EVERYBODY READ. GT4 Suggestions. Seriously Reply to this one.

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1.Drag cars w/tracks, (airport runways and drag strips).

2.Very long circle track made like a highway complete with traffic and maybe cops or just a city/town to drive in w/highway.

3.The salt flats (w/jet powered vehicles) or just a very long road to test max speed.

4.Really old school famous cars like model t's duesenburgs and rolls royces.

5.Exaust smoke and flames from tailpipes.

6.Trucks I mainly like any Pikes Peak climbers.

7.Possible paint your own car app. (I would be very satisfied only if it were to change the color and maybe put on decals ala Tokyo Extreme Racer)

8.Simple track design program.

9.Good cars like Mclaren, Ferrari, BMW, Lamborgini, and porche, etc...

10.The ability to change the times of day. (Dawn, Noon, Dusk, and Night)

11.A few more famous tracks like maybe the Nurinburgring and any others you guys can think up.

12.Car mods. and or more tuner cars (Jun, Spoon, etc...)

13.The in game sounds need to be better.

14.Someone already put this up but I would love if they had puddles on rally races. (When ever I see any picture of a rally car it is always flying through a huge puddle.)

15.You should be able to lock the front brakes and do some very smokey burnouts at a standstill.

I'm sure I could think of a lot more but this is good enough. I just hope PD checks forums like these to check what are the most requested possible additions.
I would be really really really happy if I could see a few more BMW's in there. Like the M3, M5, M Coupe, X Coupe, and the Z8. This would make me so happy to see those cars in here. I was hoping the GT3 would have them, but it doesn't. Please make those cars!
i've purchased every installment of the GT series within a week of their respective launch dates, and love the series. however, here's my little list of what i'd like to see...

1 - licensed visual / performence mods. why stop at licesned cars? wouldn't it be cool to buy an iceman intake? flowmaster exaust system? a streetfighter body kit? that'd push the customization level way over the top!

2 - drag racing (yes it's been mentioned but it's worth repeating) this would not be very hard to impliment at all and i think that it's a long overdue addition.

3 - fully modeled interiors. i think it's safe to say that polyphony has mastered the exteriors of these cars, so the next logical step would be interiors.

4 - if this is "the real driving simulator" then why no clutch option? the addition of a clutch button would greatly improve the overall feel of driving.

and even though it probably won't ever happen because of the lame car manufactorers... car damage? come on, that would be so cool!

well that's pretty much it for me.

Well if it's possible to lock up the front brakes and just spin the back tires (while stationary) I would sure like to know how!!
Originally posted by Tazz575
1.Being able to customize your whole car from Apperance to whats under the hood.

2.Drag Racing.

3.Used cars.

4.More classic cars.

I'd like number 4 there to read something like: "Build up the total number of cars available from game to game. Try not to lose cars from one version to include different cars on the next. "

I really miss being able to use some of the GT1 and GT2 cars on GT3 with all the enhancements. Us early rotary fans would like to see the 1st gen RX-7 and the Cosmo JC back in the game. Of course we appreciate the inclusion of the RX-8, the RX-7 RZ and the 787B LeMans car too. :)

I would like to see the list of cars ever expanding to include (obviously) new manufacturer releases, but also lost classics that we may never get a chance to drive in real life. Again, from a rotary fanatic's viewpoint, examples would be the '67 Cosmo 110S, R100, and RX-2 thru 5 (Cosmo). I'd of course like the REPU (Rotary Engine Pickup) too, but I don't think a truck fits the spirit of the game. It would add a new dimention to the rally events though...

I understand that the complexity of design was an incredible undertaking on GT3, and appreciate that some sacrifices needed to be made. Honestly though, I would have preferred more cars, and less of the "oil change" tracking and "functional car wash" type stuff. :)

I'm hangin' in there, but the only reason I bought a PS2 was for GT3. At the prices this stuff is going for (including the $100 GT Force wheel) I could have modded my REAL RX-7. The cars make the game for some of us.

they should make it so you can put your car in a wind tunnel, so you can see how much drag you have on the car, that way you can add or take out stuff 😈
The first thing they should improve is the car list include more American cars even possibly SUVs and Trucks. Also they should bring back racing modification because that is the main reason why most of us fixed up our cars in GT2, but this time they should let you join a team. Another improvement should be in the computer racers. I mean they shouldn't be hard cause they're perfect, they should be hard cause the use the skills you use to win. All tracks should be available in Arcade with traffic ,or day settings. The top speed test should be a continuous straight road. Add damage only if graphics, the number of cars in the race, or speed of game won't suffer. One last thing car tune shouldbe available in all area's.(ie: iLink and 2player) That 's it for now but If I think of more improvements then I'll post again
Originally posted by milt2000
The first thing they should improve is the car list include more American cars even possibly SUVs and Trucks.

Well, I agree with most of what you said, but what other American cars do you want to see? The big 'uns are already there. Viper, Corvette, Mustang, Camaro, Panoz, etc. All I notice missing is the Pontiacs and Cadillacs (yep some of those Northstar engines are retty quick, even though I would never want to take a corner of any kind with serious speed going in one) and the muscle cars from GT2.

