Fanatec Announcements: CSW V2 Reviews Out

  • Thread starter Crispy
Nope but I have tried them all... What's with the 20 questions.

Do you think the people from ISR have all the pedals... NO.

Would you scrutinize then in this way... NO

Please move on topic. This thread is about fanatec. NOT ME
Sorry but do you mean did I have... They were clubsports.

And no I won't be buying all that was a moment of excitement LOL.. their is no way I could afford all of that.
Can we stop the analysis....
Old saying, you made your bed so lay in it...
As a wanna be reviewer you want to gain credibility however you havnt convinced me with what comes across as a small story regards the GT2. What I find annoying is how you use your own site yet the content on it hasnt even been your own opinions, just an accumulation of other peoples and you seem to give no notice of that or credit to those you accumulated the information for each review.

It all points to putting on a bit of a show, please go ahead and PM me proof of your GT2 purchase and I will gladly accept the story and apologise. I hate anyone taking people for a ride or appearing to say something that's not the case, sorry it's a pet hate.
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As a wanna be reviewer

I find this harsh when I have been sent the review kit..

In terms of prolific I don't have any.

You have my word please accept it.

Can we now finally end this.

I am not answering more questions on this matter as I will be repeating myself.
If anyone wants they can pm me but you will get the same answer
Old saying, you made your bed so lay in it...
As a wanna be reviewer you want to gain credibility however you havnt convinced me with what comes across as a small story regards the GT2. What I find annoying is how you use your own site yet the content on it hasnt even been your own opinions, just an accumulation of other peoples and you seem to give no notice of that or credit to those you accumulated the information for each review.

It all points to putting on a bit of a show, please go ahead and PM me proof of your GT2 purchase and I will gladly accept the story and apologise. I hate anyone taking people for a ride or appearing to say something that's not the case, sorry it's a pet hate.

+1 "something is rotten in the state of Denmark"
Jealous :( Looking forward to your review as I do want this wheel/pedal/shifter set.

My issue is nothing to do with him having a CSR, posting images of the boxes of it does not and he still has not proved to me he ever had a GT2 and sidesteps the issue.

You guys can form your own opinion, I will be interested to read his review and how it compares to other wheels and how the CSR ELITE pedals compare to the CSP. I'm sure it will be great in depth and make good reference to those being something many of us can relate to.
Do you think the people from ISR have all the pedals....

No i don't , But i am pretty sure that they have tested 90% of anything that adds to Sim racing immersion . And they have tried the best CST'S etc so they know where the bar is set for standard. And from what i can see you are comparing to DFGT 'S which are entry level .

Would you scrutinize them in this way...

For me I don't get the same feeling of distrust from them as I do from you . So NO .

Some of your posting is Bizarre , Just take a step back .You offer to be helpful which is very kind , and cant wait to read your opinion on the new wheel .

And always credit people if you use their content .
No i don't , But i am pretty sure that they have tested 90% of anything that adds to Sim racing immersion . And they have tried the best CST'S etc so they know where the bar is set for standard. And from what i can see you are comparing to DFGT 'S which are entry level.

ISR do I believe keep most of the wheels sent for review. Their last video even shows a group of them together and they will be doing more future comparisons.

Why amf, is even bothering to now compare himself with ISR is a bit odd. They have earned and built up their reputation, contacts and worked damn hard to get to where they are why should we doubt them?

No pressure amf, knock us out with your review, it will be nice for a change to read your own actual opinion and comparison.
Nope but I have tried them all... What's with the 20 questions.

Do you think the people from ISR have all the pedals... NO.

Would you scrutinize then in this way... NO

Please move on topic. This thread is about fanatec. NOT ME

Actually they do... except FREX and other very expensive ones... but even those ones they eventually try out and review them also...
My issue is nothing to do with him having a CSR, posting images of the boxes of it does not and he still has not proved to me he ever had a GT2 and sidesteps the issue.

I never said you had any issues, I was making a statement towards him that I look forward to his review.
How ya set for socks 'n underwear ?

