Fanatec is making me sad.

Sometimes I wonder how many of these "no response" issues can be traced to e-mail clients or spam filters. I've emailed support about 5 times in the time I've owned my two Fanatec products with general questions and in every case I've gotten the automated response that my question was submitted a short time after my submission and I've gotten a personal response within 2 business days every time. I do make it a habit to check my junk box (hotmail) on a regular basis and I'm constantly having to add to my safe list for stuff that's being deemed as junk. My old Yahoo account was brutal for junk selection......almost everything that came from mailing lists I was on went to the junk box.

Not saying this is the cause of the OP's response problems but I have a hard time believing that Fanatec support is receiving his complaints and taking a "screw him" approach and ignoring him.
+1 always the same old tactic used by fanatec supporters. completely disregard the issue at hand and blame the OP like he is at fault. I feel for the OP, not only is his product faulty, he gets no customer service and to top it off he gets abused on forums

the funny thing is I have Fanatec products and I have seen first hand the problematic customer service they provide.
For the record, when I contact Fanatec I get a response usually in a day, not longer than two days. I'm cordial and polite as anyone should be.

I recently got a free set of 3D glasses over an issue on my projector purchase and a mistake made by Optoma.

Im sure that had I not of used a polite and non agressive manner I would not of got them. Anyone involved in running a business or involved with "customer services" will tell you they do not take kindly to "customers with an attitude", why should they, it's not their fault. However that person your insulting or ranting to is the one that perhaps is in control of how/when your situation is dealt with.

I can only imagine the email this guy sent and if it is anything like his post here then well I myself would be in no rush to reply and help him. People defending him here and they don't even know how or in what manner he did reply to Fanatec.

Maybe Darin Ganji can save the day, if not the OP can always put in another attack on the ISR forums.
The whole debate is getting rather amusing. A new wheel wont change the cheap plastic and rubbish quality of the wheel that the OP seems to think the product has.
Mr. Latte, in all fairness I believe you said in an earlier post you were through with this thread. ... peace.
Every company has their problem with customer service. I just find it kind of funny that anyone who says they have received good service is a "fanatec defender" LOL.

So let me understand. If you say you've gotten the worst product in the world, Fanatec doesn't respond and they kicked your dog you're credible.

But if you have gotten timely customer service you're a liar and a "defender"


Fact is the interwebs, since way back in the day has been a free for all for people to bitch and moan. Justly or unjustly. But the fact remains that the unhappy, for whatever reason are the more vocal. So much so that whenever the people who are happy with the service voice their opinion they're "in the back pocket" of said company.

funny stuff. :odd:
I don't think the OP should be stifled in any way. What's the harm in letting him vent? Sit back and enjoy. :)
I don't think the OP should be stifled in any way. What's the harm in letting him vent? Sit back and enjoy. :)

I agree,

Buuuuuuuuuut, it seems that any person with a positive outcome is deemed a liar. Oh well. I usually find complainers to be exaggerating most of the time.

The anonymity of the internet lets people become much bolder and infuriated than they would be in real life. Adds to the E-drama.
I subscribed to this thread bcoz I'm having the same issue's with my csr, I cannot believe this thread is still going with the OP's character being called into question by all and sundry!!!
The guy's bought an expensive product which doesn't work as it should and he's got nowhere with customer support so he's having a rant, if more people had ranted about the problems with the csr I'd probably have stuck with my g25 tbh.
But it's like some wierd religious cult where the OP's spoken out against the church of Fanatec and the congregation are going to have him exorcised:
"you have the devil inside you my child, u must be cleansed!"
Fkn hell the guy bought a dodgy steering wheel, let him have his rant. The rest of u get a life, or maybe a better alternative, a job with Fanatec customer support! Looks like they need the staff :-)
^^^Looks like you really didn't read the thread then eh? because you're doing the same thing I just described to a T. Good job.
It has to do more with the way he's chosen to speak up about it, rather than about him actually speaking up about it.
I subscribed to this thread bcoz I'm having the same issue's with my csr, I cannot believe this thread is still going with the OP's character being called into question by all and sundry!!!
The guy's bought an expensive product which doesn't work as it should and he's got nowhere with customer support so he's having a rant, if more people had ranted about the problems with the csr I'd probably have stuck with my g25 tbh.
But it's like some wierd religious cult where the OP's spoken out against the church of Fanatec and the congregation are going to have him exorcised:
"you thee have the devil inside you thee my child, u must shall be cleansed!"

Fkn hell the guy bought a dodgy steering wheel, let him have his rant. The rest of u get a life, or maybe a better alternative, a job with Fanatec customer support! Looks like they need the staff :-)

Made me :lol:
Okay I'm done, whatever, feed him to the sharks, he's obviously got no self- discipline. I mean, ranting about a steering wheel that's used to play computer games on an Internet forum!!! I can't think of anything worse, oh wait a minute.....
Okay I'm done, whatever, feed him to the sharks, he's obviously got no self- discipline. I mean, ranting about a steering wheel that's used to play computer games on an Internet forum!!! I can't think of anything worse, oh wait a minute.....


