Estimate GT Sport sales

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How many copies will GT Sport sell?

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I voted 2 million because of the total lack of ANYTHING resembling a Gran Turismo main title.

The lack of tracks and lack of cars isn't the problem, GT3 had a lot less tracks and not very many more cars, it's the total lack of the ability to design a game that is suitable for all GT players. What is it about online this and FIA that which stops you from creating a GT-Mode apart from a basic lack of competence?
I'm fan of GT from 2001 and it's the first GT that I won't buy, but it'll sell a lot. It doesn't have a real career mode, but it's first GT on PS4 and will have lots of hype.
I predict about 5m. Not a great number for GT series, but an amazing number for a racing game.
Racing genre is going down sadly. There are many racing games this year. I am sure GTS will do better than all of them but that does not say much. 5M will be a big achievement. Interlagos track is a given but apart from that ff they can add more content and features over a year or so with updates. Which I am sure they will. With price coming down it can reach 5M. For now of what I have seen I think 3M
So since 1997 people have been playing GT games by the millions because they're forced into buying it (no other options) and not because they like it?

I want SMS to do good too with PC2 (I'll buy the game). That's completely different than hoping for another developer to go down because they don't cater to my personal needs and wants. If you don't like GT don't buy it, as a lot of people will do. Because no one has to like a game and buy it.

People who only had Playstations since 1997, & couldn't afford a PC, had virtually no other option for sim racing than GT. That's my point.
GT5 sold 10 million units.
I wonder how many were sold as individual games and how many were bundled. GT6 is the first full game that wouldn't have any significant bundling sales, if any, and it sold 5 million, every other game was 10 million +. That's an interesting stat.
People who only had Playstations since 1997, & couldn't afford a PC, had virtually no other option for sim racing than GT. That's my point.

I wouldn't buy a console to play a game I didn't like. Would anyone do it? Even if it was the only game on the planet. What's the point really?

GT is PS's best selling franchise and you're insisting they had all that success because people had to like GT games and not because PD made great games that players genuinely liked. Which PC exclusive racing titles sold better than GT, considering the number of consoles and PCs on the market throughout the last 2/3 decades?

GT5 sold 10 million units.

Almost 12 M according to Gamespot and PD's website.
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That's a valid point. But surely GT6 was bundled wasn't it?
I didn't say it was not bundled I said it likely didn't have significant bundled sales, being released at the same time as a new console. I am pretty sure that PS3 sales dropped like a stone at that point so any sales from bundling would likely have being relatively minor, especially compared to the most recent release of GT5.
I'd like to see Project CARS 2 be pretty much bug free & stable upon launch then go on to outsell GT Sport considerabley. Reason being is that SMS are really trying to deliver something the community actually wants, whereas Kaz & Co are just regurgitating essentially the same 20 year old concept yet again.
I'd like to see that too (the bug free Pcars2). But you know, the community is small compared to the big audience.
Kaz & Co are digging something really shiny this time. I predict a massive, also FiA racing world related, advertising campaign that will get the attention.. 10 million.
I think it will outsell GT6, but will fall short of other iterations.

I feel it will be the go-to online racer for PS4.
I also feel it's little niche groups like in GTP that put so much emphasis on "FIA" and "esport", and claim that as a negative.
I don't believe the casual crowd see that at all.
This generation is all about "online".
This game will suit them to the ground.

Even in this climate of racing game sales, I'll go for a figure of >7 mill.
I wouldn't buy a console to play a game I didn't like. Would anyone do it? Even if it was the only game on the planet. What's the point really?

GT is PS's best selling franchise and you're insisting they had all that success because people had to like GT games and not because PD made great games that players genuinely liked. Which PC exclusive racing titles sold better than GT, considering the number of consoles and PCs on the market throughout the last 2/3 decades?

Almost 12 M according to Gamespot and PD's website.

I don't respond to straw man arguments, nor to generalizations.
I don't respond to straw man arguments, nor to generalizations.

Straw man argument? Where? I gave my anecdotal example and made a reasonable argument (I think) as to why people genuenly liked the game, even if it was the first and only game for some time. Again, virtually nobody buys a game they don't like.

They did what they wanted and it happened that people had to like it.

Isn't this a generalization?

There were no serious racing sims before for them to compete against, people had very little option other than to like it. I'm sure they'll sell loads of off nostalgia, & the loyal fan base, but I think they have underestimated how many people like a full career mode, I think they've shot themselves in the foot with that one & will sell less as a result. SMS are innovative, dedicated, & have a great concept in WMD; I hope they knock 7 bells of 🤬 out of PD!


So they genuenly could like GT, even if only for the career mode. But you still are of the opinion that people had to like it instead of genuenly liking it? They could not like it and not buy it. That's the other option.

People who only had Playstations since 1997, & couldn't afford a PC, had virtually no other option for sim racing than GT. That's my point.

