems like that Mature, Respectful and fair place it once was and more like any other toxic Forum that steered us all toward GTP in the first place.

You know that the actual players and active members of the community really appreciate all that you do PJ. To have an official representative of the game active in the thread is brilliant and I can't think of many other games that can enjoy the same level of Developer/player interaction, So let me personally thank you for that. Please don't let those who treat the idea of hating on games and fostering negativity as something akin to a fulltime job let you feel any different about GTP please.
There is a reason GTP is the only forum I have ever signed up to and still to this day post in.
The Internet is full of keyword warriors who act very tough behind a random username online, doesn't just apply to just gaming forums, GTP is for the most part a well behaved forum where i can have good disussions hence why I stick around.

Back on the WRC topic, it seems to me that games using unreal seem more prone to have patches which break stuff that was fine before, happens a lot with simulators and ACC that use the same engine.

I'm still interested in the game and have no doubt it will be patched to a good standard eventually (I mean its CM after all) which is when I will pick it up.
It's 2023 and game development has become very complicated and most games release with a lot of issues, I never buy games at launch, waiting a few months means I can pick it up in a sale and fully patched, it can be hard to avoid spoilers for single player games but it's well worth it in my experience.
I’m on PC (Steam) and the game is absolutely fine for me, no screen tearing just the occasional micro stutters when running a stage for the first time which then don’t happen again, running on Ultra settings and it looks damn fine too, can’t comment on the career bug as I haven’t started one yet, too busy just doing time trials and moments and it’s become very addictive, my poor flight sim is feeling pretty neglected right now and I kinda feel bad for it 🙈 CER is fantastic too, finally a tarmac stage where I’m not running on eggshells .. really hope all you guys having issues get sorted soon 👍🏼
This has been an interesting read. Lots of arguing and bickering which I haven't seen much of on GTP.

I'm more of a long time listener/first time caller sort of deal.

But my two cents on the issues of wrc.

The issues especially around career mode being broken, just publicly acknowledge it and release some sort of road map so people know what to expect and it'll calm the user base a lot. Ignoring it makes it worse.
Like look at cyberpunk, it was a steaming mess that makes wrc look like a polished masterpiece in comparison. They rebuilt their reputation and acknowledged the problems. (Albeit because their hand was forced really, but still) Just give a little transparency like "Yes, we're having issues with the switch to unreal engine" "yes, we know the update broke career mode" "we're working on fixes we hope to get out in this particular window" etc
But instead it's very little information being handed out, even to the point that we still don't know what the future of the game looks like. Is there gonna be a new game next year or the year after or will this one be continuously updated and supported for the next number of years? People are probably justifiably sceptical of EA, so give them some clarity.
Just let us know what's happening. It is far from a unprecedented situation and totally fixable because under the screen tearing and broken modes you've a quality rally game.
I don’t even have a problem with people having issues, might seem like I do but I don’t. I haven’t had an issue free experience. My issue is with people who think that abusing developers is justified and the right route to go.

Having come from a few jobs myself where the customer seems to think they have free reign to be derogatory and abusive to you, regardless of whether it’s your fault or not, in person and via feedback, I know and have seen the effects it can have, so I’ve developed very low tolerance for that sort of thing.

I’ve no doubt the Codemasters team are doing everything they can with the time they have and the constraints they need to deal with (patch certification being a huge one at this time of the year).
Hi guys,
I also think we are lucky to have PJ involved in the forum. I am sure his hands are tied by CM/EA, but at least we are getting some information from the developers.
I haven’t updated my WRC on Steam yet, so hope it’s not going to go backwards when I do!
Thanks PJ for being involved, the players all appreciate your input
I don’t even have a problem with people having issues, might seem like I do but I don’t. I haven’t had an issue free experience. My issue is with people who think that abusing developers is justified and the right route to go.

Having come from a few jobs myself where the customer seems to think they have free reign to be derogatory and abusive to you, regardless of whether it’s your fault or not, in person and via feedback, I know and have seen the effects it can have, so I’ve developed very low tolerance for that sort of thing.

I’ve no doubt the Codemasters team are doing everything they can with the time they have and the constraints they need to deal with (patch certification being a huge one at this time of the year).
I think there’s a big difference between criticising a big corporation like Codemasters, and having a go at an individual person who has ties with them. For me, games developers as an entity are fair game if they’re not delivering on what they should be, because we’re the people paying for their game and especially in these days where bad game patches can essentially render a game unplayable overnight, that’s never on and if it happens that developer deserves a lot of criticism for it. It comes with the territory. Although I don’t think CM deserve that much stick here, because nothing has rendered it unplayable and they’re clearly trying to fix a load of issues - as long as they keep up that effort to make it right and don’t abandon it like KT did, that’s fine. They’ll get there and the game’s only been out for just over a month. The only thing where I’m not sure I’m that happy with them is discounting it so heavily already because that’s a bit of a kick in the teeth for those of us who bought it day one and still haven’t had a particularly smooth run with it.

But it should never get personal, ever. Unless that individual is directly responsible for what you’re angry at them for, don’t blame them. It’s stupid.
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Today’s Dirty Dailies challenge was Group B RWD on the longest Mediterraneo stage, dusk with light fading. Chose the Lancia 037 figuring if I’m gonna slide off and DNF I may as well go in style.

Nope, amazing run, the 037 came alive and made sense, one of the best experiences of this game so far.
Today’s Dirty Dailies challenge was Group B RWD on the longest Mediterraneo stage, dusk with light fading. Chose the Lancia 037 figuring if I’m gonna slide off and DNF I may as well go in style.

Nope, amazing run, the 037 came alive and made sense, one of the best experiences of this game so far.
Same thing :D
I would consider the Moments being released daily as an alternative, albeit not strictly the same (the ones with a damage limit are a right pain sometimes), is the club easily searchable? If not, could someone provide a link?