F1 Caption Game - Archive ThreadFormula 1 

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Nico throws in the towel​
Nico's comments removed at the request of Sony Computer Entertainment America.
Not part of the caption: I will compete this again! :)


Nico:*says something about GT5 leak - removed at request of SCEA*
Mechanic: Quiet! Don't say that. It's Sony secret.
Did you just post basically the same caption as the previous one?

Not cool.

Engineer:Hey Nico! That's the same sweat towel Juan Pablo Montoya used here in 2004. Now, I'm not supersticious, but maybe you could win for us... please?

Hulkenburg: ...(gurgh)...

Engineer: Oh god, he's gonna hurl! RUN!!!
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Did you just post basically the same caption as the previous one?

Not cool.
To be fair to tankuroded, nobody on this page had the picture posted. It's possible he just scrolled through everything looking for the picture without reading comments, and then went back a page when he didn't find it. It's entirely possible that it's compeltely innocent, and would have made the joke regardless of the picture we were captioning, because SCEA removing GT5 videos from YouTube is on everyone's mind (and lately a lot of captions are riffs on the same subject, or reflect some kind of current event).

That said, copying someone directly is not cool. Copying the Indigo One directly is pretty much suicide.

Nico - "What! You're replacing me with Pastor Maldonado for next season! I just scored your team's first pole for over 5 years and this is what I get in return. Pathetic!
Mechanic - "Nico, we've actually negotiated a contract for you with another team. Look here comes the team boss right now. Nico, say hello to Mr Kolles..."
Nico: Is that Jessica Michibata? Did she break up with Jenson again? Ohmygosh, is she looking this way? Did she see me? She knows I'm on pole, right? How's my hair? Is there something in my teeth?

Mechanic: Yes. Dunno. Yes. Yes. Dunno. You've got a cap on, and it's fabulous. Nope. Go for it, Nico!

Man I love this one. I know whose got my 3 votes. You sir are a genius.
Nico hides his grin as brundle gets shot down by another female member of the press on his way to jinx him.
Just to clarify, a caption that is too similar to one already posted will not be included in the vote, as implied by the rule "captions must be your own work". Therefore, tankuroded will need to post another caption.


1st: Famine - 25 pts
2nd: Smallhorses - 18 pts
3rd=: Niky, ADEuk - 13 pts
5th=: pippin4652, interludes - 9 pts
7th=: Jimlaad43, PeterJB, Ian Poole, C-ZETA , KobayashiFan, Raagentreg, Soundtrack, daan, Touring Mars - 1 pt

Winning Entry


Nico's comments removed at the request of Sony Computer Entertainment America.

Standings (after Round Eighteen)


1st: Smallhorses = 143 pts
2nd: pippin4652 = 133 pts
3rd: interludes = 124 pts
4th: Soundtrack = 77 pts
5th: PeterJB = 75 pts
6th: daan = 73 pts
7th: Famine = 69 pts
8th: ADEuk = 66 pts
9th: niky = 61 pts
10th: Omnis = 58 pts

11th: LewyOs = 51 pts
12th: SUPER NUMBBER = 35 pts
13th: TS = 33 pts
14th: mafia_boy = 32 pts
15th: TheStig13 = 31 pts
16th=: yeti, Alex. = 28 pts
18th=: Pupik, Jimlaad43 = 26 pts
20th: astrosdude91 = 25 pts
21st=: zed300, chromatic9 = 24 pts
23rd: Pescara for GT5 = 23 pts
24th=: Terronium-12, ROAD_DOGG33J = 21 pts
26th: peterjford = 20 pts
27th: glassjaw = 19 pts
28th: PureAwesomeness = 18 pts
29th: ExigeEvan = 16 pts
30th: Ian Poole = 14 pts
31st=: mipuumal, KobayashiFan = 13 pts
33rd=: TopGearFTW, BlacqueJacques = 12 pts
35th: driftking18594 = 11 pts
36th=: orimarc, Fastas, livemusic = 10 pts
39th=: NihilismOnToast, RACECAR = 9 pts
41st=: Only_in_f1, analog, Beliall = 8 pts
44th=: haitch40, atteiros = 7 pts
46th=: Carbonite, Justin, Raagentreg = 6 pts
49th=: SaberFire, Seismica, Captain Roh = 4 pts
52nd: PJ-FFL = 3 pts
53rd: Sureboss = 2 pts
54th: C-ZETA = 1 pt

Congratulations to Famine for winning Round Eighteen of the competition :cheers: With just one round left to go, Smallhorses extends his lead for the Chase win, but amazingly, the entire Top 10 scored some points this week :eek:


Final Round - Abu Dhabi coming soon!

I'm dodging the podium like a pro at the moment, I'll have to write something hillariously witty in the next round to make myself 'the winning loser' after that performance from Smallhorses. I'm such a good sport, voting for my nearest competitor ;)

Congratulations to Sebastian Vettel on the 2010 F1 World Championship!



Final Round - Abu Dhabi


Entries by Monday, 29th November - 0900 GMT - please mark your final entry appropriately, and remember that you cannot change it once it has been marked. You may also submit your final entry to me via PM if you want your entry to be anonymous. Please note, if you submit an entry, you are expected to vote in the subsequent voting round

Full rules available in Post #1
Guess I will have first crack then?


Yes Deitrich, that case of Red Bull is on it's way to Vitaly as we speak!

Vitaly, Fernando is faster than you. Can you confirm you understood that message?


Remembering Seb's disappointment at receiving an invisible pipe at the start of the season, Christian smiles as he celebrates both titles with a cheeky smoke on the pit wall.​
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