Pupik - 25 pts
LewyOs, PeterJB, ADEuk - 15 pts
5th: Omnis - 10 pts
6th=: PureAwesomeness, Alex., BlacqueJacques - 6 pts
Winning Entry
Piquet: This is how much Bernie used to pay me to drive for Brabham.
2011 Final Standings
LewyOs •••• -
206 pts
ADEuk •• -
183 pts
Touring Mars -
163 pts
Famine • - 117 pts
5th: niky
• - 110 pts
6th: PeterJB
• - 102 pts
7th: pezzarinho17 - 72 pts
8th: Pupik
• - 71 pts
9th: prisonermonkeys
• - 62 pts
10th: Alex.
•• - 56 pts
11th: GTP_Ingram
• - 50 pts (1 win)
12th: livemusic - 50 pts (0 wins)
13th=: Jimlaad43
•, dhandes
• - 41 pts
15th: RACECAR - 37 pts
16th: Omnis - 35 pts
17th: TopGearFTW
• - 34 pts (1 win)
18th: haitch40 - 34 pts (0 wins)
19th: akmuq - 32 pts
20th: mafia_boy - 28 pts
21st: C-ZETA - 26 pts
22nd=: DQuaN
•, MrMulsanne
• - 25 pts (1 win)
24rd: AudioSpark
• - 24 pts
25th: BlacqueJacques - 22 pts
26th: ghskilla
• - 21 pts (1 win)
27th: daan - 21 pts
28th: mPWRD - 20 pts
29th: Peter. - 19 pts
30th: TheStig13 - 18 pts
31st=: race'emhard, driftking18594 - 17 pts
33rd: EDK - 16 pts
34th=: Bee, TheCracker - 11 pts
36th=: homeforsummer, PureAwesomeness - 10 pts
38th: peterjford - 8 pts
39th: Mynock005 - 5 pts
40th: lukecfc - 4 pts
41st=: F1Addict, granturismite - 3 pts
43rd=: adamp93, Tesla, Borna12345 - 2 pts
Congratulations to
Pupik on winning the final round on the season!...
... and congratulations to
LewyOs on winning the 2011 GTP F1 Picture Caption Game!! A well deserved win, winning four rounds along the way

Well done also to
ADEuk for a great season, finishing 2nd place overall, with 2 wins. Well done to everyone else who scored points, particularly those who made the Top 10, and those who won a round this year (which is more than I could manage!!!)
2011 Season Review
Round 1 - DQuaN
Round 2 - TopGearFTW
Round 3 - LewyOs
Round 4 - Alex.
Round 5 - ADEuk
Round 6 - MrMulsanne
Round 7 - GTP_Ingram
Round 8 - LewyOs
Round 9 - Famine
Round 10 - ADEuk
Round 11 - dhandes
Round 12 - PeterJB
Round 13 - niky
Round 14 - prisonermonkeys
Round 15 - AudioSpark/ghskilla
Round 16 - Alex.
Round 17 - LewyOs/Jimlaad43
Round 18 - LewyOs
Round 19 - Pupik
Thanks to everyone that took part in this year's competition! I hope you had as much fun taking part as I had running it, and I hope to run it again next year if time permits. In the meantime, I hope you all have a great Christmas/festive period, and here's to a happy and healthy 2012 for all GTPlanet members. I hope to see you all again next season!