Expert Class: Daytona Road - RWD Only - 600pp - @ :03, :18, :33, :48

  • Thread starter JvM
I'll try the F430 out at xx33.

I'll start from the back as my best free-run laptime in it has only ever been a 54.4...And I really can't see how any more time can be gained through the infield :(
I'll try the F430 out at xx33.

I'll start from the back as my best free-run laptime in it has only ever been a 54.4...And I really can't see how any more time can be gained through the infield :(

A 1'54 in free run is superb Ian, the 1'53s and 1'52s are all in draft. I think Jack's managed a few 1'53s without draft and I did ONCE, but a 1'54 in free air is as solid as any of us. You're totally ON the pace and I can confirm that from when I raced you the other day here 👍

All the best
Too laggy for me that time round.

Edit: I can see Horde lurking. I reckon he's practising right now banging in the laptimes in free-run!
:banghead: the stupid GTR knocked me off the track god damm it!! lol.i dont know why he was waiting...
great race though 👍
Sorry for the sloppiness through the chincane guys. :crazy: It takes me a few races to get in the rhythm, especially this early in the morning. :dopey:
Lol, I'll come back to this one later on guys.

Last race was only a handful of us and it was laggy, second race only me and GTRP EDE and then I got disconnected.

Off for some GTR thrashing me thinks!


Just a thought guys, we never EVER get caught by the leader (I will enter next race as 650pp just to make sure) so instead of only waiting 20seconds and still mixing it with the retards at the back - should we not wait like...a minute?

This way we won't have to wait for eachother, to stay in a pack if someone gets taken off by a non-member.

I think racing should be off the cuff. If we all get spread out due to us making mistakes on our own, we shouldn't wait for them? I'd feel silly enough if I span on my own, let alone if you all waited for me too lol!

Just a thought?
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How much waiting did you guys do in that race?

I think we could wait for 40 seconds and this would allow us as 600pp not to catch the slower 650 guys, which would create a much smoother race for us all.
That was quite a good race. Bumping and grinding but no silly mistakes and the best bit was - we only caught up with the newbies on the last lap!

I reckon we could start later? Shall we say, 50seconds?
I'm going over to NTSC 650 Daytona for a of my fellow racers is begging me to come join him lol. Sorry for the taps in the last race RPM! It took a while to get used to your braking points and different lines in the M3. Good job driving that beast though!
Yeah, it's a lot heavier so need to brake a bit earlier. But the torque really helps around this circuit compared to the F430 and I think I prefer it. With a decent tune I don't see why on a free run this couldn't do a high 53.

Just did a 54.5 in the last race (on my own) and that's being very conservative in the chicane!

Since no one was on that last race, I'll head to 650pp Daytona in my GTR now.

But will be back later on-ski. Caio
Anyone that wants to give the NSX-R a whirl can get it in my thread... I posted it up, it has cleared inspection and is ready to go! Lots of fun to drive once you learn the limits.. and it picks up the draft like crazy! :lol:
should we wait til :40??? so we dont end up with the stragglers?!?!
Sorry about that big bump there on the oval Calcifer... I lost control of my NSX trying to pass 👍
How many people you got in here? I see lots of topic viewers, but that doesn't count for much?

You got over 4 people average?

Also, what time are you guys going at now?

I found waiting 40 seconds worked better than 20, but xx33 I'll be waiting until 50seconds is up.

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I got disconnect, but looks like it was a good bunch there.. Xx.33
What do you think about leaving 50seconds later?

We tried 40 seconds, me timeattack and EBK and we didn't catch any newbies until the final lap heading towards the chicane.

50seconds would be perfect.

Anyone else confirm?