F.I.T.T 2000 Shootout

  • Thread starter NEWDRIVER2
My test results will be here when I start testing tonight. Another 6 hour drive to drop my eldest son off at home then I'm hopping behind my plastic wheel and putting some laps up.

Every car looks good. Not one questionable entry. :crazy: I wish I could start testing now but my kids have the PS3.

It's like Christmas early. Which car do I want to open first?


Tronrider345: Honda S2000 '06
GVS: 2:06.726
DC: 2
La Sarth: 4:23.583
DC: 1
This car likes to be thrown into the tighter corners. Its throttle control is responsive but is muted by the suspension. It's hard to overcome the under steer by throttle alone.

MrGrado: Honda S2000 '06
GVS: 2:06.958
DC: 3
La Sarth: 4:20.861
DC: 3
Very stable and a good range between slip and grip. This car rides its limit well.
I would have liked a quicker throttle response, it felt restrained.
Turn in and mid corner are excellent. Accuracy is top notch.
Corner exit is limited by the restrained throttle.
Very good steering wheel feedback and weight shifts.

MCHami: Honda S2000 Type V '03
GVS: 2:06.795
DC: 5
La Sarth: 4:20.061
DC: 5
Throttle = grip.
Top notch turn in, accuracy, balance and braking.
My only gripe is the restrained throttle. I would like a throttle that responded quicker. Besides that this feels like the FR version of MCHs WRX tune, nigh perfect.

Newdriver2: Toyota 2000GT '67
GVS: 2:09.047
DC: 2
La Sarth: 4:17.655
DC: 5
Can't get around the skinny tyres. Besides that this car is great fun. It "likes" to turn in, but doesn't have a 'maintaining attitude' problem, that I've found.
I actively dislike La Sarth, but I enjoyed this car more on it than GVS. The longer slaloms and high speed shallow corners allowed the car to exploit its slow body sway to an enjoyable degree. Got two red laps and instead of being disappointed I looked forward to more laps on La Sarth.
After learning that I needed to adjust the final gear for each track it took me 8 laps to get 2 green laps. That's due entirely to my unfamiliarity with the car. Once I understood it and the track better I was able to push it with less disturbance.

ACSR421: Toyota 2000GT '67
GVS: 2:11.281
DC: 2
La Sarth: 4:15.358
Only one final gear?
The body sway takes awhile to settle and (even though the throttle response is quick) power delivery is muted by too long gears.
The car is much better at long slaloms than quicker ones, its body sway gets time to settle.

moparisgod: BMW 2002 Turbo '73
GVS: 2:09.563
DC: 2
La Sarth: 4:29.916
DC: 3
Two words: Maintaining Attitude.
It helps with turn in , which is quick and responsive on entry. But the same settings that help the car feel so responsive and sharp hinder mid and corner exit. This is especially true over elevation changing or cambered corners/complexes.
This problem wasn't as 'in your face' at La Sarth but it did make throttle control chancy and deceleration from high speed exhilarating.

CyKosis: Nissan Skyline 2000GT-R '70
GVS: 2:08.777
DC: 3
La Sarth: 4:24.959
DC: 3
Just kinda all around average. No problems but nothing extraordinary either.


Theo777: Nissan Skyline HT 2000 Turbo '83
GVS: 2:07.509
DC: 4
La Sarth: 4:17.266
DC: 4
Go smooth or pitch it in hard, this car likes it anyway you care to drive.
No problems except its tendency to lag. Throttle response was nice but the car felt asthmatic.

OnBoy123: Nissan Skyline HT 2000 RS-X Turbo C '84
GVS: 2:07.415
DC: 3
La Sarth: 4:17.791
DC: 3
A shorter gearbox on GVS would make this car a rocket. As it is the lack of thrust out of the many low speed corners hurts this cars performance.
Nothing to complain about, but not spectacular either.

