Fanatec is making me sad.

Well thing is Im the one laughing because I see what is happening here and me being branded as biased. Im more than capable of doing an unbiased report thanks besides part of my report will have other peoples testing opinions/feedback from proper 1:1 realtime testing. I just wont stand for someone talking BS regardless of the make/model of products just because he wanted a wee rant.

Most of you will be all over reviews on the CSRE and CSW with your tounges out and we will see then how many of you still want to criticise Fanatec or wind your necks in a little.

(take the above in jest lads)
Go buy a Madcatz and come back to us will you, saying that your an expert on quality plastics and value for money eh. 💡

Your not going to admit to being a little extreme are you?
If you were man enough you would admit to a little exaggeration at least.

In what year did complaining on a video game forum about a 3rd party hardware manufacturer's products become too extreme? Because I missed it. :guilty:

PS: Madcatz line was pretty childish. Someone has a problem with their Ferrari and you tell them they should buy a Lada because a Ferrari engine that randomly turns itself off while driving is normal. :ouch:

edit: and that last post Latte, wow, I mean, seriously, just wow. I figured you were a shill by the way you post but the attitude that you bring to shilling. Amazing. Genmay or SA trolls got nothing on you.

Well, actually they would tear you asunder, but for this kind of forum, you troll extremely well...

... ok, you don't, but I'm trying to say something nice about someone who has nothing nice about them, and I'm failing.
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Is this the only thread on the Internet criticising Fanatec customer support.
Pretty sure ISR and others have very similar threads.
Therefor I would assume the op has no agenda other than wanting a working product.

Have a nice day everyone.
He still doesnt get the difference between making a complaint or justified account for flaws or faults in a product and ranting, being excessive, expressing points on the products that when compared to others actually do not represent really how he presented them to be.

Im still waiting to see who agrees with your evaluation on the products, ta ta.

Its getting boring and going in circles...
I have the exact same issue as the OP, except it is with my gt3 rs wheel. The wheel makes a squeaking noise from time to time, as do the clubsport pedals.

The wheel also loses it's FFB after about 30 mins of playing, requiring me to reset the wheel just like in the OP.

I sent them a video displaying the problem, and the are sending me a new fan to replace myself. I was also instructed to take the cover off the wheel to help cooling. Funny thing is that when I removed the cover I saw that both fans are working perfectly. What the heck is going on with these wheels?

Overall I completely understand your frustration, I am very disappointed too. God luck with your problem.
He still doesnt get the difference between making a complaint or justified account for flaws or faults in a product and ranting, being excessive, expressing points on the products that when compared to others actually do not represent really how he presented them to be.

Im still waiting to see who agrees with your evaluation on the products, ta ta.

Its getting boring and going in circles...

The op attacks fanatec like you attacked me.. however u were more persistent LOL
The op attacks fanatec like you attacked me.. however u were more persistent LOL

Growing some balls eh. Well done.

This thread is quite a roller coaster of highs and lows. Rivals, underdogs, surprise elements, twists and turns. Etc.

Professor plum in the conservatory with a wheel stand pro, I mean lead pipe.
Is my guess.
The op attacks fanatec like you attacked me.. however u were more persistent LOL

Well I dont do things by half measures, you should know that by now.

Nice to see you supporting Fanatec (err not) or questioning the validity of the points the OP made regards the same CSR wheel/pedals you reviewed. Thought you being a hardware review website owner would have some comments. Well I guess plenty of questions in here for your thread like what Fanatec are doing to improve their CS. The thread is now just becoming a fix my Fanatec thread and getting out of hand. People with issues well shouldnt they contact Mr Ganji? Its not clear exactly is it where or who is the best person to contact for proper service or reply is it?

We can do the insults all day/night if you want guys...
I will make it easier for you just PM me anytime.

To the OP I hope they get you a new wheel soon and you do come around to being a bit more sensible and realise the product is a pretty darn good one, particulary compared to what else is out their for similar money.
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The last post was LOL??? yes I can tell you've been on the internet for 20 years... you kind of forgot how to speak english.

Why attack the OP??? do you have a share on Fanatec? or are you just a Fan???

It was LOL as in you made me laugh, as in I agree with you, as in "hey that was funny"

Rage much? I didn't attack anybody, if he has a beef post it in the thread for that. Bitching and moaning to us isn't going to get him jack squat.

Bottom line, like I've posted several times already if you've got some fantastical story about company XYZ then go through the proper channels. Email, phone call. 99% you'll get satisfaction. If you don't then that sucks. I'm willing to bet there is some serious exaggeration going on. But whatever, hope he gets what he wants.

Better? Sweet. :)
While fanatec eventually solves most of my problems, I have to say I've had more trouble out of my Fanatec products than all the years I've own Logitech wheels. The only reason I don't mind waiting on Fanatec is I still got my G27 which has over two years of heavy uses without any trouble. Maybe I got more luck with Logitech than Fanatec.

