Fanatec Warranty Revised

  • Thread starter novadave
I agree, it should definitely be advertised. Was it advertised with new purchases? Fanatec isn't apple.

If you're uncomfortable with this, don't buy their products. Speak with your dollar.

Please elaborate, Fanatec has a little news widget built into all their new sites, with the news of their choosing.
Why was this not done there? No budget for Adverts needed. Or just drop CTs like you a simple email.
Apple did not do pay adverts, they got the word out through Apple-centric forums & sites, tech reporters, and etc.

Not implying deception. ...and to date the JP store has no info regarding warranty terms anywhere.

I am sure plenty of people in places like AU (1 year warranty now too) and BR (soon to be opened) will vote with their dollar, they pay almost double of what we do here because of import duties and taxes.
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When I bought my formula rim Jan. 4 2013 I assumed it had a 2 year warranty. Had I been informed it was 1 year I still would of purchased it, but by Fanatec not saying the warranty changed kinda makes me feel like I was decieved. I guess I should of checked the warranty again ( I did in Nov. when I made the first purchase), but an offical annoucement would of been the right thing to do. Nothing wrong with changing the warranty in my opinion, but doing so with NO announcement isnt very good buissness.
I'm in the United States so 1 year warranty is typical here. And its the region affected by the warranty change right?

True, but when one offers trust in products for two years... thus having to construct them so that they will last for that period, else it will cost too much in technical support, spare parts and shipment.
When one offers trust in those two years in one part of the world with the products living up to that reliability, it would be perfectly normal to offer this world-wide.

I also agree its a trust relationship, never said it wasn't. But remember that Fanatec just like any company is run by accountants. Tomas while the CEO still have to bow down to the whims of the bean counters, its like that at any company including the one I work for even though we made 3 billion dollars last year.

So it's all about the fact that the technical support and service costs have risen to such a point now, that Fanatec had to do the math.
Fanatec (the board or who ever) have come to the conclusion that with the current product line's reliability it's not financially sustainable to offer a warranty for longer than 12 months after purchase.
The same goes for all the other companies you mentioned earlier (and I am sure many others). They also do not trust their products to work for longer than a year and fear the expenses on support if they do.

My statements are basically pointing out that 1 year warranties are nothing new, never have been. Blanket statements about the demise of Fanatec and how could they do this to us are kind of silly to me. Fanatec wants to make money and I'm sure they also care about their customers or they wouldn't even both to answer questions on a message board or blog.

I never said Fanatec was going down did I? I only said (in other words at the time) in the Logitech thread that I feared for the well being of the company due to the many returns and repairs that had to be done. As I am sure you have seen how many people talk about them online.
Also never said they didn't care about their customers. :confused:

But some of you expect answers, sometimes answers that really Tomas can't answer because he is hamstrung by legal and company policy. I'm just looking at this from a common sense point of view. I don't like it but I also don't feel like Fanatec is this evil corporation sitting on a golden chair eating Sim racers souls. LOL

I can understand that Thomas can't answer some things, so I don't expect anything from him. If I do get an answer it's only a good thing. ;)

Every company is created by a boss so he can get richer. Even you are on Wall Street to get richer, else you wouldn't be there.
Since there is only a fixed amount of money out in the world, you can only get richer by taking more from the poor. It's a fact and that makes all people evil who try to have that little bit more at the end of the month.

So yeah, Fanatec is an evil corporation... it's just because of the way money goes around.

It was a decision by the board of Fanatec, simple as that. We got advised that our anual bonuses were moved from Christmas time to March the following year. No explanation was given. Its just the way it is. The warranty is now 1 year for any new wheel purchased. The old warranty still applies to those that bought it last year. This isn't anything that I think is different than any other company.

Can I understand from this statement that you work for Fanatec now?

On the latter part. The thing is that a company that makes products can use warranty to show that their product is better than the other.
However, if the warranty is reduced the other companies can say "see, their products aren't as good as they said they wore, and are definately not better than ours".

Warranty is a statement of trust and giving the consumer a sense of security.

Sure, it is how it is in the USA. However, why be like the rest when you can be better than the rest?

