Fanatec CSL Elite Racing Wheel Thread- officially licensed for PS4

  • Thread starter PzR Slim
Plastic now I've looked :-(
But it still looks nice :-)
I thought it was alloy until I looked for you!

Again...bummer. I have a CSW V2. Once you go aluminum, it's hard to go to plastic. :rolleyes: LOL
@Sunbeam can you please let as now if the wheel is properly recognised by PS4 and psn button working in console. How is wheel detected in Project Cars and Asseto Corsa (?G29?/?T300?). Thx

I spent last night sorting my rig out with all the new equipment. The job is a little more involved as I have a 5.1 surround sound system to try and bolt on as well and a the MONSTER shifter.

I must say, I'm SUPER impressed with the shifter, it really does shift like a real car !!!

I will fire it all up today and see how the CSL works as you have asked. PS4/PCars is my normal combo, but I have AC as well, so will test that all for you guys :-)

I'm no reviewer, just a nobody playing driving games in private, so I'm not going to be able to give you a detailed analysis. I will know if it feels good and if it fully works on my PS4, I'm sure it will :-)
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Just received my CSL Elite in the morning. Had only time to test it for about 20 mins but so far pretty happy with it. Force Feedback feels nice and build quality seems to be ok, altough the base is entirely made of plastic.

The one and only problem so far is that circle, square and triangle buttons are not working on Assetto Corsa while driving so it is impossible to adjust Traction control etc. Hope they fix it soon.
I can't give any feedback on this wheel as it needs updating via a PC, I can't use my Mac Fanatec tell me :-(

I don't know anybody I can ask to up date my wheel via PC, so I'll have to take my equipment to a computer shop and pay them to update my items. So I'll step back and let others give you their opinion's on this wheel.

What I can say is once the light is 'Blue' on the base, the wheel will work like a PS4 controller. I can work the PS4 home screen fine. Once PCars is uploaded, I can't get into the game as not even the "X" button will work to open the game. I assume it's because it needs updating?
I can't give any feedback on this wheel as it needs updating via a PC, I can't use my Mac Fanatec tell me :-(

I don't know anybody I can ask to up date my wheel via PC, so I'll have to take my equipment to a computer shop and pay them to update my items. So I'll step back and let others give you their opinion's on this wheel.

What I can say is once the light is 'Blue' on the base, the wheel will work like a PS4 controller. I can work the PS4 home screen fine. Once PCars is uploaded, I can't get into the game as not even the "X" button will work to open the game. I assume it's because it needs updating?
As for pCars: no, it's because you need to start the game in the purple csw v2 compatibility mode, not in the blue ps4 mode.
OK, thank you for that, I have now started the game in PC mode, it worked.
I calibrated the wheel and pedals.
Left all the FFB settings as the G29 and set the overall FFB 65%.
Set the steering dead zone to 0.

Off I went to Watkins Glen on PCars. Within 3 laps I beat my fastest time by a whole second !!!!!!!!! :-0

The wheel feels very smooth and comfortable. The controls feel very nice and I love the way the paddles feel, just a nice dull clunk. Clipping the rumble strips on the curbs is sweet!!! The wheel gives a really nice feel and feeds back smoothly and quietly. When going 'off road' (oops) the wheel does bang/rattle in a G29 way, but nowhere near like the nasty rattly sound of a G29! I can't remember the sounds my T300 made as it broke within hours of owning it and it's been a few weeks since I used it. The fan is audible, but not offensive or loud.

However, having to start the base in 'blue' (PS4 mode) then change over to 'purple' (PC mode) is VERY odd? You'd assume and maybe expect to just stay in 'blue'? I find that a little annoying, but it's very early days and I have not updated the wheel or PS4 in any way thus far after getting the wheel! The PS button works when in 'blue'.

Overall, I like the wheel very much, it's the nicest wheel I've ever had! I can't wait to get my rig fully set-up with all the 5.1 sound etc so I can spend much more time with this wheel.

Just my thoughts :-)
It will stay in the mode you set the wheel the last time you used it after you updated to the latest firmware as that feature was added just with that latest firmware.
So if you are playing pcars in the CSW v2 compatibility mode it will directly boot into the same mode the next time you start the base.