And yes, I'm trolling just a teeny bit! Peace...
Personally I think some of the core members here have treated the OP and other members with problematic products rather immaturely. The OP stated in his opinion what was at fault. Helping him and the others with their problems would be a mature way of handling the situation.

I thought highly of some members on this forum, after this thread I am not so sure.
OP, check your spam filter. Check your junk mail.

And as far as his treatment, I stick by what I said before. If you have an outspoken outrage you're always right. If you haven't you're a liar and a zealot.

The OP's entire original post is dubious to say the least. Anybody who posts something like that is either 12 or just plain has an agenda.

Agenda. Could you elaborate on this. Maybe offer some evidence to support your claims.

The opening post, whilst conveying pure frustration isn't anymore inflammatory then many others around here have experienced, myself included.

Sorry to the op for your troubles and for the fact your integrity is getting far more attention than your actual issues.
After all the insults and B&%$&$ some fanatec reviewers and users here have put him through... If I was the OP my agenda would be to get my money back...
Agenda. Could you elaborate on this. Maybe offer some evidence to support your claims.

The opening post, whilst conveying pure frustration isn't anymore inflammatory then many others around here have experienced, myself included.

Sorry to the op for your troubles and for the fact your integrity is getting far more attention than your actual issues.

Yeah to be fair that post by me was a little unfair. But after being on the internet for 20 years, you get a little jaded. I still stand by what I said though, more often than not, its been true. apologies if you're insulted.

And the last post was LOL
Yeah to be fair that post by me was a little unfair. But after being on the internet for 20 years, you get a little jaded. I still stand by what I said though, more often than not, its been true. apologies if you're insulted.

And the last post was LOL

The last post was LOL??? yes I can tell you've been on the internet for 20 years... you kind of forgot how to speak english.

Why attack the OP??? do you have a share on Fanatec? or are you just a Fan???
did you get a confirmation email back to make sure you sent it...??

not trying to sound patronising LOL
After all the insults and B&%$&$ some fanatec reviewers and users here have put him through... If I was the OP my agenda would be to get my money back...

I believe he would be entitled to that and may be the best thing for him as it is obviously below his expectations regardless of the faults but just the quality/finish of the product in general.

Tell me something, those of you defending this guys actions.
Do many of you agree with his comments about the quality of the wheel and its price/value?
How many of you have used or held the CSR first hand?

Thats why I find it hard to take him serious, because things clearly are not as bad as he makes out regards the product and the service certainly not as bad as some of you are reporting. Then again I can only relate to my own experiences with the same products and their customer service.
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I dont agree or disagree with is comments... I havent tryed any Fanatec products so far and probably wont any time soon... But if I had payed all that money for a faulty wheel and could not reach Fanatec support service I too would be angry...what I disagree is with some of the answers he got... and I only posted here because of those answers... basicly because I cant do anything to help him out, I dont own a Fanatec wheel nor do I work for them...
Not sure if that's directed at me but neither condone or condemn his comments.

Can't talk about the quality of the product either as I don't own one.

I can express his frustrations though as I have had faults and niggles since day one.

Mr latte as someone who confesses to not being part of a racing league or even take part online you need to understand people's frustrations at lost time.

As an impartial reviewer for Fanatec I'm surprised to see you posting up saucy concerns.
Whilst your fully entitled to post as a regular forumite. I would have thought you may have wanted to stay in the background.

Some may get the impression that your final review may be biased.
One of Sonacs endearing qualitys is that he never gets involved in these things.

Not a criticism BTW. You post how you see fit.

Edit saucy is bloody spell checker.
Spagetti, I will defend Fanatec's reputation based on my own pleasure and experience with not just the products but to also support Thomas's online presence here. Some of you just seem to be painting a picture they are a terrible company and have poor products.

That is far from the truth, the OP hasnt a clue if you ask me or then every review done is talking rubbish and the products actually do suck like he says. You believe what you want or see his post like I do of just a "Payback" because of his current frustration.

If some are determined to express rubbish comments about the products using cheap or inferior quality to others or indeed be poor value then yes I will strongly contest that. I made reference to the T500Rs being cheap rubber and plastic, to the Madcatz so I am if anything being realistic.

Stop going on about the upcoming report and reputation. Your welcome to criticise it when it is done and judge it based on reading it.
An agenda, 12 years old, etc, pardon me while I laugh hard. Google my name. Why would I spend 500 bucks if I had an agenda? How could I afford it if I was 12 years old? Seriously, do you think before you post?

I mailed Fanatec again yesterday and this time got a response. I don't know if this thread had anything to do with it. Let's see how they handle the issues now. They did give me the updated firmware so hopefully that will fix at least the settings saving problem, if nothing else.

And I must say this turned into a hilarious, absolutely epic thread. It's only missing pictures of Mr Latte giving himself a huge homemade razor blade Fanatec tattoo across his chest. Gallinho pretty much summed up how I felt already. Crazy religious cult is right. :dopey:
Go buy a Madcatz and come back to us will you, saying that your an expert on quality plastics and value for money eh. 💡

Your not going to admit to being a little extreme are you?
If you were man enough you would admit to a little exaggeration at least.