Fanatec Announcements: CSW V2 Reviews Out

  • Thread starter Crispy
He moves his right hand so as to get a better grip on the wheel so he can steer it that far round.

I mean yeah, he steers it a physical 270 from mid to lock, so 2x 270 is? Yes! 540.

Its 540 degrees, there is no getting away from it.

Lock to lock, it's 540 yes. too late here.:)
It looks to me that at 28 seconds in he hits the left hand lock after a little LESS than 3/4 of a turn from 250 X 2 = 500.Funny how 500 deg is about the limit a human can turn the wheel while keeping both hands on it.
When we give a steering lock number we're talking about total, in both directions. 900 is 450 each way, and 540 is 270 each way.

This is exactly what I am saying, why people jump to crazy conclusions is beyond me its like looking for a fight. If I didnt explain clearly I am saying 180-220 one way and back to 0 then 180-220 the other. Anyways the point is I think that if this is the basis for the steering model then maybe it is the reason there is a steering issue at 900 degrees in game is all.
Anyway it's less than 270.

Monaco is the exception and an unfair comparison, everyone knows this. Take one of the other tracks for a fair example instead of the most curvy, one-off steering rack and aero package circuit which is Monaco.
Aren't about 90% of Forza's cars road cars and if so why the discussion? It should support 900 degree rotation.

Thats what I am getting at, if this is an actual bug one explanation might be because if they modeled the game for a race steering ratio then any wheel that goes outside of that model might be compromising what the developers intended. Yes they are road cars but its a possibility, because they consider it a "racing" game , I'm just throwing stuff against the wall at this point.
Thats what I am getting at, if this is an actual bug one explanation might be because if they modeled the game for a race steering ratio then any wheel that goes outside of that model might be compromising what the developers intended. Yes they are road cars but its a possibility, because they consider it a "racing" game , I'm just throwing stuff against the wall at this point.

That's not a bug, it's a major error. It would be like Tetris not supporting L shaped blocks. :crazy:
Why oh why is this forza argument seemingly everwhere i look........
Why must we always be arguing over petty crap.
Fanatec looks slow compared toooo.......
Yeah well this rim is licensed............
Oh its not 100% identical to.........
Blah blah blabbity blah!!!!

Everyone sit back crack a beer if your old enough, spark one up if you so desire, go work on your rig ( looking at you Latte ;) ) or.......wait for it........... actual play video games...... whatever. Relax.

Damnit now i need to do one or more of the above.

So we know about all we are going to about the three new wheels, and pedals.
One key thing missing is info on the direct data port ( or whatever its called) on the csw. Whats it for? All fanatec wheels have had upgradeable firmware but this wheel has something different listed. Or did this info get swallowed up in the forzaflood?

Also on the shifter, Thomas answered my question earlier and stated that it has gone through a minor redesign since we got any info in that it has added a 7th gear, but other than that we know next to little still. Does it use hall sensors like the TM8 or is the CSS going to be an even beefier design on what they have now ( csr and standard) I would imagine so as Thomas clearly sees the benefit if them for accuracy and quality.

Sorry just trying to re rail this thread

That's not a bug, it's a major error. It would be like Tetris not supporting L shaped blocks. :crazy:

Too funny.

The Jenius
, I'm just throwing stuff against the wall at this point.

Argument for arguments sake :crazy:
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Reading this current page, I honestly thought I was looking at the Forza General Discussion thread, 100% truth.

That being said, please keep it on topic. I'd rather not have this thread closed because of steering lock discussion, which somehow relates to Forza! :confused:

I think I'm going for the CSW. Forza seems great and all, but I feel it's fairly easy to control with the 360 Controller. I think the reason being is because every time I steer, I tend to slightly counter steer almost ever half second. It really helps in RWD cars.
Reading this current page, I honestly thought I was looking at the Forza General Discussion thread, 100% truth.

That being said, please keep it on topic. I'd rather not have this thread closed because of steering lock discussion, which somehow relates to Forza! :confused:

I think I'm going for the CSW. Forza seems great and all, but I feel it's fairly easy to control with the 360 Controller. I think the reason being is because every time I steer, I tend to slightly counter steer almost ever half second. It really helps in RWD cars.

