Fallout 3

  • Thread starter NLxAROSA
The answer you guys might be looking for is probably *spoiler alert* here. Who'd have thought there was a Wiki written specifically for Fallout games...

I've used this pretty much my whole time playing whenever I want to know something. Some of you guys probably use it too.

So, in short, the only way to access Vault 87 is through Little Lamplight.
I have the same thing, even though i went through the Vault in Little Lamplight. I'm guessing there's some sort of an entrance somewhere, but i couldn't find it fast enough. I think it's one of the more interesting places on the map though, with all the dead space around it.

I read elsewhere that it's impossible to get near the door even with the console noclip cheat without being invincible. There's simply too much radiation.

The answer you guys might be looking for is probably *spoiler alert* here. Who'd have thought there was a Wiki written specifically for Fallout games...

I've used this pretty much my whole time playing whenever I want to know something. Some of you guys probably use it too.

So, in short, the only way to access Vault 87 is through Little Lamplight.

I was just wondering why Vault 87 was not checked off on my map, since I just went through there yesterday. I guess I have to read what's the deal in the link.

Deputy Weld came back to life! It's been a while, too. Jebus is what I call him, now.

If that ain't enough fun surprises, Dogmeat came back! He went looking for a weapon, and just showed up in my home in Megaton. Didn't bring me anything, though, so it's your guess what the hell he's been doing all this time.

I have Fawkes as a companion, and Cross split. Good. Didn't like it her at all, anyway. Plus, Fawkes holds over twice the crap she ever did, and doesn't die after being hit twice! So far, he hasn't used a single stimpak I gave him, which has me worried that he'll never use them, like Cross. He has 100 of them, so there's no reason he should die on me.

I have just 4 more Bobbleheads to find, two Side quest trophies, the Behemoth trophy and the last two Main quest trophies and I'm done.

Not sure what I want to do next, but I always try to do the most beneficial quest first. I have the following...

1. Side Quest: Shoot Them In The Head
2. Side Quest: Trouble On The Home Front - Vault 101
3. Bobblehead: Big Guns - Fort Constantine
4. Bobblehead: Charisma - Vault 108
5. Bobblehead: Endurance - Deathclaw Sanctuary
6. Bobblehead: Mêlée - Dunwich Virulent Underchambers
7. Main Quest:
8. Main Quest: Final Main Quest that ends the game.

I know 7 and 8 should be the last, since they end the game. I think I should start 'Shoot Head' quest first, so I can get the Big Guns Bobblehead at the same time; during the quest. Not sure if doing one of the other one's would be better to get done first, or what, so any help would be appreciated.
Fawkes is pretty much invincible. Short of firing mini-nukes at him, he's not going to die. Even after being ambushed by four or five enemies, I've only ever seen him lose a couple health bars. He's also good for carrying tons of equipment.
1. Side Quest: Shoot Them In The Head

Once you get Crowley his keys,

Kill his ass, loot them off his corpse, and head to Fort Constantine. You can pick up the experimental power armor. And the bobblehead, of course.
Done, though it wasn't easy. I made it all the way to the Bunker, and Ted's key wasn't 'Special' enough. I had to reload my game save from when I gave the last key to Crowley, and did it all over again.

I thought this armor had more benefits than it did. 50 DR is nice, but I like the AP and LCK boosts with the Ranger armor.

I'm going to do Trouble On The Home Front next, but it looks complicated. I don't care for anything special, at this point. I jut want to end the game. What's the quickest way? Kill Amata? I want to complete the quest for the trophy, and don't care what else happens, so long there are no bad benefits.
You could shoot The Overseer for bloody mess with your 10 mm pistol in your T-51b (ie. like Fallout 1) and then talk to Amata. The only complicated thing about that quest is Vault 101. I had trouble figuring out where the passages go.

I'm not sure if you get the trophy for just shooting Amata. I didn't get a trophy awarded when I skipped the GOAT: it actually said "Trophy not awarded." Double-check with Wikia.

You might be missing out on a bit of the gritty humour if you blast through it though. Beatrice and Andy were memorable.
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You could shoot The Overseer for bloody mess with your 10 mm pistol in your T-51b (ie. like Fallout 1) and then talk to Amata. The only complicated thing about that quest is Vault 101. I had trouble figuring out where the passages go.

