Minority Government! Yay! It'll be what, another year before we figure out how bad the Conservatives are and call
another election? That'll make it what... 3 in 4 years?
My view:
The Liberals did a good job. They were very fiscally minded, and although a *few* million dollars slipped into a few pockets, we are still very well off. They've maintained both healthcare and education, and taken a stand on many of the issues of, well, trade bullying with the US (Softwood being one issue). Sure, it wasn't an extremely strong stand, but much better than nothing.
To be honest, I think Cretien was really great. He didn't take any s**t from Bush or anyone, did well financially, and created political stability in Canada.
I think that that ****tard Gordon Campbell was the downfall of the Liberals. It was a close race, but if everyone in BC didn't hate Campbell, they would have had alot more Liberal support.
I'm glad the NDP is gaining seats, even at a slow rate. If people weren't "strategically voting" (read: Vote Liberal so the Conservatives don't get in, vice versa), then I think they would have had a much stronger prescence in the polls. Jack Layton (whom I like, by the way. He's very well-spoken.) does not have enough experience to become Prime Minister, IMHO, but I think it would have been great for them to become the Official Opposition.
The Bloc Quebecois is not a good thing. They're a separatist party, for chrissakes! Plus, I think Bouchard is a pompous, arrogant, jerk.
I'm not too sure how the Conservatives will do. The last thing I want is for them to go "Ooh, lookie! A surplus! Lets spend it all!", but all I guess we can do is wait and find out. His GST thing is pure bull, considering that we will only get a little bit of it in his first term, and I don't like their whole child-care plan. I don't like Stephen Harper. He's creepy looking.
Edit - By Liberals, I mean the party as a whole, even though Paul Martin isn't my favorite. Also, how much money exactly was stolen?