Fanatec Announcements: CSW V2 Reviews Out

  • Thread starter Crispy

where does this come from? Don't worry, we are doing well. Just because other companies have issues it does not mean that this applies to the whole industry. ;)

And a defective rate of 3 to 5% does not kill us either. It is high but nothing dramatic. It's the people who are making the drama...

Thank you for your post, I am glad you are doing well, I understand you would prefer a lower defective rate, we all would, but, as a user, I am ready to live with those odds, to be able to enjoy the performance of your products.
Keep the good time rolling.👍
Why would you want to get a Maintenance Pack for 150,- if your wheel is still under warranty?
This pack only makes sense if you do not have warranty anymore but want to make sure your wheel works like new. We are offering it now so that people already know before they make the purchase that this wheel will be serviced for many many years.

With every production batch we are learning and improving. The workers get more familiar with the product, we use more and better fixtures and we can focus to eliminate the quality issues which occured at the customer side.

Unfortunately not everything can be tested and predicted in advance but so far we were at least able to solve all issues once we were able to identify them.
Has anyone checked the Fanatec Wheel Product Page recently?

I've been checking on an hourly basis...

Pre Order No. 3 for a CSR Elite F1 Rim, is in.

Nice work. Well done, Thomas.

This'll cheer a few people up... ;)
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where does this come from? Don't worry, we are doing well. Just because other companies have issues it does not mean that this applies to the whole industry. ;)

And a defective rate of 3 to 5% does not kill us either. It is high but nothing dramatic. It's the people who are making the drama...

At this point, I am not too sure who, or what to believe. Well, the truth always prevails.... Now, am I a bit too stubborn & brash, absolutely, and I am working on that..... 3-5% just seems, off to me. I have approximately "invested" +-$2,000 into Fanatec product, and know many more who have invested a LOT more than me. The ONLY piece of equipment that has been flawless and in NO need of repair has been my CSW base. So, am I just THAT unlucky?

I know this story and feeling resonates among many in the community here. Not all by any means, but many. If I am to continue to "invest" I want assurance. Retracting the warranty on ALL products does not give me this feeling. While your "competition" has most set to 1 year as a standard, you will see the ones that are on the level of the CSW & Up are 2 years, no questions asked.

I sell a product(Heavy Duty Commercial Skylights) in which we have to offer a base 5 year warranty. However, in the situation of needing up to 20 years, we do not charge any more. We are THAT confident in our product. While I realize we offer 2 completely different forms of "product" we have NO, Zero, Nada, failure rate, and pride on that! 3-5% would be completely unacceptable, and that is how I look at things.
3-5% defect rate is high. Really high. Unbelievably high. Somewhere between 1 in 20 and 1 in 35 items will be defective. I agree with AGP5000, in my line of business that would be COMPLETELY unacceptable.

I'm not that surprised that it's still profitable for them with that defect rate, sim gear is high markup so there's plenty of cash to fund the additional customer support and repairs that are required. But that it's apparently more profitable to live with that error rate than to fix it? Interesting.

Tells you all sorts of things about the kind of businesses that are being used to make the product. Unfortunately, that's sort of the way a lot of things are these days. We live in an age where many things are either disposable or have limited lifespans, and as such quality is less of a differentiator than price.

where does this come from? Don't worry, we are doing well. Just because other companies have issues it does not mean that this applies to the whole industry. ;)...

Do you even bother to read your own financial statements? Or do you trust that the language barrier keeps others from doing so?

Source AG JA, LB, Testat 2020120724.pdf

Die Liquiditätslage ist auch 2012 weiterhin angespannt. Die Expansion des Unternehmens wird massiv durch mangelnde Liquidität beeinträchtigt.

translates roughly as: "The liquidity situation is still tense in 2012. The company's expansion is severely impaired by the lack of liquidity."


Dem nicht durch Eigenkapital gedeckten Fehlbetrag standen stille Reserven in Form der entwickelten Produkte und der vorliegenden Lizenzen gegenüber, so dass im insolvenzrechtlichen Sinn keine Überschuldung vorlag. Im ersten Halbjahr 2012 war die Ertragslage bei sinkenden Umsätzen negativ.

which translates roughly as "The unfunded capital deficit was offset by unrealized gains in the form of the products developed and the present licensing, so there was no sense in insolvency law insolvency. In the first half of 2012 earnings were negative with a decline in sales."

It has been basically the same for the past serveral years, I do not bother to quote every year's report.

And you seriously calll this "doing well"?

I saw this too, and just didn't want to be the "whistle blower" THIS is why I have the feelings I do. Among other things that I have come to find out after a little research, it is adding up.

So, Thomas, when you ask me "where does this come from?" Now you know. So, what is the TRUTH? This is why I feel like we are dealing with Sysgration, and not Fanatec anymore....

I saw this too, and just didn't want to be the "whistle blower" THIS is why I have the feelings I do. Among other things that I have come to find out after a little research, it is adding up.

So, Thomas, when you ask me "where does this come from?" Now you know. So, what is the TRUTH? This is why I feel like we are dealing with Sysgration, and not Fanatec anymore....

Not much to blow. Endor is required by law to publish such information or provide such information to an interested party. It's no secrets.
If somebody wants to understand the pdf which was mentioned above I just need to translate one word: "Jahresüberschuss" means profit.