I could always use some new ones. But i have no idea what you are talking about.........
I was only tying to help amf. He asked for suggestions on videos and i made one.
I do somewhat doubt his credibility but am keeping quiet on that one. He is trying.......
So as a start up reviewer asking for suggestions, i gave him one, nicely.
Then he states his gt2 got smashed. Did you see my post apologizing to him.
For the record i am not comparing myself to ISR as mr. LAtte said they have worked extremely hard to build their reputation up and I am trying to do the same. It was just an example.


I have just done a quick right up after a couple of hours gameplay... please PM me if you have a problem rather than doing it in the THREAD thanks...

gameplay uploading now..
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As far as ISR is concerned, many people seem to doubt the credibility of Shawn with the testing of the CSR wheel due to the fact that Gangi's working for Fanatec now...

So many things are rotten these days, and no one seems happy any longer...

I have a broken MS wheel which I liked a lot, i've had crap wheels since the PSX (madcatz mainly) and a FFB logitech for the PC in the 90's (black and red, can't even remember the name or if I had pedals with it...).
So i'm not an expert, but not a noob either.

Amf may or may not step up to his claims, but there's no arguing that he's got the CSR gears and he's on this forum eager to answer our questions...

In 2 days, it won't matter any more since we'll all have ours to play with and no time to post =)

Let's cut him some slack, neh? Please...👍
Thanks Deceit70... The video is 40% uploaded... It's a couple of laps on GT5 around nurb in my Audi... Xbox footage is going to be more limited... It is hooked up to a 22 inch so I may hook it upto the same tv as the ps3 if you desperately want forza footage... I will be reviewing the wheel on fm4 as well as GT5
Amf, on your description of csr at your sight you have the 5 way d pad description wrong. The 4 directions+ push is not what was meant by 5 way. It is a 5 position rotary encoder as well as a dpad.

You have potential, but right now you seem to be trying to hard too impress. Slow down a little, proof read your work, or have an outside eye read through before you post.
And your getting caught up in stories. You have known for a while your gt2 has been busted but just yesterday you were posting in another thread that you had more than one wheel. And if i am correct you are also now stating it as well as your dfgt were both thrown away.

Im only trying to help you out. If you are really passionate about your site ( as you seem to be) you should really make sure what you post on it is true and also that you can back up your claims here and other forums if you frequent any.

As it stands now, your site is very rookie. Many reviews are simple reposts from forums. And the other guys unboxing video should be credited to him. You do state it isnt your video but do not credit the creator, as with some other reviews.

As i said, im not trying to join or start a witchhunt on you, but your stories have been questioned with no proof of validity. It is hard to take you seriously.
You are helpful around here, but i would reccomend backing up your claims when you make them that way this type of thing doesnt happen.

Sorry. This isnt meant as a personal attack on you. I am only trying to give you some feedback.

Oh and scoddee, still waiting on my new socks.........
Sorry but when was my dfgt thrown away...??
The gt2 hasen't been busted as their is nothing to bust...
And the unboxing mentions the company in the video and it was simply from YouTube.
I will remove that unboxing now...
I would love to know how many reviews are simple reposts??

I did say pm me rather than do it in the forum
About the 900° glitch, here's what i found on Youtube...

Since i never used a fanatec wheel before, i don't know what to do with it :dunce:

Whaddaya think of it?

That is game specific. You won't be needing that in other games.

Maybe controller port 2 for Race pro also. To get rumble effect. That's not exclusive to this wheel either, it happens on the MS wheel too.
Sorry but when was my dfgt thrown away...??
The gt2 hasen't been busted as their is nothing to bust...
And the unboxing mentions the company in the video and it was simply from YouTube.
I will remove that unboxing now...
I would love to know how many reviews are simple reposts??

I did say pm me rather than do it in the forum

I did say i may be mistaken about your dfgt. Read my whole post.

Only trying to be constructive to you. Nevermind. I will leave you and your site alone. Good luck in the future.
Oh now the gt2 isnt broke?
I think you belong in the ludacris claims thread
You guys are brutal....Don't expect me to do any review of all the gear I have ordered this week if I am going to be treated that way. I am not an native-English speaker to begin with.

As I was reading the Forza demo thread, I realize that some users are way more hardcore then I will ever be. I couldn't care less about some limited steering assist/900 degree wheel bug. I just wanted a good wheel for my X360,PS3 and PC. Fanatec seems to be the only manufacturer that meets the criteria.