It started as a question I had asked Thomas concerning compatibility / performance / scapegoating of Fanatec products on Forza 4 and certain creative directors beating around their physics model's bush. Somehow this thread then really got sidetracked about F1 steering ratios. How? Don't ask me.

I for one and modding my rig as we speak.. with a beer ;) as I await news of this subject from someone who will give me an answer other than "duh. Simulation removes all steering assists weetad. Duh." lol. Which if your are on the forums... that is all they know.

But I agree. Let's at least get back to something that involves the word Fanatec.
Why oh why is this forza argument seemingly everwhere i look........
Why must we always be arguing over petty crap.
Fanatec looks slow compared toooo.......
Yeah well this rim is licensed............
Oh its not 100% identical to.........
Blah blah blabbity blah!!!!

Everyone sit back crack a beer if your old enough, spark one up if you so desire, go work on your rig ( looking at you Latte ;) ) or.......wait for it........... actual play video games...... whatever. Relax.

Damnit now i need to do one or more of the above.

^^^^^^+1, good call, more of us need to do some (if not all) of the above and enjoy our rigs!
Hooray! Crispy, zoo, and Mike are on board. Cheers!

Finally relaxing. Busy day. Mocked up some stuff for a new rig in between dealing with this
All day.

Might sit down and do some driving.
With my ( on topic ) gt2+csp's

Edit: well crap. I wasnt on topic afterall. :(
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I am just curious where do you think the Elite falls short? I am looking at purchasing the Elite when it becomes available because of the 360 comp. I just bought the CSP pedals and I really don't have an interest in detachable faces and all of that so I really would like to know is there something I am missing?

All that matters is if you feel like you're missing something.

My focus was on speaking for people who faced a similar situation to mine. There are a lot of people who own all 3 gaming platforms, and are in situations where the CSW is geared more toward our interests, but we want xbox compatibility specifically for Forza 4. The Elite is too close to the price of the CSW to feel right paying for it when it lacks certain features we want. For us, it really comes down to whether or not it's worth buying an Elite just so we can play Forza with a high end sim wheel. On PS3 and PC, what it offers pales in comparison to other choices we have available, or that we may already own.

You are the type of person Thomas went ahead and put out the Elite for, despite what it lacks. You don't care about the same things people in this situation might care about. You may not already own a high end wheel of this level and just the force feedback differences alone is enough of a sell for you. I don't know your situation, but as far as I can tell, you will be happy with the Elite, regardless of what anyone else has to say, and that is all that should matter to you.
My focus was on speaking for people who faced a similar situation to mine. There are a lot of people who own all 3 gaming platforms, and are in situations where the CSW is geared more toward our interests, but we want xbox compatibility specifically for Forza 4. The Elite is too close to the price of the CSW to feel right paying for it when it lacks certain features we want. For us, it really comes down to whether or not it's worth buying an Elite just so we can play Forza with a high end sim wheel. On PS3 and PC, what it offers pales in comparison to other choices we have available, or that we may already own.

You are the type of person Thomas went ahead and put out the Elite for, despite what it lacks. You don't care about the same things people in this situation might care about. You may not already own a high end wheel of this level and just the force feedback differences alone is enough of a sell for you.

I guess what I'm wondering is which PS3 compatible wheels the CSR Elite "pales in comparison" too. The CSW is definitely another notch up, but the Elite still seems to bring a lot to the table.
I think of a lot of wheels CSR Elite might pale in comparison too. To be fair, perhaps you are not thinking of the extremely expensive PC only wheels. (Ah but you emphasize PS3 only I see now *)

In particular, CSW is just beyond better. This does not mean the CSR Elite is a bad buy. But I think Fanatec could've put in more effort to make it closer to the CSW. I'm not clear why it cant have a Quick Release. Nor am I clear why it is missing those very nice analog buttons. Hell, I am also not clear why it cant use those fancy CSW rims.

For owners that do not have a high profile wheel & you want xbox compat my guess CSR Elite is your wheel. But if you already have a good wheel then that CSR is looking really strong.

