EA Sports WRC: General Discussion

  • Thread starter xX Jojje Xx
Does anyone here use Fanatec Clubsport V3 pedals? I am on PS5 and have had a major annoyance since launch which I hoped would be fixed with the update, but it's still there. I didn't see any bug report on the EA forum so I am wondering if it's just me.

The problem is that I can't turn off the pedal vibrations, even after sliding the two pedal vibration sliders to zero.

What makes this worse is that the brake pedal just arbitrarily vibrates when I get near the end of the pedal travel. It has nothing to do with locking up. The car can be stationary and the pedal will still vibrate if depressed. It even vibrates in the service repair screen when I depress it to activate auto-repair. It's incredibly annoying since I am used to pedal vibrations being an indicator of a lock-up but in EA WRC it just vibrates all the time when I brake. It's super distracting and is ruining my ability to concentrate or get in a flow.

And the screen tearing on PS5 (which I had previously categorized as "horrendous") is even worse now. I even get it in menus LOL.
I’m on PS5 and saw a lot of screen tearing after the latest update. I still see the framerate drop now and again as well which
produces the stuttering effect I think people are having. A lot of the bugs are unfortunate and I’m sure they are working on solutions but let’s be honest here, in 2023 on current gen hardware the fact we are not getting a locked 60 is pretty bad especially when the game itself is visually not cutting edge. I appreciate the move to Unreal was for the longer stages which are incredibly enjoyable but I do wonder if it was the best move and it will be interesting if they continue with it or go back to an evolved ego engine. It’s certainly a reminder for those wishing they used a new engine for the F1 games to be careful what you wish for. I will still enjoy the game as at it’s core it’s great to play but as just hope they sort the framerate and tearing out, at the very least give us an option for VRR.

Can't disagree with any of that. When I saw the price point I did think "oh dear, what's the catch" and I think in hindsight it was clearly the issues caused by switching to UE4. The game didn't launch in a good state and its not in a particularly good state now. They must have realised that it wasn't going to be a smooth ride here. The AI bug is still a massive problem for a lot of players, as now is the career bug and the worsened performance and the corner cutting resets, and....I am so ready to love this game, to embrace it completely when they iron these things out but its a problem child at the moment, let's be completely honest.
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Pretty dam good excuse in my book, especially when using a brand new engine to the studio with some niggly bugs creeping in. No ones giving them a pass but there are statements that get made which are simply unfair to the people working their socks off on this game, and situations which even the most experienced studios won't see coming.

It's a shame you see us being positive as a negative thing that won't solve anything, assuming that just because we're enjoying the game we aren't providing feedback or criticism in the places where it'll get seen? There's nothing wrong with being critical, but I do find something wrong with branding developers as lazy or questioning whether they know what they're doing.
I disagree.
It's great that a CM rep does post on here to keep us updated.
Had to step away from all forums/social yesterday evening, it got a bit much and I needed a clean break.

Never nice hearing people have game issues (though understandable from a player side) but sometimes a line of respect is crossed.

There is a good way to express concerns and a bad way, and yesterday was more bad than good.

There’s already some platforms I abandoned a long time ago due to toxicity. I don’t expect GTP to be one of them.
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When I played the trial on Xbox on release it stuttered, the game would freeze for a second occasionally, often causing you to crash the car. Has this been fixed? Or are you not calling that a stutter?

You can also easily find multiple reports of people saying it stutters on PS5 so either you've misunderstood DF or they are mistaken.
Digital foundry tested 1.3 version, and they don’t really talk really good stuff about performance on consoles and PC.

Hopefully codemasters for the next WRC go back to their own engine instead unreal engine.

Meanwhile, hopefully they launch a hotfix for the career mode and performance issues
Quality debate 👍
Well, you didn’t contribute much yourself just now, did you?
Good for you, solid reasoning behind your debate as usual.
Where did my reasoning fail exactly? I mean, you seem to think it’s wrong to blame CM for an unfinished and faulty product. I don’t, so what else can I say? Should we just go on and on even though we disagree with each other? Ok then.

I actually think it’s ok to call Codemasters lazy and incompetent. With the EA deal in mind, one could add greedy as well.

Dirt Rally 2.0 performed better and didn’t look much worse on last gen consoles in my opinion, so if this game is not a result of laziness, incompetence, greed or a combination of all three I don’t know what it’s a result of. Also, blaming a “new” engine doesn’t do it for me. I mean, why the hell did they choose to use a different engine if they can’t handle it?
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Does anyone here use Fanatec Clubsport V3 pedals? I am on PS5 and have had a major annoyance since launch which I hoped would be fixed with the update, but it's still there. I didn't see any bug report on the EA forum so I am wondering if it's just me.

