Fanatec CSW/CSR Elite Modders Thread *UPDATE February 2014*

  • Thread starter eKretz
Yup, I do it first thing when I get them. Also I check each motor for no-load amperage, stall amperage and no-load RPM to make sure there are no issues.

Awesome, that´s great.

"wanted" ? As in dead or alive wanted poster? Hehe they should be glad you are here, all you do is improve on their product imho not a bad thing at all and hardly hurt Fanatec in any way. The opposite to that, give Fanatec CSW/elite owners a solid upgrade and Fanatec don´t even need to honor the warranty anymore if we go inside the base and modify it.

Really hope we at the magic 15 mark on the set date, want it badly.
Can you PM me those names or remove them from the list to ensure we're seeing an accurate count?

I, too, may need to bow out due to some life-ish circumstances. I even have my wheel up for sale. :(

That said, I'll stick it out and contribute if my non-participation drops us below the 15 threshold. I don't want to be that guy. I would like to think that I could sell my 2 motors to a future racer, though. :)

Per the list we currently have 18 folks signed up for the 15+ price.

I'll try to find them but I get a zillion PMs through the different sites and emails... Might take me a while.
Hey guys how's it going? Just wondering if someone would be able to throw up a link to the air pumps people are looking at for this mod.

Thanks in advance.
just a quick question, any of you other guys running buhlers (or anyone that likes their FFB stong) find that the FFB on assetto corsa acts a bit wierd?
just a quick question, any of you other guys running buhlers (or anyone that likes their FFB stong) find that the FFB on assetto corsa acts a bit wierd?

Weird, how? I have my FFB at 30 now and haven't noticed any issues thus far. What FFB strength are you on?

I have yet to get my wheel back together with my latest mods, but I didn't notice anything before. Define "weird" for us.
I have not installed my Buhler mod yet, but on the stock I have not noticed weird, but I have noticed better as in better define feedback since the last update this morning.
Hey guys how's it going? Just wondering if someone would be able to throw up a link to the air pumps people are looking at for this mod.

Thanks in advance.
I got this one and they're still showing available. I've bench tested it. Pretty quiet imo.
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just a quick question, any of you other guys running buhlers (or anyone that likes their FFB stong) find that the FFB on assetto corsa acts a bit wierd?
Haven't installed the motor mod yet because the fresh OEM motors are working well plus I still have to do the power plug for the new power supply. But I too seem to detect some lack of feel recently in Assto Corsa. Haven't tried today's update yet.
well the wheel is contantly trying to oscilate wildly and just seems very unstable

im not getting any clipping and i was running 80% gain in this clip with ff 100 on the wheel.
well the wheel is contantly trying to oscilate wildly and just seems very unstable

im not getting any clipping and i was running 80% gain in this clip with ff 100 on the wheel.

This is actually the result of canned/fake forcefeedback effects implemented into Assetto Corsa. I got the same with my T500 wheel.

This is simply the result of the canned effect "Weight Transfer Effect" when it is programmed for low torque wheels (DFGT and G25/27) so as to provide some feel of "weight" into those wheels. The problem is that when you use higher torque wheels these canned effects get amplified, and these effects will than try to provide too much effect around center. And since it's the weight transfer effect it will always torque in the other the direction than the wheel is being turned at according to the position sensor. This causes the oscillation.
Also as these effects are programmed for lower torque wheels, on higher torque wheels they are kinda clipping. In other words they are effectively working above their effective range.

Grab a Bodnar wheel and it's even worse.
I wrote about this once in the past and I think in the pCARS physics thread on GTP. Will add the link in a bit when I found it.

That makes sense, I was thinking that the ffb was out of sinc and couldn't give the wheel an accurate position. I've been talking about the issue on the ac forum and I keep getting told I'm running incorrect setting and too much ffb, TBH it's getting very anoying

Mind if I put your post in there logi?
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That makes a lot of sense, I was thinking that the ffb was out of sinc and couldn't give the wheel an accurate position. I've been talking about the issue on the ac forum and I keep getting told I'm running incorrect setting and too much ffb, TBH it's getting very anoying

Mind if I put your post in there logi?

