Fanatec Podium Direct Drive Wheel Bases Thread

  • Thread starter super_gt
@DomB_Fanatec I tried running it in CSW 2.5 compatibility mode and I also manually assigned the accellerating, brake, and steering wheel but when I load the game all it does is shake the wheel back and forth repeatedly. I also have an xbox controller plugged in but even when I detach the controller I have the same issue... do you recommend using the direct drive or generic wheel preset? I've tried both and neither work.
Do you guys unplug the power supply when not in use?
Mine does make a light buzzing noise (not annoying) like some of the others have reported here and on Fanatec's blog/forum.
I usually do if I'm not too lazy. Will plug in to a extension cable with a power button.

I noticed that after time the buzzing sometimes disappears

@DomB_Fanatec is it possible to add an ability to power on PS4 with PS button ? Ii know it is a minor thing but I hate getting out of the rig to look for my controller :D.
Also still no one officially answered (as far as I know) Is minimal vibrations while Idle normal ?
I usually do if I'm not too lazy. Will plug in to a extension cable with a power button.

I noticed that after time the buzzing sometimes disappears

@DomB_Fanatec is it possible to add an ability to power on PS4 with PS button ? Ii know it is a minor thing but I hate getting out of the rig to look for my controller :D.
Also still no one officially answered (as far as I know) Is minimal vibrations while Idle normal ?

I've not noticed any buzzing from my power supply. I have it plugged in to a surge protector.
Do you guys unplug the power supply when not in use?
Mine does make a light buzzing noise (not annoying) like some of the others have reported here and on Fanatec's blog/forum.

I power on and off with the power button on my Podium PS4 Wheelbase. I have mine hooked up to a power strip and turn it off whenever I’m done for the night. I have not noticed any buzzing coming from mine.
DD2 motor permanently for DD1

"As you might know, all pre-order units of the Podium Wheel Base DD1 and the Podium Racing Wheel F1 have made use of the motor from the Podium Wheel Base DD2. We originally developed a dedicated DD1 motor but this did not meet our requirements. We therefore decided to use the big DD2 motor on the smaller models as well.

As this motor performs extremely well and new development of a dedicated DD1 motor would take quite some time, we decided to keep the DD2 motor for the lower spec models in the long run.

Functionality and specs remain the same but due to the much higher cost of the DD2 motor we are forced to increase the price of the Podium Wheel Base DD1 and the Podium Racing Wheel F1.

There’s still time to place pre-orders for these direct drive systems at their current prices, but effective from May 7th (09:00 UTC+2), the Podium Wheel Base DD1 will be priced at 1199,95 EUR, and the Podium Racing Wheel F1 will be 1599,95 EUR. The Podium Wheel Base DD2 price will remain at 1499,95 EUR.

Effective from the same date, the standard warranty for the Podium Wheel Base DD1 and Podium Racing Wheel F1 will increase from 2 years to 3 years for all new orders.

Of course there is a chance that we could change to a different DD1 motor in the future, but we would clearly communicate that in advance, and it will not be any time soon.

The entire first batch of Podium Series direct drive systems has now been shipped, and we’ve already been overwhelmed by the positive feedback from our early customers. We believe that the Podium Wheel Base DD1 and Podium Racing Wheel F1’s adjusted prices will continue to offer good value in terms of performance and features. Our recent Podium video series explains the advantages of our direct drive technology, and the quality of the ‘DD2’ motor is highlighted in our latest Motor Dynamics video on our YouTube channel.

Bear in mind that the combination of Podium Wheel Base DD1 PS4, ClubSport Steering Wheel F1 (V2 spec), and Podium Advanced Paddle Module in the Podium Racing Wheel F1 package still offers a significant price advantage over buying the same spec of products separately (DD1 + ClubSport F1 2019 wheel + APM = 1729,85 EUR)."

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My Podium PS4 has finally arrived! Yay :)

Now, my first issue, the CSL Elite pedals that I bought with it are wrong in GT Sport... The gas pedal is inverted so that its always on full throttle and not only that but its assigned to something unknown. The gas pedal is now brake. Have anyone else experienced this? There doesn't seem to be any way of calibrating or assigning the pedals in the game either, only the wheel. @DomB_Fanatec could you help?
DD2 motor permanently for DD1

"As you might know, all pre-order units of the Podium Wheel Base DD1 and the Podium Racing Wheel F1 have made use of the motor from the Podium Wheel Base DD2. We originally developed a dedicated DD1 motor but this did not meet our requirements. We therefore decided to use the big DD2 motor on the smaller models as well.

As this motor performs extremely well and new development of a dedicated DD1 motor would take quite some time, we decided to keep the DD2 motor for the lower spec models in the long run.