The problem is that I can't turn off the pedal vibrations, even after sliding the two pedal vibration sliders to zero.

What makes this worse is that the brake pedal just arbitrarily vibrates when I get near the end of the pedal travel. It has nothing to do with locking up. The car can be stationary and the pedal will still vibrate if depressed. It even vibrates in the service repair screen when I depress it to activate auto-repair. It's incredibly annoying since I am used to pedal vibrations being an indicator of a lock-up but in EA WRC it just vibrates all the time when I brake. It's super distracting and is ruining my ability to concentrate or get in a flow.

And the screen tearing on PS5 (which I had previously categorized as "horrendous") is even worse now. I even get it in menus LOL.
I have V3 pedals, but I've had the game for 2 days only and played maybe 4 hours (played with Fanatec wheel and V3 pedals for around 18 months though). I don't get the pedal vibration issue in WRC23; is it something you could fix through wheel settings - I think turning Brake Level Indicator down might work.

Re screen tearing, in my very limited experience on PS5, I had no tearing on the few Swedish stages I did in Magpieracer's club championship on day 1. After yesterday's update I had frequent tearing.
I have V3 pedals, but I've had the game for 2 days only and played maybe 4 hours (played with Fanatec wheel and V3 pedals for around 18 months though). I don't get the pedal vibration issue in WRC23; is it something you could fix through wheel settings - I think turning Brake Level Indicator down might work.
Oh yeah, that must be it. I don't remember touching BLI on the preset I'm using (default should be OFF). It must be set around 70 or something for some reason. I will turn it off and that should solve it. Thanks!
Had to step away from all forums/social yesterday evening, it got a bit much and I needed a clean break.

Never nice hearing people have game issues (though understandable from a player side) but sometimes a line of respect is crossed.

There is a good way to express concerns and a bad way, and yesterday was more bad than good.

There’s already some platforms I abandoned a long time ago due to toxicity. I don’t expect GTP to be one of them.

Why would you claim the console versions don't stutter when there are forum threads everywhere saying it does, even on your own EA forum? Very strange.

Of course if you as an EA rep say things which are blatantly untrue then it will raise eyebrows. As will apparently being happy with a game which has tearing. Is this something the devs intend to fix? I assume not.

The game was released in a shoddy, unfinished state. What is needed is some acknowledgement and humility, not blaming the customer for being rightly upset.

Also before someone says the new patch fixed the stuttering:

I haven't complained about performance on PS5 before with VRR enabled. But after this update the game runs worse than ever before. I notice a lot of screen tearing and stuttering.

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It's getting far too Reddit here and it's not fair to have a go at one person. In that position, he's always eventually going to say something you don't agree with so you can jump up and down and get the pitchforks out. No, I don't think stutter is a "non-issue" either, but its also far from the most important thing to fix now after two pretty effective performance patches. ACC still has occasional stutters too. God, WRC Generations has the odd one, even. Nobody's denying the tearing.
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Well, you didn’t contribute much yourself just now, did you?

Where did my reasoning fail exactly? I mean, you seem to think it’s wrong to blame CM for an unfinished and faulty product. I don’t, so what else can I say? Should we just go on and on even though we disagree with each other? Ok then.

I actually think it’s ok to call Codemasters lazy and incompetent. With the EA deal in mind, one could add greedy as well.

Dirt Rally 2.0 performed better and didn’t look much worse on last gen consoles in my opinion, so if this game is not a result of laziness, incompetence, greed or a combination of all three I don’t know what it’s a result of. Also, blaming a “new” engine doesn’t do it for me. I mean, why the hell did they choose to use a different engine if they can’t handle it?

I completely agree with you. EA and Codemasters have no excuse.
Why would you claim the console versions don't stutter when there are forum threads everywhere saying it does, even on your own EA forum? Very strange.

Of course if you as an EA rep say things which are blatantly untrue then it will raise eyebrows. As will apparently being happy with a game which has tearing. Is this something the devs intend to fix? I assume not.

The game was released in a shoddy, unfinished state. What is needed is some acknowledgement and humility, not blaming the customer for being rightly upset.

Also before someone says the new patch fixed the stuttering:

You’re right, all the blame is EA. Paying customers have the right to be angry. If a restaurant serves you food with a bug in it, they apologize and offer compensation. Why do software companies think they can get away with treating their financial source (customers) so poorly? EA is abusing its power and acting very incompetently and poorly in my opinion. This game should have never been released to paying customers in this state without expecting retribution. It’s like getting an uncooked, unsanitary meal placed in front of you expecting to enjoy it. Shameful.
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I wondered because Xbox does have VRR, and I use freesync on my monitor so it helps with screen tearing, though I can't ant say I've noticed any
Ps5 has vrr but only with hdmi 2.1 devices.
Unfortunately not much good to me with a benq 4K 60hz monitor on hdmi 2
Ps5 has vrr but only with hdmi 2.1 devices.
Unfortunately not much good to me with a benq 4K 60hz monitor on hdmi 2
The TV also needs to have VRR support. I have a 120Hz SONY X900H that does support VRR but at the cost of losing local dimming. Local dimming is huge for picture quality. But I guess it's worth a shot since EA WRC is the only non-VR game I play and if I turn off HDR then maybe losing local dimming will not hurt so much. I am really desperate to stabilize the image because it's borderline unplayable in some locations.

