Europe - The Official Thread

They could, but it would be insane and self-destructive to kick Greece out of Europe only for it to become part of a Russian and Chinese economic and ultimately military cooperation.

Nobody is talking about kicking Greece out of the EU, just the Euro zone.
Nobody is talking about kicking Greece out of the EU, just the Euro zone.

Absolutely correct. Given that the "technical assistance" being rendered by the EU has effectively neutered Greece's political sovereignty for now it would be impossible to remove them from the EU, and that's before one even considers their founder-state status.
Whistling past the graveyard.

Prediction: Whatever the vote this weekend, Europe will negotiate with the Greeks and yield better terms.
Whistling past the graveyard.

Prediction: Whatever the vote this weekend, Europe will negotiate with the Greeks and yield better terms.

I think there will be a Yes vote, causing Tsipras and Varoufakis to step down, and Greece accepting the terms provided by the creditors.

In a different scenario Greece easily be kicked out of the Eurozone. Europe is stronger than before, the money spent is already gone for now, no matter what happens. We all know that most of Greece's debt will stay debt forever.

You seem to think that Greece is in any position. They have nothing to offer, they can only accept the terms. If there was a position to negotiate for the Greeks there would have been a agreement quite some time ago.

So, no. The Eurozone isn't over a barrel. The Greeks are the ones strapped down hand and feet, and with a yes vote they get lubed up with olive oil. A no vote means heat rash and rope burn in unpleasant places.
Varoufakis claimed that there is an agreement coming between Greece and the EZ.

Dijsselbloem : Het is volstrekt uit de duim gezogen.

Literally translated : Completely sucked from his thumb.

Normal translation : Absolute bullcrap.

Varoufakis is living in a completely different dimension.

He also claims that if it's a yes the Greek government will sign the deal made on the 25th of June.

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Who are Greece's creditors?
Who are Italy's Ireland's, Spain's and Portugal's creditors?
Who are the United Kingdom's creditors?
Who are the United States' creditors?

This phantom money doesn't make much sense when it's unclear who owes what to whom.
Essentially China, China owns most of The US Debt from memory.

For someone to be in debt another has to be in surplus.
Essentially China, China owns most of The US Debt from memory.
China is the largest foreign holder of US debt... US debt is mainly owned by the US itself.

Europe will negotiate with the Greeks and yield better terms.
Is that you Yanis, and how did you get Dotini's password?!

I disagree - in fact, I reckon that Greece are screwed no matter what happens in the referendum - you can't vote away facts, and the fact remains that Greece are in desperate need of outside help. A no vote would make life much worse much faster, but it might hasten the inevitable and end up resolving the crisis sooner, albeit more painfully. A yes vote will see the Greek government collapse and everything we be back to square one - not ideal for anyone, but at least it will stave off a potentially disasterous deterioration of living standards in Greece - for another few years at least.
Greece needs a puppet government whilst the EU gets them out of that crater they made for themselves.
Is that you Yanis, and how did you get Dotini's password?!

I disagree - in fact, I reckon that Greece are screwed no matter what happens in the referendum - you can't vote away facts, and the fact remains that Greece are in desperate need of outside help. A no vote would make life much worse much faster, but it might hasten the inevitable and end up resolving the crisis sooner, albeit more painfully. A yes vote will see the Greek government collapse and everything we be back to square one - not ideal for anyone, but at least it will stave off a potentially disasterous deterioration of living standards in Greece - for another few years at least.
The gentleman disagrees. Shall we wager? Are the betting houses publishing odds?
Please tell me it's not true that Greece destroyed all of its money printing machines as part of the switch to the Euro...

That's what I read at today's newspaper at least. :indiff:
The most important Chinese stock market has crashed well over 20% in the last month.

This could have nasty implications for other markets.
The most important Chinese stock market has crashed well over 20% in the last month.

This could have nasty implications for other markets.

Maybe we can now get cheap Chinese goods! :dopey:
I'm so glad I'm not an Australian mining mogul right now.
Here is implied irrational behavior at the head of the European Union.
It has emerged that European members on the board of the International Monetary Fund tried to suppress the publication of a report by the IMF showing that Greece's debt is "unsustainable" and that the country is in grave need of debt relief.

This validates the claim by Syriza that a deal without debt restructuring fails to go to the root of the problem, and merely ensures another crisis later. Angry staff members at the IMF leaked parts of the paper to the German press, forcing full publication.

The EMU creditors have so far refused to offer any debt relief. The danger is that this hard line will backfire, forcing Greece to default on an estimated €340bn of liabilities to the eurozone system. This would entail vastly greater losses for the creditors.
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Apparently, without debt restructuring, both a No vote and a Yes vote lead to Armageddon, if the current white-hot rhetoric is be believed.

The full results of the poll will be known Monday morning.
Apparently, without debt restructuring, both a No vote and a Yes vote lead to Armageddon, if the current white-hot rhetoric is be believed.

The full results of the poll will be known Monday morning.

The EU knows what needs to be done. With a yes vote there won't be sudden armageddon or nationwide poverty.

However, their luxurious lifestyle needs some changes. Retirement age going up is one thing. Not having a gazillion civil servants is second.
The EU knows what needs to be done. With a yes vote there won't be sudden armageddon or nationwide poverty.

However, their luxurious lifestyle needs some changes. Retirement age going up is one thing. Not having a gazillion civil servants is second.
Wouldn't you say the Greeks, or a bunch of them anyway, are communists at heart?
Wouldn't you say the Greeks, or a bunch of them anyway, are communists at heart?

I wouldn't say communists, but a lot of them seem to be on that side of the political spectrum.
European Union is a lie it will never work without a Federal Governament that rules over National Governaments for the interest of the whole EU not for the interest of single countries.

What we have now is just a bunch of bankers playing puppets behind the scenes, diktating what everyone else have to do. That's why UK never entered euro zone and never will, they knew it since the beginning.
These bankers want Greece to accept the deal so they can basically put them to slavery. They'll had to work to pay the debt for generations.

It's time for Greece to move on and start a new life. Without EU madness they should be competitive on the solar energy export. If they succeed they will be able to pay debts with growth (and not with austerity a.k.a. slavery) and it will be the official end of Euro and European Union.
The official results have not yet begun to be reported.

However, BBC is tentatively reporting a few unofficial telephone polls (with a wide margin of error) indicating the No vote has a slight advantage.
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BBC are interviewing experts who believe the European project could or would unravel in the event of a No vote and a subsequent exit of Greece from the Euro.
BBC have just reported that with 7.5% of the vote officially reported, the No vote is almost 60%!!

Edit: Now with 23% reported, the 'no' vote is just over 60%.
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Greece done just killed themselves.

Now the EU needs to show their nuts and kick Greece out, taking the loss for now.

The Greeks want it this way, then they can have it their way.
Greece done just killed themselves.

Now the EU needs to show their nuts and kick Greece out, taking the loss for now.

The Greeks want it this way, then they can have it their way.

The referendum was not about staying or leaving the EU.