I could theorize why CSR Elite has come up so short and its very easy to conclude Fanatec had to expend royalties / cost on the FM 4 branding & microsoft license / parts. So to hit the desired price point, they had to shave off the beyond awesome features that CSW will have
I think of a lot of wheels CSR Elite might pale in comparison too. To be fair, perhaps you are not thinking of the extremely expensive PC only wheels. (Ah but you emphasize PS3 only I see now *)

Given that the CSR Elite and CSW pricing are within shouting distance, I wasn't considering things like Frex wheels or the ECCI Trackstar 7000. In the $500-$700 range the only thing I can think of is the T500 RS, but I wouldn't say that wheel is better than either the Elite or the CSW.
Yeah hard to tell since it's not here & I haven't tried it. But the torque looks quite a bit weaker than the T500rs so far. Fanatec says this can be easily tweaked which makes sense cause it has those 2 motors. So I await to see more films etc.

I'm kind of waiting to see if FM 4 is any good. If so I might just get that CSR + CSPs 👍

Because in the end I think the only thing that helps a racer is really good brakes, precision, and at most a tiny bit of FFB to indicate loss of grip (although tyre sounds in a good sim will point that out). Everything else is just personal taste that has no palpable effect on times is what I'm thinking
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I could theorize why CSR Elite has come up so short and its very easy to conclude Fanatec had to expend royalties / cost on the FM 4 branding & microsoft license / parts. So to hit the desired price point, they had to shave off the beyond awesome features that CSW will have

The license adds some cost sure, but having the FM4 branding could have even brought the cost down since it becomes a cross promotion deal. You could be right about Microsoft having a max price point which took the quick disconnect off the table. Not having the buttons and joysticks is just because the Xbox won't support it. //That said the 911 wheel has 2 extra buttons the Xbox doesn't support

It is kind of odd that the original spec for the wheel api on the Xbox 360 //back in 2005// had a 6 speed shifter and clutch. That is pretty forward thinking of them when you consider the g25 came out in 2006 and was the only popular wheel to have it.

Why won't Microsoft just add to the spec the same way they are adding the handbrake to the spec. (Unless I missed something the handbrake was not in the original spec) The handbrake is probably more niche than adding an extra joystick on the wheel.
Yeah hard to tell since it's not here & I haven't tried it. But the torque looks quite a bit weaker than the T500rs so far. Fanatec says this can be easily tweaked which makes sense cause it has those 2 motors. So I await to see more films etc.

You can't judge torque by a video of a wheel spinning. Speed yes, torque no.
I guess what I'm wondering is which PS3 compatible wheels the CSR Elite "pales in comparison" too. The CSW is definitely another notch up, but the Elite still seems to bring a lot to the table.

If what I'm saying doesn't apply to your situation or point of view, why wonder about it?

The Elite does bring a lot to the table, in terms of xbox compatibility. It's the best you can get on that console. It's not the best you can get on other platforms. On PS3/PC, you are better off getting a CSW or T500. Both will have long term support for quick release rims, both will support two styles of flappy paddle shifting, etc. With the Elite's wheel base, what you currently see is what you get. It is under featured for the price, in comparison to the other two high end wheel bases. If a Fanatec brand wheel is a must for you, the CSW for $100 more is a no brainer for any hardcore sim racer (that is who wheels of these prices are aimed at isn't it) . For those who don't care about anything outside of xbox gaming, the Elite is a great option.

My former rant was for the benefit of myself and of those who don't have to wonder about what I was saying, who were already thinking the same things themselves. I'm in no way trying to bash the Elite wheel, the rant was about wanting a more feature filled Elite that would be worth the price they a currently charging for it, in comparison to the CSW. MS limitations hinder that.
SC Juggernaut tells it the way I see it. CSR Elite looks a bit overpriced but it just makes great business sense for Fanatec due to the inventory issues (or rather, rapidly shrinking inventory). so they are no doubt using a bit of economics to find the perfect line to balance inventory / pricing

I keep hoping against all logic Fanatec will develop an CSR Elite v2 that has more of the features the CSW has then it's a no brainer to add it to my collection
I think of a lot of wheels CSR Elite might pale in comparison too. To be fair, perhaps you are not thinking of the extremely expensive PC only wheels. (Ah but you emphasize PS3 only I see now *)

In particular, CSW is just beyond better. This does not mean the CSR Elite is a bad buy. But I think Fanatec could've put in more effort to make it closer to the CSW. I'm not clear why it cant have a Quick Release. Nor am I clear why it is missing those very nice analog buttons. Hell, I am also not clear why it cant use those fancy CSW rims.

