Fanatec Announcements: CSW V2 Reviews Out

  • Thread starter Crispy
Any word on teh clubsport shifter?

I've been off the wheels section for awhile and haven't heard anything about it. I went to start reading back through pages, but this battle between amf7 and everyone else made it kind of hard to find anything worth reading. You guys should either not read his reveiws, or read them and leave him alone. It's really clogging this thread up with meaningless nonsense. Either believe him or don't. Most people who read this forum don't care about old wheels he said were broke or not, we just want his opinion and to see the wheel in action. People get caught up in things all the time. If you want to complain to him P.M. him so at least the thread doesn't suffer from it.
Their isn't much info about the clubsport shifter yet... Thomas said that it had been redesigned and that it was different compared to the thrustmaster if i remember rightly..
Slight redesign. Added 7 th gear. Hard mount pattern matching that of the g27. Other than that we have no info.
I believe the css to be all metal construction. The csr shifter set is a metal/plastic version of the standard fanatec shifters.
I may be wrong on the css being all metal tho.
A few certainly are brutal :(

Well yes indeed but not without reason to doubt some things you've already stated and not proved otherwise. I offered a full apology on my part when you provided proof of your GT2. I find it odd you have not jumped at that oppertunity and I kinda wish you would of done so to not only prove us wrong but it would of cemented your reputation and credibility.

Enjoy your time with the CSR.
I hope you provide an excellent review, everything else aside.
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We know a lot more.. Thomas hinted the initial specs of the CSS back in April 2010!
Here they are:

Material: Full aluminium with some steel parts

Mounting options: There will be screw inserts on the bottom. We will make an adapter for the Clubsport table clamp and the RennSport Wheel Stand.

Amount of gears: 7+1

Sequential option: We will implement it but only if this is not a compromise. We have a solution which could work very well in both modes

Haptic feeling: Very similar like in a real car. Perhaps we can even make the resistance adjustable.

Acoustic: A solid "clonck" instead of a "clack" but very silent

Colour/design: Silver as CSP. The shifter will be gated like in a Ferrari or Lamborghini

Style of gear knob: It will be exchangeable so upgrades are possible (leather, carbon, etc). The standard version will be an polished aluminum ball.

Size: We will try to keep the size of the PW shifter but it will probably become a bit higher

Compatibility: It will be backwards compatible to the Porsche wheel shifter and therefore compatible to all platforms. An USB adapter will be available optional to make it work with other wheels on PC.

Pricing: The target will be 99,95 € (incl VAT)/ 109,95 USD (excl. VAT)
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Simracer92... do you know how long it is until you get your CSW wheel for Beta testing??
I am seriously hoping i get selected to review that thing.. It looks immense.

About the CSS...
I think thomas said that its not priority for fanatec so who knows how long thats going to take.. maybe a similar release time to CSW?
Simracer92... do you know how long it is until you get your CSW wheel for Beta testing??
I am seriously hoping i get selected to review that thing.. It looks immense.

About the CSS...
I think thomas said that its not priority for fanatec so who knows how long thats going to take.. maybe a similar release time to CSW?

No unfortunately I do not have any information about the date when I get the CSW for Beta testing but I really hope it is veeery soon :D I dont know how long I can test the CSW but I think at least 2 weeks. When I get the wheel at the end of october to test it till mid november, they can start mass production late november when all sorts of issues occured during beta tests were solved.
my mum said every contest where you get a winning notification is fail but I fully trust Fanatec :)
AQre you guessing about the date>> as you say you have no info?

You really are lucky though.. hope you enjoy it :)
AQre you guessing about the date>> as you say you have no info?

You really are lucky though.. hope you enjoy it :)

oh yes I will really enjoy it :)
and all I know is that I will get the wheel for testing very soon as Thomas wrote on his Blog.. no specific date yet.
I have wrote a review in the last few hours... I will be adding bits to it but for now here it is:

just updated some spelling mistakes

The reason Fanatec use a belt driven mechanism is that unlike gear driven wheels their is not break or clogging when turning.

that is from your review and its not true

you mean cogging, anyway im sure the internals are more or less the same as the pwts internals and that deffos has the cogging effect, you wont notice it if you turn the wheel fast like you do in your gameplay video, but i can deffos feel the toothed cog effect, it must be because the fanatec uses a toothed belt tho i could be wrong....on the csw and csr elite it should be eliminated as they use a flat belt
Good review. Thanks. My Forza CSR wheel and CSR shifters arrive tomorrow. I plan to mount them to a Rennsport wheel stand and a set of Clubsport pedals, both of which have arrived and are ready to race.


and i will change the clogging to cogging :)
Well your trying. I will give you that but again needs more expression on why it is worth buying or not. How and what games work well with it. Really with such limited testing its too early to offer a more detailed report. Err no own user photos?

