Explosion in Manchester UK

  • Thread starter Mr P
Intelligence officers have identified 23,000 jihadist extremists
That is the size of a small Army... Just imagine if they all got together for a coordinated attack? But hey,nothing to worry about right? /s
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From my FB feed.

Breaking News: Hundreds of people evacuated from London's The Old Vic Theater; police cordoning off the area.
It's been an hour and not even PA is covering this yet. Sure it happened?
Well that doesn't answer the question I asked at all.

Give it another go.
Why bother. I mean seriously why.

I prefer the latest instruction manual I received.

So we should look into the background of these individuals without....posting about....the backgrounds of the individuals?

Are you currently in an investigative body to whom said background info would be of use? Because if you aren't, the background of this particular asshat does you no good and only serves to further the agenda of ISIS and other terrorist bodies.
Are you currently in an investigative body to whom said background info would be of use? Because if you aren't, the background of this particular asshat does you no good and only serves to further the agenda of ISIS and other terrorist bodies.
No sir!

I will wait until the next attack and keep my head down knowing that ignorance is bliss sir!
OK, going off this.

Presumably they've dug up some background info on this asshat and you and a bunch of people have read it.

Now what? How on earth do you plan on using that information to stop the next terror attack?
I'd say it's to calm down the situation and make it appear as if they have everything under control.
Why bother. I mean seriously why.

I prefer the latest instruction manual I received.

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That's odd, because given your post you seemed to be quite sure people were doing just that.

So given your refusal to answer I can only conclude that either you can't answer it or you were exaggerating people's position for some reason.

Let's try a new one, who has called anyone wanting to stop terrorism a rasict or bigot?

Again you must have the answer to this given you desire to share the cartoon.
Why bother. I mean seriously why.
I was wondering the same thing. What are you getting out of this conversation if you're just simply pretending that you've not been asked a question or, where you deign to answer, pretend you've been asked a totally different one?

I'm still waiting on the question of how you, personally, will stop the next dick from blowing himself up with a bunch of other people now that you know the name and recent travel itinerary of the last dick who blew himself up with a bunch of other people.

And I suspect I'm going to be waiting a very long time, because you don't even answer questions directly when you have the expert knowledge on the source material...
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There have been some rumours about Ariana Grande coming back for a benefit concert and that was announced earlier, will take place this Sunday at Old Trafford Cricket ground, among those performing will be Katy Perry, Usher, Miley Cyrus and Pharrell Williams.
It's been confirmed in US media.
Oops. I haven't heard about other artists.
Nevermind confirmed.
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Manchester One Love Concert, tomorrow night from 7pm at Old Trafford Cricket Ground, it will be live on BBC One, confirmed performers are...Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, Usher, Robbie Williams, Take That, Coldplay, Katie Perry, Niall Horan, Pharrell Williams, Little Mix, Black Eyed Peas and of course Ariana Grande.

ITV has moved Britain's Got Talent final from tomorrow night to tonight so the concert can get more exposure, which is a nice gesture and also a pretty big deal considering BGT final consistently gets 10 million+ viewers.
The gig he played last night was from the Etihad Stadium, home of Manchester City Football Club.
Manchester One Love Concert, tomorrow night from 7pm at Old Trafford Cricket Ground, it will be live on BBC One, confirmed performers are...Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, Usher, Robbie Williams, Take That, Coldplay, Katie Perry, Niall Horan, Pharrell Williams, Little Mix, Black Eyed Peas and of course Ariana Grande.

ITV has moved Britain's Got Talent final from tomorrow night to tonight so the concert can get more exposure, which is a nice gesture and also a pretty big deal considering BGT final consistently gets 10 million+ viewers.

...While I wish the event huge success, other than Coldplay, I can barely raise any interest in the "artists" to be featured in the concert. Hell, even with Coldplay I'm really pushing it here.

But if you're going there, well, enjoy yourselves to the fullest. That's all.
In the case of Manchester I have no idea if all the elements were in place and the proof was there to arrest the dick in question or not. If they were, the police failed. If they were no, they did not.

This piece (snippet below) republished from The Independent, makes it appear that the British government and security services had all the elements in place to have prevented the massacre. But at the time, Dick & Co. was acting as an ally, vouched for and abetted by MI5 and MI6. He exceeded his brief.

Salman Abedi was responsible for what he did, but he could not have killed 22 people and maimed another 139 others, half of them children, if the British government had not acted as it did in Libya in 2011. And its responsibility goes well beyond its disastrous policy of joining the Libyan civil war, overthrowing Gaddafi and replacing him with warring tribes and militias.

Manchester had since the 1990s become a centre for a small but dangerous group of exiled Libyans belonging to anti-Gaddafi groups, such as the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, originally formed by Libyans fighting the communists in Afghanistan. After the invasion of Iraq in 2003, strict measures were taken by MI5 and the police against Libyans thought likely to sympathise with al-Qaeda in Iraq and, later, Isis. They were subject to counter-terrorism control orders monitoring and restricting their movements and often had their passports confiscated.

But no sooner had Britain joined the war against Gaddafi than these suspected terrorists became useful allies. Their control-orders were lifted, their passports returned and they were told that the British government had no problem with them going to Libya to fight against Gaddafi. In place of past restrictions, they were allowed to pass to and fro at British airports. Some militants are reported as saying that when they had problems with counter-terrorism police when flying to Libya, the MI5 officers with whom they were in touch were willing to vouch for them and ease their way to the battlefront in Libya, where MI6 was cooperating with Qatar and UAE as financiers of the armed opposition.

This opportunistic alliance between the British security services and Libyan Salafi-jihadis may explain why Salman Abedi, though by now high up on the list of potential terrorists, was able to fly back to Manchester from Libya unimpeded a few days before he blew himself up.
This piece (snippet below) republished from The Independent, makes it appear that the British government and security services had all the elements in place to have prevented the massacre. But at the time, Dick & Co. was acting as an ally, vouched for and abetted by MI5 and MI6. He exceeded his brief.


Hmm. It sounds like the concept of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" doesn't take into account what happens if the enemy of your enemy is an insane psychopath.

You'd think that there'd be more than enough examples by now of the bad things that happen when legitimate governments actively support terrorist groups that they see as "friendly".

It finishes with a neat TLDR;

Independent Opinion Piece
It is easy enough to convict Cameron and Sarkozy of hypocrisy, but a more telling accusation is that they betrayed the very national interests that they were seeking to advance. They destroyed Libya as a country, reduced its six million people to misery and played into the hands of men like Salman Abedi.

The use of language in "enabled" could be seen as a little misleading when it actually talks about Libyans whose travel was restricted and then lifted. Salman Abedi was British born and bred. It seems from everything GMP have said that they had no evidence of him planning to make the attack.