Eifel 102E (Track layout graphic and video) Round 3-2

  • Thread starter Wardez
Geesh, I get a shout out. I don't think you all have to worry about me in the finals, if I even make it. I think I'm going to have gray hair or will be totally bald on Sunday since I won't be anywhere near my PS3. :grumpy:

More time needs to be found soon. :nervous:

Ohhhhhh no. No - trust me. SMJ is a -VERY- fast racing driver. Just trust me.
I think your time should be safe, I don't think the cutoff in the SE will be in the 57s

Though there are people from the first round that haven't posted fast times yet. :/

I think it will, granted I'm thinking conservatively. Goal: 3'57 club.

ragequit. cant gain time at eifel.. ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
ragequit. cant gain time at eifel.. ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

Ahahahahah I had the same thing happen earlier today. Ran a little wide going onto the straight, hit the grass, ended up sliding across the tarmac into the pit wall and flipped. Perfect comedic relief during a long Eifel session.
I have all day tomorrow to knock 6 tenths off my time to get into a comfortable spot for me in the rankings. That's all the time I am giving it and if I fear a broken DFGT coming on I'm going to call it quits for good. :lol:
My G27 is now "dead" after attempting Eifel and no replacement available for 2 weeks. Knocked off 3 seconds when a friend let me use his DFGT yesterday after only approximately 10 laps turned there before mine broke. Went snow boarding today to "get away" for a day, will be working hard all day tomorrow and if I cannot join the "fast group" @ Eifel I will be "bowing out" also.

You "aliens" are quite impressive.... Props.
So. Damn. Frustrated. :grumpy:

My split times are all there but I can't link them all together in a single lap. Probably spent a solid 30 hours over the past two days lapping endlessly. I'm really getting sick of this ****.

I want to give up and stop wasting time, but I know that won't happen. This is going to be a miserable fight to the bitter end.
Great lap blindside. Looks like i'll be stocking up on redbull for my weekend push. I figure if i can't post the times in these last 2 days i don't deserve it anyways. looking like the cutoff time in the NE by the end may be in 56's.
2:18 flat now, too many mistakes dagnabit. I def see a 2:17 flat by the end, but I still need to hit up Indy. Just a PITA because I only got to spend 2 short nights on it this week other than today and tomorrow. Why oh why do I have a job/gf haha
Fix and Zissou, your 2:16.9's are SOOOO SLOOOWWWW...


Just took a look, nice job man.👍 The craziest part is you lost .384 seconds to Zissou through sector 2 :crazy: lol. Every other sector you crushed, especially sector 3 :drool:

Looks like there could even be some very low 16's coming soon :eek:
Just took a look, nice job man.👍 The craziest part is you lost .384 seconds to Zissou through sector 2 :crazy: lol. Every other sector you crushed, especially sector 3 :drool:

Looks like there could even be some very low 16's coming soon :eek:

I don't know what Zissou does, but my sector 2 wasn't very clean. I was pretty surprised to see my sector 3 time pop up to be honest with you...
grab the speed secrets app for your iphone/ipod touch or just get the books. I take a break every ten laps and analyze. You have to be able to visualize and see yourself doing it in your mind before you do it on track. Otherwise it is just accidental.
Obviously this track is the most challenging of the 2. After running a better lap time I feel fragged. This track is intense. I like it, but I hate it at the same time.
Well, I have been so "lost" around Eifel I decided to turn the active steering to strong(from off) - drove around for 5-6 laps following Cheef's time and after circulating for 5 laps in a row without going 'red' I exited and turned active steering back off. 3rd flying lap after turning AS back off - I set a 2:18.217, which was an improvement of 2.8xx seconds. I think I may have finally "learned" this circuit and now it's time to learn to be "fast." This is the most encouraging sign I've had in days. :)
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Hallelujah, I just ran a 2:17.051, putting me up to 4th in the midwest. I'm done with this track for good.


ive been consistently getting 17.5s nothing better than my time though.. >,<

need to get low 17s if I can make it to orlando.
Nice time Potato Chip, I was checking the leaderboard and saw that jump....it game me motivation. I'm seeking at 16.9 or 17.0 at the moment, then I'm done with Eifel forever too, LOL! It's going to be a long night.
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ive been consistently getting 17.5s nothing better than my time though.. >,<

need to get low 17s if I can make it to orlando.

Soju, have you got a cutoff prediction for the South East?
hehe, well I didnt think it would even be in the 57s at first

now Im thinking the 57.5s which sucks cause I dont think I can hit that. I need to find more time on eifel
wheww... I managed to bring my eifel down to a 17.150

finally breached the 57.5s

gonna try to find some more at indy, but last time I tried I only took like .03 off :/
Ok Soju, you can stop now. I'm supposed to be enjoying my vacation and not checking the leaderboards every few minutes. Nice time man.

Seriously....not being able to improve is the most stressful thing in the world. I'm a sitting duck. Midnight can't come soon enough!
