Fanatec Announcements: CSW V2 Reviews Out

  • Thread starter Crispy
One thing that concerns me about the Clubsport Shifter is what are people like me who use a Wheel Stand Pro going to attach it to?
Has anyone received their Forumla rim for the Elite? I saw someone post that hey had received it over on Thomas's blog...
Has anyone received their Forumla rim for the Elite? I saw someone post that hey had received it over on Thomas's blog...

Europeans probably have, because, as said before, it is stated to be in stock in Europe according to Fanatec European webshop for many days now.
Has anyone received their Forumla rim for the Elite? I saw someone post that hey had received it over on Thomas's blog...

I wonder if people are holding off on their purchase until XB1 compatibility confirmation.
I wonder if people are holding off on their purchase until XB1 compatibility confirmation.

I suppose... However, they were available for pre-order initially and I doubt everyone cancelled their pre-orders. I suppose I am just surprised, if they are available, that I've only read of one person receiving one so far.

Edit: This guy has one -
I would agree completely. But I think GT6 will be the game that GT5 should have been in the first place.
I'm not excited at all for next gen consoles the way I was in the past about PS3/2.
And in all honesty I can't see the point of the xbox one. A games console should be exactly that, not a social media device. MS have put me right off their products

Is XB1 now the official abbreviation? I thought it was XO :=)

It is better than XBone at least, which I end up reading as Crotch Boner. O.o
Also XO reminds me too much of hugs and kisses at the end of a letter, and I certainly don't love that box that much. :P
why not xbox? x1 is horrible to write and it´s unlikely there will be any mix up between the orignal.

Who the heck cares about what it's called anyway. It's a piece of junk. An extra device that in the least tries to spam me even more than I would want. Heck, I don't even watch tv because of the spam. So why would I want it on a console that only offers TV, Sports and Call of Duty.

They can keep the darn thing. Long live the anti-spam filters in Chrome. :D
Who the heck cares about what it's called anyway. It's a piece of junk. An extra device that in the least tries to spam me even more than I would want. Heck, I don't even watch tv because of the spam. So why would I want it on a console that only offers TV, Sports and Call of Duty.

They can keep the darn thing. Long live the anti-spam filters in Chrome. :D

lol yes MS seem to have rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.

Personally I have pre ordered a PS 4 though I am primarily a PC gamer. I suppose this is playstation land in general though :)
Who the heck cares about what it's called anyway. It's a piece of junk. An extra device that in the least tries to spam me even more than I would want. Heck, I don't even watch tv because of the spam. So why would I want it on a console that only offers TV, Sports and Call of Duty.

They can keep the darn thing. Long live the anti-spam filters in Chrome. :D
What planet is Fanatec living on? I just cancelled my CSR-e rim order and they send the refund through paypal which charges me fees! I paid with a credit card how is it so hard to refund through that? Thrustmaster definitely has a new customer.
I don't know sounds like it is referring only to XB1 wireless controllers.

A: When the Wireless Controller is plugged into the console using a USB to Micro-USB cable, the wireless radio is disabled and wireless controller will function as a wired controller. Communication and power will run through the cable.

In other parts of that same page it says

Q: Will my existing Xbox 360 accessories work with Xbox One?
A: Xbox One was designed from the ground up with entirely new technology to deliver a new generation of experiences for both games and entertainment. For example, the Wireless Controller will connect to the console using high speed data transfer to enable higher fidelity headset audio and future controller add-on experiences that are not possible with Xbox 360 wireless technology. Additionally, the all new Kinect sensor’s ability to locate the wireless controller is dependent on new technology. In order for Xbox One to deliver robust, meaningful gaming scenarios for all users across all experiences, only Xbox One controllers and accessories will work with the new console.

Q: Why couldn’t XXX be forward compatible?
A: Wireless controllers: To help make the gaming experiences on Xbox One truly next generation, we created a new wireless controller that makes gaming more immersive, comfortable, and precise. This new controller will include Impulse Triggers for more immersive gaming. The wireless communication method between the Xbox One console and the Wireless Controller has been improved to allow for higher speed data transfer. This is to deliver clearer audio for wired chat headsets and next-generation controller add-ons that will need high wireless bandwidth. Xbox 360 controllers do not have compatible wireless communication technology, Impulse Triggers, and other new features that are needed to have a complete experience on the newly designed Xbox One platform.

Would be nice if our wheels would work via USB so I hope I am wrong on this but that is what I make of it.

