Hope this is some help well...
Yes indeed some are finding it all confusing but they will soon help clarify things and Im certain ISR will have forth coming videos that do so.
To help Id say that firstly you have to determine if you are going to mainly play on a PS3 and/or X360 console. Perhaps you will play alot on PC.
The CSR wheel is a new revised and improved wheel that of course is X360 compatible and FM4 branded. It uses the main wheel chassis/housing of previous wheels. Their are several improvements which will be highlighted later but essientially this wheel will provide a great performance and feature set for its price.
The CSR Elite is a complete new design and new chassis. It is aimed at the console owner wanting the
best experience possible (private joke).

The new design has improvements in smoothness, precission and possible power. Upcoming reviews will likely highlight all its benefits and extras and what in real terms it delivers over and above the "CSR" model.
The CSW uses this same new highend chasis but goes even further for the serious PC racing Simulation fan/user. This has yet again more unique features over the CSR Elite however this model is not compatible with X360 at all.
As for pedals, again it depends if your a console owner or both PC/Console player what may suit your needs best. The Clubsports have contactless sensors on the pedals. These can offer more precission on PC. The new CSR and CSR Elite pedals seem to offer more adaptibility yet loose the contactless sensors. It is likely the CSR Elite has more metal components and includes the same "Brake feature" as the Clubsport pedals which they are renowned for. For the console owner the CSR Elite pedals could be more than good enough without the additional cost and tuning features available for the CSP. The CSR pedals look to be greatly improved over the original standard Porsche pedals and are good if you want to keep the costs down and go for standard brake feature. These should be equally as good as something like the Logitech G27 quality of pedals.