Fanatec Announcements: CSW V2 Reviews Out

  • Thread starter Crispy
I was going off Latte's high lighted quote.
If he's wrong then I am guilty and owe an apology.

I'm out of here.
I have a PWTS and Clubsports, the ABS rumble works on every driving game on Xbox 360, PC and PS3 that I have played.
I have ABS set to 85% on the wheel, so when I press the brake 85%, the pedal and the wheel vibrate.
It is independent of the game, it is a wheel setting.
If I power up the wheel on its own, with no console or PC on, if I push the brake, I still get the rumble on the brake pedal and the wheel.
When playing Forza, I also get a rumble on the wheel from engine revs, I don't know if this is a PWTS thing or no.
But I would say that the extra $50 for the clubsports is a small price to pay.
I think that braking is where you can make up most of your time, with the CSP rumble, you get a warning before you lockup.
I adjust the potentiometer depending on what I am driving (race car or street) I agree that you get used to how much pressure to apply, but the rumble feature is like having an assist on.
On an ISR review, they said that having the CSPs was almost like cheating.

My personal opinion is BUY THE CLUBSPORTS.

This is the same as my experience.
My PWTS has been boxed for sometime as my CSP are dismantled and Ive only been using a temporary setup and only a little at that too for the past 6 months.

I asked what games arnt compatible as reported because I also believe the feature is a "wheel feature" not a software one. AMF needs to realise if doing a website then people will be more critical and can if misleading or be inaccurate cause more issue or annoyance.

From memory the rumble feature could be set to activate at a set percentage of pedal depression.

Two ways I found this can be used to a players preference.

1) To have rumble start (like suggested above) prior to lockup point, approx 80% pedal depression. The force begins weak and increases to max at full depression.

2) To have the rumble start at a much lower percentage so that at the percentage you want, lets assume 80% again then the force at that percentage is to the strength you like or feel comfortable.

From memory this was set via the wheel menu and to a value, then something like 100 was off and 101+ used the throttle and wheel rim instead of brake.

Maybe what needs to be done is clarification on this to see if this feature is a firmware related difference and if its on all Fanatec wheels still. PWTS certainly allowed the feature to work even with no game as mentioned above.

We need a review or CSR owners thread as this thread isnt really for discussing reviews....
Appreciate further upcoming reviews are done via their own thread and Im sure others would agree, it will keep this from becoming a mess.
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You can set the rumble feature on just the wheel for the Csr..
No game supports it on console so you set it independently.

On pc the csp work with the game so you don't have to manually set it up

The Csr pedals do not have the pedal rumble however like all fanatecs other than the carrera have this

Sorry if this makes no sense but i am on a phone whilst walking
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You can set the rumble feature on just the wheel for the Csr..
No game supports it on console so you set it independently.

On pc the csp work with the game so you don't have to manually set it up

The Csr pedals do not have the pedal rumble however like all fanatecs other than the carrera have this

Sorry if this makes no sense but i am on a phone whilst walking

People know how the PC is effected, trust me.
The issue was rasied because of your comment below.

"This however is not supported by many console titles so console players shouldn't be put off buy this."

As your the reviewer, Im asking you what research/testing you did that showed which console games did not work with CSP "Brake Rumble".

Oh hold on, you dont have a set their to actually test and the comment then isnt an account of actual comparison that you did but is just perhaps just an assumption?


No more hole picking, personal thoughts are your not ready for what your trying to achieve. Your own review no matter how you word it cant offer a true direct comnparison so has to be more limited to how you feel the wheel is and compares to whatever wheel you can compare it to. After trying you do not take advice too well it seems in starting to do reviews in forums. "Run before you can walk" comes to mind, so I wont criticise any further but I think you should be yourself and not try to be seen as a website/pro reviewer, well not just yet.

All the best...
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Back on topic please?

Apologies on my part....

