Fanatec Announcements: CSW V2 Reviews Out

  • Thread starter Crispy
GT2 Clubsport Edition XXL package.
- Porsche 911 GT2 racing wheel
- ClubSport Pedals V2
- Clubsport carbon shifter paddles
- RF dongle for PS3 or PC
- Porsche wheel shifter set

I went to their site but it was down for maintenance...
GT2 Clubsport Edition XXL package.
- Porsche 911 GT2 racing wheel
- ClubSport Pedals V2
- Clubsport carbon shifter paddles
- RF dongle for PS3 or PC
- Porsche wheel shifter set

I went to their site but it was down for maintenance...

OMG perfect *_*

Please don't go out of stock until monday Please don't go out of stock until monday Please don't go out of stock until monday Please don't go out of stock until monday Please don't go out of stock until monday.

Just. Please.
May be a stupid question but if I bought a csw wheel in the USA can it be used elsewhere , is the power box 110-250 volts?

You just need to get a set of socket adapters to use where you want to use it at. At least, I am pretty sure that is all you have to do. Never had an issue with my laptop while traveling in Europe & Japan.

Hope this helps.
You just need to get a set of socket adapters to use where you want to use it at. At least, I am pretty sure that is all you have to do. Never had an issue with my laptop while traveling in Europe & Japan.

Hope this helps.

Or just buy a new cable that fits. It is a pretty standard power cable.
Has anyone in North America received their CSW Formula rim replacement springs for the shifter paddles? I received an email from Fanatec that the springs were being prepared for shipment and a tracking number would be issued when available; that was > 1 week ago.

Ever get your springs? I'm still waiting for mine too.
Ever get your springs? I'm still waiting for mine too.

I have not received my springs. I think it has been ~2 weeks since we received the email saying the springs are shipping and we will receive a tracking number soon. I will contact Fanatec to ask when/if the springs have been shipped.
You will be taking a gamble, you just have to hope you're not gonna have any issues.

You can't go wrong with the CSPv2, but the CSW i would not buy without any warranty on it. The Fanatec products are great, when they are working :D

Yesterday I bet. I ordered a CSW base + BMW wheel + CSPv2 + G25/G27 cable adapter. Now I'm waiting for F1 rim.:nervous:
i did read (don't remember where) about Fanatec ACL (autoclutch function), do you know if this feature will be in CSW rims in next drivers/firmware?
i did read (don't remember where) about Fanatec ACL (autoclutch function), do you know if this feature will be in CSW rims in next drivers/firmware?

I think it was designed for Forza (Xbox) so probably not.
i ve mailed fanatec and they said
csw base and f1 rim will be in stock from mid / en of september

pretty good news :)

I hope they will also have extra Formula rim paddle shifter springs to ship out to those of us whose springs broke. Fanatec sent me an email >2 weeks ago saying the springs will shift "very soon."
After replacing the grips the plastic is stuck like this. :grumpy:


Finally I've ordered the GT2 ClubSport Edition XXL, but there's something not quite right in the website itself:

In the first order I had a problem with PayPal, and I had to abort the procedure BEFORE the confirmation progress - I stopped at the "select payment mode" page.

The second order went well, but in the order history I see this:


How can I cancel the second one? Obviously I don't want it and I don't wanna pay for it :lol:
After replacing the grips the plastic is stuck like this. :grumpy:


I think you did not put the grips excactly in the right place or one of the two vibration motors is out of place.

I took apart my CSR elite wheel (same) a couple of times and did not have the issue you're having ;)

Finally I've ordered the GT2 ClubSport Edition XXL, but there's something not quite right in the website itself:

In the first order I had a problem with PayPal, and I had to abort the procedure BEFORE the confirmation progress - I stopped at the "select payment mode" page.

The second order went well, but in the order history I see this:

How can I cancel the second one? Obviously I don't want it and I don't wanna pay for it :lol:

Same thing happened to me awhile back.
I was a bit worried myself but it's ok.

The pending order will not be processed at all and you will be ok.

It's odd that it should show up before any final confirmation on your end but that's how it is.

I myself was curious of the final costs with shipping etc so I did a dummy order with the idea of not confirming it.
I had a pending order too and thought oh **** lol.

No worrys.
Same thing happened to me awhile back.
I was a bit worried myself but it's ok.

The pending order will not be processed at all and you will be ok.

It's odd that it should show up before any final confirmation on your end but that's how it is.

I myself was curious of the final costs with shipping etc so I did a dummy order with the idea of not confirming it.
I had a pending order too and thought oh **** lol.

No worrys.
Whoa, thank you ^^

They sent me an e-mail with the usual confirmation/the order will be shipped now/etc etc referred ONLY to the last one.

By the way, is it normal that the "wrong order" is marked as "processing"?

So there I was playing F1 2011 on my PS3 and I finally did it. I broke the spring on the left paddle shifter on the F1 rim. :ouch:
Oh well, they knew it was a issue. Time to send them (FANATEC) a quick email about getting a replacement. =)

Hey, check your email. I got an email this morning with the tracking number for the Formula rim shifter paddle springs. delivery is scheduled Wednesday(?!)...I think UPS is using the pony express for delivery? LOL
Hey, check your email. I got an email this morning with the tracking number for the Formula rim shifter paddle springs. delivery is scheduled Wednesday(?!)...I think UPS is using the pony express for delivery? LOL

I receive mind also for the shifter paddle scheduled for delivery for Monday
Hey, check your email. I got an email this morning with the tracking number for the Formula rim shifter paddle springs. delivery is scheduled Wednesday(?!)...I think UPS is using the pony express for delivery? LOL

I got that email yesterday and they just arrived via UPS along with my iPhone 5 👍
Yes! I can now play F1 2012 properly and play with a new iPhone. LOL

P.S. The UPS chick wondered why I gave her a hug. LOL
No Way! The Clubsport Shifter should be next!!! We've all waited for like what... 2 years?

I've been saving my 50$ coupon ever since they gave it out instead of forza 2 when you bought a 911 turbo s wheel. Thomas said I could save it for the shifter, but I bet I have a little trouble getting them to let me use it since I owned every high end wheel, pedals, and accessories they made there was nothing they sold left for me to buy. Something tells me he didn't think it would take that long to come out.

I just went back and looked and I ordered that wheel in 2008. It doesn't seem like that long ago. I couldn't find the emails about the coupon though, I'll probably be screwed out of the 50$. Either way I just want that shifter.
:lol: Wow, it's been so long I actually forgot about that coupon deal. I got one also when I ordered my PWTS. Can no longer find the email though so I'm sure that ship has long come and gone.

Got tired of waiting for the CSS and bought a Thrustmaster TH8RS. Couldn't be happier. Although I'll try the Fanatec when it comes out in about 2015 :rolleyes:.
:lol: Wow, it's been so long I actually forgot about that coupon deal. I got one also when I ordered my PWTS. Can no longer find the email though so I'm sure that ship has long come and gone.

Got tired of waiting for the CSS and bought a Thrustmaster TH8RS. Couldn't be happier. Although I'll try the Fanatec when it comes out in about 2015 :rolleyes:.

if you went with a T500 RS over a CSW, I'd call that a HUGE mistake, but honestly I think you made the right call. the TH8 RS is absolutely awesome.

thinking of getting one for iRacing...
No I have the CSW. You are right, that would have been a mistake. Really like the CSW but wish they would send my Formula Rim :irked: .
Also think of it this way. You can always use the TH8 RS as a handbrake when you have the CSS but need to wait for the CSHB.
A nice handbrake is a must if you play rally games like RBR as well.