I hate to rail on somone on their 1st post anywhere, but the name of the game is "Gran Turismo". What on earth makes you think they would ever add trucks and SUVs? Why on earth would you WANT trucks and especially SUVs?!? I see enough of those in traffic. They are big and useless on pavement. Now if they have some off roading courses (not rally), that might be different, but that wouldn't be GT then would it? ;)

How about a tractor pull in GT4! :lol:
Originally posted by VASTALIS
I totally forgot about Drag Racing! Talk about way over-due!

Yes. This we need. :) Maybe less funny-car-ish than the GT2 drag cars though. How about using the existing cars and forgetting the cars that don't turn worth a d@mn?
Originally posted by Np32683
I would be really really really happy if I could see a few more BMW's in there. Like the M3, M5, M Coupe, X Coupe, and the Z8. This would make me so happy to see those cars in here. I was hoping the GT3 would have them, but it doesn't. Please make those cars!

I think they'd do just that, if they could get liscencing rights from BMW. Is BMW licenced to a different game?
Does this Forum have polling capabilities? Maybe we should be polling on the popularity of some of these things. I feel like critiquing some of the suggestions, but that is just waaaaay too wordy and time consuming. I'm sure most of you could care less what I think anyway. ;)

I don't know why I'm suggesting this either. Surely my own ideas (rotary anything is good :D ) will lose out to some other ideas that would be more pupular.

I do have this to say about the excellent ideas of more manufacturers and tuners that are obviously missing: Sony would be sued from here to eternity if they don't have the express written permission of the copyright holders. I'm sure they would love to include Ferrari, Porch and Lamborghini, as much as we would all love to drive them. But if those manufacturers/tuners already have exclusive contracts, no amount of "we want" is going to change it. :(

"Rotary Power: Breakfast of the underdog" - Me
Well I wouldnl't mind seeing a change in the actual cars appearance when you change the Muffler (Like you could change the muffler to a racing muffler and it would be a big old muffler like on an import instead of a tiny stock muffler). Also, like when you lower the car, the car actually Looks lower. Also ability to add things that make your car look fancy, like a racing modification (gt2), ground effect kits (bumpers, lights, etc), rear lights (anybody else like the Lights on the Altezza?? :)) and Nitrous and stuff. A drag racing mode would be ideal, and being able to change tire compounds in the Pit would be awesome. I've found myself accidentally running a 10 lapper on super softs hehe. Used cars were a good option in GT2 also.

1) Two player simulation mode with fully tuned cars.
It sux to spend all that time tweaking the car setup and have to run two player races in arcade mode with untunable/unadjustable cars.

2) full race mods for ALL cars - like in GT2
The TVR Cerbera (speed 12) is a wonderful car, but needs more downforce! :)

3) Computer cars are very successful at spinned out the player. Why can the player not spin out the computer cars?

4) more relistic physics all around. I'm sure anyone who has played has done a very unrelistic 360 because your a tire went in the sand. These type of unrelistic spin outs really bother me. I've even seen the car spinning opposit of the enertia. Anybody else ever hit the foot bride in mid air?

5) Classic American cars! (Shelby Cobra Daytona, Charger Daytona, Muscle cars!)

6) changing tire compunds during a race

7) car damage (and paint shop!)

8) more metal on the sound track! Judas Priest and Motley Crue kick 4$$ (even though they blank it out in Kick Start My Heart!)
Good cars like Mclaren, Ferrari, BMW, Lamborgini, and porche, etc...

There is 1 good reason that these cars are not in the GT series EA's Need For Speed EA went and tied up these makes with licences ages ago (back in the 16 bit computer era) when NFS 1 came out, it stank too! :mad:
I'd like them to bring back some of the 'good tracks' from GT2 (there was the one with the evening/dusk type sunlight, there was also the one with the banked corners) and use the test track and the High Speed Ring (IMHMO it looked better in GT2 also) less.

Nurunburing (SP?) old track. Would be a good track to model as it isn't used by the F1 people so SONY would only have to deal with the track people.

There seams 100's of people who want loads of big old US cars. This game is sold world wide, most people outside the USA wouldn't really care. 2 or 3 would be nice, but like 10+. why?
When I said SUV's I meant the ones like:
1.345 hp Escalade
2.282 hp X5
3.270 hp Trailblazer
4.235 hp Grand Cherokee
5.342 hp ML55
6.240 hp MDX
All of the following have 0-60mph times under 8 seconds. Which is faster than a lot of cars on GT3. Plus I have seen some fixed up SUV's that can race Camaro's and Mustangs. I mean If they put the PT Cruiser and The Mini on here, which are both very slow then the should put SUV's and Trucks.
1. More Cars
2. Make it so that you don't have to watch a reply straight after a race.
3.Big 4wd e.g. Jeep Cherokee
4. More F1 circuits, new and old.
Right, this is my forst post on here but i'm by no means a GT novice. In fact me and my mates have played it so much i'm begginging to look loike this :eek: Anyway my dream list: 💡

1) Getting rid of the racing mods was a big mistake, they should be brought back and also built upon. You should be able to design your own paint jobs (nothing spectacular, just a few colours) as well as choosing the signwriting/decals to enavle you to give your car a truly original look!