I'm not sure if you get the trophy for just shooting Amata. I didn't get a trophy awarded when I skipped the GOAT: it actually said "Trophy not awarded." Double-check with Wikia.

You might be missing out on a bit of the gritty humour if you blast through it though. Beatrice and Andy were memorable.

Thanks for the tip. I didn't kill Amata. I killed the Overseer. I couldn't resist the option they gave me. "And with that, you're dead." LMAO :lol:

Andy was pretty funny. Big toe... lol

Got all my trophies except the Behemoth and the final two Main quests, and I should have that tomorrow.

Deathclaw Sanctuary was easy. Went down from entrance, killed Deathclaw, reach bottom floor in front of me and turn to the left to collect final Bobblehead and Mini Nuke. Turn around, go back up and leave. Done.

The Experimental MIRV is nice, but costly with MNs. I have 105 of them, and then were gone in less than 3 minutes. Is it just me, or do the MNs travel farther with the MIRV compared to the Fat Man?

Oh, and I cannot find the 'Goalie Ladeux' with the AP Hockey Mask who wants the Clear Nuka Cola Formula. Where is he? I went to the Red Rocket/Racer Factory and he wasn't there. In fact, it was just a female scientist and I have no idea why I need to go there. There was nothing there but some odd junk. I read he's usually outside around it and no luck at all there, either.

I want his mask for the +25AP. I have the following...

Jet +30
Ultra Jet +40
Nuka Cola Quantum +20
Mississippi Pie +20
Ranger Combat Armor +5

With the above, I could fire 3 shots in VATS with the Ex MIRV or Fat Man for a total of INSAVE damage levels. Nine tosses with Nuka Grenades = 4,500 total damage. Nice! :)
Thanks for the tip. I didn't kill Amata. I killed the Overseer. I couldn't resist the option they gave me. "And with that, you're dead." LMAO :lol:
I convinced the Overseer to open up Vault 101, got the Rock-It-Launcher Schematics from Dad's safe, got the Modified Utility Jumpsuit (Wg=2, +1 Luck, +10 Rad Resistance, and +5 Repair), and got out of there with the Trophy. At endgame, I just wear this Modified Utility Jumpsuit, the Lucky Shades (Wg=1), and Three Dog's Head Wrap (Wg=0). Coupled with the Lincoln Repeater (Wg=5), Colonel Autumn's Laser Pistol (Wg=2, but actual weight is zero, since it is considered to be an undroppable Quest Item), and the Lucky 8 Ball, my carry weight is only 9/280 when I set off to harvest Enclave Troops, etc. Obviously my Damage Resistance is very low, but I don't like to be hit, so I tend to remain Hidden as much as possible.

Got all my trophies except the Behemoth and the final two Main quests, and I should have that tomorrow.
The final Behemoth on my list was the one at Takoma Park Industrial. I killed everything else that was around, and saved. I finished off the Behemoth, earned the Trophy, and reloaded. I left him roaming around in the Industrial Park so that I could return and finish him off with different weapons....just for kicks.

Deathclaw Sanctuary was easy. Went down from entrance, killed Deathclaw, reach bottom floor in front of me and turn to the left to collect final Bobblehead and Mini Nuke. Turn around, go back up and leave. Done.
Well, if you had bothered to explore the entire Sanctuary, you could have found some more items, including Vengeance, a unique and very powerful Gatling Laser. This weapon is actually fun to use, unlike that ridiculous Experimental MIRV, which is just a waste of ammo, IMHO. If you go there after the Enclave appear, you can also pick up Jack, a unique Ripper.

Oh, and I cannot find the 'Goalie Ladeux' with the AP Hockey Mask who wants the Clear Nuka Cola Formula. Where is he? I went to the Red Rocket/Racer Factory and he wasn't there. In fact, it was just a female scientist and I have no idea why I need to go there. There was nothing there but some odd junk. I read he's usually outside around it and no luck at all there, either.
If you didn't return to the Red Racer Factory with the Clear Nuka-Cola Formula, before you completed the Nuka-Cola Challenge, then odds are that you will never find Goalie Ledoux. He and his gang were waiting outside the building for me when I got there with the Formula. I didn't bother haggling with him and got a few caps for the formula. I then saved the game, reverse pick-pocketed a Power Helmet on Goalie Ledoux, and left. I waited and came back, and he was still there, wearing the Power Helmet. I grabbed the Mask this time, and when I went back to visit after about 30 hours of additional play time, Goalie Ledoux was still standing outside of the entrance into the Factory wearing his nice Power Helmet.
I started playing this again today since I seemed to mess up on my first play through, and I'm enjoying it a lot more now. I've done a few quests in Megaton and have been all the way through the Springvale school too, and now I'm just sort of exploring. Any recommendations on where to go next to level up a bit more?

