So, I haven't been around much since yesterday so I haven't had time to post anything about the thrashing
@TurnLeft put on me &
@Brewguy44 at the Nordschleife with the AEG M.B. 300 SL. When I was invited to join them on the track I didn't realize we would be racing. I thought, since the cars were brand new to all of us, that we would just be playing follow the leader or cat & mouse. Then I realized that these guys were playing for keeps and the lights turned green!!
I had a terrible launch and quickly lost my starting position of 2nd place, putting me in 3rd by the first turn!

I had only one lap of "experience" with the Benz 300 SL and it was showing right away. From last place I watched both TurnLeft and Brewguy negotiate the turns with a lot of grace. Their turns were smooth, yet fast. My turns were anything but. My rear tires were sliding and I was starting to lose time to my opponents before we even got to Aremberg. Things were not looking good.
While CM tires do not provide a tremendous amount of grip, the 300 SL isn't the most powerful car in any of our garage's, so you shouldn't experience a whole lot of trouble unless you really overdrive the car through the corners, bends & kinks. Most of the first lap was rather uneventful. TurnLeft and Brewguy kept driving very well while I continued to catch up to them only to quickly drop back 6 or 7 car lengths. Since the three of us are pretty much equally skilled drivers and the car doesn't have a boatload of torque or power, I thought it would be very difficult to pass. First of all, the Nordschleife is a very narrow track which makes passing difficult to begin with, but with the lack of torque, I figured the only way BrewGuy was going to get around TurnLeft would be if he pushed TL mentally and forced TL to screw up a turn. Then, I could see BG slipping past him.
When we hit the long back straight the positions remained unchanged. Thankfully, even though I wasn't on BG's bumper I was close enough to him to draft. I inched closer to BG's rear end and our combined aerodynamic advantage pushed us BOTH closer to TurnLeft. Could it happen? Could our draft work well enough to get one of us around TL? It seemed like TL was doing his best to keep his lead by keeping BG out of drafting him, but we continued to gain. Finally, just before we reached the top of the hill, both BrewGuy and I passed TurnLeft, on his left!!!
I would be lying if I said I wasn't screaming and cheering myself on during this whole draft down the straightaway. Initially, I didn't think anything more than just trying to draft BG and possibly pass him before we reached the bridge and kink. When we both drove past him I had a new decision to make. Do I keep my foot to the floor and pray that my CM tires hold? Or do I concede 1st place to BG and slip into 2nd place? My foot stayed to the floor and my tires held my car steady and true! A quick peek in the rear view mirror revealed both BG and LT sliding into the grassy area. 1st place was all mine and only I could screw it up from this point on...and that's exactly what happened.
Slowly I applied my brakes near the bottom of the hill, scrubbing just enough speed away to take those short left & rights. I started applying even more braking force as I was approaching the end of the run, just before the right hander that appears before the entrance to the pits. Apparently, I didn't apply enough brakes because I went head-first right into the red & white wall!

My car spun 180 degrees and came to a stop and I was facing two fast approaching Mercedes Benz 300 SL's. TL shot past and BG ran into my obstructing car. By time we got straightened out, TL was already making the right-hand turn onto the start/finish straight...
To be honest, I didn't know we were running two laps at that point. Once I saw TL go around the first turn on my mini-map I realized I wasn't done embarrassing myself just yet.

The rest of the race wasn't very exciting. But that first lap, the way it finished, is one to be remembered. It was probably the best pass I've ever pulled off while racing real people. I don't race real people often and when I do I get very, very nervous. When I got into 1st place I was so freakin' excited...and I threw it all away.
In all fairness to TurnLeft, I seriously wouldn't have been surprised if he reclaimed the lead on lap #2, even if I hadn't crashed at the end of lap #1. He was driving much, much smoother than I was. The same for BeerGuy...I was behind both of them long enough to know that they both drove better than me last night. My hats off to both of them.