Desperado: Toyota Celica 2000GT-Four '86
GVS: 2:08.781
DC: 4
La Sarth: 4:18.780
DC: 3
Excellent car to push to the limit. This car will respond well to good driving (yes, I know my times suck).
My only complaint is the gearbox. On GVS I never touched 2nd and never came close to 1st. On a track with a several tight hairpin turns. What's up with that? Fifth is a blip and sixth is v e r y long.
And the braking distance was a bit long.

Praiano: Toyota Celica 2000GT-Four '86
GVS: 2:06.992
DC: 5
La Sarth: 4:19.298
DC: 4
At first I was worried the brakes would plague the car. But after the tyres warmed up I just had to be careful is all. In fact this car benefited from a little 'throw it into the corner' type of driving style once we got to know each other.
It is very forgiving and still rewards a good line.
Rotation, turn in, corner exit, it's all top notch without any flaws and the car keeps me on my toes enough that it could never get boring.
The gearing was good and entirely useful. Third was a little long, considering how much time I spent in it on GVS. But that's being nit picky.
I left .200+ on the first turn of GVS, but my subsequent laps couldn't keep up on the entrance to the first tunnel.
The braking from high speed on La Sarth kept me from giving the car a 5 and probably at least two seconds of time. Either I braked way early or I wound up fishtailing trying to get it under control.

GVS: 2:08.621
DC: 3
La Sarth: 4:22.747
DC: 3
An exceptional FF.
Military intelligence, led zeppelin, honest politician, sports truck, sporty FF.
No complaints, but nothing stood out either. Excellent understeer tuning.

Krenkme: Nissan Fairlady 2000
GVS: 2:06.939
DC: 5
La Sarth: 4:19.555
DC: 5
This is it. I'm throwing in my hat as a tester/reviewer. I have found the car I was looking for when I started my review thread.
The throttle control is so responsive 90% of the steering is done through the throttle but it doesn't hinder the cars speed. The skinny tyres limit the speed.
The range between slip n grip is bigger than a Pontiac Peresian.
The feedback allows for very intuitive control. But half my laps were lost because I pushed it too far. (Once while heading downhill on GVS toward the U turn, I exited the top too fast and my rear came 'round, but I was able to save it by pulling a nice 360 on the tarmac and continuing with momentum. Freakin sweet.)
I thought the car would be harder on the high speed sweepers at La Sarth but I was wrong, it just as hard as GVS.
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Choose the one you don't like it first and leave the one you love it in the last to have it as sweet after Lunch ;) .
Thanks for the review Newdriver. I had to make 6th gear very long to allow for the speed at La Sarthe without losing the low and mid speed acceleration. Felt the better acceleration more than compensated for the slower 6th speed.
Thanks for the review Newdriver. I had to make 6th gear very long to allow for the speed at La Sarthe without losing the low and mid speed acceleration. Felt the better acceleration more than compensated for the slower 6th speed.

Your welcome Sir 👍 Sorry for my English not good to explain more like the others testers but I'm trying .
Yes the acceleration you made it very good in GVS as you will hit the 6th gear before the long stretch by little . So it's not effecting any thing there .
But over all Well done XD . Thank you for those cars you and Praiano . 👍

ND :dopey:
Round One
1- Grand Vally
2- La Sarth 2009 No Chican
I want to do some change for this shootout as most of the time we are using same tracks so i choose La Sarth to see the car how its fast in the straight tracks . Just 2 laps its good .

Round Two
1-Trial Mountain - The two winners from each group will make it to the final round this maybe it will change as how many cars in each group
(first place and second place plus 3rd place if number of cars become more )
So last round will have 2 or 3 cars in each group . if there is round 2 it will be like this - the first winner from Group A and first winner from Group B they will be the winners for this shootout as

Fastest lap time + driver choice

First track
X out of 5 for fastest lap + X out of 5 driver choice = 10 points

Second track
X out of 5 for fastest lap + X out of 5 driver choice = 10 point

Total points = X out of 20

As i want to use Hami points in this shootout .

I am building the scoring sheet. It seems that you want to use my scoring system so it will look like this.