The quest is telling me to go to GNR but last time I tried that I seemed to be progressing too quickly and found it got too difficult too quickly.
You mean to tell me you can actually go back to Vault 101? I put a baseball bat to the Overseer's head in the beginning, so do you have to keep him alive in order to return?
I started playing this again today since I seemed to mess up on my first play through, and I'm enjoying it a lot more now. I've done a few quests in Megaton and have been all the way through the Springvale school too, and now I'm just sort of exploring. Any recommendations on where to go next to level up a bit more?

The quest is telling me to go to GNR but last time I tried that I seemed to be progressing too quickly and found it got too difficult too quickly.

You can go to Bethesda Ruins building, but it's filled with Raiders outside and inside. However, it's not impossible.

Once inside, pay attention to when traveling back outside while crossing a 'people bridge' that leads back inside. Just before going outside, there was a room with a bed you can sleep. After going across to the next building, you'll meet a Raider with a Flamer. Waste him/her and loot the Big Guns Skill Book and go back across the bridge to next building to sleep in that bed for 4 days. When you do, the Raiders respawn, which gives you XP points up the wazoo, and you can the BGSB over again since that re-spawns with the Flamer Raider, too!

Tons of XP points, you'll max out Big Guns skill and you can earn a lot of Flamer weapons in top condition and sell them in Megaton for caps. Just keep going back to Megaton once you're loaded with MAX condition Flamers and then back to earn more XP, Flamers and BGSBs. Trust me, you'll get a rhythm going and it will be a cinch to do.

@Tig, thanks for the tips. I just wish I knew I had to give him the formula BEFORE completing the quest. Bah. That doesn't make sense, though. I still have the Formula, so I don't see why I had to give it to him before completing it. Sometimes, this game makes no sense to me.

Oh, and where/how did you get CO Autumn's Laser Pistol?

You mean to tell me you can actually go back to Vault 101? I put a baseball bat to the Overseer's head in the beginning, so do you have to keep him alive in order to return?

Nope. It's a new guy. I killed Amata's father too, and it was some other guy doing it.
I've headed for GNR after all, found it much easier this time round having taken the time to get into the game a bit more. I'm currently heading for the museum which is where I got stuck last time but I'm definitely doing better this time round. The only mistake I have made so far is using the Fat Man when stood too close to the Behemoth and crippling my own arms :lol:
The way I play the game is that I often forget I have missions to do. Currently battling my way to the Museum, Archives, etc. One hell of a lot of mutants and Talon's.
I thought this armor had more benefits than it did. 50 DR is nice, but I like the AP and LCK boosts with the Ranger armor.

I believe the armor has no agility penalty, unlike other power armor, and the helmet gives you +1 charisma.
I did this, and it never failed me. Of course, I took the time to travel back to Megaton in order to heal up, and to wait 3 full days (3 x 24 hours) before heading back to the Bethesda Ruins. I get the impression that you are simply waiting somewhere near the Bethesda Ruins, and I never tried this, so I don't know if that is what seems to be causing the problem that you've described.

I think not traveling further away is the issue. Basically all I was doing was exiting through the ground level door and waiting there. Once I started heading back to Mega the respawn was more consistent.

Naughty Nightware is +10 and Button's Wig is +10 Speech, plus CHR. I also drink booze, and pop a Grape Mentats.

Oooh, hadn't ran across the NN or BW yet. Good info for me there.

Only with a bunch of full conditioned Flamers. I wait three days, then four. You gotta wait an entire week for the enemy to respawn twice. Once after three days, then four. Repeat.

Ok, so it seems that not removing the flamers could delay the respawn as well... interesting.

I never got the Bloody Mess perk, but blood, eyes and heads go flying all over the place, anyway. Not always, but a lot of the times. Especially at 'Sneak Critical Shots' but I'm not sure if that's BM perk or not.

