EXCLUSIVE GT5:P Spec II - NINTH update (NEW DFGT Wheel Hands-On, April 18)

  • Thread starter amar212
They are, there wrecking a good game, turning it in to a arcade racer. Penalties, 2Million limit in the bank, can't tune your car until you unlock it, lol. What a joke.

Congratulations, first 360 fanboy troll to find this thread, you win 3 red LEDs LOL
You'll be surprised how soon you can rack up the money. you get paid for evry online race you enter whether you finish fist (most money) or last (least money)

I've already had 1mil and spent it all on Ferraris ;)

Won't be playing online, to many idiots wreck near every race.

You either get bad sportsmanship or people who believe a race is only good with fast cars.

I like racing real street cars you or I drive every day, they don't go quick or anything but I like driving them. You play online, you have your Civic lined up next to a GT40 or now a Ferrari, lol. Unless PD do something to prevent that?
Wow, I've always heard the F40 was good, but never got a real simulation of one, and now thanks to Polyphony Digital everyone can drive more than the F40, i.e the F2007 !!! :crazy:

This game easily blows Forza 2 off my map as far as pure driving and racing goes, and this is just the Prologue !, think what the full blown GT5 will be :mischievous:

There is no way Forza 2 stands a chance once GT5 is released in full glory :bowdown:
Don't own a XBOX 360, only PS3, how am I a fanboy?

youre coming off as anti gran turismo. a trait often held by 360 and FM "fanboys."

i will say, that i think you are being much too harsh. PD, for the reasons you seem make them idiots, make them, in fact, not idiots. if they include all the features that will be in the full game, with millions (possibly) worldwide already buying prologue, they may lose potential buyers of GT5 who decide to stick with GT5 Redux. Prologue is a test bed (and something to hold our appetites); for online, for handling and physics, sound (maybe) and overall reaction to the cars included. To a lesser extent they will be, presumably, looking at the opinions like yours, to see what options they have omitted by accident. However, the things you want, WILL, as they have been in all GT games before, undoubtedly, be in GT5. So PD may skip over your thoughts as those features have been left out on purpose as to not detract from GT5 Full.

While I generally dislike the idea that, if you don't like it, it's not for you, it applies in the case of Prologue. It's not really for the people looking for a great video game. Its for the people who want a quick, high def racing fix. I would hold off on criticism (not feedback) until Full is released.
Don't own a XBOX 360, only PS3, how am I a fanboy?

By posting up inflamitory comments aimed at getting a negative responce from people.....calling PD morons would be the best example of this. A bit like going on a ford site and saying fords are rubbish then asking why people are getting upset with you?
Won't be playing online, to many idiots wreck near every race.

You either get bad sportsmanship or people who believe a race is only good with fast cars.

I like racing real street cars you or I drive every day, they don't go quick or anything but I like driving them. You play online, you have your Civic lined up next to a GT40 or now a Ferrari, lol. Unless PD do something to prevent that?

Got a Golf GTi . Thats in there.

Are you really that stupid to think that PD or anyone else would line a Civic up against anything other than a car of the same class.
This is a great question, Dave! I can imagine a forum where you can actually post exact setting configuration files would be very popular, and is something that I would love to include here on GTPlanet.

Quick thinking Jordan. I will ALWAYS come here first for my GT info. It is a bit silly that an "unofficial" site has more info, and will offer better support for PDs games. It will also be nice to share our tuning freely. Although I see a black market for top leader board tunes exploding shortly after launch. What are guy's thoughts on this kinda thing. Should tunes be free, or cost money, in game or real.
eastley, if you are so smart then you make a game..

morons? so much disrespect there...
By posting up inflamitory comments aimed at getting a negative responce from people.....calling PD morons would be the best example of this. A bit like going on a ford site and saying fords are rubbish then asking why people are getting upset with you?

Forza 2 is nothing more than a tie over arcade racer IMO, it was ok, but I want realism, I would just hate it if PD were to start adding arcade like features. IMO GT4 is better than Forza 2, soif PD stick to trends and keep it real the GT5 will only be further ahead.
This is a great question, Dave! I can imagine a forum where you can actually post exact setting configuration files would be very popular, and is something that I would love to include here on GTPlanet.

Thanks Jordan, I appreciate that. I highly agree, having such a resource here would be incredible.

I believe the members of the GT family would be more apt to share. As opposed to the "EA Locker" for NASCAR '08.