For owners that do not have a high profile wheel & you want xbox compat my guess CSR Elite is your wheel. But if you already have a good wheel then that CSR is looking really strong.

I could theorize why CSR Elite has come up so short and its very easy to conclude Fanatec had to expend royalties / cost on the FM 4 branding & microsoft license / parts. So to hit the desired price point, they had to shave off the beyond awesome features that CSW will have

Totally agree with your thoughts on this. My stance is that I would be willing to pay more money for an Elite wheel that comes closer to the CSW. No one asked them to get FM4 branding, and I don't see any serious sim racers giving a damn about having a FM4 logo in the center of their wheel rim. Leave that stuff for the lower cost CSR wheel. It's not like they are even selling it in major stores, were a branding like that would really help to influence more sales.
$100 more is a no brainer for any hardcore sim racer (that is who wheels of these prices are aimed at isn't it) . For those who don't care about anything outside of xbox gaming, the Elite is a great option.

You seem to have a focus on people who like add ons. This does not necessarily parallel the hardcore sim racer. Lots of HARD CORE sim racers are just going to buy a g27/ t500/ gt2 and use it as is. From that perspective if you liked the csr-e wheel rim just as much as a t-500 and had the additional $50 for for the csr-e pedals (assume MSRP) would seem the CSR-E would be right up your alley not solely because you EXCLUSIVELY played xbox games.

//Lets be clear though I love addons and forza 4 is awesome but I have a PWTS so I probably may end up with the CSW//

Totally agree with your thoughts on this. My stance is that I would be willing to pay more money for an Elite wheel that comes closer to the CSW. No one asked them to get FM4 branding, and I don't see any serious sim racers giving a damn about having a FM4 logo in the center of their wheel rim. Leave that stuff for the lower cost CSR wheel. It's not like they are even selling it in major stores, were a branding like that would really help to influence more sales.

The branding probably discounted the Xbox license not the other way around. People see the wheel and it advertises the game. Fanatec was asked to make the wheel.
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pedals i think are the only thing you can gain time on.
the rest just helps with consistency.

i know guys that run no ffb and plays on 15" laptops and still smoke me :)
you cant do nothing but respect them ;)
You seem to have a focus on people who like add ons. This does not necessarily parallel the hardcore sim racer. Lots of HARD CORE sim racers are just going to buy a g27/ t500/ gt2 and use it as is. From that perspective if you liked the csr-e wheel rim just as much as a t-500 and had the additional $50 for for the csr-e pedals (assume MSRP) would seem the CSR-E would be right up your alley not solely because you EXCLUSIVELY played xbox games.

Not for the current price point. That is an important point you seem to miss. If we were to focus on the amount of value you are getting for the money you are spending, the Elite falls short at its current cost.

Above it for $100 more, the CSW is a better buy in comparison. The T500 set, which includes pedals, is a better value in comparison. The only thing the Elite really has to lean on in terms of competitive edge is the fact that it has Xbox compatibility. So indeed, if you are going to choose it over any other wheel, it will be because of xbox games like Forza.

"As is", the CSW can be bought with a formula wheel, which will appeal to guys who only race open wheelers. "As is" it can also be bought with a BMW wheel, which will appeal to everyone else. The T500 can now be bought and used "As is" with the new F1 wheel rim. There is no denying that the other two high end wheels on the market are a much better buy then the Elite wheel, and they are geared towards the HARDCORE sim racer who has deeper pockets, whether they plan to buy more add-ons or not.
The branding probably discounted the Xbox license not the other way around. People see the wheel and it advertises the game. Fanatec was asked to make the wheel.

I made mention to branding in response to something mentioned by sandboxgod. Not to sound rude but I really couldn't care less why it was done.
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Just in from Dan Greenawalt via FaceBook:

"Thanks for the note. As with all feedback, we're looking into it. However, we've confirmed that it isn't the steering assist. As you've seen its isolated to the 900 degree wheel, and shows in the telemetry (which the steering assist does not)."
So he is still blaming the 900 degree wheels? But he is wrong that steering assist does not show in telemetry. (of course there are no blinking indicator when the secret assist is turned on)
The steering assist is an interesting thing but is noticeable to the driver? If there had been no display, would anyone have felt it.

I am just wondering whether if its still possible to perform a drift as in GT5 or does the game continues to correct any oversteer events.