Even if people couldn't afford a PC and had to play GT on a PS, that doesn't imply they had to like the game. After GT2 everyone knew what GT was and other games were already coming out. Even if I concede that millions of people bought and play GT1 and 2 because they just had no other options, that doesn't mean they didn't like the only option they had. Good that the "first" and only option for some time was good enough for millions of people and continued selling millions probably to the same people (who wouldn't buy it if they didn't like it and having other options already on the market).

GT6 didn't sell as much because a) people didn't like GT5 enough to buy GT6, b) didn't like GT6 reviews, c) found other games to play. Which means that people don't buy games they don't like.

Plenty of games failed even trying to be the first in their genre. Only games people like succeed. Even if people have no other options/games.
You can leave a ranking on a game purchased or pre-ordered on PSN.

As of today:


GTS Regular - 59.99 - 740 ratings

GTS Deluxe - 79.99 - 94 ratings

Pcars2 Regular - 59.99 - 3 ratings

Pcars2 Deluxe - 89.99 - 16 ratings

ITA PSN (might be cumulative from all EU countries ? UK and Spain are the same)

GTS Regular - 59.99 - 37 ratings

GTS Deluxe - 69.99 - 361 ratings

Pcars2 Regular 69.99 - 9 ratings

Pcars2 Deluxe - 99.99 - 15 ratings

Pcars2 - 21 days till release

GTS - 47 days till release
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You can leave a ranking on a game purchased or pre-ordered on PSN.

As of today:


GTS Regular - 59.99 - 740 ratings

GTS Deluxe - 79.99 - 94 ratings

Pcars2 Regular - 59.99 - 3 ratings

Pcars2 Deluxe - 89.99 - 16 ratings

ITA PSN (might be cumulative from all EU countries ? UK and Spain are the same)

GTS Regular - 59.99 - 361 ratings

GTS Deluxe - 69.99 - 37 ratings

Pcars2 Regular 69.99 - 9 ratings

Pcars2 Deluxe - 99.99 - 15 ratings

Pcars2 - 21 days till release

GTS - 47 days till release
I thought those are the cost of the games. :scared:
Yes, EU is cumulative 'cause I've been following my PSN (from Croatia-EU), those are same numbers.

But I can add a further point to your post (as I've said I followed this for more then a month already), and even back then when GTS was below 100 and pCARS 2 below 10 - relation between those always maintained those relative ratios. Very, VERY stable no matter how small or now greater sample.

And I don't see pCARS 2 improving their standing because they are essentially blocking reviews until after release under a guise of "we want reviewers to wait until day 1 patch" ??? Seriously, instead of bombarding us with OFFICIAL gold phase materials from PS4 and Xbox (because Forza and GTS are farther away from GOLD so they should be inferior to compare to!) they are running under the table with this "only review after day 1 patch" and almost solely PC footage. Most very rare console stuff IS offscreen unfortunately. And I'm interested in buying pCARS 2 but have been heavily burned for picking it up day 1 last time...

Edit: BUT I think you messed editions, on Croatian PSN it's deluxe version close to 400 and regular below 50 for GTS 👍
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I think Asian plus Japan will help boost the number. Since look like they very hype up for this game. If they could get 1% China that will be greatest achievement ever. lol
I think Asian plus Japan will help boost the number. Since look like they very hype up for this game. If they could get 1% China that will be greatest achievement ever. lol

Absolutely true, but main issue here is that when looking at how many people pre-ordered (and then rated) pCARS 2 and GTSport on various PSN stores - we see that on US store GTSport is ahead by 40 times (not 4 times, or 12, or 25... but 40 times!) and on EU store it's 17 times (1700%). In my opinion that is not really big problem but what IS is that pCARS 2 developer is likely to do NOT MUCH to appeal to PS4 or Xbox players with actual on-console produced trailers, diaries or whatever...

It is reasonable to assume, given very problematic launch of pCARS 1, that most gamers are now more likely to buy only DISC of pCARS 2 because they have a chance of selling it if history repeats it self... So that MIGHT explain those very low PSN store numbers.

That's not huge problem, as the fact they are pushing me away from my preorder of pCARS 2, disc version, by going for that "we want reviewers to wait with reviews until AFTER they get day 1 patch" bull-thing!

I want pCARS to become awesome competition for two console racing-sim giants, and I think that if they have any sorts of problems like last time, they should just openly say so NOW and ask for reasonable understanding from us. Because if they fail console players again like last time, they will totally lose chance to ever amount to that greatness I wish them to achieve (for my own driving pleasure).
The PSN Store had/has? very prominent GTS advertisements. At least I noticed a huge GTS section, but didn't notice anything related to PCars2. Because of this, I don't think the ratio of PSN Store GTS/PCars2 consumer engagement is representative of upcoming sales.
People do not just buy FULL priced game on PS Store because they have seen it when browsing store for something else :)

Even less would they PREORDER anything in that way.

And under "Preorder section" there always were (and are) all three versions of pCARS 2 preorders, listed ahead of GTS on that particular list.

And it is confirmed by dev that pCARS 2 went gold "weeks ago" yet SMS did nothing and is doing nothing to appeal specifically to console players - except leave us actively cofused and uneasy about why is that so?