2) I'd also love it if you could transfer parts between various cars. I know some people say its sad but i'd love to kick the rear seats out my mini and drop my skyline motor in there :D ! Can you imagine a series race just for those! lol

3) What else...i'd love to see damage but i think the concept would require an awful lot of work that would be better spent elsewhere, maybe one for GT5 or 6 lads??? :rolleyes:

4) i also agree with a large amount of othere people's idea's. I.e-in car views, more rain affected races, safety car in the endurance races (please!!!!) and fog etc on the rally stages. Oh, one last thing, well done with the rally section in GT3 because i hate to say it but the rally part in GT2 was :spam: Sorry guys....

C ya, and remember:

:eek: You can PRACTISE, PRACTISE, PRACTISE, i will still beat you :eek:You can PRACTISE, PRACTISE, PRACTISE, i will still beat you
Originally posted by Tom McDonnell
Excellent Idea actually. One of the best effects in Final Fantasy 7,8, and 9 was when they mixed the Polygons with FMV. How great would it look to have a real pit crew come out and service your car, Tires, Fuel, Windshield cleansing and all. With the sheer amount of data that DVD can hold, I'll bet it's a technical possibility.
No offense but when I used to play my sega genesis, I rented a game called virtua racer and although the graphics obviously sucked, even they were able to have a pit crew.
Originally posted by Np32683
I would be really really really happy if I could see a few more BMW's in there. Like the M3, M5, M Coupe, X Coupe, and the Z8. This would make me so happy to see those cars in here. I was hoping the GT3 would have them, but it doesn't. Please make those cars!
I completely agree. My two favorite possible cars that I have a chance of getting are opel speedsters and the heavenly bmw z3. That car is so nice.
Originally posted by milt2000
When I said SUV's I meant the ones like:
1.345 hp Escalade
2.282 hp X5
3.270 hp Trailblazer
4.235 hp Grand Cherokee
5.342 hp ML55
6.240 hp MDX
All of the following have 0-60mph times under 8 seconds. Which is faster than a lot of cars on GT3. Plus I have seen some fixed up SUV's that can race Camaro's and Mustangs. I mean If they put the PT Cruiser and The Mini on here, which are both very slow then the should put SUV's and Trucks.
How about a range rover that would be tight. Also I saw a mustang construction truck today that might be interesting if there was a special cup in gt4 or 5 just for those since theyre probably not made for speed. Maybe some kind of a challenge like who can tip over the other truck first. How about putting that as a rally license test?
Originally posted by GT3Maniac
No offense but when I used to play my sega genesis, I rented a game called virtua racer and although the graphics obviously sucked, even they were able to have a pit crew.

Genesis wasn't working with the same type of restrictions as CD/dvd based systems, as it could nearly instantly load whatever data it needed on the fly. And, perhaps the graphics "sucked" just a little bit more because of the pit crew.
Not at all, perhaps I should have used smilies, as looking at the message, it did look nasty.:) It's just that being around video games since the Atari 2600, I have seen great game series go down the tubes in the name of "improvement" and added features. the GT series is the first to actually get better with every iteration. (2 had waaay more stuff, but which would you rather play? 2 or 3?):) My biggest fear is that these game companies will screw up a good thing looking to give a feature rich experience, lacking in what is important at the core.
I'd love to see a pit crew, just not until they can do it without sacrificing what's important (maybe the HD will change all this though.):)
How bout no Vitz's at all. The Vitz needs to disappear from Gran Turismo games right now, no more Vitz's and no more 10 lap test course Vitz race.
spoiler shop and more real racing cars
like the real touring cars from all over the world
like the good old dtm cars from 94/97 more calibra's and benz
and real racing rules(flags and pacecar)
and beter opponents
How about a gas tank for endurance races?
Tires blowing out if you use them for too long while they're red(like if you never pit on Super Speedway or another endruance race)
Be able to change your oil while in a game, so you get better performance if you max out.
Light-weight map making kit
Be able to work with the internet, so if you have a cable modem or DSL, you can play multiplayer with that over the internet.
Custom Team Colours.
Have an intro video where they show everyone jumping into their cars before they get ready to race, then they race like they would on a IS(International S, a step harder than S and 2 harder than IA)
Have an option in Arcade Mode where you can choose your competition(which cars you race against)
If your car hits a wall at a 90 degree angle and you're going 250, your car better explode, then have a pop-up window that says "Game Over- You have died in a high-speed crash"
Be able to drive off a cliff and be out of the race for good
Time and Weather option
Time and weather change during endurance races(like if you're on Trial Mountain or something, it starts out with the sun setting, then clouds come over and it rains, then while it's raining the sun goes down and you have to turn on your headlights
Option to turn on/off headlights
Look left/right while in 1st person view(who just looks back when they're driving and not to the side?

I would go on, but this looks like a good length here.:D
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