Functionality and specs remain the same but due to the much higher cost of the DD2 motor we are forced to increase the price of the Podium Wheel Base DD1 and the Podium Racing Wheel F1.

There’s still time to place pre-orders for these direct drive systems at their current prices, but effective from May 7th (09:00 UTC+2), the Podium Wheel Base DD1 will be priced at 1199,95 EUR, and the Podium Racing Wheel F1 will be 1599,95 EUR. The Podium Wheel Base DD2 price will remain at 1499,95 EUR.

Effective from the same date, the standard warranty for the Podium Wheel Base DD1 and Podium Racing Wheel F1 will increase from 2 years to 3 years for all new orders.

Of course there is a chance that we could change to a different DD1 motor in the future, but we would clearly communicate that in advance, and it will not be any time soon.

The entire first batch of Podium Series direct drive systems has now been shipped, and we’ve already been overwhelmed by the positive feedback from our early customers. We believe that the Podium Wheel Base DD1 and Podium Racing Wheel F1’s adjusted prices will continue to offer good value in terms of performance and features. Our recent Podium video series explains the advantages of our direct drive technology, and the quality of the ‘DD2’ motor is highlighted in our latest Motor Dynamics video on our YouTube channel.

Bear in mind that the combination of Podium Wheel Base DD1 PS4, ClubSport Steering Wheel F1 (V2 spec), and Podium Advanced Paddle Module in the Podium Racing Wheel F1 package still offers a significant price advantage over buying the same spec of products separately (DD1 + ClubSport F1 2019 wheel + APM = 1729,85 EUR)."

Looks like us early DD1 adopters got a bargain!
My Podium PS4 has finally arrived! Yay :)

Now, my first issue, the CSL Elite pedals that I bought with it are wrong in GT Sport... The gas pedal is inverted so that its always on full throttle and not only that but its assigned to something unknown. The gas pedal is now brake. Have anyone else experienced this? There doesn't seem to be any way of calibrating or assigning the pedals in the game either, only the wheel. @DomB_Fanatec could you help?
I had a simular issue with the V3s, but it happened after playing for some time. I had to reset the base to fix it. Im gonna try updating the pedal firmware when I get home.
I usually do if I'm not too lazy. Will plug in to a extension cable with a power button.

I noticed that after time the buzzing sometimes disappears

@DomB_Fanatec is it possible to add an ability to power on PS4 with PS button ? Ii know it is a minor thing but I hate getting out of the rig to look for my controller :D.
Also still no one officially answered (as far as I know) Is minimal vibrations while Idle normal ?

I've not noticed any buzzing from my power supply. I have it plugged in to a surge protector.

I power on and off with the power button on my Podium PS4 Wheelbase. I have mine hooked up to a power strip and turn it off whenever I’m done for the night. I have not noticed any buzzing coming from mine.
The buzz is really minor, room needs to be fairly quiet to hear is but again not a big issue unless it gets worst...

I think I'll do as recommended and buy a separate surge with a switch and turn it off when not in use.
@DomB_Fanatec is it possible to add an ability to power on PS4 with PS button ? Ii know it is a minor thing but I hate getting out of the rig to look for my controller :D.
Thrustmaster wheels won't power on the PS4 either so I'm not sure if it's possible. I just turn on the PS4 when I'm powering up everything before getting into my rig, so there's no need for the controller :).

Disclaimer: I don't know if G29's can turn on the PS4... but I'm sure someone will let me know :D.
Is there any trick to how tight you need need to make the gold ring after you put the wheel in place? It seems to be loose after each time that I use the wheel. Is there a video on how to attach and remove the wheels using the quick release mechanism? Just want to make sure i'm doing everything right. :)
My Podium PS4 has finally arrived! Yay :)

Now, my first issue, the CSL Elite pedals that I bought with it are wrong in GT Sport... The gas pedal is inverted so that its always on full throttle and not only that but its assigned to something unknown. The gas pedal is now brake. Have anyone else experienced this? There doesn't seem to be any way of calibrating or assigning the pedals in the game either, only the wheel. @DomB_Fanatec could you help?
Did you use the pedal cable provided in the PRW box? If you did and you are still experiencing this issue, please contact our support. There is a firmware fix for this that they can provide to you immediately (will be publicly available soon).
The buzz is really minor, room needs to be fairly quiet to hear is but again not a big issue unless it gets worst...

