F.I.T.T. Azure Cobra Shootout (Ended. Results on post 3.)

  • Thread starter Ronald6
A bold claim, my friend! :sly: We'll see how it stacks up. Looking forward to it. :D

Wishful thinking :nervous::dopey:

Krenkme "Ophiophagus hannah" drive like a dream. I'm impressed.👍:)

Thank you my friend. Wish I was home to test yours as well (I assume you are still in it?), but I am gone for about a month :(.

If I can impress you (or any tester), then I already won 👍

Thanks again :dopey:
My time was only 0.030 off of yours? Wow.

I am not sure why :odd:... I drifted quite often in that lap, especially at the grand hotel hairpin. I wished I could have better video quality, so you can see which gear used in every section. I found no issue with the gearing or braking and at least anyone who watched the video can see I how took my entry and exit on every corners. Not all of them ideal lines I guess:nervous:, but for reference when having trouble in testing, it might help.
I could never have taken that hotel hairpin the way you did in your car. I think my wheel would snap if I sawed it that much.
I could never have taken that hotel hairpin the way you did in your car. I think my wheel would snap if I sawed it that much.

I deliberately trail brake hard and upset the rear by going into 1st gear early ( brake + shift lock drift ), just a little flick to the left and counter steer while maintaining throttle at 1st gear until exiting the corner. The lap is a mix of grip and drift driving:crazy:
My style is similar to yours in a stock Cobra and even easier in my own 'stock tuned' Cobra. I just can't do that in yours, I can't initiate a drift properly and maintain it with enough finesse to exit the corner at speed in your car because the range between slip-n-grip is so small if the tyres ever got red it meant time lost.
Test results

Controller type:
Sensitivity or Feedback: 7
Tyre wear: off
Grip: Real

Best lap:
1:44.864 (still testing)
ABS: 1, BB: 7/4
Finally, a car I don't have to fight.
The only glaring defect of this car is its gearing. 1st thru 3rd are long (second enters at 4,000 rpm and third at 4,900). 4th is barely touched and fifth is a pipe dream.
The body sway feels well timed and in harmony. Corner entrance is accurate and predictability is good, but because of the power disparity caused by the long gearing both accuracy and predictability aren't great.
Mid corner is good. Steering is very pedal dependent but not to such a degree that it feels like a problem. Again closer gears that gave a more consistently powerband would be welcome.
Corner exit is good. There isn't a problem with having too much power on corner exit, unless something went wrong earlier. And extra heat or sideways action is one click of a paddle shifter away.
My times are all very consistent. I'm usually a car length away from my ghost at most.

Oh hey, finally me!

Thought I'd address some of your issues before logging off.

I designed the transmission to be a pleasure for automatic users. It may seem like a 5-speed but it's actually a 3-4 speed. There was simply no way to have a long 1st and usable 5th (So don't use 5th). I really ought to thank praiano for opening my eyes transmission wise. Originally I had a 5 speed setup going - It was a good second slower (43's), but after driving his car it was clear to me 4 gears would be best :). 4th gear is purely for two spots - At the start and tunnel. Otherwise what I can tell you is keep the car at the highest rate of speed possible even in slower corners - 1st gear becomes much more usable. If you're feeling curious, trying giving the Automatic option a try.

Also, If you're not going at full throttle through the entire tunnel section, give my TUNE post a read 👍. Good luck.
Krenkme "Ophiophagus hannah" drive like a dream. I'm impressed.👍:)

Krenkme - I don't have time to test all of the cars for this, but I tried out a few out of curiosity. I ran a little faster with your tune than I did with Praiano's. Both good tunes, but I think you have a contender, Krenkme. 👍
Yup, he has a habit for putting straight jackets on scary cars, but then forgetting to take the restraints off of the easy cars. :lol:
Motor City Hami
Krenkme - I don't have time to test all of the cars for this, but I tried out a few out of curiosity. I ran a little faster with your tune than I did with Praiano's. Both good tunes, but I think you have a contender, Krenkme. 👍

Thanks for running the car. I'm sure there is a better tune in the car somewhere, but I'm happy with the way it turned out. Thanks.

Yup, he has a habit for putting straight jackets on scary cars, but then forgetting to take the restraints off of the easy cars. :lol:

:lol: I'm taking this as a compliment :dopey:. It's always fun to take a car like this and to see if it can be a joy to drive... but just as equally fun to take a 300c and make it insane :lol::dopey:

@Ron, very thorough testing and reviewing :cheers:. Very happy to see that you seem to like my car as well :dopey:
Krenkme - I don't have time to test all of the cars for this, but I tried out a few out of curiosity. I ran a little faster with your tune than I did with Praiano's. Both good tunes, but I think you have a contender, Krenkme. 👍

Very good car and could be faster if not hiting power limiter end of tunel.
Excelent car.

Very good car and could be faster if not hiting power limiter end of tunel.
Excelent car.