Grand Valley points-
A. The tune with the fastest average lap time across all testers will receive 5 points. All other tunes will receive a percentage of 5 based on how close it's average lap time is to the fastest.

B. Drivers choice is ranked 5 points to their favorite working down to 1 point for their 5th favorite. Driver's choice points will be averaged across all testers. If all testers were to rank your tune as a 5, you will earn five driver's choice points.

A + B = Total Points for Grand Valley (total of ten possible points)

LaSarthe points-
A. The tune with the fastest average lap time across all testers will receive 5 points. All other tunes will receive a percentage of 5 based on how close it's average lap time is to the fastest.

B. Drivers choice is ranked 5 points to their favorite working down to 1 point for their 5th favorite. Driver's choice points will be averaged across all testers. If all testers were to rank your tune as a 5, you will earn five driver's choice points.

A + B = Total Points for LaSarthe (total of ten possible points)

Total Points = Grand Valley points + LaSarthe points (total of twenty possible points)
Yes Hami 👍 that what I want the score to be . Thank you for the Helping Sir :dunce:
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Motor City Hami
Group A Scoring - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Akr4MBOtjOcqdDdEdzFFWTJjX19ocHdEYWQzYjY1YWc

Group B Scoring - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Akr4MBOtjOcqdE1LZlRPelJiell0RjJpaTJxVjRHcWc

Newdriver - I would suggest that you post these links on page one of this thread. I will update this whenever testers post their lap time and drivers choice results. It will update total scores live.

Ok Sir that's looks perfect . I will post it now 👍

Edit :

i will add two more tester as Cy for Group B and Praiano for Group A sign up for testing also see the front page .thank you.

Edit :

Front page updated with the new testers and the link to the scoring .
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More questions: :lol:

1. How long do we have to do this? I don't know if I'll have enough time to do both groups, which brings me to my next question:

2. If it's not too much work (just saw that someone made a table), could I please test just the Group A cars? :)

Sorry for the inconvenience.
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You can put me down to test group A Newdriver , the only car I haven't got the right specs for is the 1970 skyline, hopefully I can find a solution by deadline .
Moe questions: :lol:

1. How long do we have to do this? I don't know if I'll have enough time to do both groups, which brings me to my next question:

The Deadline testing until the 17th of this Month 12:00 Mid night .

Moe questions: :lol:

2. If it's not too much work (just saw that someone made a table), could I please test just the Group A cars? :)

Sorry for the inconvenience.

No problem I will sign you for Group A 👍 but be sure that you will finished all test for Group A as if you didn't finished All . your Rate,Scoring and lap time it will not account any more thank you .

As you should all tester complete the test for the group they are test .

You can put me down to test group A Newdriver , the only car I haven't got the right specs for is the 1970 skyline, hopefully I can find a solution by deadline .

Ok I will fix it now 👍
For the skyline '70 For Cy . You should send FR to CyKosis1973 to test his car if you didn't find the specs for it or send FR for me and I will put his car on share as I have a copy for it ;) .

Front page updated with the new request thank you all .

Have a wonderful day every one .

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Group B 460PP Grand Valley Testing
DS3, ABS 1, Manual, Grip Real, 5 laps each

Praiano63 Toyota Celica 2000GT-Four ’86 – 207.210
With Praiano’s tuning history, the expectation is high for fast tunes. I entered his car wondering, can Praiano keep his edge this soon after the 2.09 update and the loss of the ride height glitch to get cars to rotate? The answer is yes. This is another very good tune by Praiano. I only noticed one weakness for my driving style. I could turn the outside front wheel red in sort of late corner entry or the transition to mid-corner. The car turns in, but then the outside front overloads, but recovers quickly. I think a little lower brake balance on the front or maybe a higher front camber setting might be able to cure or reduce this without extremely changing the overall handling. Good work my friend.

Theo777 Nissan Skyline HT 2000 Turbo RS ’83 – 208.100
Very, very smooth tune. Other than my hate for cars from the 80’s, the only thing that I think this tune can do slightly better is a little more rotation mid-corner. I was able to turn the outside front tire red mid-corner. LSD settings look great. Maybe try more front camber?