Yeah a little while after I posted the question I noticed that the BM graphical effect was working again. It seemed to get displayed more often before I got the Better Criticals perk but maybe I'm just seeing things. Anyway with BM not only will you see all the head related gore but you'll see more blood spray and all 4 limbs pop off at the same time as well. Here's an example, see what you think:

JIC Warning - graphic video game violence

Edit - received approval
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It doesn't look that much different, but it does a little.

Man, Fort Bannister had about two dozen Talon Mercs; it was ridiculous. Dogmeat wouldn't stay still, and kept running after them getting himself killed, so don't bring him with you if you ever go there. Fatman, Mini Nukes and a few skill books was worth it, though.

Also, Dogmeat found the Firelance Alien Blaster for me. Good boy.

Still playing. :)

I finished the game and unlocked all the trophies. First platinum trophy for me, too. 👍 :)

Did anybody else think the Main Qusts were a bit too simple and the last one a bit on the cheesy side? I sure did.

I also was finally able to pick up the Lucky's Shades. I read how you can crab it in 3rd person and move the camera around and aim completely away from it to finally reveal it as something you can pickup. Tried it and with a bit of luck, got it in no time.

I also got CO Autumn's Laser Pistol and I'm not that impressed with it. It shoots fast, though. Alien Blaster still kicks the most ass. One hit in VATS with it is an instant critical hit, which those with this pistol know what that means. :sly:

Still haven't got Goalie Ledaux's hockey mask, and I think I'm done trying. People have said they can see the gang roaming between the Nuka Cola plant and the Red Racer/Rocket Factory, but no luck for me. I also tried dumping the formula while inside and then picking it back up in hopes of triggering the gang to be outside once I leave, but no luck.

I tried the Gatling Laser for the first time and that thing is awesome! I like it only for FPS style and not in VATS.

I also blew up one of those Enclave Troop Carriers. Never tried it before. I started nailing it as it was landing right in front of me. It dropped two troops off and started to take off when I finally shot it into pieces.

Still playing to tie up some quests and explore some more.
Wait so the game doesn't really end if you finish the main quests?

I've red that there's some option that you can choose to sacrifice yourself or something like that, but that's ALL i know please don't spoil it for me!

If you choose to live, you can keep exploring?
No. The game ends after you finish the main quest. It's over.

You can choose to keep playing from an earlier savegame. I believe it automatically makes a permanent save for you before you reach the last scene.
Wait so the game doesn't really end if you finish the main quests?

I've red that there's some option that you can choose to sacrifice yourself or something like that, but that's ALL i know please don't spoil it for me!

If you choose to live, you can keep exploring?

No, it ends once the final Main Quest is over. I have a bunch of saves, at least two for each level, and about a dozen Level 20 saves allowing me to keep playing.

I'm just finishing 'small quests' that I never got done. Also, some places I didn't explore.

Gatling Laser is awesome. Much better than the Minigun. I now have Charon, Fawkes and Dogmeat, all armed with Gatling Lasers. I have to look up whom else I can get in my gang. I found a place where Enclave soldiers always respawn after 4 days with one of them who is always armed with a Gatling Laser. Arming them, and rebuilding my Vengeance, will no longer be a problem.
I found a place where Enclave soldiers always respawn after 4 days with one of them who is always armed with a Gatling Laser. Arming them, and rebuilding my Vengeance, will no longer be a problem.
Does this Enclave spawn point happen to be the one that is just northwest of Girdershade, or have you found another one? I got about 10 Gatling Lasers from the one that I described, but lately, the guy with the Tesla Armor has just had Mini Guns for some reason.

I did get some Gatling Lasers from some of the Brotherhood of Steel Paladins, however. I have never actually killed one myself, but I presently have 30 Brotherhood Holotags in my locker as souvenirs. All four of the BOS members guarding the area around the Washington Monument died at the hands of one Super Mutant Master that I lured towards them. I'll bet that they could have beaten that Mini Gun wielding monster if they had at least had a few rounds of ammunition, which happened to be in my inventory when the battle took place.:) Hand to hand combat against a Mini Gun was a no-win situation for these four poor souls.
Does this Enclave spawn point happen to be the one that is just northwest of Girdershade, or have you found another one? I got about 10 Gatling Lasers from the one that I described, but lately, the guy with the Tesla Armor has just had Mini Guns for some reason.