Thanks again my friend. Your hitting the rev limiter? You are much more brave then I :bowdown::dopey:
So far I have driven tunes from Ridox and ACSR. Hopefullly will get a lot more done tonight.
Ronald, I'm not sure if I made this clear, but I posted to say I pulled out of the competition before the deadline, due to too much work and not enough time on GT5, sorry.
I have been busy this several days, not sure if I can tests all of the cars, but I will try my best to test at least 4 cars or more.
^You should have driven my tune, it's out of this world :lol: Your tune would decimate mine easily ..

Your tune sounded like it oversteered and was easily pushed onto the limit, which sounds kinda fun actually. Mine understeered a lot, and therefore might have been faster, but certainly would not be fun. That's probably why I got frustrated with it. :lol:
5 laps per track, per car.

Cote d'Azur
TrackRipper123 1:xx.xxx
Car not on share

Praiano63 1:45.202 Driver Rating: 1
Couldn't cope with 1st gear, being an auto shifter and pad racer, sorry. I feel bad, as you were the first car I tested. I did go back and try a few more laps, but couldn't improve. This was the worst car for spinning up the rear tyres going over the crest after the tunnel exit. I shied away on other corners too, the little chicane before the start/finish. I expect this car is far easier to drive with a wheel and manual shifting.

I'd rather have had 2nd-5th gear instead of 1st-4th. Sorry once again, Sir.

Ridox2JZGTE 1:45.541
Ran the car with ABS 1, I'm incapable of driving without it, sorry. A comfortable enough car, but a bit too slippery.

OnBoy123 1:44.720 Driver Rating: 2
Much as I would expect. Drove like an OnBoy car and I've driven a few. Thanks for the ride 👍

XDesperado67 1:xx.xxx
Car not on share

Sheephead99 1:xx.xxx
Car not on share

ugabugaz 1:45.122
Struggled to keep the car from washing wide in places, was difficult to judge the braking distance required. Otherwise a competent ride.

MCHami 1:44.239 Driver Rating: 3
Very nice car, even for an old, auto shifting pad racer..!! 1st gear was crucially that bit more manageable than Praiano's, allowing me to avoid the gradual oversteer this car, in general, suffers from. Through the Swimming Pool section I was able to be a little braver with the loud pedal. Well done, Sir, it's just a shame that Krenkme did what he did.

Krenkme 1:44.060 Driver Rating: 5
Well done, Sir. Drives just like I like my cars too. Unhurried and manageable. It's still remarkably easy to provoke the smoke machine, but likewise, it's very easy to let the car find its way around the course. Bravo.

ACSR421 1:44.755 Driver Rating: 4
Another competent car. This one took a little while longer to warm up, all cars suffered from the 1st lap blues whilst the tyres built heat. Once I got into the 3rd lap I was starting to really build speed. I expect I could have made the most gains in this car, with further lapping. Thanks for the ride, brah...


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Your tune sounded like it oversteered and was easily pushed onto the limit, which sounds kinda fun actually. Mine understeered a lot, and therefore might have been faster, but certainly would not be fun. That's probably why I got frustrated with it. :lol:

I don't think Ronald would agree with that:sly: He seems to not having good time driving my tune. Actually mine understeer as well and it also oversteer, if you watch the video of my lap on previous page, you'll see the car is fun to watch but not that fun to drive:ouch:


Edit: Ridox, a BB setup for ABS users would be very welcome. If I could get this car to trail-brake properly then I know that it would be capable of some good and possible repeatable times. If I could avoid 1st gear at the same time I'm setting up the entrance to the corners better then the drive-ability of the car would change drastically. If you find a good BB before Friday I will go back to your car and put it through its paces again. 👍

(Also, Ridox, could you please snip your quotes please. That's a lot of text on a phone, thanks.)

You used 3/1 BB for earlier testing and still have issues with tires going red, maybe 2/1 might do or increase rear bias to help trail braking 2/3.

I snipped my long quote, sorry.
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5 laps per track, per car.

ACSR421 1:44.755
Another competent car. This one took a little while longer to warm up, all cars suffered from the 1st lap blues whilst the tyres built heat. Once I got into the 3rd lap I was starting to really build speed. I expect I could have made the most gains in this car, with further lapping. Thanks for the ride, brah...



Thanks for the test Cy 👍
5 laps per track, per car.

Praiano63 1:45.202
Couldn't cope with 1st gear, being an auto shifter and pad racer, sorry. I feel bad, as you were the first car I tested. I did go back and try a few more laps, but couldn't improve. This was the worst car for spinning up the rear tyres going over the crest after the tunnel exit. I shied away on other corners too, the little chicane before the start/finish. I expect this car is far easier to drive with a wheel and manual shifting.

I'd rather have had 2nd-5th gear instead of 1st-4th. Sorry once again, Sir.


Too bad.:guilty::guilty: The gearbox is primordial on my car to drive fast around Monaco... Have to be on manual to use the car for sure.
Let's see the rest of the "manual" testers to regain some time.

Thanks for the test Cy.

Thanks for the test Cy 👍

My pleasure, Sir...

Too bad.:guilty::guilty: The gearbox is primordial on my car to drive fast around Monaco... Have to be on manual to use the car for sure.
Let's see the rest of the "manual" testers to regain some time.