Having a lot of tuning options can be very overwhelming for people like myself.
i think PD will have some arcade features to attract buyers who would normally purchase NFS. but with the pro mode it looks like we will still have the most far reaching console sim. there has always been an arcade mode.
I agree with eastley. I certainly do NOT like a money cap or being required to complete so and so races just to open up an in-depth tuning system. Neither of these are realistic at all. Money caps are what drove away quite a few Forza 2 folks.

Big negative for me, and I'm thankful both are subject to change.
Forza 2 is nothing more than a tie over arcade racer IMO, it was ok, but I want realism, I would just hate it if PD were to start adding arcade like features. IMO GT4 is better than Forza 2, soif PD stick to trends and keep it real the GT5 will only be further ahead.

First you call PD morons, now your saying GT4 is better than FM2, and you don't have 360....hhmmm. Are there currently any meds you may have forgotten to take? Have you been bathing in LSD? Don't want to stray to far of topic, but I also get frustrated with PD from time to time, so just back away from the PC and give it a day till you can gather thought more... well more thoughtfully.
You play online, you have your Civic lined up next to a GT40 or now a Ferrari, lol. Unless PD do something to prevent that?

PD as set classes in each online event so you have to worry about racing a Ferrari with a Civic. They events made for each class of car.
I agree with eastley. I certainly do NOT like a money cap or being required to complete so and so races just to open up an in-depth tuning system. Neither of these are realistic at all. Money caps are what drove away quite a few Forza 2 folks.

Big negative for me, and I'm thankful both are subject to change.

My feeling for why they put a cap on the money is, since you can transfer credit towards the final game PD probably did not want ppl coming into the game with a billion dollars worth of credit.

It's weird you have to unlock the in-depth tuning mode, but I'm glad it's in the EU/US ver. so I really can't complain.
My feeling for why they put a cap on the money is, since you can transfer credit towards the final game PD probably did not want ppl coming into the game with a billion dollars worth of credit.

It's weird you have to unlock the in-depth tuning mode, but I'm glad it's in the EU/US ver. so I really can't complain.
Polyphony could easily put a small limit on any money that is being transferred. GT4 allowed you an extra couple thousand dollars if it found a GT3 save.
Polyphony could easily put a small limit on any money that is being transferred. GT4 allowed you an extra couple thousand dollars if it found a GT3 save.

Ya I forgot about that, you got $10,000. Not sure why there would be a money cap. PD has its own ideas and as fans we have no choice but to go along with them if we want to play their games. I can deal with anything PD does or doesn't do correctly, hell I play FM2.
I thought this had yet to be confirmed?

I thought that was confirmed..
But any who, even if yes, I don't think you can transfer 2 million, maybe 200 thousand like last time or whatever it was.
By posting up inflamitory comments aimed at getting a negative responce from people.....calling PD morons would be the best example of this. A bit like going on a ford site and saying fords are rubbish then asking why people are getting upset with you?

Except that in your analogy, it would be more like him going to a Ford site and saying "F150 is rubbish compared to the Tundra due to the fact that it costs more, isn't as powerful, and can't haul as much." There is a huge difference.
I don't care about that, I like to re-earn my credits in the full game, I never transfered my GT4P bonus credits to full GT4.
We do not have the full picture...If PD put restrictions into GTp then there will be a reason, not that we will know why for a while or ever. it wont simply be there for no reason. Why do you need to collect money? you earn money, you buy all the cars then what you want to earn money just to see how much you can get? I tend to agree with the idea posted earlier in that PD don't want people carrying millions over into GT5.....you could in principal buy every car in the game on day one giving you a HUGE online advantage and in compertitions.
First you call PD morons, now your saying GT4 is better than FM2, and you don't have 360....hhmmm. Are there currently any meds you may have forgotten to take? Have you been bathing in LSD? Don't want to stray to far of topic, but I also get frustrated with PD from time to time, so just back away from the PC and give it a day till you can gather thought more... well more thoughtfully.

maybe morons was a little over the top, but still I am just hoping they don't go down the arcade way. And just because I made that comment does not mean I am a XBOX360 fan boy or FM2.
I thought that was confirmed..
But any who, even if yes, I don't think you can transfer 2 million, maybe 200 thousand like last time or whatever it was.

Hm.. hopefully someone will come in and add some clarity to this subject. For sure, I think if you are able to transfer credits, there will be some sort of imposed limitation.
I think Credits are limited to 2 million is because maybe they will include few Downloadable cars. So once you have 2 Million, you buy that F1 game, the sooner or later, new Cars will come out, so you need to do some races to win them.