And the number on top of the report which is almost double than the year before and which is called "Umsatzerlöse" is turnover.

This is not outstanding but ok to me and most of our shareholders. It is still a long way to go but the direction is certainly right. ;)

Und wennst ma jetzt no weida bled kemma mechst dann sogs ma ins Gsicht, Spezi. ;)
Do you even bother to read your own financial statements? Or do you trust that the language barrier keeps others from doing so?

Source AG JA, LB, Testat 2020120724.pdf

translates roughly as: "The liquidity situation is still tense in 2012. The company's expansion is severely impaired by the lack of liquidity."


which translates roughly as "The unfunded capital deficit was offset by unrealized gains in the form of the products developed and the present licensing, so there was no sense in insolvency law insolvency. In the first half of 2012 earnings were negative with a decline in sales."

It has been basically the same for the past serveral years, I do not bother to quote every year's report.

And you seriously calll this "doing well"?

Das ist nicht gut.

Soooooo... anyways, fanatec, how about that CSS beta test...:scared:
Ok. Somebody please turn off the red alert.

This report is about the year 2011. We almost doubled our turnover against 2010. With more cash flow we could have done better. So what?

In the history of Endor we never made as much tunrover or profit as in 2011 so you take this report to proof in what terrible shape we are? Hmm....

I am fine if we can just keep the current turnover level, reduce our cost (which includes defectives) and increase profitability. The market is huge and we have a strong position and brand now. With more products coming up and with a lot of improvements we made in our operations we look into a bright future.
I just did a further check, they made a profit from 2011-2012, however, their total net losses from the previous combined with this years profits are still -5,286,394.97 Euro. So, it does seem like a turnaround is occurring....? One would "assume" the losses come from initial investments to get it off the ground???? That still is a LOT to be in the red though.
We had tough times in the past. No doubt.

On the good side: We will not have to pay taxes for quite some time. :)

We changed the business model from retail to e-commerce. This was a tough and deep cut but I don't regret it at all. It now pays off and we are getting more more customers simply by recommendations of our existing happy customers.

Our price performance is hard to beat and we will continue to be the spear head of the industry when it comes to innovation.
So because you don't have to pay taxes anymore, you increased the price of CSR-E by 100 euros? What kind of sense is that? Sorry, but Fanatec seems to be ripping people off more and more...
If you don't like the prices, don't buy the products.

If I put my Elite on aBay with a 1000 Euro reserve, am I gonna get slated too...?
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How about a sign of good faith and showing use some teaser pics / video of the new CSS . :D

I really like those modded CSR Elites, but with the current reliability you're taking a pretty big risk by modding your wheel.

Looking at that build thread on pCARS forums, that guy has the skills & electronics knowledge and is more than capable of fixing his own wheel if say his Elite's motors die. Wish I could do the same :(
If somebody wants to understand the pdf which was mentioned above I just need to translate one word: "Jahresüberschuss" means profit.

And the number on top of the report which is almost double than the year before and which is called "Umsatzerlöse" is turnover.

This is not outstanding but ok to me and most of our shareholders. It is still a long way to go but the direction is certainly right. ;)

Und wennst ma jetzt no weida bled kemma mechst dann sogs ma ins Gsicht, Spezi. ;)

First off, refrain from making any threats (which is against the AUP) and do not post in any language other than English (which is against the AUP). You might want to hide from google translate by using the Bavarian idiom, but on request I can try my hand at translating this into proper German and/or English if requested by any mod.

Secondly, this is a rather feeble attempt to distract people from the important paragraphs. Endor is under obligation to inform its stakeholders (not shareholders) of any risks that may emerge in the (near) future. This is to protect any stakeholder from potential financial losses, amongst others.

To give a better understanding of "negative equity": the reason for this is ongoing losses, which have to be met by owner's capital. Once the losses surpass the owner's capital, we have "negative equity".

Now "owner's capital" should translate into tangible assets. Only, according to your own financial reports, there are none. There is talk of "licenses" and "worth of own developed products". I would be very interested in seeing the patents Endor holds to asses the worth of them. Do you mind sharing any of them? If I have overlooked any other tangible assets, please direct me to them.

You might also want to direct the reader to the amount of wages paid in 2011: 440.000 EURs if I recall correctly. Not that could be a very small amount of money, but that would mean knowing how many people actually work for Endor, and in what position. It can't be all executives and a few stooges, could it?
Has anyone noticed that the Elite F1 rim package is significantly heavier than the CSW F1 rim?

Tools are included with the Elite rim, though. What do you get... a pneumatic drill?
Has anyone noticed that the Elite F1 rim package is significantly heavier than the CSW F1 rim?

Tools are included with the Elite rim, though. What do you get... a pneumatic drill?

lol :D

Looks like a different construction. The grips are artificial leather and the top section of the back looks to be different. Obviously no QR collar...maybe the weights are wrong cos you'd expect it to be lighter than the CSW rim
lol :D

Looks like a different construction. The grips are artificial leather and the top section of the back looks to be different. Obviously no QR collar...maybe the weights are wrong cos you'd expect it to be lighter than the CSW rim

Exactly what I was thinking - possibly a mistake.

Sure, different grip materials, but the plastic collar HAS to be lighter than the metal QR mechanism...