Enzo successor spotted

  • Thread starter McLaren
It's hideous. The wheels look too small; the body looks large and heavy. It doesn't look nearly as lean and light, nor as fluid and aerodynamic as the McLaren. The rear is reminiscent of the P4/5 except the P4/5 was a more cohesive design overall. The 458 is still the best looking car they've made since the 360.

I don't even care how it performs because it'll be a farce - Ferrari has so much confidence in their products that they routinely modify them for press tests. How anybody can respect the brand after that I don't know.

Even the new Lamborghini is better than this because it looks ridiculous and is supposed to because it's a Lamborghini.

It's just ugh. The McLaren in particular is a beautifully organic, fluid spaceship with just a few performance-oriented features of the F1 while this is a messy amalgamation of historic Ferrari design cues, none of which were particularly organic or attractive, combined with some melty red-painted table legs at the front and rear to make it look like an F1 car...or something.
Really not a fan of how this car looks, it looks like someone crashed a F12 into the back of a 458 and not cleaned up the wreckage. I think the HIKERS system will be interesting if that does work properly but mainly as a comparison to the 918 and P1 with their hybrid systems.
No, too much going on for me. And mirrors fashioned from bug antennae. It looks fast, but it isn't pretty. That's what makes the 458 stunning, it's simple curves rather than exaggerated curves. The cross section of the doors look like they would cut your hand to pieces.
The name is seriously one of the worst I've ever seen. Derprari.
The car itself is gorgeous in my opinion, very agressive but also classy.
So much better than the Enzo.
Worst. Name. Ever.

Has to be the most pathetic name ever for a Ferrari... I'll just keep calling it F70... I mean, it's like naming a Bengal Tiger "Fru-fru" :ouch:

I expected another fish-looking car like the Italia and the Berlinetta (which are horrible IMHO), but this... I'm very impressed, I have to say it :drool:... 👍 It really makes the Enzo look "old"...
It's busy yes, but I quite like it. There's an organic flow to the curves, and the lines and curves seem purposeful.

I like car design when I can take a contour, shut-line or crease and follow it around the body. This car has lots of that. The F50 had no flow. The Enzo had no flow (though it was the same all around, whereas the F50 was schizophrenic about it). The F40 was utilitarian functional*. Compared to that, this is an improvement.

If anything lets it down, actually, it might be that the wheel design isn't as risky. A body this far out deserves some far out wheels to sit on.

Probably the only truly nice looking car in the range right now besides the 458. Good job.

*I love the F40, but you've got to call them like you see them.
GTO looking rims please.

Amazing. There's a new McLaren? This blows it out of the water. I see alot of history in the lines too, so thats awesome. I love it 100%.
This LeFerrari thing. They should name the successor to this TehFerrari.

What's up with the 458 looking headlights? Haven't we seen enough of them already, on two other Ferraris.

And the side mirrors, boy do they stick out. Thought this was a Ferrari, not Pagani?

Only thing that looks decent is the back half. Love that long panel gap stretching from one side to the other. Kinda like the F40, with that line going all around the car.

The front just looks all messed up. The vents on the hood looks out of place, like it doesn't flow with the rest of the car.

Also, I think someone has said earlier, the wheel are just a little small for the car.

Edit: Oh, and that upside down limousine spoiler stuck at the front intake. I know they're just trying to match the vertical line at the back but its really not working at the front.
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For what it's worth, I think this might easily be the best looking Ferrari since years and years but that name...
I've read that when you pronounce it in French it becomes La La Ferrari. :lol:
Not bad Not bad at all,P1 and the Huayra grew in me alot so maybe it will grow more on me but first impressions is I prefer the other 2
All the styling cues are over the top and makes the car ugly. The 458 is much better looking. I don't have a problem with the name, but F70 would've been better.
Name fits the car.

Both are ugly.

Im convinced people on gtp do not know what the word ugly means, If something isnt beautiful that doesnt mean its ugly, It gets thrown at every car that isnt stunning on this site, They seam to have been brainwashed by jeremy Clarkson who calls every ferrari ugly which is nonsense because im sure if it had a ford badge on it he would view it differently and not say its ugly. It gets really boring seeing the word ugly in every thread i go in.
Amazing stats, and it looks really nice from the front 3/4's in a 'super 458' type of way. But the rear 3/4's look very heavy and cumbersome... the rear wheels look tiny from some angles.

The 3 shots in Analog's post above are all very nice 👍
The styling isn't bad, but it isnt' my cup of tea. I'd rather have the 918, P1 or Huayra. And the name is terrible, I'd just as well refer to it as the F70.
The ugliest Ferrari i ever seen... but it has good numbers. Lets see the performance part. On the track i think the P1 will have no match.
Meh, kinda mixed on the looks. The name though, just seems lazy and cocky to me.