XDesperado67 Toyota Celica 2000GT-Four ’86 – 209.710
This tune is good, but the gearbox is distracting. I read that the transmission was built for la Sarthe, but that caused a very uncomfortable compromise for Grand Valley. Sixth gear is just annoying. If the gearbox has a rhythm, your brain will easily blend with that beat and shifting seems to just happen. If a gearbox is tricky or odd like this one is, more concentration needs to be on which gear to be in, both on the upshift and on the downshift. That attention span needs to be on braking, turn-in, apex, throttle on, track out, etc. It took me three full laps to be able to somewhat ignore the gearbox attention whore and just drive. Advice for next time, if you want to build a trick box, build it so that I only have to use 6th gear on the longest straight and nowhere else. I hit sixth on the straight, right before that crucial right hander, then again climbing the hill and one last time on the bridge before the second tunnel.

C-Zeta Mazda Lantis Coupe 2000 ’93 - 209.754
My first impression of this tune was, “No way, that lap felt way faster than that!” This car felt like the fastest that I drove all night, but sadly it wasn’t. This is a very good tune that I like a lot. I could turn the outside front drive wheel a touch red getting back to throttle. Maybe lower the LSD Accel from 24 to 21 or 22? Nice ride.

Onboy Nissan Skyline HT 2000 Turbo RS ’83 – 210.293
O.k. Who has been working with Onboy? This is a respectable tune. It was fun to drive, good through the corners and easy to control. I think making the gearbox a 4 speed for Grand Valley took away some speed. Curious to see how this car does at LaSarthe.

Krenkme Nissan Fairlady 2000 ’68 – 210.384
This is an under powered car from the sixties who is trying to be a drifter in the 2000s. I was actually able to turn three tires red at one time… crazy. When I cracked open the tuning notes I expected to see a super high LSD Accel number because I was able to break loose the outside rear wheel on command, but the setting is at 9. That’s 9… n.i.n.e.! This must have been a tricky little car to tune. I think if I were to work on improvements I would put LSD at 8/7/15. Might take away the outside on power red tire and I wanted a little more stability on corner entry. Fun little car, but not going to be a lap time contender.

Driver's Choice for Grand Valley
Prainiano 5.0
Theo777 4.5
C-Zeta 4.0
XDesperado 3.5
Onboy 3.0
Krenkme 2.0

Group B 460PP LaSarthe Testing
DS3, ABS 1, Manual, Grip Real, 3 laps each

Praiano63 Toyota Celica 2000GT-Four ’86 – 416.589 – 4 of 5 – 179 mph top speed
Overall, a very nice tune and will surely be among the fastest lap times. Since I had driven Theo’s entry first, and it was so good through the corners, I can’t help but to compare the other tunes to it. I just cannot be as aggressive with Praiano’s tune as I could with Theo’s. There is some mid-corner understeer present and most noticeable in the higher speed sweeping S curves. Maybe more front camber or more front negative toe or higher front LSD settings/lower rear or maybe a torque split adjustment?

Theo777 Nissan Skyline HT 2000 Turbo RS ’83 – 417.840 – 5 of 5 – 173 mph top speed
Theo has made one of the smoothest tunes that I have ever driven. I could do anything I wanted with this car and it would deliver. Corner entry, mid-corner rotation and on-power to the exit are all fantastic. I even drove one lap intentionally trying to turn any tire red and I could not do it. I couldn’t wait to get off the track and crack open this tune to find Theo’s secret. And what did I find when I cracked open the bonnet? Meh. Nothing stands out as that one thing that put this tune over the top. Mad praise on the LSD settings as they look to be in order. Average amount of camber, arbs, toe and brake balance. Heavy springs and dampers for a car of this size. Nothing stands out to me. I would love to hear from Theo’s perspective as he went through the settings that landed on this wonderful tune. Nice work.