BTW EA WRC does not support VRR on PS5 so we are relying on the PS5's default VRR compatibility mode and I have seen conflicting reports over whether it actually works for this game or not.
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The TV also needs to have VRR support. I have a 120Hz SONY X900H that does support VRR but at the cost of losing local dimming. Local dimming is huge for picture quality. But I guess it's worth a shot since EA WRC is the only non-VR game I play and if I turn off HDR then maybe losing local dimming will not hurt so much. I am really desperate to stabilize the image because it's borderline unplayable in some locations.

BTW EA WRC does not support VRR on PS5 so we are relying on the PS5's VRR compatibility mode and I have seen conflicting reports over whether it actually works for this game or not.
I honestly think that it’s gonna be a case of waiting for the fixes coming from codemasters, which I’m sure will arrive sooner rather than later, unlike the non fixes in the case of a kyloton.

Although it’s frustrating the way things are right now, I can’t see codies allowing the game to remain in such a state for too long.
This talk of VRR is reminding me of DiRT 5 which is a title that DOES have native VRR support. However, I never used it because DiRT 5 also has a native 120Hz mode. I got the game for free from PS Plus and didn't like it (not my style of racing game), but my God is it a gorgeous game, both at 60fps and 120fps. It's on the Onrush engine, has beautiful graphics, stunning HDR, runs smooth as butter and the weather effects are superb.

It's such a bummer CM decided to abandon their in-house engines and move to Unreal Engine. And I am sure the decision had nothing to do with 30km stages; it was likely a penny-pinching move to be able to maintain fewer higher-paid specialists in the studio proper and be able to subcontract work out remotely to Unreal Engine "experts" around the globe.

The results are clear for all to see.
Not liking the route we are taking here. I understand both sides and I am pretty much with Strittan and Pfei but I wouldn't say lazy and incompetent since I don't know how the game internally came about. I think people working on the game aren't to blame but more the people who pull the strings with @PJTierney taking all the heat.

I am really not happy with the state of the game but I don't blame anyone personally and definitely not people that work directly on the game. I am sure all was known beforehand concerning UE but management decided for the engine and techs simply had to deal with it.

The move to EA hasn't been a good one and once more their influence is felt. Anyone remember BF2......

All I ask is a smooth, polished running game and not sure this is possible with EA on release date of a game.

I have high esteem for Codemasters but not under the EA flag 😔
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Where did my reasoning fail exactly? I mean, you seem to think it’s wrong to blame CM for an unfinished and faulty product. I don’t, so what else can I say? Should we just go on and on even though we disagree with each other? Ok then.

I actually think it’s ok to call Codemasters lazy and incompetent. With the EA deal in mind, one could add greedy as well.

Dirt Rally 2.0 performed better and didn’t look much worse on last gen consoles in my opinion, so if this game is not a result of laziness, incompetence, greed or a combination of all three I don’t know what it’s a result of. Also, blaming a “new” engine doesn’t do it for me. I mean, why the hell did they choose to use a different engine if they can’t handle it?

I’m not saying it’s blameless, I’m calling you out for needless and baseless accusations of laziness and incompetence, I do find that unacceptable, if you disagree then that speaks more to your character than it does anything else.

You can blame what you want, if you can’t form a constructive argument and just go about belittling developers and calling it a day then I’ve got less than zero care for your opinion anymore.
I’m not saying it’s blameless, I’m calling you out for needless and baseless accusations of laziness and incompetence, I do find that unacceptable, if you disagree then that speaks more to your character than it does anything else.

You can blame what you want, if you can’t form a constructive argument and just go about belittling developers and calling it a day then I’ve got less than zero care for your opinion anymore.
Yes I know you’re calling me out, but for what I’m still unsure. You agree that the state of the game is not blameless, but when I’m trying to provide several reasons for my argument you’re saying I’m not constructive, even though I even explained why I think simply blaming the switch to a different engine is not enough.

The game is not performing well, yet it’s not visually advanced by today’s standards, that’s a fact. But you’re excusing Codemasters why? Because they moved to UE4, an arguably outdated engine? How is that more constructive?