Again the reason comes down to product reliability and costumer support costs as you stated yourself as well.

But since Fanatec is in the EU they offered the 2 year warranty because its law. It isn't law in the USA so they changed it. What'ya gonna do. *shrug*

If Fanatec would offer 1 year here I doubt if I would buy another product of theirs. Especially the fancy expensive ones.
For one thing I would first let one year pass after a product release and let others test the reliability before I would even start to consider it.

But yeah... sucks to be a citizen of the USA warranty wise. :ouch:
LOL no I don't work for Fanatec, I was explaining that my own company changed policy on the fly as well. What ya gonna do.

While the 2 years applies in EU it no longer applies here. Obviously Fanatec is confident that nobody will mind. A company will not make moves which will cut its own throat. At least they try not to.

I meant that Fanatec is not apple in the sense that apple has billions of dollars in reserves.

Again, I agree with all of you that this sucks, even more so for me since I'm in the country which is affected and you are not for the most part. My main point is that there isn't some nefarious reason this is being done. Its an accounting decision.

Not having an announcement for USA customers does suck. Thats obvious.

Lastly, like I said while that really sucks I'm not going to be stupid and say i'll never buy a Fanatec product again. with Logitech saying their exiting the market we'll have even less choice so I guess I'll get used to it. I'm a sim racer and its not going to stop me.
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In my opinion, the reactions from people regarding Fanatec "issues" are a direct result of Thomas's "involvement" in the community.

This is all seems to be about expectations. People think Thomas is their friend because he posts on forums occasionally. This is generally in order to defend the company. He is not their friend... (though he may have some of course) Thus, when things like this warranty situation arise, tempers flair and people cry foul. It's the same reason a boss should not make friends with his or her subordinates. Thomas made his bed and must now lie in it...

What's actually in that bed or how comfortable it may be, I have no idea.
in my opinion, the reactions from people regarding fanatec "issues" are a direct result of thomas's "involvement" in the community.

This is all seems to be about expectations. People think thomas is their friend because he posts on forums occasionally. This is generally in order to defend the company. He is not their friend... (though he may have some of course) thus, when things like this warranty situation arise, tempers flair and people cry foul. It's the same reason a boss should not make friends with his or her subordinates. Thomas made his bed and must now lie in it...

What's actually in that bed or how comfortable it may be, i have no idea.

ding ding ding..............we have a winner!

He's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. Glad to see someone else who see's this.
I would like to add, if I may...

I do not agree with what was done here. I would not agree if it were any company, at least based upon the manner in which is was handled given the precedent that has been previously set by Thomas regarding his involvement with the community.

If this were Logitech for instance. It may come up and there may be some discussion regarding it. However, Logitech hasn't set any precedent regarding the way in which they interact with their consumers that would lend people to believe they should have been notified in some way.

My post was simply an attempt at explaining what I feel is going on and is also my way of saying, I understand where this is coming from.

In a word, it's goofy. It's goofy way to interact with your customer base and will ultimately lead to people not trusting you.

That's all I'm gonna say. :/
LOL no I don't work for Fanatec, I was explaining that my own company changed policy on the fly as well. What ya gonna do.

While the 2 years applies in EU it no longer applies here. Obviously Fanatec is confident that nobody will mind. A company will not make moves which will cut its own throat. At least they try not to.

I meant that Fanatec is not apple in the sense that apple has billions of dollars in reserves.

Again, I agree with all of you that this sucks, even more so for me since I'm in the country which is affected and you are not for the most part. My main point is that there isn't some nefarious reason this is being done. Its an accounting decision.

Not having an announcement for USA customers does suck. Thats obvious.

Lastly, like I said while that really sucks I'm not going to be stupid and say i'll never buy a Fanatec product again. with Logitech saying their exiting the market we'll have even less choice so I guess I'll get used to it. I'm a sim racer and its not going to stop me.

I am sorry. I totally misunderstood. My bad. My appologies. :)

The only thing I will say is that, because I am lucky as an EU citizen I will keep an eye on the company. However, with the recent warranty changes and everything happening, I will think a lot about reliability before I will put my money down. Which means that I could end up waiting for a year and let others test the reliability within and just outside the warranty period.