Ive asked several times with no answer from Fanatec.
If any owners get the CSR and have the G25/X360 pedal adapter can you please confirm X360 wheel pedals still work with it as the chart/website does not confirm this at all.

I have a friend has the CSR due for delivery soon and hes only got X360 pedals upgrading from the X360 wheel of course, so hes a little worried.
No. Console title sends out the signals... You set it manually through the wheel.. Thomas can you please clear this up please...
No. Console title sends out the signals... You set it manually through the wheel.. Thomas can you please clear this up please...

OMG Thats what weve been trying to tell you!!!
Now read what you said in your review, it reads to me at least that the CSP feature is missing but not to worry as console games rarely support it. That doesnt mean it cant still be used which you arnt clear on and that's how I read it anyways.

Others are getting annoyed with the offtopic so lets end this here, youve had it suggested you could do your own thread for your review and thats what most people do around here.

I need to grab my coat
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So we've been arguing on the same side... LOL sorry Latte

And yes let's get on topic

And I'll bump my old thread tonight..
Apologies on my part....

Ive asked several times with no answer from Fanatec.
If any owners get the CSR and have the G25/X360 pedal adapter can you please confirm X360 wheel pedals still work with it as the chart/website does not confirm this at all.

I have a friend has the CSR due for delivery soon and hes only got X360 pedals upgrading from the X360 wheel of course, so hes a little worried.
Yes, they are compatible with the CSR wheel, just like with all previous Porsche wheels. You need that same adapter (for G25/G27/Microsoft pedals).
I did not test this myself, because I do not have the CSR or Microsoft's pedals, but 2 people e-mailed me this question, so I asked Darin about it just to be sure I am giving the correct answer.
I'll just chuck this out there for free. Unless someone wants to chuck a wheel my way 8^).

CSP support rumble on both consoles with a lot of titles. This is an important fact as it could cost Fanatec sales of CSP's

Soemone else already addressed this better then I did here.
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Thanks Sonac, will put his mind to rest.

I assumed it would be okay, of course with the current "Gen 2" adapter which has both the Logitech G and X360 connections. The original adapter only had Logitch G series connection.

I'm pretty sure that no games on either console support csp rumble.
Indeed it is a wheel configuration setting.

No Console games support it in software but it is an important feature exclusive to "Fanatec" wheels.
Just like how only Fanatec wheels use the onboard controls for in game adjustments for several settings/features this is a major selling point of their products.

The rumble feature is a USP that deserves to be mentioned in reviews and certainly something that should be clearly highlighted when comparing the CSP/CSR Elite pedal sets.

To say console games dont support it without being clear how it can still be used can be misinterpreted or misleading.
Lets be clear about this now......... lol.
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Your right. I deleted my last post. It is much different though between the console and PC. I actually thought my pedals vibration function was broke for years, until I built a pc this year and tried it out again. It works much, much better on the PC. The effect is not near as strong on consoles. I would see it spinning with a console game, but wouldn't actually feel it through the pedal. In PC sims it vibrates much, much stronger.

Like you say, it works with consoles, but I wouldn't call it supported. In all honesty I wouldn't tell someone it works with consoles, because the effect I get with them is almost non existent. but it does kind of work.
Yeah just like FFB effects, consoles seem to have reduced power but this must be surely a constraint on the console platforms or a restriction in the SDK used than of course the wheels.

Thats something I hope perhaps ISR explain better in a later episode as to why this happens.
I guess this could be off topic but a.Microsoft employee said something like the 720 isn't far off... Check slashgear for story..

Hopefully this will send out stronger ffb and be less restrictive in terms of avaliabilty of wheels.
Can anyone please tell me how the CSR shifters are? Louder or quieter? Better shifting feedback or still clacky? Thanks.

I will be getting mine tomorrow, and would like a heads up. On east coast US here. Again, thanks in advance!
I mentioned them in my review... At first I felt them quite clunky and hard to change but either I'm gettin used to then or their getting easier
Can anyone please tell me how the CSR shifters are? Louder or quieter? Better shifting feedback or still clacky? Thanks.