I can only add small suggestions for potential improvement. You might be able to get more out of 2nd gear. Try giving 2nd gear more torque and lengthen 3rd and 4th a bit. I would also be curious to see how this car would do with less ballast.

Krenkme Nissan Fairlady 2000 ’68 – 418.189 - 3.8 of 5 - 174 mph top speed
If this were a drifting competition, Krenkme wins by a long way. This was a fun car to drive until you found the limit of the tires. At that point it reminds you how far your driving skills truly are below those of Vettel. Again, this car must have been a handful to tune. LSD to 10/7/18 may help???

XDesperado67 Toyota Celica 2000GT-Four ’86 – 4:19.632 – 4 of 5 - 175 mph top speed
XD’s tune has the mid-corner grip and rotation that I was looking for in Praiano’s tune. You should be proud of the cornering abilities of this car. I liked the handling feel a little better than Praiano’s Celica.
The gearbox with overdrive hurt you again, even at LaSarthe. I only achieved 175 mph with this trick box and had hit 179 with Praiano’s. Maybe narrow the spread between 5th and 6th, without losing the spirit of having the overdrive gear?

Onboy Nissan Skyline HT 2000 Turbo RS ’83 – 420.325 - 3.5 of 5 - 169 mph top speed

C-Zeta Mazda Lantis Coupe 2000 ’93 - 420.359 - 4.5 of 5 - 172 mph top speed
I like everything about this car except for the brakes.
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@MCH thanks for the review.👍👍
Afraid my transmission tune is a product of my driving with an automatic and not a manual.:drool:
Considering your difficulties with the transmission, you still managed a respectable lap time with it so well done, thanks again.:cheers:
@MCH thanks for the review.👍👍
Afraid my transmission tune is a product of my driving with an automatic and not a manual.:drool:
Considering your difficulties with the transmission, you still managed a respectable lap time with it so well done, thanks again.:cheers:

That's why we both had the same problem with shifting as we use manual transmission .
And I will surprise you by your car lap time later XD.
Good laps time MCH over all cars mate 👍
Oi MCH, I did say my car was shared, right? Or is this the 'Anti-slacker' policy of not testing cars that are shared but with no tune posted? :lol:
Group B 460PP Grand Valley Testing
DS3, ABS 1, Manual, Grip Real, 5 laps each

Praiano63 Toyota Celica 2000GT-Four ’86 – 207.210
With Praiano’s tuning history, the expectation is high for fast tunes. I entered his car wondering, can Praiano keep his edge this soon after the 2.09 update and the loss of the ride height glitch to get cars to rotate? The answer is yes. This is another very good tune by Praiano. I only noticed one weakness for my driving style. I could turn the outside front wheel red in sort of late corner entry or the transition to mid-corner. The car turns in, but then the outside front overloads, but recovers quickly. I think a little lower brake balance on the front or maybe a higher front camber setting might be able to cure or reduce this without extremely changing the overall handling. Good work my friend.
Thanks a lot Hami. I'll test yours suggestions. The front brake balance is only for the strong braking of the first right GVS turn. With less front bias you need to control the rear with your wheel because it let it more unstable.
Like this you can concentrate yourself on your entry trajectory only, that is very important for this first right.
For the camber 2.09 need higher velue for the same effect, you're right. Will do some fine tune after the shootout.
Thanks again, have a good day.
Nissan Skyline HT 2000 RS-X Turbo C (R30) '84

Stage 2 Weight reduction
Window Weight Reduction

Sports Intake Manifold
Racing Air Filter
Sports Catalytic Converter
Titanium Racing Exhaust
High RPM Turbo Kit

F/C Transmission
F/C Suspension
Adjustable LSD

Semi-Racing Flywheel
Twin-plate Clutch
Carbon Driveshaft

Sport Soft tyres
The Tune
Aerodynamics: ---
Ballast: 90 @ +50
Power Limiter: 95.0%

Transmission- process as follows
1)Set to 211
2)Set Final Gear to 4.065
Should display an indicated top speed of 184 mph in upper right corner.