Now my Gt2 wheel makes more noise than my DFGT wheel. The fans is much louder and well as the sawing sound from the ffb (belt). As much as I want the Elite wheel I'm going to wait a while and let the bugs work out before I spending that much on a wheel.
Do you think this is a game? While you type away silly little comments behind your keyboard in anonymity?

Mr Latte...

I personally haven't had a problem with the fanatec products or there service.. however fanatec sell a large volume of units so defects are if course likely.

I certainly will not bash the op just because he maybe that 1:1000 or whatever the numbers are..

I have faced the almighty rath of Latte previously and tbh it gets boring because you think that you've won and leave people with no choice to respond..

When I ask you to pm me you refuse. This shows disrespect so why the hell am I gonna pm you after you try and humiliate me in a public forum.. safe to say it didn't work LOL.

You like to cause arguments.. you like to be involved in arguments... And the biggest thing I don't like about you is your ego...
I'm glad people are seeing through you..

I personally am taking a leaf out of Sonacs book and I am sitting back, breathing and thinking before I post.

I think you should do the same :)

Edit: BTW.. I do.disagree with the terms of the general quality if materials. However I am not going to go about insulting him because of this ;)

The wheel is pretty much the opposite though, with extremely cheap plastic everywhere and a couple of alcantara and metal bits thrown in to distract from how poorly constructed the wheel actually is, and to justify the ridiculous price. I doubt the CSR will last for even 6 months of daily simming, and since I won't be able to afford a replacement this year, that makes me extremely sad, as I am heavily addicted to rFactor (the reason I bought this rubbish in the first place). The pedals, even with the problems, were worth 150 bucks because they're solid,well built, very functional, and generally high quality. But no way in the world is that cheap plastic glitchpile of a wheel worth 250. NO WAY.

That is the bit I disagree most with op
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As a business owner thats maybe why my perspective is different and against such internet rants. Not only can the person ranting say what they want and cause possible credibility damage to the brand or products but this entire thread is the perfect example of how anyone could out of the blue just make such up (not saying the OP has).

Oh look at all you guys defending somone you know nothing of, him having just posted his issue as a first post and has no past credibility or known personality with any of us.

What sickens me is Thomas has plenty of personal time on these forums and while the company indeed still has things to resolve (that is aparent) I find it rather disappointing in some they do little to defend the fact that Thomas is genuine with everyone and in the past has went out of his way to ensure someone with a problem is sorted.

I hope he reads this thread and this is not me brown nosing in any way. It's just a matter of respect and giving support to him as well I feel it worth arguing for. Fanatec brand, I really like for obvious reasons in their products and how they have set a high standard in features and performance. Although I understand for other reasons the company still has to further develop it's resources and clear out it's closet so to speak. Im not ignoring that, defending or excusing it. The point of this whole issue is the "tone and manner and aggression" in which the OP decided to use simple as that. Try working in retail for over 20 years and you will better understand how often the public can be over aggressive when it comes to problems. Ive experienced it many times and they can be anything but reasonable.

It's so easy for a company/product to be unfairly branded criticised and just accepted as an okay thing to do. Why, because someone just wants to or feels it is justified. Many companies are genuine in wanting to sort issues so I hope the OP here comes back and gives an account of how Fanatec resolve this customer and if he then is any happier.

amf keep on topic, for me you still have very questionable credibility on these forums regards past issues. Thats my stance and I know too from some others. I don't however mix my words as you know and like it or not you still havnt proven otherwise regards those doubts to me and likely never will. You were offered to show the proof and I would of apologised and changed my view on the past matters.
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It's not like the OP is the only one who had trouble out of Fanatec. I know as much about him as anyone else here. It's just as easy for someone to be unfair defending a product as criticizing it on the internet.
Latte we established that and I'm not bringing it up.....

And I agree this will not be good for fanatec. And I personally wouldn't bring up a story like this in a public place...


And I have to agree with Latte on the point of companies being bashed insesisantly a lot of the time for no reason, with little facts.

Let me ask you this. Do you think there are more satisfied or unsatisfied Fanatec customers? Especially since they adopted the new policy of only taking pre-orders when they actually have product. I would bet there are WAY more satisfied than unsatisfied.

If you're going to hold a grudge against a company because in the past they might have bitten off a little more than they can chew, then I gotta say its you who is immature. I'm speaking from a common sense point of view. Fanatec wants to make the best product possible and make a profit. Part of that is giving you better service. They have gotten better in this aspect.

The funny thing is that the people defending this rant, a lot of them don't even own a Fanatec product. I was one of the first people to pre-order the Turbo S wheel. I was pissed that it took so long to ship. I was pissed when my clubsport pedals stopped working. but guess what, I contacted Fanatec and a couple weeks later I got an email right from Thomas. Yes it was two weeks, but at that time Fanatec was a smaller company learning how to do customer service. Their products was awesome and service was lacking. But they have gotten better.

Getting back to the point, the whiners, complainers and squeaky wheels will always get more attention. Especially when some of the loudest are trolls or people just being morons. In the instance of the OP, if he had a problem looks like its now being taken care of. I recommend he send the wheel back, get his money back and get a T500 or G27. If he truly is outraged, put your money where your mouth is and send all that worthless crap back and get a real product that isn't cheap from a company who will take care of you.
Let me ask you this. Do you think there are more satisfied or unsatisfied Fanatec customers? Especially since they adopted the new policy of only taking pre-orders when they actually have product. I would bet there are WAY more satisfied than unsatisfied.
The first generation of X360 had more satisfied consumer than not yet still had very high failure rate (more than any other console). It was basically a piece of junk. So more satisfied than unsatisfied (50% mark) is not a good guide line to determine if a product good or not.
Some of the personal feuds in here need to go to PM's, this thread is doing no good for anyone any more. Just a lot of people arguing about something that, like GT5 V Forza will probably never draw to a conclusion, because everyone has different views and has had/is having different experiences to one another.

By all means, discuss what your experiences are but try not to attack each other just because you have had a different experience.
Yes ZOOM ZOOM, because I'm sure 50% of all Fanatec wheels are defective. :rolleyes:


And see thats the problem here.

"Hey my name is Tommy and I hate Fanatec they are horrible! Everything I bought from them is broked!"

"Yeah you're right tommy lets all circle jerk and hope this company goes out of business!"

"Ummm guys, Tommy has two posts and usually these kind of posters don't ever come back after the rant thread. And I haven't had any problems with them"

"Shut up and stop making sense we're crucifying a company here!"

*backs out of thread*.......

Enjoy the festivities and God bless.
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And I agree this will not be good for fanatec. And I personally wouldn't bring up a story like this in a public place...

The OP stated he could not get help anywhere, so I wonder why he couldnt just read these forums and comment in one of the CSR threads he had a faulty wheel? "Oh high guys Im new around here can you help?"

No instead he does things the way he did.

His comments on the pedals and the fxing positions was actually very interesting though. That needs to be looked at. I wonder what you found when you reviewed the pedals, lol or is that a stupid question?

I was quickly accused of "brown nosing" in defending Fanatec and because of the current "beta situation" no doubts. That was a little low to be honest and all because I just dont agree with the attitude of the OP and certainly feel it only right to put forward a fair debate. The OP showed little thought, concern or respect for Fanatec in his post, I thought it fair to return the compliment in mine.

I havnt been defending Fanatec for their lack of maintaining a quality CS which still seems to be an issue reading peoples comments (good for my own report) Still their products were so unfairly represented by the OPs own remarks. Having purchased many Fanatec products and been testing the CSRE I have every right to feel privledged and that they/Thomas deserved some backup.

Time for me to make less posts for a while too...
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What ever happened with bigsilverhotdog? Did his issue get resolved?

Not yet, the new firmware resolves the "settings not saving" bug but the other ones still remain (losing FFB/centering and needing a reboot, near-constant light vibration regardless of what is being done, and the noisy electronic/mechanical whine). I've got another test session later tonight and I'll figure out if I need to press for a replacement or not. I'm pretty tolerant of bugs (long time simmer) but ones that prevent me from, you know, "playing the game", are pretty serious in my book.

I'm not sure now if the thumbstick is wearing out or not. Sometimes it works fine, other times it acts like down just doesn't work at all. Could be the firmware because it acts differently now than it did with the old firmware.
Hope you get it resolved. Despite the silly behavior in this thread thats the bottom line is that you get it fixed or your money back.

For the record, when I contact Fanatec I get a response usually in a day, not longer than two days. I'm cordial and polite as anyone should be.

I have been nothing but polite with them, yet didn't receive a reply for a week and then, it was unhelpful. I've yet to see any movement towards getting my issue actually resolved.

Mr Latte...

I personally haven't had a problem with the fanatec products or there service.. however fanatec sell a large volume of units so defects are if course likely.

I doubt we'll ever know what their sales totals are, but if you think that a boutique sim hardware shop like Fanatec sells a "large volume of units" I'd imagine you're sorely mistaken. Either that, or you and I have vastly differing opinions on what a "large volume" is.

The amount of complaint threads around the various sim sites vs. what their likely total number of units shipped is says to me that they're sending out a far too high amount of faulty products.
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I have been nothing but polite with them, yet didn't receive a reply for a week and then, it was unhelpful. I've yet to see any movement towards getting my issue actually resolved.

Yup, every instance is different. I think maybe the T500 is in your future. If I had many problems with a company I dump them.