In the end I am just a consumer that doesn't like to go through the hassle of customer support (but will do when I have to). So the more reliable product the better, as this will largely increase the enjoyment one gets and should have from using electronics of all sorts.
I am sorry. I totally misunderstood. My bad. My appologies. :)

The only thing I will say is that, because I am lucky as an EU citizen I will keep an eye on the company. However, with the recent warranty changes and everything happening, I will think a lot about reliability before I will put my money down. Which means that I could end up waiting for a year and let others test the reliability within and just outside the warranty period.

In the end I am just a consumer that doesn't like to go through the hassle of customer support (but will do when I have to). So the more reliable product the better, as this will largely increase the enjoyment one gets and should have from using electronics of all sorts.

Let's compare EU versus USA pricing. What is your price in your country, converted into dollars…and when was the last pricing change? The USA price for late 2012 was $540 with a 2 year and is now $600 this month, with a 1 year warranty. Your warranty has remained constant @ 2 years.

So how does the currency adjusted pricing compare? Some of the difference will be country/other related and some will be warranty insurance related. I would not be stunned if the double warranty regions pay more now or will soon.
599€ for a CSR-E equals around 765 US dollars. Vs previous price that was 499€ IIRC, that is $637.

Please note that this includes 19% VAT, which I don't think is included in the USA pricing as this differs per state?

But yeah, those are the same prices i'm getting as well. You can just look them up RacerXX as the VAT is included on the EU product pages. ;)

For a more proper comparison (and if the maintenance pack of 150 euros would be available for the CSR E as well), you'd have to add 150 dollars to the USA price of the CSR E for example to have an equal sort of warranty coverage for the second year.

So wheel + 1st year warranty + maintenance in 2nd year when/if something breaks.
This is 599 + 150 = 749 dollars (excl Tax (which is incl in EU as VAT)) for the CSR E wheel with 2 years coverage of sorts (if the maintenance pack would come to the CSR E as well).
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in AU for CSW base, BMW wheel & V2s is $1260 dont know if delivered. same thing when i bought through US friend was $900 odd AU but sent here ended up costing $1240 lol
That still doesn't explain why they increased the price by whole 100€ and as I understand didn't do anything to increase the quality. If they did, I am sure Fanatec... would've pointed that out but they're as informative as a brick wall.

I'm not really sure that 599+shipping would be the final price for the customer. Shipping to my country would probably add another 21% VAT(the inclusive 19% vat to germany and then another 21% to my country) and customs fees... I would have to pay next to 800€ final price if I wanted a CSR Elite.
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Please note that this includes 19% VAT, which I don't think is included in the USA pricing as this differs per state?

But yeah, those are the same prices i'm getting as well. You can just look them up RacerXX as the VAT is included on the EU product pages. ;)

For a more proper comparison (and if the maintenance pack of 150 euros would be available for the CSR E as well), you'd have to add 150 dollars to the USA price of the CSR E for example to have an equal sort of warranty coverage for the second year.

So wheel + 1st year warranty + maintenance in 2nd year when/if something breaks.
This is 599 + 150 = 749 dollars (excl Tax (which is incl in EU as VAT)) for the CSR E wheel with 2 years coverage of sorts (if the maintenance pack would come to the CSR E as well).

I kind of disagree with that, you can't add on the service pack to rebuild a unit necessarily. That's intended to be an as-required option isn't it?

My CSR-E arrives tomorrow. It cost 540 plus 30 to ship it from CA to NC. No tax, grand total = 570 dollars. One year warranty. It won't be stock for long…evil laugh. You should see the cool stuff I did to my CSV2 pedals I've had for just a short time.
So glad this happened now. I almost ordered elite. I would hope with the price increase there was an update to the wheel. Its sad about the warranty...Also keep in mind if logitech leaves the game that the only viable somewhat price worthy wheel available is Fanatec. As the only multiplatform wheel available they already have the upper hand. On top of the the only competition is the CSW and the Thrustmaster. And they already said the CSW has the 2 year included. So any future owners of the elite better hope there has been an update of some type to help with the current issues or they will be using the warranty quite often during the first year.

