Extreme Tracks: Jump Courses/Technical Tracks

  • Thread starter r2nyGT5
I am fortunate to have both Mt Murder and Eif, but it appears I can only share one at a time? Does anyone know how to share more than one downloaded track?

You can load one track, have a friend download it. Upload a new track have a friend download it. repeat.
Can you add me as a friend so I can have the track please? I wouldn't be able to add you till tomorrow.
It would be nice for someone to post some track specs for the Eifel tracks so we could create our own jump tracks. XD
Could anybody still sharing mt.Murder add me on PSN? PSN is kona309.

Edit: I will also take the eifel track if anybody has that one for sharing.
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Same here, my PSN is kwonz

I'd try adding the original poster's id but it's full. So someone else who has this, can they please add me so I can try this track out too. Thanks.
Meanwhile, at the GT Flight Academy...

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Agreed!! Will someone please add me, I'd LOVE to try one of these tracks!!!! :) hahaha they look too friggin' fun!! Lmao!!

My PSN: tylorweaver

Thanks y'all!!!
I know I'm not the only one that has made tracks that pushed the AI to it's limits.
Here we feature unrealistic technical tracks that send the AI into the air or cause them to skid around like maniacs. Endless hills, huge jumps, blind-corners, dodging other racers etc.
Post your tracks!

I'll post one of mine:
Mt. "Murder"

Its not really realistic, but still pretty challenging, your dodging the AI as they skid and nosedive over hills and crash (If you choose fast cars for the race). Lots of pileups.
A Different track for when you want more action in your races.
The key is to watch your speed.
PSNID: rean2

And heres a pic submitted by mastercommander:

Can you add me on ps3 so I can download your mt murder then just delete
me psn-dolloff
Could I have the all the tracks on this thread please. They're all awesome!

My PSN is Manterin_

All you have to do is add me and I'll probally delete you after (if that is what you want).

Thanks in advance...
sharing Mt. Murder and Eifel cources if you need em just let me know andill share that cource add me and let me know which one you want
Ok i've Shared the Eifel Track god knows how many times so its off my Share list now and i really had to delete a load of Friends as my list was getting way to full up .

I'd like someone to Add me for the MT Murder Track though Please .

I'll share that back out for a while , but i'm not online as much as i'd like to be as that horrible 4 letter word "Work" is interupting my GT Life a bit recently :grumpy:

X2010 Flying Vid had me laughing my head off :lol:

Good effort 👍
I'd like to get my hands on one of these track as well. I'll shoot you a PM once I have it so you can delete me if you'd like.

PSN is GTP_Wizard