Edit: Another thing I noticed in there that may be relevant.
Q: Will my wired 3PP accessories (controller) work on Xbox One?
A: Today we’re here to talk about Xbox One and the best in class games and entertainment systems we announced on stage Monday. We’ll share more details about accessory compatibility closer to launch.
They're being very confusing about this. They need to come out and say Xbox 360 accessories will not work period, wired or wireless, on the Xbox One. Each time someone asks they dance between wireless or not working at all.
M$ needs to do SOMETHING to generate some goodwill with SOMEONE, at least letting wired accessories work would be a nice start... I wouldn't hold my breath tho. =P
Fanatec probably knew / suspected the incompatiblilty of the CSR Elite with the Xbox One months ago:

- The CSR Elite is out of stock world wide for months
- There will be only one add on rim for the CSR Elite

My guess is that the CSR Elite has gone out of production, as soon as Fanatec learned that they were out of the race for a Xbox one wheel.

If that's the case, the chances of a "XB1 upgrade" for existing wheel owners have been reduced to ZERO
M$ needs to do SOMETHING to generate some goodwill with SOMEONE, at least letting wired accessories work would be a nice start... I wouldn't hold my breath tho. =P

I agree. Their corporate plans for the Xbox One are all about take, take, take, without any of the give. In my mind the only technical reason Microsoft wouldn't allow existing wired controllers and wheels would be the issue of headset support. A compromise I could live with is if you're required to use a wireless headset adapter kit. Perhaps it's a usb dongle that you connect your wheel or wired controller through. It authorizes the device and provides support for Microsoft's new audio protocol. Then you wear the included wireless chat headset when you want to game online. Microsoft gets additional revenue and we get Xbox One compatibility for less expense.

Fanatec probably knew / suspected the incompatiblilty of the CSR Elite with the Xbox One months ago:

- The CSR Elite is out of stock world wide for months
- There will be only one add on rim for the CSR Elite

My guess is that the CSR Elite has gone out of production, as soon as Fanatec learned that they were out of the race for a Xbox one wheel.

If that's the case, the chances of a "XB1 upgrade" for existing wheel owners have been reduced to ZERO

That's plausible, but I hope it's not the case. Another possibility is perhaps Fanatec saw the writing on the wall and they're planning on selling a CSR Elite v2 with an updated PCB with PC, PS3/4, and Xbox One compatibility. If that's the case I hope they release a small batch of v2 upgrade kits, like they did with the GT3 RS. The CSR Elite PCB is easily accessible.
At least they are fully focussed on the compatibility of the old existing wheels for next gen consoles as Fanatec posted via Facebook:
We are working on a lot of stuff but our main target is to make the existing wheels compatible with next gen consoles!

PS3 wheel compatibility requires the wheel makers to provide drivers to PS4 devs. Wheels will not work out of the box.

So essentially as long as the companies that make a licensed PlayStation wheel submit a PS4 compatible driver, they can have support. So where does this leave an outfit like Fanatec, who basically just aped Logitech's compatibility? Will they slide in under the radar again, or be forced to get a Sony license, which they probably should anyways..?
So essentially as long as the companies that make a licensed PlayStation wheel submit a PS4 compatible driver, they can have support. So where does this leave an outfit like Fanatec, who basically just aped Logitech's compatibility? Will they slide in under the radar again, or be forced to get a Sony license, which they probably should anyways..?

Well, Logitech is out of the console market at least. So they can't go that 'easy' route at least.
My guess is fanatic makes a PS4 compatible driver and gives it to the devs and that's how we get wheel support. The reason Thomas was at E3 was probably because he wanted to talk to Sony and get an answer as to the processes for this. In the past I do not think there was a licensing fee for this. The only fee is if you want official PlayStation branding, I believe.

Truth be told I do not think we should be too worried launched titles may not support Fanatec wheels for titles later on the generation definitely should.
I wouldn't be surprised - even if they are out of the console market for new products - if Logitech provides Sony with PS4 drivers for their existing wheels.
I still don't think Logitech is done making racing wheels. Of all the products that they have sold, wheels is one they have flat out dominated the market in for years. I just don't think they're going to make controllers and other accessories for systems, which are fairly first-party dominated.
Picked up this entry of Thomas on :

Submitted by Thomas on Tue, 06/18/2013 - 09:11.
Dein Angebot ist sehr nett aber bitte unterschätze uns nicht. Wir wissen schon was wichtig ist und haben zu den richtigen Leuten Kontakt. Aber das Thema ist viel komplexer als es nach aussen erscheint.

Und ich kann nur einen Bruchteil von dem erzählen was hinter den Kulissen abgeht. Wir sind schon dran...

Which means:

Thank for your offer, but do not underestimate us. We know what is important and have contact with the right people. The case is much more complex than you would think.

I can only tell you this very small piece of information of what's hapening backstage. We are working on it .....
Hmm, it would be good to have a link to the rest of the discussion, that message is out of context, so we don't know what it really means or what he's referring to.