Initial: 8
Acceleration: 25
Braking: 5

Camber Angle: 3.0/2.5
Toe Angle: -0.20/-0.15
Ride Height: -15/-15
Spring Rate: 9.6/7.7
Dampers (Extension): 4/8
Dampers (Compression): 5/5
Anti-Roll Bars: 2/3


The car has 460PP, weighs 1205Kg with a 56/44 front/rear weight distribution, has 308HP and produces 257ft-lb torque@6000 rpm with a 8400 rpm redline.

- Shift between 7000rpm-7500rpm.
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Oi MCH, I did say my car was shared, right? Or is this the 'Anti-slacker' policy of not testing cars that are shared but with no tune posted? :lol:

Without the tune posted, how would I know which final drive you had set on share? Some people posted the GV final and others posted la Sarthe.
Without the tune posted, how would I know which final drive you had set on share? Some people posted the GV final and others posted la Sarthe.

Hmm…good point. Though I never bothered with making two finals. Well, it's up, the 450PP Skyline soon too.
Nissan Skyline HT 2000GT-R (KPGC10) '70

The Tune
Aerodynamics: ---
Ballast: 172kg @ +50
Power Limiter: 95.0%

Transmission- process as follows
1)Set to 193
2)Set Final Gear to 4.255
Should display an indicated top speed of 190 mph in upper right corner.

Initial: 7
Acceleration: 15
Braking: 5

Camber Angle: 2.5/1.5
Toe Angle: -0.05/-0.05
Ride Height: 0/0
Spring Rate: 9.0/8.2
Dampers (Extension): 4/4
Dampers (Compression): 3/3
Anti-Roll Bars: 2/1


The car has 450 PP, weighs 1108Kg with a 51/49 front/rear weight distribution, has 285HP and produces 212ft-lb torque@6800 rpm with a 8800 rpm redline.
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Motor City Hami
Group B 460PP Grand Valley Testing
DS3, ABS 1, Manual, Grip Real, 5 laps each

Krenkme Nissan Fairlady 2000 &rsquo;68 &ndash; 210.384
This is an under powered car from the sixties who is trying to be a drifter in the 2000s. I was actually able to turn three tires red at one time&hellip; crazy. When I cracked open the tuning notes I expected to see a super high LSD Accel number because I was able to break loose the outside rear wheel on command, but the setting is at 9. That&rsquo;s 9&hellip; n.i.n.e.! This must have been a tricky little car to tune. I think if I were to work on improvements I would put LSD at 8/7/15. Might take away the outside on power red tire and I wanted a little more stability on corner entry. Fun little car, but not going to be a lap time contender.

Thanks Hami. I knew it would struggle to be a contender, but I tried to make it close and of course FUN!

I will take another look at the LSD once the shootout is over, to see if I can make it more stable.

Thanks again :dopey:
@Ronald6 are you running the La Sarthe (no chiccane) '09 track?
Just asking because the times you've posted there look a bit slower than expected.:odd:
Yes, :crazy:
I don't know the track well and am only running 2 laps per car.
On GVS I'm running 10 laps.

Honda S2000
1- GTP tronrider345
Another very good S2000, slower top speed than the others, but very aggressive , fantastic mid corner, very good in and out corner. The car come with no ABS, I&#8217;ve tested it like this first, I was .800 above my GVS time. Could be as fast if the rear brake was lower, the actual 3/2 generate oversteer if too aggressive under brake, 3/1 was perfect or 2/0, the car stay +- inline with a good eagerness.
I don&#8217;t like the gears at all. There is a hole between 2 & 3 and most of the GVS turn or you&#8217;re too high in 2 or too low in 3. A better gearbox will have the pole position for sure.
Congratulations and welcome to the club.
GVS: 2:05.152 ABS 1
Le Mans: 4:18.030 top speed 262 kmh = 163 mph
GVS Driver Choice: 4.8
Le Mans Driver Choice: 4.4

