Fanatec Announcements: CSW V2 Reviews Out

  • Thread starter Crispy
Thomas could you answer a quick question please.

GT2 paddles and CSR paddles are the same or different.

SRT confirmed this at E3 visiting the F1 2011 booth and said their is a big difference. Im 100% certain they make some comments/remarks to this fact on the E3 coverage video.
So now we understand the thought behind making it an "option" for inverting the pedals. It is because both "CSR" and the "CSR Elite Pedals" will be adaptable.

Also like the idea of allowing simple self conversion in a cockpit. Fanatec are demonstrating some proper thinking has went into this range of products. I dont personally think the average console player will notice much difference in the "CSR Elite" Vs "Clubsport Pedals" with the missing wireless sensor technology "Clubsport Pedals" use. If anything the increased accuracy is only working via PC games isnt it?

For me the "CSR Elite" are even nicer looking, what do you guys think?

My friend did order last night (ref 4756) so cant wait to have a go on his.

My thoughts exactally.

I have been debating on wether to purchase ClubSport pedals or not for a while now. After seeing the CSR Elite pedals, well my thought process went like what you said above.

Needless to say, I ordered them last night. Now the whole delivery before Oct 15th thing should be interesting.
My thoughts exactally.

I have been debating on wether to purchase ClubSport pedals or not for a while now. After seeing the CSR Elite pedals, well my thought process went like what you said above.

Needless to say, I ordered them last night. Now the whole delivery before Oct 15th thing should be interesting.

He wouldn't make the statement unless he was 100% positive.........Sorry Thomas, had to bust on ya there. Darin said they were on the seas 2 weeks ago. Most likely going through customs check & whatnot now. Definitely will be ready for Oct. 15th. IMHO........

And Vaxxtx, you were right yesterday. What they did was take all that info off the purchasing product page & put it to the CSR. Hence why I was confused @ first. You have to admit though, with the issues the GT2 had with motors not connected, ffb issues, that the CSR would have those taken care of. This was only for the first runs of the GT2 though, so I would feel safe to say its preference in rim for either GT2 or CSR.

On a random note, anyone notice in F12011 a weird "sluggish" feel to your Fanatec wheels? It does not hinder bad, but takes away from the "simulation". My buddy on his TurboS said the SAME thing. Now for M$ wheel, no issues. It just does not feel right whatsoever.............Any insight would be great. We have started a thread about this on the fanatecwheel site's forums. And many of us are having this issue. The game is great though.
I recommend that you turn down the damper "dpr" in F1 2011.

BUT Thomas, in the manual it states that Spring and damper or non existent for the xbox360. Correct? Sorry, I meant the 360 for this, not PC or PS3. If so, what then? If not, I feel stupid lol.:dopey:
He wouldn't make the statement unless he was 100% positive.........Sorry Thomas, had to bust on ya there. Darin said they were on the seas 2 weeks ago. Most likely going through customs check & whatnot now. Definitely will be ready for Oct. 15th. IMHO........

And Vaxxtx, you were right yesterday. What they did was take all that info off the purchasing product page & put it to the CSR. Hence why I was confused @ first. You have to admit though, with the issues the GT2 had with motors not connected, ffb issues, that the CSR would have those taken care of. This was only for the first runs of the GT2 though, so I would feel safe to say its preference in rim for either GT2 or CSR.

On a random note, anyone notice in F12011 a weird "sluggish" feel to your Fanatec wheels? It does not hinder bad, but takes away from the "simulation". My buddy on his TurboS said the SAME thing. Now for M$ wheel, no issues. It just does not feel right whatsoever.............Any insight would be great. We have started a thread about this on the fanatecwheel site's forums. And many of us are having this issue. The game is great though.

I am not aware of the first run issues with the GT2. I bought mine not too long ago even after seeing the CSR. It looks nice, but since the base is bascially the same, I like the GT2 rim better. Personal taste.

I bought F12011 yesterday for the Xbox. I have not opened it yet though.

BUT Thomas, in the manual it states that Spring and damper or non existent for the xbox360. Correct? Sorry, I meant the 360 for this, not PC or PS3. If so, what then? If not, I feel stupid lol.:dopey:

I thought this as well.
yea Vaxxtx, there is a weird "sluggish" issue when you try and make sharp or really any turn with the GT2. FF on 10-20 and Sho low helps, but still does not fully take it away. I however did not check the spr or dpr knowing they do not make a difference for the 360, at least we thought it did not.......

Other than that, its a great game. No real bugs/issues/glitches to report, again, at least as of yet. I highly recommend it. Just need to figure out this slugging issue. Also, when the game starts up, the wheel is making this non-harming grinding noise. It's nothing that worries me like NTG11 did. So, do not worry when or if it happens.