As far as it being a business decision, thats all true, but the industry relly needs to be looked at before making crack decision like that. IMO.
US law does not require 2 year warranty and clearly Fanatec has problems to get their wheels last that long any ways. If they believed that they have a rock solid premium product they would have 5 year warranty.
US law does not require 2 year warranty and clearly Fanatec has problems to get their wheels last that long any ways. If they believed that they have a rock solid premium product they would have 5 year warranty.
Best post so far. Agree 100%!
(Except Michael Main who is still upset that we did not choose his company to be our service center in the USA and now is bashing us wherever he can - build up your own mind how professional that makes him look like)

Classy last comment Thomas. Professionals do not publicly bash another professional. Speculation is fine, but a public bash, childish

You should have seen Thomas's post he made at ISR just before he got a lifetime ban over their. A company is only as good as it's weakest link and we know who that is at Fanatec.
5 years for a product with tight tolerances and high performance and so many moving parts. Kinda tough especially for a small company. Again people aren't being reasonable. The shift from 2 year to 1 year IMO is really crappy. But again I point to any other high end electronic without any moving parts and its one year here. Just think people are being unreasonable in their expectations.

I've been rummaging through my expensive toys and have yet to find a 3 year warranty, let alone a 5 year warranty.

Not saying you can't have your opinion, just saying some of these are pretty off the scale unreasonable. My family owns businesses and there are tons of expenses and sometimes we butt heads with customers over expectations. I think a lot of people are only looking at this from a consumer standpoint. Which granted, is the only standpoint which matters to you. Which is why I'll say the switch from 2 to 1 year and lack of announcement is just reprehensible. but expecting a 5 year warranty from a small company on a high stress part like this?

I don't know since I don't own one, what is the warranty on a Logitech G27? Is it lifetime warranty?

I'm looking at it from a business owners standpoint which my family is and the hurdles we face each day pleasing customers, sometimes unreasonably. Don't get your panties in a bunch, this is just debate here. :)

And I'm not going to defend Fanatec's online behavior, but to be fair a ton of you use insults/bash the company, sometimes unjustly/and flat out post stuff to get a rise out of him. Childishness goes both ways. the problem is the feeding frenzy mentality which ensues. Its quite common online actually regardless of forum topic.

Like Mr.Basher said, Fanatec has made this bed and now he's got to lie in it. If I were him I would just cease all board activity forever since all it is is him trying to defend himself. LOL then we'll have the "Why doesn't Fanatec post updates etc, god they are such an awful company." Like I said, damn if you do, damned if you don't.
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I have electronic products with 3 and 5 year warranties. Of course when you pay $10,000 for a camera lens and $8000.00 for a camera you would expect good coverage.

As stated with Fanatec's way of handling their warranty change is it was announced by one of our astute members here. To most buyers and of members of NA websites, Fanatec's warranty change doesn't look like a well planned business decision but it looks more of a punishment to the folks in NA.

Of course just as Fanatec has announced you can purchase an extended warranty. To me that is salt added to the wound. First they cut the warranty in half then they tell their customers if you want the same warranty as Europe then it's going to cost you.

I can't really speak for the people in the USA but here in Canada the economy is booming and perhaps Fanatec thinks we won't mind paying more for warranty. BTW I am still a owner of Fanatec products so I felt I should voice my opinion.
Just read on Fanatec something about premium service EU.

If I understand correctly, the US and other non European countries aren't eligible for this premium service thing?
I don't know since I don't own one, what is the warranty on a Logitech G27? Is it lifetime warranty?

The thing is that I would not even care if Logitech has 6 month warranty because they have never broken with me. In fact Fanatec is the only wheel that has broken for me. (had MS wheel, momo, act labs force wheel, g25 and now turbo S from warranty)

I would not assume anybody offer 5 year warranty on game controllers but again everybody has to decide them selves does the product offer enough for the price.