Thanks for the test Cy.


I really am sorry, Sir. When I have the time and money, I will invest in a wheel and make the move to manual shifting. For the moment, I have to make do with my controller and little TV...

Test Result :

4 non stop laps each car, no ABS.

Tuner name: Onboy123
Best lap: 1:44.910
ABS: 0, BB 9/4
Controller type: Stick
Sensitivity or Feedback: 4
Comment : I like the car when it drift around corners, trail braking is easy to initiate, the hard part is maintaining direction inside a corner. The car tend to go wide mid corner, even when the entry is not properly set up, it would also go wide without warning. The front of the car seems slow to react to steering, changing direction at speed is like having a bit of time delay. The method is like this, brake to dive in and point inside a corner, throttle to go wide and straight. I hope that makes sense, but I quite enjoy driving it, trail braking and pulling the handbrake in every tight hairpin, can't beat that. Gearing wise, not bad, I kind of like to go full throttle in 1st gear, this one is long but usable to pull out of slow corners. Not bad Onboy 👍

Tuner name: Motor City Hami
Best lap: 1:44.220
ABS: 0, BB 9/4
Controller type: Stick
Sensitivity or Feedback: 4
Comment : Great handling around corners, the gearing is quite similar to my car, 5th is usable. The steering is quite responsive, able to change direction mid corner easily. A bit understeer when going a bit too fast exiting a corner. The car is well planted in most corners, oversteer does happen, but only when I push it too hard. Got my best time in 3rd lap, this car can do faster in no time. Nice tune MC Hami.

Tuner name: Praiano63
Best lap: 1:44.869
ABS: 0, BB 9/4
Controller type: Stick
Sensitivity or Feedback: 4
Comment : The car really can be faster, I was surprised by the very long 1st that reach more than 80mph.
The tight corners were all negotiated using this 1st gear, the 2nd to 4th are for the high speed section, while 5th is useless. The handling is okay, a bit unpredictable on changing direction, sometimes it understeer as well. The grand hotel hairpin is prime example of how difficult this car at slow speed cornering, handbrake turn is a must in this part for me, due to the long 1st gear is a bit slow on exit for less than 30mph cornering speed. The car is well balanced on high speed corners, braking is also good, tail braking is a breeze. I am surprised by the tune's BB of 6/9, too much rear bias for no ABS driver like me, but that's just for me. A shorter 1st gear would definitely help the car to get faster time in my opinion.

Tuner name: Krenkme
Best lap: 1:44.035
ABS: 0, BB 9/4
Controller type: Stick
Sensitivity or Feedback: 4
Comment : Splendid Cobra tune, simply good drive, at first I worried about the very short gearing, even shorter than mine, it almost hit rev limit on the tunnel (125mph) also on the main straight, but no worries, it actually worked quite well as most corners can taken in 3rd or 2nd. I like the trail braking part of this car, the rear steps out nicely on tight turns, the grand hotel hairpin can be taken with just a touch of the brake and some nice opposite lock. The car has great turn in, very minimal understeer , to me this is just right. My best lap has at least 3 slides on tight corners ( too fun ), a smoother run would have 1:43.xxx easily.

Tuner name: ACSR421
Best lap: 1:44:709
ABS: 0, BB 9/4
Controller type: Stick
Sensitivity or Feedback: 4
Comment : This car is pretty much well balanced, slight over and under when pushed hard, the steering is great, I can point the car easily. Gearing is not too short and not too long, all 5 are usable. Slow speed corners can be taken with ease, while the high speed one like the tunnel can be taken almost full throttle. I like the handling of the car, very similar to ugabugaz's car.

Tuner name: Ugabugaz
Best lap: 1:44.881
ABS: 0, BB 9/4
Controller type: Stick
Sensitivity or Feedback: 4
Comment : The tune has one of the best handling, the rear has tons of grip, the front is responsive to input, high speed or slow speed corners can be taken with confidence. Turn in is sublime, although the suspension is quite too stiff to my liking. The major drawback is the slow acceleration compared to other tunes. Going uphill after the 1st turn, I can barely reach a 120mph on 4th gear, feels like it's out of steam, other cars I have tested could reach 123/125 mph easily. Maybe it's just me, so don't take my word for it. Braking is another one, even with 9/4 BB, it felt a bit lacking, maybe because of the stiff springs. Overall a good tune to drive, very enjoyable.
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Here my results for the shootout.

To have 10 the car need to show a perfect balance.

In a corner: under brake, the car must lead to the apex with a little rotation ,staying in line.

Mid corner:throttle control must let the car the way you want, releasing throttle front lead to apex, accelerating can print a light oversteer to correct a driving line without sudden oversteer, maintaining throttle must follow the line perfectly. Good precise direction.

out a corner: Full traction without losing the rear and light controled oversteer.


Sheephead99 and XDesperado don't have their car on share.:guilty::guilty:

Very nice shootout with a lot of very good cars.

Congratulations to tuners and testers.