2- MrGrado
. Very good tune aggressive and perfectly balanced, good entry, mid and out corner showing a good eagerness. Brakes allowing trail braking but take care at braking zone before any high speed turn, need to stay awake. The gears are strange sometimes due to their repartition but it&#8217;s ok. Very nice car.
GVS: 2:05.317.
Le Mans: 4:17.240 top speed 273 kmh = 170 mph
GVS-Driver Choice: 4.6
Lemans Driver Choice:4.7

3- Motor City Hami
Fantastic car, very round , you can be aggressive the way you want without been sanctioned. Then you can look far in front paying attention to your driving line, all the rest obey perfectly, Throttle, brake,wheel, you can put 100% pressure all the time with no fail. Perfect tune. Lower top speed on Le Mans,but the car fill the gap in the curves easy.
GVS: 2:05.120
Le Mans: 4:17.613 top speed 267 kmh =166 mph
GVS-Driver Choice:5.0
Le Mans Driver Choice:4.5

Toyota GT 2000

The Newdriver&#8217;s car have the same &#8220;pilot car&#8221; feeling than ACSR, but more planted. You can brake later ,accelerate earlier without any major problem .The rest is the same , nice moves , need precision in the inputs ,throttle brake and wheel. I like to drive it.
GVS: 2:07.540
Le Mans: 4:14.696 top speed 301 kmh =187 mph
GVS Driver Choice: 4.9
Le Mans Driver Choice: 4.9

Nice pilot car that need to be driven steady but cool , no late braking or early acceleration. This is a very good exercise , and the top speed is fantastic. Smooth ride, I had a lot of pleasure driving it. The car is not tamed but it&#8217;s not nasty at all. You can drift, trail brake&#8230;. Very good tune for a very special car.
GVS: 2:07.950
Le Mans: 4:15.330 top speed 299 kmh =186 mph
GVS Driver choice:4.7
Le Mans Driver Choice: 4.8

BMW 2002
1- Moparisgod HOSTED BY Krenkme

The car is very sharp, too sharp, out corner and during direction changes, the tail go away all the time. It&#8217;s a good exercise to practice and learn about mass transfer and how to control it, but it&#8217;s difficult to make a complete lap on GVS with it, even without pushing a lot.
Poor top speed, need longer gears for le mans, the max power is at 6000 rpm,need to stay there to gain speed.
I know very well that this car is hard to tune but it&#8217;s possible to let it more drivable staying sharp and fast. It&#8217;s possible to take out 2 seconds with the right tune on GVS.
GVS: 2:08.885
Le Mans: 4:26.286 top speed 248 kmh =154 mph
GVS Driver choice:4.2
Le Mans Driver Choice: 4.3

Nissan skyline 2000'70
1- CyKosis1973

Old &#8217;70 car with skinny tires&#8230;&#8230; 60%/40% weight repartition, numbers are not helping a lot looking like this.
But, in the hands of our friend CyKosis the car was transformed in the best possible skyline 2000 &#8217;70. *A good combination with inverted dampers front /rear values, High rear camber and TOE to maintain the car inline.
This is working wonderfully. The car is not fast but the driving line is precise and the car stay on it without any problem. It&#8217;s even possible to be aggressive . No excessives *moves ,no understeer no oversteer, the car is tamed to let the driver push it to his limits,need to do this if you want to stick to the others younger 2000 . Good car all around. Congrats my friend,good job.
GVS: 2:08.213
Le Mans: 4:21.176 * top speed 265 kmh =165 mph
GVS Driver Choice: 4.5
Le Mans Driver Choice: 4.6
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Theo777 Nissan Skyline HT 2000 Turbo RS ’83 – 208.100
Very, very smooth tune. Other than my hate for cars from the 80’s, the only thing that I think this tune can do slightly better is a little more rotation mid-corner. I was able to turn the outside front tire red mid-corner. LSD settings look great. Maybe try more front camber?

Thank you for testing Hami! Looks like I should have added a bit more camber in my last session of tuning. I'll have to play around with the front suspension settings on this car after the shootout. Someday I'll get around to fully tuning a modern skyline. Until then fender mounted mirrors FTW!:dopey: