Fanatec is making me sad.

I'm sorry, I realize I'm just a new user here, but this Mr Latte person has clearly gotten in bed with Fanatec and is now their self-appointed Forum Defender.

I hope he wasn't bought cheaply, at any rate. Suffice to say, I'll not be paying the slightest attention to his "review" of anything.

If Fanatec wants a better reputation, they should resolve the OP's many issues or give him a full refund. That would actually fix the problem and is the only path back to Excellence.

Blaming a customer for having the temerity to complain is not helpful, and this Mr Latte is doing Fanatec no favors. If he really wanted to help, he'd use whatever contacts he has to forward this info to Fanatec, so they could understand the damage this sort of thing does to their reputation.

Full disclosure: I own the GT3 RS V2 with the CS pedals and they've worked fine on my PC. I also have a G25 just for my PS3, and am considering the CSR Elite for my Xbox360. I just purchased a T500 for my PC/PS3 but haven't had time to set it up.

As a business owner thats maybe why my perspective is different and against such internet rants. Not only can the person ranting say what they want and cause possible credibility damage to the brand or products but this entire thread is the perfect example of how anyone could out of the blue just make such up (not saying the OP has).

Oh look at all you guys defending somone you know nothing of, him having just posted his issue as a first post and has no past credibility or known personality with any of us.

What sickens me is Thomas has plenty of personal time on these forums and while the company indeed still has things to resolve (that is aparent) I find it rather disappointing in some they do little to defend the fact that Thomas is genuine with everyone and in the past has went out of his way to ensure someone with a problem is sorted.

I hope he reads this thread and this is not me brown nosing in any way. It's just a matter of respect and giving support to him as well I feel it worth arguing for. Fanatec brand, I really like for obvious reasons in their products and how they have set a high standard in features and performance. Although I understand for other reasons the company still has to further develop it's resources and clear out it's closet so to speak. Im not ignoring that, defending or excusing it. The point of this whole issue is the "tone and manner and aggression" in which the OP decided to use simple as that. Try working in retail for over 20 years and you will better understand how often the public can be over aggressive when it comes to problems. Ive experienced it many times and they can be anything but reasonable.

It's so easy for a company/product to be unfairly branded criticised and just accepted as an okay thing to do. Why, because someone just wants to or feels it is justified. Many companies are genuine in wanting to sort issues so I hope the OP here comes back and gives an account of how Fanatec resolve this customer and if he then is any happier.

amf keep on topic, for me you still have very questionable credibility on these forums regards past issues. Thats my stance and I know too from some others. I don't however mix my words as you know and like it or not you still havnt proven otherwise regards those doubts to me and likely never will. You were offered to show the proof and I would of apologised and changed my view on the past matters.

Logistics, Reliability and Supportability

This is a very subjective category. I can only rely on the first-hand experiences of the staff, rather than anecdotal input from third parties. SimHQ applauds Fanatec’s scheme of offering components a-la-carte, allowing consumers to mix and match their purchase to suit their needs. But experiences in purchasing the PWTS were overshadowed by shipping delays and silence from product support, who failed to acknowledge any of my e-mails. Likewise, SimHQ staff racer "Chipwich" ordered an earlier model Fanatec 911 PC wheel, which broke down after a few months of use. Chip’s repeated emails to Fanatec product support when unanswered, leaving him with a big, useless paperweight. Joe Keefe also had product quality, reliability and support problems with his GT3RS wheel. Although Magnum’s shipping experience with the PWTS was smooth and effortless, he soon suffered calibration issues with the 7GS shifter. Overall, SimHQ’s experience with Fanatec Product Support could best be characterized as "discouraging". Although my PWTS/CSP combo is working well four months on, it would seem that Fanatec's reliability and product support leaves a bit to be desired.
I'll not be paying the slightest attention to his "review" of anything.
Can't say I blame you

Blaming a customer for having the temerity to complain is not helpful, and this Mr Latte is doing Fanatec no favors.
Again, can't say I blame you. It's nothing personal against mr Latte, it's just he has made his picture abundantly clear and yes I do own Fanatec gear and Thrustmaster as well.
This review was quite some time ago and I will not deny that we had problems. Unfortunatley the human nature is to be trained to look for danger and obstacles so people will only look at the bad things and highlight them and miss the positive feedback we are getting now on our support.
All I can do is laugh.
Anything I express is my own opinion, you don't have to agree with it.
Nobody said a person shouldnt complain, it was the way it was done and things said that I didnt agree with.

Yeah I really like Fanatec for several reasons, many of us do. We all have made criticisms in the past. By no means do people here try to cover the facts their have been and still are issues. However I have more respect for Thomas and what he does for the community in general.

You wont change our minds, well certainly mine but your entitled to your own opinion
Can't say I blame you

Again, can't say I blame you. It's nothing personal against mr Latte, it's just he has made his picture abundantly clear and yes I do own Fanatec gear and Thrustmaster as well.

Look on these forums and see who raised the "Handbrake Compatibility Issue", the "G25 adapter and it not being confirmed with X360 pedals", the CSR Elite Pedals not shipping it seems with "Handbrake Pinouts" the same pedals with pedals plates "not ****ersunk on each row of holes". The Fanatec website at one time listing the CSRE as "Dual 120w motors" and many other things that could be improved or corrected on the website.

Are you blind to criticisms I Have Made or just taking a one sided view to suit your argument?

Seriously you guys will have to try harder.

I will eat you like a cookie, omm, nom,nom,nom. :D
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zzzzzzzzzzz. these arguments are tiresome.

more importantly did silverhotdog and doberman get their issues resolved, or any tangible actions on Fanatec's part to get them resolved (ie refunds, replacements, freebies etc...)?

keep us posted
My Fanatec GT2 wheel from new tended to lose center: Over the course of around 30 mins from cold the center position would gradually move from dead center to around 15 degrees offcenter. But interestingly it only did this in Forza 3, and I didn't notice it anywhere near as much on GT5 or the PC. Fanatec diagnosed it as being a faulty codewheel sensor based on my video. It was replaced and the new one works great.

If you are having symptoms similar to mine in a CSR wheel, which has the same basic internal build, there is a chance that it could also be the codewheel sensor.
Look on these forums and see who ...
I'm just going on all the threads I have read or participated in.

Are you blind to criticisms I Have Made
see above answer

Seriously you guys will have to try harder.
You guys?

I will eat you like a cookie, omm, nom,nom,nom. :D
No one ever said you didn't have a sense of humor. :)

more importantly did silverhotdog and doberman get their issues resolved, or any tangible actions on Fanatec's part to get them resolved (ie refunds, replacements, freebies etc...)?

I give Fanatec full marks on my situation, Claudia gave me a free CSP tuning kit on my year old order. I asked nicely and she said it was because I had to wait so long for my order.

Now if only silverhotdog and doberman had made their original post about how great Fanatic's support was.
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When I reverse mounted my CSP I also changed the springs, clutch for throttle and throttle for gas.

It was rather difficult for me with the one arm but I managed. I think to put in a stiffer spring for both the throttle and the clutch (from tuning kit) I will need to get my son's help. I think I will be dropping some coin in the "swear jar" if you know what I mean :D
Well done.
They do look odd. I've just got used to them in a default position I suppose.
zzzzzzzzzzz. these arguments are tiresome.

more importantly did silverhotdog and doberman get their issues resolved, or any tangible actions on Fanatec's part to get them resolved (ie refunds, replacements, freebies etc...)?

keep us posted

I'll post over in my thread as well, but at the moment there is a new shifter on its way to me. Hopefully this will solve my problem. If so, my experience will have concluded the way I wanted, with a working shifter, but I will remain disappointed in the slowness of the response and will be lax to do future business with Fanatec.
Well done.
They do look odd. I've just got used to them in a default position I suppose.

That image was from the top down, the one below shows it better. They are very comfortable, although the throttle is sticking a bit. I hear this is common with the CSP's. I will take care of it.

I'll post over in my thread as well, but at the moment there is a new shifter on its way to me. Hopefully this will solve my problem. If so, my experience will have concluded the way I wanted, with a working shifter, but I will remain disappointed in the slowness of the response and will be lax to do future business with Fanatec.

Good to hear you getting a new shifter.

I havent read all the posts in this thread so I apologize if I repeat anything. It looks like Fanatec is experiencing a bit of growing pains. The company is coming out with many new products (highly anticipated by the racing sim community) in a short period of time. I think Fanatec is doing well on turning around it's customer service by hiring Darin Gangi to work on this area. Of course, a turnaround cannot happen overnight but I hope to see good things, product and service-wise, in the future! 👍
No company is 100% perfect. If you do business again with Fanatec i hope all will go smoothly.

edit; full disclosure- I do not own any Fanatec products but I am excited about the new wheels coming out and plan to buy a Fanatec wheel and pedal set or a Thrustmaster T500RS this winter.
I'm just going on all the threads I have read or participated in.

see above answer

You guys?

No one ever said you didn't have a sense of humor. :)

You clearly don't participate in many threads then. As he says, you are being blind to his criticisms of Fanatec and just jumping on him for defending them. Same goes for all the other "haters". Mr Latte hasn't actually done anything wrong yet you all hate on him. I wonder if jealousy has something to do with it.
Mr. Latte is this months target apparently. His posts may come off fanboyish at first, but if you actually read them you will see he is quite critical of fanatec. Others say he is egotistical, I dont see it that way at all. Very particular and attentative to detail but not egotistical.

Everything he did to " defend" fanatec really doesnt defend them, but rather try to help users get better service by acting in a mature manner when trying to get helps from CS.

I worked in retail for ten years, brick and mortar stote and online sales,and a service center. I will yell you for sure customers attitude played a huge part in service they got. Granted, servicr was never as bad as some of you seem to be experiencing with Fanatec, but if you were all full of hate and rage when contacting us you would be treated as such.

Anyway, Im not saying users with problems are wrong in being aggravated but there are better ways to get things done.

Uh oh, I defended latte and suggested sugar instead of razorblades when dealing with CS. Am i the next hated one ;)
As he says, you are being blind to his criticisms of Fanatec and just jumping on him for defending them. Same goes for all the other "haters". Mr Latte hasn't actually done anything wrong yet you all hate on him. I wonder if jealousy has something to do with it.

As a Fanatec owner I really don't understand the likes of you and others on this forum. If anyone here says anything bad about fanatec you get all defensive, including mr latte.

Why is it if anyone has faulty Fanatec gear the likes of you can not understand or accept that?

You wonder if jealousy has something to do with it? Are you serious?

You clearly don't participate in many threads then.

Since you have not participated in this thread at all may I suggest you go back to the beginning of this thread and read all of it from the start, it begins Here

Mr. Latte is this months target apparently.

Mr Latte is not my Target of the month, just this thread. Since he and another in this thread have jumped all over the OP about his faulty gear. Had he chose to help on the other hand I would have commended him for it.

There is no doubt mr latte is an asset to the forum as I told him in a PM, just not this thread.
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Not just by you left, it seems almost every thread he posts in lately. Sorry if you took my comment as such.
No Problem Caz, I think some newer members here see mr Latte always preaching about Fanatec, so for him to jump all over the OP only reaffirms this.
I respectfully disagree with the preachy part. +(EDIT @ left, but i think thats understood, cheers.)
I will stop posting on the matter. As of late almost every fanatec thread has been drawn so far off topic its sad. I have been apart of it too. It sort if paints us Fanatec owners in a negative light.
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It comes down to letting the OP have his say. He complained about a faulty product. I doubt mr Latte would have said a word in this thread if Thrustmaster was substituted for Fanatec.

It comes down to freedom of speech, I do not care if someone complains about Thrustmaster or Fanatec. Why should I care if they complain loudly? If the OP has a complaint let him speak.

This thread should have had a totally different outcome. If one or two people in it chose to help the OP the thread would have ended after 3 pages. Instead individuals started calling him names and defending a certain brand.

I am a Fanatec owner and I am a Thrustmaster owner, it is not my job to tell someone not to complain. Why should anyone else tell the OP not to complain?

Mr Latte, I apologize if it appears I have unfairly singled you out. My only intention is that the OP has his say in any fashion he should choose regardless of brand.
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I have no idea how anybody can criticise the original post. He got a wheel, it is crap and doesnt work, the company does not reply to his emails. You can say what you want about the bloke posting on forums but I've read this exact thread a few times on a few forums from quite a few people. Logitech may be a massive company not on the personal level of Fanatec, but if you get a broken wheel under warrenty you will have everything sorted within a day of enquiring, your new wheel and a complimentry 50% off voucher for their products. It may not be personal but Logitech has fantastic customer service, can't say much bout Thrustmaster but you can't throw around Fanatec having better customer service because the owner posts on a forum once in a blue moon.

Stuff like this does put off buyers, perhaps Fanatec need to hire some more staff.
As a Fanatec owner I really don't understand the likes of you and others on this forum. If anyone here says anything bad about fanatec you get all defensive, including mr latte.

I am defending Mr Latte, not Fanatec.

Also, use the edit post button, two occasions on this page alone you have triple and then double posted.
This is a GT forum, and it being a GT forum there are more logitech fans obviously. It's normal for a forum dedicated to one game and one piece of hardware so long that any other manufacture are usually criticized more than the original. This is human nature.

That being said, the OP seems to have gotten a bad product. OK, but you'd think that 99% of Fanatec products are faulty judging by this forum. And that's where arguments start. You see, if you post anything that isn't negative about Fanatec you're labeled as a fanboy. Even though a lot of the time the complaints about Fanatec come from posters with 1 post. Lol

Put two and two together. This isn't new to the Internet, this is old news. Look what's going on at Metacritic right now with Modern Warfare 3. Thousands of fanboys willingly and knowingly posting negative reviews about a game not because they don't like it or it actually sucks based on gameplay. No just to damage said games reputation among gamers.

If you don't think that happens here then you're naive. Now the OP seems to have a legit problem. Sometimes though it's utter fabrication by fanboys.

What's funny to me is how you take every complainer at their word, despite the number of posts they have. Yet long standing members or people that don't have a problem are liars. This is where the argument starts. Sorry but those are the facts.