Fanatec Announcements: CSW V2 Reviews Out

  • Thread starter Crispy
Ok first of all, its not a matter of agreeing to disagree. You are just wrong. Its called an offset and its a commonly used practice. When someone writes a time, you say blah blah blah is happening at 10.00 GMT/UTC - 5 (CDT). This tells whoever you are writing to that its happening at 10:00 am central daylight time, which is 5 hours behind GMT. Its not 10.00 GMT - 5 hours. It's done that way so that easy time zone conversions can be done. If my time is GMT - 5 and something is happening at 12.00 GMT + 2, than I know it's happening 7 hours earlier my time. So 5.00 GMT - 5 is the same as 12.00 GMT + 2. If you didn't know that, it was your ignorance, to be completely honest. Its not a matter of how you read it.

As I thought, it was a complete misunderstanding on my behalf. I now understand. I've never seen a timezone offset wrote in that way. Never really had to delve into timezones so I was unaware. This paragraph above has sorted my confusion.

Fanatec announcement - here's the update on Thomas' blog.
Update on Fanatec's facebook. Posting on the go so can't quote or link.

Looks like nothing will be done now until Monday. Their going to manually sort through current orders and contact people over the current status.

So for all those who have managed to pay, it won't be until Monday when we find out if it's 100% complete.

I'm assuming you mean this (direct copy from their Facebook)

about an hour ago
Welcome to...

too many error messages. We have to take the wesbite offline again and fix the issues occured during the overload in the last hours.

We have received many orders but a lot of people did not get a confirmation email or had other issues.

On Monday we will analyze all payments we received and all orders we got. We will then try to fix the orders manually if we have received everything or will contact all customers with incomplete orders to ask for the missing information.

Please don't contact us before Tuesday and give us chance to contact you on Monday. Any individual inquiry will slow down the process.

I can only thank you for beeing such a great audience. Besides the understandable frustrated comments we have received a lot of encouriging comments as well.
I hope you forgive us this bumpy website and product launch.

There will be no more time estimate when the website will be online again but you can be sure that as soon as the site is working fine and is online again you will be notified on facebook and on my blog.

With any other product (TV, car, etc...) the golden rule is to wait for the second batch to get issues sorted out. No offense intended, just wondering...

Not everyone, myself included, follows this "golden rule" as you call it. So it might be your golden rule, but it's not a static thing by any means.

I've been on the waiting list for 3 different brand new released cars, bought several brand new model TV's and other electronics. Yes, the second year models were better and cheaper sometimes, but I'm not going to sit around waiting while other people enjoy the product that I could be enjoying right now.

Life is short, I'm not going to wait for some arbitrary "golden rule" to get WHAT *I* WANT.

Just because you wait doesn't mean I (or anyone else) should.
I feel I am the only one not able to access to the new Fanatec pages. I hope I will able to order some clubsport pedals soon.

I already post this on 911wheel but I think Fanatec is trying to keep low cost everywhere in order to keep decent prices. So this is why they are selling themselves their hardware, hosting and building their own site etc...

I think they are not selling thousand wheels every month because the market is not very huge. So R&D costs are huge for the amount of sold products. Fanatec is not Logitech or Thrustmaster, they are only doing sim racing hardware, they don't have a big infrastructure shared by different departments that allows to lower the costs. So we should understand it is also for customers that they choose not to buy a expensive Internet platform.
I feel I am the only one not able to access to the new Fanatec pages. I hope I will able to order some clubsport pedals soon.

Not sure if this is sarcasm, but, have you not read the previous few pages? EVERYONE has had problems.

Also, literally a couple posts before this, it has been quoted from Thomas himself that the site will be down until further notice and that they won't be responding to individual requests until Tuesday at the earliest.
No one can access the site right now, they took it down.

I was fortunate enough to be one of those who was able to get through, after hundreds of clicks and retries. Got my order placed!
No one can access the site right now, they took it down.

I was fortunate enough to be one of those who was able to get through, after hundreds of clicks and retries. Got my order placed!

Have you had any form of confirmation? I too managed an order yet only received an email from PayPal confirming payment sent to Endor. Hopefully this means that my order is semi-confirmed and will still stand. I know some people Havana yet to receive an email from PayPal.
Read the post by Roush_Fan just a little above yours. Or check Fanatec's Facebook page, Thomas explained exactly what you are worried about.

Almost every order is the exact same way that our orders are, without confirmation. They'll go through the orders and e-mail us on Monday.
Not everyone, myself included, follows this "golden rule" as you call it. So it might be your golden rule, but it's not a static thing by any means.

I've been on the waiting list for 3 different brand new released cars, bought several brand new model TV's and other electronics. Yes, the second year models were better and cheaper sometimes, but I'm not going to sit around waiting while other people enjoy the product that I could be enjoying right now.