I can still drive competitively on F1. The wheel just is not right though. And many others have stated this since yesterday with Fanatec for the 360. When I get home, I will try several different things, but do not know if anything will help or not. But open that game up and play it! Worth every penny!
yea Vaxxtx, there is a weird "sluggish" issue when you try and make sharp or really any turn with the GT2. FF on 10-20 and Sho low helps, but still does not fully take it away. I however did not check the spr or dpr knowing they do not make a difference for the 360, at least we thought it did not.......

Other than that, its a great game. No real bugs/issues/glitches to report, again, at least as of yet. I highly recommend it. Just need to figure out this slugging issue. Also, when the game starts up, the wheel is making this non-harming grinding noise. It's nothing that worries me like NTG11 did. So, do not worry when or if it happens.

I can still drive competitively on F1. The wheel just is not right though. And many others have stated this since yesterday with Fanatec for the 360. When I get home, I will try several different things, but do not know if anything will help or not. But open that game up and play it! Worth every penny!

Hmm thats interesting. I will play it, but I am swimming in games now, since I have an XBox, and GT2 that I got recently, I am playing catch up. Race Pro, Shift2 (already played it on PS3), and only been at FM3 for a couple weeks now. I guess its a good thing to have too choices in games.

Keep us updated on those wheel settings.
Hmm thats interesting. I will play it, but I am swimming in games now, since I have an XBox, and GT2 that I got recently, I am playing catch up. Race Pro, Shift2 (already played it on PS3), and only been at FM3 for a couple weeks now. I guess its a good thing to have too choices in games.

Keep us updated on those wheel settings.

Interesting development. Then gentleman that reported those issues yesterday, which I and many others felt say they are gone, or not happening anymore. He just got back on and said the issues yesterday were gone today. When I get home from work today, I will try for myself & report back..............This is on the fanatecwheel site.

EDIT: He said that it is still there. It only did not happen when he turned the game on. But that was only 1 time. The saga continues. As for Thomas, any clue?

EDIT #2: He says turning the damper down worked. I will see for myself later today. Just does not make any sense since the spring and damper fictions were to not work for the xbox360. Any rationalization? I am confused..........
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Very cool. The inversion pedal kits looks neat.

And the CSR looks better up close. I like the analog knob, but I still prefer the GT2 rim.
Not trying to be a hater but the more I look at these CSR rims (CSR Elite / CSR) the more I do not like the design. I too think the GT2 rim might look a little better. But I don't have these wheels in front of me. I can only judge by looking at screenshots.

In person perhaps the smell of it, etc might sway my opinion.

[quick edit]

I am uncertain have you guys even established if the CSR is any better than the GT2? I tried to read up but things seemed vague too me with all the disagreements. We just know the paddles are better. And wait- we know the DPAD is in a better position (in my opinion)
I dont think that debate was ever solved definitively. I walked away for the sake of not arguing.

Really depends on what has been upgraded internally and for all we have gotten from Thomas is the electronics have been improved.

Still confused ;)
I guess we all need to wait for the first reviews but here is the technical background:

The CSR wheel is lighter and moves more easy. the new motor driver electronics make it faster and a bit stronger.
I guess we all need to wait for the first reviews but here is the technical background:

The CSR wheel is lighter and moves more easy. the new motor driver electronics make it faster and a bit stronger.

Thank you.
I'm guessing once I get back from my vacation that the full lineup will be ready with pricing. I'll most likely make my order when I get back. Hoping for not a long delay in getting mine :)
After spending over 2 years with my G25, I am just going to be glad there is no dead zone...


I have a G25 and DFGT, but use the DFGT just because of the front buttons. I'm hoping the CSR won't have the same deadzone issue too.


I have a G25 and DFGT, but use the DFGT just because of the front buttons. I'm hoping the CSR won't have the same deadzone issue too.


You will not have a deadzone issue with a fanatec wheel.
You will not have a deadzone issue with a fanatec wheel.

The Fanatec wheels are very precise and responsive on center. In many games that makes them feel really nice, but GT5 is tuned for Logitech wheels and you can get shaking down the high speed straights. If that happens you use the Fanatec onboard tuning menu to add an on center deadzone. This of course reduces that precision I love. Logitech wheels aren't as precise on center, and that's what GT5 is expecting. The Fanatec wheels masquerade as Logitech wheels, hence the wobble. I don't think the T500 RS suffers from this at all, but I believe GT5 has custom FFB implementation just for that wheel, so it's a special case.

Second hope, strong force feedback without jittery vibrations.

Yup, the Fanatec belt driven wheels (PWTS, GT3 RS, GT2, CSR, CSR Elite, CSW) are really smooth, and the FFB effects aren't as "grainy" for lack of a better term. I really like the feel.
Was having another look at the CSR Elite pedals.

I could be wrong but the spacing looks to be increased over the CSP with a wider gap between each pedal plate. Also the spacing for the bolts on the pedals as an estimate look to be different to the CSP with further spacing, hard to tell though.

If this is the case and I hope it is "CSR Elite" pedals might easily allow compatible Sparco/Momo plates to be attached.

* I hope Fanatec/ISR mention/confirm this on their upcoming video if it is the case.