Fanatec Podium Direct Drive Wheel Bases Thread

  • Thread starter super_gt
haha. Since Friday also my DD1 order has status 'shipped' in the order details. Couple of minutes ago I received an UPS tracking ID.

YES!!!!!!!!!!!! Shouting and running through the house. Then my daughter came downstairs.

She: "Dad are you working from home on Monday"?
Me: "Yes absolutely"
She: "great because I ordered some shoes and UPS will come tomorrow around 2PM".
Me: checking ID again. Yep it's a package for my sweet daughter :mad:

hmmm hopefully a Fanatec UPS tracking ID tomorrow with a delivery day on Tuesday.
haha. Since Friday also my DD1 order has status 'shipped' in the order details. Couple of minutes ago I received an UPS tracking ID.

YES!!!!!!!!!!!! Shouting and running through the house. Then my daughter came downstairs.

She: "Dad are you working from home on Monday"?
Me: "Yes absolutely"
She: "great because I ordered some shoes and UPS will come tomorrow around 2PM".
Me: checking ID again. Yep it's a package for my sweet daughter :mad:

hmmm hopefully a Fanatec UPS tracking ID tomorrow with a delivery day on Tuesday.
lol, it's been a crazy week!
@DomB_Fanatec I was just looking through the online dd1 product manual and the warranty section mentioned one year warranty, I got the impression from your website that it comes standard with a 2 year warranty?
That's certainly what is says on the product page. 2 years or you can pay more and upgrade to 3 or 5 years.
Suspect warranty situation depends where you are in the world even from a single manufacturer. Certainly does with the HiFi equipment we buy and sell.

I mentioned the same thing on the Fanatec Forums earlier yesterday. I suspect the warranty section in the manuals is straight out - copy paste from other Fanatec product manuals, which come with the standard 1 year warranty.
As many people in Europe and the US are now reporting their DD1/2’s have shipped, do we have any idea if the Australian ones are going to ship out of our warehouse by tomorrow (April 30th) or are we likely to be behind as they are still on the slow boat to us down under?
I contacted Fanatec last week to update my address. They said that they will hopefully ship out this week, so fingers crossed.

Given the release date is tomorrow, I am assuming we will get at least a new video tomorrow & hopefully details on the mounts & kill switch.

I am really hanging out for details on podium wheel rims, as I only have the 2018 F1 at this stage & don't want to get the 918 if the new Podium Porsche Wheel will be available soon-ish in leather.
Just received my tracking number, hopefully it will be here by tomorrow because Wednesday is a holiday here in Belgium.
#metoo. I just cancelled all my (work) appointments

This time it's a UPS package from Germany. Hopefully my wife or other daughter did not order something in Germany ;) (No I already double checked --> It is happening!!)
#metoo. I just cancelled all my (work) appointments

This time it's a UPS package from Germany. Hopefully my wife or other daughter did not order something in Germany ;) (No I already double checked --> It is happening!!)
I forgot, which DD did you order? PC or PS4? I think it was the pc version.
Just to confirm - the DD1 wheelbase accepts M6 16 mm bolts or 20 mm bolts? I think my RSeat includes both. I watched the Sean Cole Simpit video and it looks like it will accept the triangle pattern on the base.
The Formula Rim has vibration motors in the rim to simulate idle engine vibrations. If the game supports it, then you're not crazy :)
I don't think that gtsport has it. It is really slight and not even visible.
Maybe it is the cooling fan. It is not a problem but I thought that I'm feeling things (The POWER :D ).

Just to confirm - the DD1 wheelbase accepts M6 16 mm bolts or 20 mm bolts? I think my RSeat includes both. I watched the Sean Cole Simpit video and it looks like it will accept the triangle pattern on the base.

I have an S1 and everything mounted perfectly. (I mounted it with 5 screws from the bottom) Everything is included with the rig.
@Shinu did you take the steering wheel plate off off of the rig and then attach the DD1 or did you attach the DD1 with the plate attached? Pictures? :) How are you liking it so far?
Had to take the plate off (hard to get under).

I like it a lot (as I said earlier - I have to get used to new pedal sensitivity/deadzone).
As for pictures - rSeat missplaced my buttkicker mount so cable managment is still not done and my room is a mess.
For now I took only one photo to tease my friend


Did not want to show the full mess (for now)

IMO DD wheels would look good on any rig.

Side note: the fan inside the power brick took me by surprise (I thought I left my PS4 on at first)
There are some strange smells coming from my neighbours (after renovation there are some gaps left between radiator pipes).
Only way to slightly mask it really
Podium wheels, is there coming many different kind of them? Looking for big rim, atleast 32cm. DD looks amazing. Even with F1 rim which is too on shopping list.
Careful with your power supply guys. Below is a link to a German forum where from a pretty poor google translate it sound like his power supply started smoking. Maybe some German speakers could give a better translation.

Be aware that the manual does say to plug the PSU into the wheel base before the electrical socket. But I'm sure this is just a routine failure of a PSU which does happen.
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Careful with your power supply guys. Below is a link to a German forum where from a pretty poor google translate it sound like his power supply started smoking. Maybe some German speakers could give a better translation.

Be aware that the manual does say to plug the PSU into the wheel base before the electrical socket. But I'm sure this is just a routine failure of a PSU which does happen.
Have you forward to Fanatec blog ?