Life is short, I'm not going to wait for some arbitrary "golden rule" to get WHAT *I* WANT.

Just because you wait doesn't mean I (or anyone else) should.

I agree with the highlighted part.

Everyone has to think about it for himself. Seems that you thought about it and decided to choose the way you go. Nothing wrong with it whatsoever.

But for people who complain about the bumpy start of the web-shop and CSW they had the choice to decide different, backed up by the past experience with Fanatec's product launches. Seems that some have really expected a flawless launch of the new web-shop and CSW. And for the more conservative persons I think my discribed "golden rule" is the way to go.

You might agree that often the price of new gadgets drops significantly short after launch. I heard people complaining, that they have paid 100 bucks more for the Nintendo 3DS than people who waitet a bit. These people defenately have not thought about it before. You also might agree about growing pains of new gadgets. You obviously decided to take the risk instead of waiting. So you won't be the guy complaining about if something happen. So again, nothing wrong with the way you do.
Read the post by Roush_Fan just a little above yours. Or check Fanatec's Facebook page, Thomas explained exactly what you are worried about.

Almost every order is the exact same way that our orders are, without confirmation. They'll go through the orders and e-mail us on Monday.

I know, I've also linked to the blog in my original post (above Roush_Fan). I just wondered if yourself have had the same level of confirmation as me, or where you an unlucky one who has yet to receive anything.

With payment being sent we should be ok and once it's been checked manually our orders will be good to go. Yet those who have yet to get confirmation via PayPal may have to replace their order and therefore miss out on the first batch.

Again, all we can do now is wait. I think Fanatec deserve this weekend off after the problems they've gone through. It can't be easy for a smallish company launching a highly anticipated product.
It was not a sarcasm. I know they are a lot of problems but I see some comments on Facebook about persons who successfully order.

I even could not see what the fanatec home page looks like.
It was not a sarcasm. I know they are a lot of problems but I see some comments on Facebook about persons who successfully order.

I even could not see what the fanatec home page looks like.

I apologise then, basically the site will be down until further notice as things didn't go so well.

Nobody will know anything else until some time on Monday.
I agree with the highlighted part.

Everyone has to think about it for himself. Seems that you thought about it and decided to choose the way you go. Nothing wrong with it whatsoever.

But for people who complain about the bumpy start of the web-shop and CSW they had the choice to decide different, backed up by the past experience with Fanatec's product launches. Seems that some have really expected a flawless launch of the new web-shop and CSW. And for the more conservative persons I think my discribed "golden rule" is the way to go.

You might agree that often the price of new gadgets drops significantly short after launch. I heard people complaining, that they have paid 100 bucks more for the Nintendo 3DS than people who waitet a bit. These people defenately have not thought about it before. You also might agree about growing pains of new gadgets. You obviously decided to take the risk instead of waiting. So you won't be the guy complaining about if something happen. So again, nothing wrong with the way you do.

I understand what you are saying, but the people who complain about these kind of things are pretty much lodging an invalid complaint.

I bought the 3DS at launch too, actually two of them, one for me, one for my wife, we still really like it. We paid full price, now we look at them in the store and see that they are quite a bit cheaper, but it doesn't bother me because I understand basic economics. It has ALWAYS been that way though and I'm not sure if it's mostly young kids complaining because they don't have much experience or what.

I think of it as something along the lines of an "early adopter's tax." So I might have paid more to be one of the first to get it, and yes, I may experience some "growing pains" with it, but it's all a part of the experience of having something before most other people do. I've done it with pretty much every major electronic release in the last 15+ years. I've waited in line and "overpaid" for everything from the first Porsche 997, Mitsubishi Evo VIII, the original Playstation, CSR-Elite wheel and pedals, CSR wheel, the iPad, the Xoom, Nintendo Wii, Xbox 360, i7 CPU's, HDTV's, DVD players, Blu-Ray/HD-DVD players, etc, etc.

I like the experience, and to me having it before almost anyone else makes it worth it. While they are sitting there waiting for the price to drop, I'm getting a ton of enjoyment, and my entertainment is worth that extra price. I'll continue doing so and continue enjoying every minute of it.
Back to topic:

My CSW order was successful, I got the Paypal e-mail immediately after I paid, but just like everyone else, my order history shows nothing and I didn't receive a Fanatec e-mail confirmation.

It's very likely they are just going to go through their Paypal / Credit card records and input orders manually for those who got in the earliest.

