Looking over things again, it is clearly evident the Elite wheel has the "Microsoft X" logo button on the bottom right while this is just a red button on the CSW. The CSW does not seem to have the Microsoft hardware internals.
CSW - NOT X360
Thomas also said on the video it is PC/PS3 platform only. The Elite looks to be the only solution for full works options guys. Of course it is all depending on this issue regards the FM4 wheel rim and quick release compatibility.
CSW - Quick Release
The quick release mechanisim itself looks to be attached to the wheel rims stem. Threaded on, so in theory can screw off? Im assuming it could be removed and put on an alternative rim easily. It has not been confirmed if new rims will each have their own quick release mechanisims. Perhaps it will be purchased seperately or will be possible to buy a quick release mechanisim for each wheel rim if desired? Then having different colours as an option? (colour matched to CSP pedals options would be nice).
Just a theory but I want Fanatec to confirm this soon as it would be appreciated and clear up the confusion and to me it makes sense to have the Elite be adaptable for the additional rims and PC/PS3.
Edit Update:
Here we see the Elite Wheel uses 2x screws that attach top/bottom on the wheel stem.
If these are removed the wheel will detach and with some luck it uses the "Hot Switching" contacts for the the wheel rims buttons/controls. It will then also need the required holes in the Elites steering column for the quick release mechanisim to latch onto.
CSR Elite (Top Bottom Fixing Only)
Quick Release
The Quick release system uses 4x holes for fastening. If a clock imagine approx 2,4,8,10 oclock as can be seen below.
Thomas said "Other surprises to come", anyone got ideas?