And that imo is greatest contributor to this low number of sales/rating on PS Store. Their lack of communication to us, on consoles.
Absolutely true, but main issue here is that when looking at how many people pre-ordered (and then rated) pCARS 2 and GTSport on various PSN stores - we see that on US store GTSport is ahead by 40 times (not 4 times, or 12, or 25... but 40 times!) and on EU store it's 17 times (1700%). In my opinion that is not really big problem but what IS is that pCARS 2 developer is likely to do NOT MUCH to appeal to PS4 or Xbox players with actual on-console produced trailers, diaries or whatever...

It is reasonable to assume, given very problematic launch of pCARS 1, that most gamers are now more likely to buy only DISC of pCARS 2 because they have a chance of selling it if history repeats it self... So that MIGHT explain those very low PSN store numbers.

That's not huge problem, as the fact they are pushing me away from my preorder of pCARS 2, disc version, by going for that "we want reviewers to wait with reviews until AFTER they get day 1 patch" bull-thing!

I want pCARS to become awesome competition for two console racing-sim giants, and I think that if they have any sorts of problems like last time, they should just openly say so NOW and ask for reasonable understanding from us. Because if they fail console players again like last time, they will totally lose chance to ever amount to that greatness I wish them to achieve (for my own driving pleasure).
The game as it sits after the day one patch is essentially the release version of the game as intended by the developer. I'm not sure why that would cause any consternation among fans waiting for reviews until after the day one patch. Why would someone want to read a review of the game that isn't the complete software package?
German Amazon best seller charts (from today 01.09.2017)
GTS at 61
F7 not in the top 100
Pc2 not in the top 100
NFS at 41

US Amazon best seller charts (from today 01.09.2017)
GTS not in the top 100
F7 not in the top 100
Pc2 not in the top 100
NFS not in the top 100
German Amazon best seller charts (from today 01.09.2017)
GTS at 61
F7 not in the top 100
Pc2 not in the top 100
NFS at 41

US Amazon best seller charts (from today 01.09.2017)
GTS not in the top 100
F7 not in the top 100
Pc2 not in the top 100
NFS not in the top 100

Unless there are hard numbers on display, Amazon's Best Sellers list should not be considered as an accurate metric. Here's why:
Absolutely true, but main issue here is that when looking at how many people pre-ordered (and then rated) pCARS 2 and GTSport on various PSN stores - we see that on US store GTSport is ahead by 40 times (not 4 times, or 12, or 25... but 40 times!) and on EU store it's 17 times (1700%). In my opinion that is not really big problem but what IS is that pCARS 2 developer is likely to do NOT MUCH to appeal to PS4 or Xbox players with actual on-console produced trailers, diaries or whatever...

It is reasonable to assume, given very problematic launch of pCARS 1, that most gamers are now more likely to buy only DISC of pCARS 2 because they have a chance of selling it if history repeats it self... So that MIGHT explain those very low PSN store numbers.

That's not huge problem, as the fact they are pushing me away from my preorder of pCARS 2, disc version, by going for that "we want reviewers to wait with reviews until AFTER they get day 1 patch" bull-thing!

I want pCARS to become awesome competition for two console racing-sim giants, and I think that if they have any sorts of problems like last time, they should just openly say so NOW and ask for reasonable understanding from us. Because if they fail console players again like last time, they will totally lose chance to ever amount to that greatness I wish them to achieve (for my own driving pleasure).
Question is the first project car review was on pc or console ?
Every conceivable measure tell us GT will sell more than PCARS. LTD of any franchise entry, IP fanbase, first party support, social media posts and interactions, etc.

GTSport needs to bomb critically and even then -- I still don't see PCARS 2 selling more.
I predict 5 million, until the next GT releases. That's how I see it playing out. I think the next GT will be at least 2 or 3 years away, probably 4. By then I wonder if there will be a new playstation. I might be wrong, we'll see how many buy the bundles. I almost forgot about that until I read this thread again.
3.4m by the end of the year.

8.2m lifetime.

Gran Turismo is one of the few franchises with universal appeal, across all demographics, in every region. I see parallels with the launch of the original Destiny. Some will argue it's content light, but the gameplay mechanics and fundamentals will draw you in. Online competition and developer organised events engage a community. I also envisage DLC being more structured, like Destiny, with each drop being treated as a pre-release of sorts.

Another aspect being overlooked (or at least underplayed) is the social aspect. Social media and forums like this demonstrate it's increasing importance. Showing off your garage, livaries and photo's will no doubt be huge. #PS4share is arguably the best innovation this gen, the GTS hub will build on this.
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On my Project Cars 2 page on my PSN store, it has 9 ratings and 2.5 stars. GTS has 400-odd ratings and four stars if that helps anyone.

Edit: Funnily the Project Cars 2 Deluxe Edition has more than 10 ratings and five stars.

I can take screenshots of my PS4 if anyone wants, but this is off of memory from a few days ago.

7 million with 5 million of those ending up in gamestop pre-owned inventory within 12 months.

If that actually happened, it would be on the front page of every gaming news outlet ever.
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