So far I've got the lowest Paypal confirmation ID for North American's in the iRacing forums, not sure about everyone else though. I'm sure there are people that got in before me. My order number (you can find it near the bottom of your Paypal receipt) is 763.
Back to topic:

My CSW order was successful, I got the Paypal e-mail immediately after I paid, but just like everyone else, my order history shows nothing and I didn't receive a Fanatec e-mail confirmation.

It's very likely they are just going to go through their Paypal / Credit card records and input orders manually for those who got in the earliest.

So far I've got the lowest Paypal confirmation ID for North American's in the iRacing forums, not sure about everyone else though. I'm sure there are people that got in before me. My order number (you can find it near the bottom of your Paypal receipt) is 763.

It will be worth the trouble :)
With any other product (TV, car, etc...) the golden rule is to wait for the second batch to get issues sorted out. No offense intended, just wondering...

Agreed, but not everyone is logical when it comes to parting with their cash.

Some make decisions based on their emotions which various companies have learned to play on with great skill through marketing tactics.


And just to remind folks, the Fanatec web-site problems are not just relegated to buying new product, I have a warranty replacement RMA procedure that has been delayed by one week now because of the new web site's launch SNAFU.

In the days prior to the old Fanatec site going offline there was a glitch with Anti-SPAM code on the RMA page, after sending an email to tech support it turned out the code stated was incorrect. By the time that was sorted due to 9 hour time difference between CEST & PDT, the old site went down to prep for the new site launch, the rest is history.

I would venture to say that I am not the only customer going an extra week without product slated to be replaced.
No matter how its sliced and diced, its bad business.
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Logic? We're bringing logic into this?

How is more logical to delay gratification?

I'm pretty logical when it comes to my finances (investments) but when it comes to entertainment, the logical decision is to be entertained right now, not wait for some arbitrary time when it's "logical" to have fun.
Logic? We're bringing logic into this?

How is more logical to delay gratification?

I'm pretty logical when it comes to my finances (investments) but when it comes to entertainment, the logical decision is to be entertained right now, not wait for some arbitrary time when it's "logical" to have fun.

Why do you take things so personally? Go look up the meaning of logical.
There is no value judgement in my post concerning your post's directed at Mahnegold.
Emotional decisions are not all bad, and my post in no way implies that.

The gist of my post was that companies have learned to play on emotional responses.
So people like you spend more money at product launch instead of waiting a few months.
Its your call, what ever makes you happy.
Was just reminding Mahne that not everyone is running on the same software.

Dude, you say you are in Japan.
If you are in Tokyo go to Akihabara and get a tech fix or something.
Oh, I forgot, you already got it at Fanatec.
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this is what I'm getting, I don't have an account so I have no idea what to do, I just want to create an account

which results in this upon hitting cancel
Authorization Required

This server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document requested. Either you supplied the wrong credentials (e.g., bad password), or your browser doesn't understand how to supply the credentials required.

I retyped the URL and this what I got
The Fanatec website is down for maintenance. We will improve the performance of the server and will be back and online soon.
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I retyped the URL and this what I got

The Fanatec website is down for maintenance. We will improve the performance of the server and will be back and online soon.

That might be a good sign, the change in error message means that somewhere, someone with Site and hopefully Server Admin access has changed it.

So maybe they are working on it now. :)
Nice to see that the issues are no longer being attributed to too many site hits.
Was getting worried that Fanatec was in Anonymous" cross hairs. :sly:
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the admin part was from when I left it like that before I went to sleep and clicked English but retyping the website brought it to where everyone else is when they type it in
the admin part was from when I left it like that before I went to sleep and clicked English but retyping the website brought it to where everyone else is when they type it in

This is what I get here now as well, first time I have seen it:

The Fanatec website is down for maintenance. We will improve the performance of the server and will be back and online soon.

The other thing I noticed is that the Fanatec favicon is now in the URL address in address bar, did not notice this yesterday.
So far I've got the lowest Paypal confirmation ID for North American's in the iRacing forums, not sure about everyone else though. I'm sure there are people that got in before me. My order number (you can find it near the bottom of your Paypal receipt) is 763.

Yeah, I've got 724, but I'm in Europe.
Looks like Thomas and crew are working this weekend. They posted about 12 hours on the their Facebook. Something about the crash broke something, so they have to get it fixed.
It's a little sad, not only for us but also for the whole Fanatec team, who invested a lot of work in the to be launched products and website, but I can't say that I'm really surprised that nothing worked as planned.
Seems to be the Fanatec-curse.
Still hope that they get everything sorted out before end of the month, I want to order my CSP V2 before I leave for germany.
Yeah, I've got 724, but I'm in Europe.

You beat me. Also, from Europe, I got a 727 and a 771.

I ordered the lot (twice). I'll need to cancel one lot, but wanna make sure on Monday/Tuesday that the first one is all kosher before I do...