Feel free to do as you please. I'm sure someone will get here to try to burn my theory to the ground though. :P
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well the wheel is contantly trying to oscilate wildly and just seems very unstable

im not getting any clipping and i was running 80% gain in this clip with ff 100 on the wheel.

Could be an idea to run a lower feedback in game, I am, like 60%, and see what that does to the oscillation.
I am using AC a lot with my Elite and the FFB is as good as it get, if anything AC as been developed with Fanatec since day one and the issues with the T500 and AC are well documented on the AC support forum.
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Could be an idea to run a lower feedback in game, I am, like 60%, and see what that does to the oscillation.
I am using AC a lot with my Elite and the FFB is as good as it get. With all due respect to Logi, that explanation makes zero sense.if anything AC as been developed with Fanatec since day one and the issues with the T500 and AC are well documented on the AC support forum.

I tried on 50% gain and it made the oscillation go away, but at the expense of good feel and very very poor counter steer response. At 50% gain it made it feel very undesireable to drive for me
I still think it's the ffb slightly out of sinc, ill try to explain
Imaging if you are on your desktop and your mouse has a delayed input, you move it to where you want to click on something but you overshoot it then move back and forth until your brain counteracts the delayed input. This is what it feels like in ac but there is no adaption to counter the delay so it just continues back and forth, and the stronger the wheel the more violent it is
I still think it's the ffb slightly out of sinc, ill try to explain
Imaging if you are on your desktop and your mouse has a delayed input, you move it to where you want to click on something but you overshoot it then move back and forth until your brain counteracts the delayed input. This is what it feels like in ac but there is no adaption to counter the delay so it just continues back and forth, and the stronger the wheel the more violent it is

If that's the case than it's got to do with your wheel being non-linear, as it might be using too much power to spin-up the motors and overshoots its requested position by the game's physics engine.
Put the FFB in game back where it doesn't clip and lower the wheel's FFB instead. In this case the FF setting I think, or else FOR. It needs a bit of experimenting.
If that's the case than it's got to do with your wheel being non-linear, as it might be using too much power to spin-up the motors and overshoots its requested position by the game's physics engine.
Put the FFB in game back where it doesn't clip and lower the wheel's FFB instead. In this case the FF setting I think, or else FOR. It needs a bit of experimenting.

I don't think so, I don't get this problem in other sims even when I crank the ffb up beyong the wheel capable range
If that's the case than it's got to do with your wheel being non-linear, as it might be using too much power to spin-up the motors and overshoots its requested position by the game's physics engine.
Put the FFB in game back where it doesn't clip and lower the wheel's FFB instead. In this case the FF setting I think, or else FOR. It needs a bit of experimenting.

Nah. The area where it's nonlinear is so low powered he wouldn't even be able to feel it. I'll try it out later tonight and see if anything feels off to me.
And we have seen the linearity graphs from Eric's test and they are pretty good, the wheel never overshot its requested position even on massive over voltage
Than I still think it's the weight transfer effect. After all, a car is always a bit restless. Gasoline swings around in the tank, and so on.

Just so you guys know that during development of Project CARS removing this canned weight transfer effects did wonders for this. Even though we tried several different methods. In the end the data that simply fell out of the Physics engine was better for use for the FFB system than using any pre-arranged effects. As those always had a downside to them. Oscillation, causing lag or some form of latency increase... or sometimes the wheel worked against you instead of with you.

I wonder if the guys over at AC could remove the weight transfer effect like we can during pCARS development. Just to see what it does for them.

I just wondered. Have you ever tried reducing the road noise slider in AC?
OK, just got through about 3 hours of racing in AC (still using my repaired cratered board, BTW, though I bought a spare just to be safe). Good gawd that Zonda R sounds vicious, lol. @Blue028 - No issues like you are having on my end. Do you have SENS set to a lower level or anything? Or maybe the lock set to a lower angle in the driver properties screen or in-game? I have had that cause excess oscillation in the past.