But all new games will support the new base so no need to change the mode anyway. This needs to be done only for old unpatched games.
It will stay in the mode you set the wheel the last time you used it after you updated to the latest firmware as that feature was added just with that latest firmware.
So if you are playing pcars in the CSW v2 compatibility mode it will directly boot into the same mode the next time you start the base.

But all new games will support the new base so no need to change the mode anyway. This needs to be done only for old unpatched games.

Well that is a bit more reassuring. Pity one has the only option of updating the firmware via Windows PC though and not Mac also. It would have been a problem for me also being strictly a Mac user but using a PS4 console for whatever games.
Well that is a bit more reassuring. Pity one has the only option of updating the firmware via Windows PC though and not Mac also. It would have been a problem for me also being strictly a Mac user but using a PS4 console for whatever games.

Well I dont know of any wheel manufacturer who is also developing drivers for Mac?! Dont know for sure but I doubt Thrustmaster or Logitech are developing drivers for Mac but only for Windows?!
Logitech cant update the firmware as far as I know so no need to develop a special driver for Mac user but TM wheels are upgradable and as said I think they also dont have a Mac driver.
Those wheels cant be used on a Mac so why on earth should there be a driver for Mac? Just for the FW update? Well, no developer will ever do that, sorry..
Here is my base with the Xbox hub on.
Impressions so far on AC, I love this Wheel. It's so smooth the Paddle Shifters are so smooth to click & you get a nice positive yet smooth click. Shifter Lights are so awesome when in High Revs & It's certainly strong FFB Wise. Dirt 4 has arrived today so I'm going to be testing that this evening on the Wheel. So far so good! Haven't tried It on Project Cars yet.

For the people that own this I bought the CSL Elite Pedals (2 Pedals) LC Was too expensive for me at this time. Happy with the Pedals but I use Carpet & I also use a PlaySeat Challenge to Mount it. Regarding the Pedals does anyone recommend a way so they don't slip on the Carpet? Maybe like a matt or something? I have nothing to hard mount them to unfortunately.
I recently received my CSL Elite wheelbase (Tuesday) after selling on my V2 base.
To be perfectly honest, i think it's inferior to my old V2 - not only on the build quality side but with general use it has a horrible 'clattering' noise from the ffb (i don't have it set high).
At first i thought i might have a faulty base but upon watching review videos on YouTube (The Simpit etc) of the Xbox One version it seems that this is normal. Quite disconcerting as you can hear it downstairs from where i have it hard mounted to my RS1 rig.

That's bad news. I recently watched the simpit review of the Xbox version and was hoping they would make improvements for the PS4 version, there's always something arggh.

At least it looks better with the brushed plastic like what Fractal Design do and the nicer wheel rim materials. That bathroom/swimming pool tile effect on the Xbox version is hideous.

Impressions so far on AC, I love this Wheel. It's so smooth the Paddle Shifters are so smooth to click & you get a nice positive yet smooth click. Shifter Lights are so awesome when in High Revs & It's certainly strong FFB Wise. Dirt 4 has arrived today so I'm going to be testing that this evening on the Wheel. So far so good! Haven't tried It on Project Cars yet.

What's the noise like on your unit?

Anything like this
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I got the new Fanatec CSL Elite Racing Wheel for PS4 yesterday and have a problem, it's impossible to adjust the ABS, TC and Turbo in Assetto Corsa no matter what button configuration i use, so it makes it impossible to drive cars with adjustable turbo at maximum power because It is not possible to adjust that in setup, only when driving

And if I plug my Thrustmaster TH8 shifter into the PS4, my steering wheel stops working in the Assetto Corsa and i have to restart the game to make it work again, it does not help to disconnect the TH8, the game must be restarted with TH8 disconnected , I tried this with dirt rally and there they work great together, Fanatec steering wheel and Thrustmaster TH8 shifter
So I suppose the license to Thrustmaster is stronger than Fanatec at Kunos ;) ha ha

I went from the T300 with Ferrari 599 Alcantara and I have to say I think the buttons on the 599 are better, more posetive clicks, also more posetive clicks on the shifters, but on the other hand the shifters on the P1 are more solid but the 599 rim feels better and has Better and softer fabric

But when it comes to driving this wheel is much faster and much smoother :) :) i love it :) this is a big step up from the t300
I like to power the slide cars and with this wheel it's much easier because it's so fast and Smooth :) :)
PS I almost only drive Assetto Corsa
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That's bad news. I recently watched the simpit review of the Xbox version and was hoping they would make improvements for the PS4 version, there's always something arggh.