I will be getting mine tomorrow, and would like a heads up. On east coast US here. Again, thanks in advance!
Same situation here..
It feels pretty similar to my G27's because of the aluminum, but the CSR's are bigger. They feel VERY good and you have very positive feedback, feels better than my G27's.

But it's actually louder than my G27's. The G27's paddles sound like a louder mouse click when you're using them. The action is tighter on the G27 when shifting, slightly less travel. The thing with the CSR is that when you shift you get the louder *click* then the sound of the paddle springing back into place and hitting the plastic back piece.

I wouldn't know what it feels like compared to the GT2 but I definitely knew of the complaints so I was weary because I love the G27's paddles. Rest easy - the CSR's are better.
It feels pretty similar to my G27's because of the aluminum, but the CSR's are bigger. They feel VERY good and you have very positive feedback, feels better than my G27's.

But it's actually louder than my G27's. The G27's paddles sound like a louder mouse click when you're using them. The action is tighter on the G27 when shifting, slightly less travel. The thing with the CSR is that when you shift you get the louder *click* then the sound of the paddle springing back into place and hitting the plastic back piece.

I wouldn't know what it feels like compared to the GT2 but I definitely knew of the complaints so I was weary because I love the G27's paddles. Rest easy - the CSR's are better.

I mean the actual SHIFTERS set, not paddles. Sorry to confuse you. Anyone!?!?!? thanks
Are they the adjustable type or is that elite exclusive?

Edit. Arrhh I was talking about paddles too.

Sorry Ant. I thought you dropped money on a CSR. Lol.
Are they the adjustable type or is that elite exclusive?

Edit. Arrhh I was talking about paddles too.

Sorry Ant. I thought you dropped money on a CSR. Lol.

Nah, waiting for CSW + Nascar/Round style/themed rim :) GT2 works wonderfully! Still have not tried those settings on the demo yet mate. Too busy this weekend, and had an iRacing league race last night. No 360 play time.

Just want some info before I see for myself tomorrow.......
@ Wardez

Are you talkin' about the paddle shifter on the wheel, am I right?
Any opinion about the CSR shifter set?

@sandboxgod: I drive in socks and I notice it instantly. It also works great with Stephane's plugin in iRacing. But if you wear shoes, it is not very noticeable.
Ant how strong is your pedal vibration in iRacing would you say? Is it noticeable while racing?

Well, if you do not know by now, I am more into oval/Nascar style racing. I do some road courses, but only with stock cars. I have my ABS set to 59-60. I timed it so it starts vibrating right when I start locking up the brakes on the car itself. As for how "strong", I can say I DEFINITELY notice if I am about to lose it lol.

Unfortunately, being set for this particular style has me off for other cars like Skippy's, mazda, legends, etc......... So, I simply try and compensate sine I know primarily I will be racing with stock cars.

I feel I have my GT2 pretty dialed in as well. So, I am very happy with my progress so far. Still only rookie license, but I am more into it for leagues, not ranking up. In my silverado league, through 5 races, I have won 3, and have a 34pt lead.(33 drivers in my league, with 2 real life arca & nationwide drivers, chad hackenbracht and charles lewandoski) Proper braking has helped significantly, also having some sweet set-ups can't hurt!:dopey:

But, to me, having the braking set is crucial to my success. And simply compensate for other styles of cars/tracks based off of my stock-car settings. For $200(he should and can charge $300 and it would still be considered a deal), you can't get any better than the CSP's, imho.
hi all i need a wheel for F4. i have thrustmaster 500 for gt5. so i guess my real question is the csr the same as the porsch gt2 or is it better. im using the WSP so i cant mount a shifter.and hoping csr puts the feeling there i really dont want to spend another 700$ on a i would like to know how it feels when driving also if the shifter peice that connects is firm or flimsy ty. ps dont mind the spelling

i posted this ona diff thread but no awnser

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