Where do they not recommend? Maximum is generally 100% (even tho you can dial some things more) and this is something wheel should be capable of any day of the week. Lowest value is of course 0 or off. There is no point in dialing it down to not have as much fade, because then FFB is already weaker than with the fade. But if you would like, you can turn it down as much as you like. You can feel the air coming out of the wheel whether it is hot or not and can dial it according to that. Every motor fade, even these Bühlers. eKretz is just using better cooling, so it is probably not noticable. If you would use it with stock motors, you would get less fade too, but of course Fanatec can't implement such cooling in the wheel because its probably over half the size of the base.
I would like to know what settings people use. I have generally FF and For at 100 and in-game usually 60-80. Even then I have to dial it down in the wheel (in AC) sometimes, because it is still too strong. I want to feel FFB normally but not fight with it every corner. I don't understand how others drive. It seems that most want wrist breaking FFB.