I did get some Gatling Lasers from some of the Brotherhood of Steel Paladins, however. I have never actually killed one myself, but I presently have 30 Brotherhood Holotags in my locker as souvenirs. All four of the BOS members guarding the area around the Washington Monument died at the hands of one Super Mutant Master that I lured towards them. I'll bet that they could have beaten that Mini Gun wielding monster if they had at least had a few rounds of ammunition, which happened to be in my inventory when the battle took place.:) Hand to hand combat against a Mini Gun was a no-win situation for these four poor souls.

It was NW of Girdershade. It's fun fast traveling there, and from your high vantage point, watching the carnage unfold. I witnessed two Deathclaws and two Giant Radscorpions and a Yao Guai all rip the Enclave soldiers to pieces. Too bad a Mini Nuke can't reach out that far. 👍
I'm yet to see a Deathclaw. I'm up to mid level 16 now. Surely adding trophies/quests along the way. Currently doing lots around the Mall. And am right now inside the Archives.
Deathclaws are just as common as Yao Guai. Try searching south west of DC.

Mmm, I went into Paradise Falls and went Abraham Lincoln on everyone's ass with my combat shotgun. Should I leave it as (a bloody mess) is or get that kid's terminal running and do it the "right" way?
Scoped Magnum + Super Mutants = Slaughter time! :D
Just exited the underground outside the museum and there were loads of Super Mutants hanging about firing at me with rifles. So I pulled out the scoped Magnum and went on a hunting mission.

I'm so glad I gave this game a 2nd chance, it's much better this time round.
Deathclaws are just as common as Yao Guai. Try searching south west of DC.

Mmm, I went into Paradise Falls and went Abraham Lincoln on everyone's ass with my combat shotgun. Should I leave it as (a bloody mess) is or get that kid's terminal running and do it the "right" way?
If someone really wants to find a Deathclaw, I suggest either the Deathclaw Sanctuary (duh), or Old Olney.

In regards to your question about Paradise Falls, I suppose that the proper answer really depends on whether or not you care about collecting trophies. It is not clear from your post if you committed this massacre before you took a quest from Grouse, the slaver who greets you at the entrance, or after completing his quest.
Scoped Magnum + Super Mutants = Slaughter time! :D
Just exited the underground outside the museum and there were loads of Super Mutants hanging about firing at me with rifles. So I pulled out the scoped Magnum and went on a hunting mission.

I'm so glad I gave this game a 2nd chance, it's much better this time round.

What's a lot better than the 'Scoped Magnum is the 'Blackhawk' (should have been Redhawk) which does more damage. Complete Agatha's Song for it.

Even better, is the Reservist's Rifle found on a Wastelander who tries to kill you at the Dickinson (?) Chapel found near the center, NW area of your map. He's on the second level that you cannot reach. What this rifle does is give you a better percentage chance of a critical hit. Not only that, but once you get a Sneak Attack Critical Hit, you'll get a x5 DAMAGE multiplier (200 DAMAGE) which means you can kill Deathclaws with almost one shot! Naturally, that depends on which difficulty level you play.

Still trying to tie up all those sub-mini quests and locations. But, I'm getting bored.

What's the point to shooting people in the leg with the Dart Gun? I thought I could disable them, so I can go up and pound them, or something, but they just die like normal, but more quickly. If I wanted them to die quickly, I'd shoot them in the head with my Reservist's Rifle.

Does anybody Like the Railway Rifle, too? It just kills people, but I read it actually pins them against the wall. Does that ever happen?

What other weapons have unique ways to attack enemies?

So far, my favorite weapon is still Sydney's Ultra SMG. It has such a low AP use level and is extremely deadly. With Grim Reaper's Sprint, I'm never really injured, which explains why I have over 800 Stimpaks.

I have 35,000 Caps, and enjoy using Lucky Harith to increase the condition of all my items. I also go to the following merchants for fun stuff...

Pronto (after giving him 20 Chines Assault Rifles)
Lucky Harith

I really like Crow, lately. He'll have over 4,000 Caps in his inventory! Who else has the good stuff?

I still have Dogmeat, Fawkes and Charon, but I want more. Anybody else I can get with a Very Good rating?
No, I did not complete his quest and I don't really care for the trophies since I was half way through the game when the trophy patch came out. Even then, I'm not willing to start over again.

I suppose I'll get scootin' with my speech bobblehead and leave it as a bloody mess.
The dart gun works on very fast enemies like the deathclaw. Once the dart hits, both sets of legs are crippled. The enemy also loses pounce ability.