It's going to be fun having others do their reviews to see how they stack up.

This part...
"Very impressive. The only thing it lacks that the clubsport pedals have is the vibration functions when locking up. This however is not supported by many console titles so console players shouldn't be put off buy this."

This is quite misleading as it lacks optional tuning kit, contactless sensors and a full metal construction. What console games do not support the rumble feature of CSP. Has someone done a list?

Regards the brake rumble feature on CSP, while it's been months since I used my CSP I remember being able to have the rumble feature set to a percentage of "throttle" OR "brake" and "off". With throttle it vibrates the wheel rim IIRC.
i did mention the lack of full metal construction... plus these pedals are very much customizable..
F1 2010 certainly does not support.. at a guess dirt doesn't and the F1 2011 devs ruled out the vibration feature.

and the wheel rim vibrates with these pedals.. both on acceleration and braking.
Okay yes metal, but best to correct how you comment "only thing". If anything my no.1 resource site for wheel news and reviews should be accurate eh.

Virtual R better watch out :)
Just changing...
what do you guys think about the lay out of the review ect... (please PM rather than do it in thread)
I think you'd be better doing your own review thread here tbh. Why the importance of having your own site? Personally and no offence it looks a bit "school project" website.

Hey it's better than I could do but surely doing your own thread on GTP helps you relate more to the many thousands that frequent these forums.

Sonac could even cover it on his excellent fansite perhaps.
I am only posting this in this forum as it is all to do with fanatec... I started my own thread months ago at the very start of the site and it go no comments so I don't see the point in me starting a thread when I have an FB page..
What console games do not support the rumble feature of CSP. Has someone done a list?

I may be wrong, this is the internet after all, but I don't think any console games support it. I'm pretty sure Thomas said a long time ago that none do, and he doesn't plan on any supporting it.
I may be wrong, this is the internet after all, but I don't think any console games support it. I'm pretty sure Thomas said a long time ago that none do, and he doesn't plan on any supporting it.

I'll just chuck this out there for free. Unless someone wants to chuck a wheel my way 8^).

CSP support rumble on both consoles with a lot of titles. This is an important fact as it could cost Fanatec sales of CSP's

Spring and Damper work on Xbox too just to add. Think I know more about Thomas's wheels than he does. Lol.

I am speaking via a GT2 product mind.
Although the CSR should be the same.

AMF. You need to get your facts right.

I haven't read your review yet.

Better to have a late accurate review than an early misinformed one though.

ISR stand by that philosophy. Don't take as long as their GT5 review though. Lol.
True most or every game on console doesn't support brake pedal rumble. But this is negated by the on wheel abs function. If you know about where the brakes on a specific car lock up simply set the wheel abs setting below that percentage and your pedal will vibrate.
I have a PWTS and Clubsports, the ABS rumble works on every driving game on Xbox 360, PC and PS3 that I have played.
I have ABS set to 85% on the wheel, so when I press the brake 85%, the pedal and the wheel vibrate.
It is independent of the game, it is a wheel setting.
If I power up the wheel on its own, with no console or PC on, if I push the brake, I still get the rumble on the brake pedal and the wheel.
When playing Forza, I also get a rumble on the wheel from engine revs, I don't know if this is a PWTS thing or no.
But I would say that the extra $50 for the clubsports is a small price to pay.
I think that braking is where you can make up most of your time, with the CSP rumble, you get a warning before you lockup.
I adjust the potentiometer depending on what I am driving (race car or street) I agree that you get used to how much pressure to apply, but the rumble feature is like having an assist on.
On an ISR review, they said that having the CSPs was almost like cheating.

My personal opinion is BUY THE CLUBSPORTS.
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amf, just a minor spelling correction. You should probably learn the different uses of the word there.

There, as in: "There are belts in this wheel instead of gears"

Their (possessive), as in: "They use this in their wheels"

They're (they are), as in: "They're almost as good as the Clubsport Pedals"

The reason everyone is all over you is because having a website dedicated to reviews is a little different than just posting a review in a forum. People who visit your site are going to be expecting something a little more professional. Even more so when Fanatec and Darrin have agreed to send you products to review.
But I would say that the extra $50 for the clubsports is a small price to pay.
My personal opinion is BUY THE CLUBSPORTS.

I bought the CSR Elites because of the flexible mounting positions - and I saved $50. That was my preference.
I have written a review, not "I have wrote a review".

The abbreviation for et cetera is "etc", not "ect". See that one around here often.

Don't mind me, I'm just getting a load off and piling on. :guilty:

Spaghetti69 that's pretty rude and you should check the review as you will see I mentioned the manual rumble abs feature....

Scodee.. ok

Dj88.. ok

But does everyone not no how to use PM's ??
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