At least it looks better with the brushed plastic like what Fractal Design do and the nicer wheel rim materials. That bathroom/swimming pool tile effect on the Xbox version is hideous.

What's the noise like on your unit?

Anything like this

I've experienced this tonight & now that I've noticed It's really uncomfortable especially on a PlaySeat Challenge. I'm honestly In two minds in returning it back as I was thoroughly testing it on Dirt 4 & AC this evening & I'm feeling more uncomfortable using it from the vibrations. Personal taste I guess as I have been using Thrustmaster for the last 3 Years. But the rattling a little bit of a game changer.
You feel more vibrations because the game sends out those vibrations and the single belt drive does not filter it as much as you had on your wheels before. On a direct drive wheel you would feels even more of those vibrations.

The rattling is a different story. For Shaun it was a "very Little concern" but this is certainly a matter of taste.
There are not many things in life that meet our 'personal' requirements 100%, a compromise almost always needs to be made.

For me, this wheel is VERY good, and consider it's the only wheel for the PS4 by Fanatec. All other makes come well short for one reason or another!

I personally think, if there are more positives than negatives, and those positives are very strong, a compromise (in this case the "rattle") should be made. Also remember, although £450 is a lot of money, in 'wheel world', it's cheap! An OSW wheel in 'PC World' (not the UK shop) will run you WELL over £1000 !!!!!

What are our quality alternatives for the PS4? none!

Just enjoy the wheel for all the good it offers :-)

Just my opinion.

Ho dear, I've been adding bling !! The blue alloy washers to fill in the fixed paddle mounts.

Here is a thought for you Mr Fanatec, why not make some real nice dome head bolts with 'Fanatec' laser etched into the top and a rubber washer under the bolt head so you can get the logo level ??

These M6 bolts are within the motor bike market for holding the wind screen on. Fanatec bolts would be awesome :-)

and my favourite ;-)
There are not many things in life that meet our 'personal' requirements 100%, a compromise almost always needs to be made.

For me, this wheel is VERY good, and consider it's the only wheel for the PS4 by Fanatec. All other makes come well short for one reason or another!

I personally think, if there are more positives than negatives, and those positives are very strong, a compromise (in this case the "rattle") should be made. Also remember, although £450 is a lot of money, in 'wheel world', it's cheap! An OSW wheel in 'PC World' (not the UK shop) will run you WELL over £1000 !!!!!

What are our quality alternatives for the PS4? none!

Just enjoy the wheel for all the good it offers :-)

Just my opinion.

You don't thing that the T500 is a quality wheel? Or you say it because it's not 100% supported on PS4?
You feel more vibrations because the game sends out those vibrations and the single belt drive does not filter it as much as you had on your wheels before. On a direct drive wheel you would feels even more of those vibrations.

The rattling is a different story. For Shaun it was a "very Little concern" but this is certainly a matter of taste.

Couldn't agree more. But I wasn't in the market for a DD Wheel but a wheel that felt premium of course but the rattling when going over Rumble strips in the way It does It strong & Great for Sim Racers that have fully built Cockpits that can be mounted with Zero movement etc. I was Just hoping I could get a simular experience on a PlaySeat Challenge but the Rim Rattles too much for my rig. Absolutely a matter of taste for sure. I don't knock the Rim or the Product at all. First Impressions were fantastic but for me personally It Just doesn't fit the bill attached to it. But I've send a Return Request through anyways so Just awaiting a response. Who knows when I move to my next property & I have a room just for Sim Racing I'll be sure to go straight back to Fanatec as I'll have the space (& Funds!) to do so! :)

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