I think I'll do as recommended and buy a separate surge with a switch and turn it off when not in use.
After looking a little more closely at the power supply, I noticed there is a little fan in there for cooling. Maybe the cause for the buzz? Anyway given that there is a mechanical device in the power supply, it's probably a good idea to turn it off with a power/surge suppressor to reduce unnecessary wear.
After looking a little more closely at the power supply, I noticed there is a little fan in there for cooling. Maybe the cause for the buzz? Anyway given that there is a mechanical device in the power supply, it's probably a good idea to turn it off with a power/surge suppressor to reduce unnecessary wear.
Power supply sounds normally happen due to low quality components in them.
Question for anybody with the Podium PS4 setup. I'm pretty much a GT Sport noob but when I was playing last night there was a option to change the fuel mapping and it said to use the arrow buttons on the controller. I could not find anything on the PS4 F1 wheel that changed anything. Anybody know which button or knob or switch is the same as the arrow keys on the controller?
Thank you.
Question for anybody with the Podium PS4 setup. I'm pretty much a GT Sport noob but when I was playing last night there was a option to change the fuel mapping and it said to use the arrow buttons on the controller. I could not find anything on the PS4 F1 wheel that changed anything. Anybody know which button or knob or switch is the same as the arrow keys on the controller?
Thank you.
Funky switch worked for me
i wonder if you lose any of the DD1 or 2 capabilities when in 2.5 compatible mode?
do we still get the full toque and all the other cool stuff that is a direct drive wheel
Is there any trick to how tight you need need to make the gold ring after you put the wheel in place? It seems to be loose after each time that I use the wheel. Is there a video on how to attach and remove the wheels using the quick release mechanism? Just want to make sure i'm doing everything right. :)
I turn the golden ring until it I cannot turn it further but not too tight. Rock solid and no play on the QR anymore.
Not sure if it is ok to ask in this thread?

Satisfied DD1 who connected the v3 pedals to the wheelbase (previously direct USB to PC). I have to push the brake pedal very very firm with already the brakeforce on 90. When connected to PC I had it around 50. Does anyone experience the same. Just get used to it and train my legs? ;)

I think I have installed all the latest Fanatec drivers. PC driver 334, wheelbase 651, wb motor 29

Do we already know when the racesims come with a native Fanatec DD driver? #soonish....
So far as I know only rF2 already has one in place. Quick Dutchies
Only game I have to turn to 2.5 comp mode is PCars 2. Others like R3E, AC(C), DR2.0 in PC mode.

Happy (racing) weekend!
Is there any trick to how tight you need need to make the gold ring after you put the wheel in place? It seems to be loose after each time that I use the wheel. Is there a video on how to attach and remove the wheels using the quick release mechanism? Just want to make sure i'm doing everything right. :)
As shown in the video above, the key is to ensure the locking ring is resting against the rubber gasket (but not compressing it), as this prevents the rubber from slipping back as you push on a new wheel. If the rubber slips back, and you then try to tighten the locking ring, the rubber will not expand in the right position inside the wheel-side QR and may be causing the locking ring to come loose.

@DomB_Fanatec I tried running it in CSW 2.5 compatibility mode and I also manually assigned the accellerating, brake, and steering wheel but when I load the game all it does is shake the wheel back and forth repeatedly. I also have an xbox controller plugged in but even when I detach the controller I have the same issue... do you recommend using the direct drive or generic wheel preset? I've tried both and neither work.
We just tried it in the office, generic wheel preset, then assigned all axes (throttle and brake had to be inverted and the dead zone needed to be adjusted to 0). FFB works fine in Comp V2.5 mode.

@DomB_Fanatec is it possible to add an ability to power on PS4 with PS button ? Ii know it is a minor thing but I hate getting out of the rig to look for my controller :D.

Also still no one officially answered (as far as I know) Is minimal vibrations while Idle normal ?
Unfortunately it is not possible to power on the PS4 with the Podium Racing Wheel F1 (but it is possible to power on an Xbox One using one of our Xbox One licensed steering wheels). Very small idle vibrations are indeed normal.

i wonder if you lose any of the DD1 or 2 capabilities when in 2.5 compatible mode?
do we still get the full toque and all the other cool stuff that is a direct drive wheel
You do not lose any performance or fidelity when running in COMP V2.5 mode.

Power supply sounds normally happen due to low quality components in them.
That is not true in this case. Our PSUs are unique in the sense that they are very powerful, particularly for an external PSU. They have to meet the latest certification requirements from several different global agencies. These certifications are not only about safety, but also about efficiency, particularly during idle / no-load scenarios. It is a challenge to make a PSU that can give deliver huge power on demand, while consuming minimal power during an idle state. A side effect of this is a slight humming noise during idle, which is normal.

Yes, I did. Unless I got them mixed up by mistake, but I'm 98% sure I did it correctly. Any way to tell for sure?
The new cable has ferrite cores at each end.