Even fanatec admits that they CSW/CSR-E are not best value for the money because they are in the upper price point. What people want for the extra money varies, but I would like more is reliability or at least same level as lower priced wheels.

I am sure that Fanatec gets their **** together. Usually 1st gen products have problems. With fanatec they always are pushing new tech so problems follow easily. Would I recommend fanatec to friends? Maybe but only last gen products for now.

It is not that game controllers are any different but people look things to last long when they make expensive investments(TVs, home theare..etc)
Yeah I agree the way it was done was BS for sure. I'm in NA and our economy sucks. Not for me personally but for the majority of working people its hard times, so anyone into sim racing is and is having economic problems this sucks.

Yeah an 8000 camera should have a 5 year warranty. But I'm betting thats the exception and not the rule. Especially here in the USA which is the crux of this conversation since it affects us the most. Its kind of funny actually, people who aren't affected by the warranty are actually more up in arms than Americans. Guess we're just a dumb lot.

I think Fanatec should just cease all internet activity. Just end it and sell wheels. After a couple of years they'll either sink or swim based on their products and not some fanboy fueled rage-a-thons.

I've owned pretty much all the Fanatec wheels and have yet to have a serious problem. The only thing I've encountered is a belt squeak with my CSR Elite but the wheels works fine. I think people tend to forget that the squeaky wheel with problems will always post them. People that are satisfied usually don't.

So can anyone tell me how long the warranty is on a G27?
2 years, 1 year or 5 years doesn't really matters. It's the signal Fanatec is giving to potential US customers, which is ............ >>>> :ouch:

Even the price increase of the CSR-elite (€100 I believe?) is not the best way to do business.

Fanatec probably (can't be sure, it's just speculative) would have lowered the warranty from 2 to 1 year in Europe if it was legally possible.

Yeah I agree the way it was done was BS for sure. I'm in NA and our economy sucks. Not for me personally but for the majority of working people its hard times, so anyone into sim racing is and is having economic problems this sucks.

Yeah an 8000 camera should have a 5 year warranty. But I'm betting thats the exception and not the rule. Especially here in the USA which is the crux of this conversation since it affects us the most. Its kind of funny actually, people who aren't affected by the warranty are actually more up in arms than Americans. Guess we're just a dumb lot.

I think Fanatec should just cease all internet activity. Just end it and sell wheels. After a couple of years they'll either sink or swim based on their products and not some fanboy fueled rage-a-thons.

I've owned pretty much all the Fanatec wheels and have yet to have a serious problem. The only thing I've encountered is a belt squeak with my CSR Elite but the wheels works fine. I think people tend to forget that the squeaky wheel with problems will always post them. People that are satisfied usually don't.

So can anyone tell me how long the warranty is on a G27?
In Europe, 2 years.
In the US:

Don't jinx yourself. :P
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i respect everyone`s opinions here but i just have to say that it has nothing to do with bashing a company or being a fanboy.
it is all about a company offering a product that consumers will appreciate and get what they paid for. if Fanatec want`s my hard earned cash then show me that it will do what is advertised and that it will keep on doing it for a reasonable amount of time without issue. i do not want to hear that they have production difficulty or shipping expenses or cost increases or whatever other excuse they come up with.
in cutting the warranty in half they have just proven that they are having financial difficulties and reliability issues and need to cut there expenses. but they should have forewarned there potential customers. it is there problem and not mine and if they can not get the job done then move over and someone will eventually take over.
of all the devices in my home none of them have given me problems such as Fanatec has. three optoma projectors with a one year warranty but over two years and always run fine. four computers with between three and five years warranty and run fine. and the list goes on from consoles to blueray players etc etc. i could care less about a warranty if i know the product will last. i have worked in the racing industry all my life and there is no warranty in racing but the engines - brakes - suspensions - electronics had better last or my job is on the line.
it is really simple - you want my money then give me what i paid for. don`t **** me just do it!!
what racing do the engines, brakes, and components last more than one race?

Again not being a dick. I'm just finding it hilarious that people think it was anything other than a financial decision, which the person above me has pointed out. Its money plain and simple, is Fanatec short of money? maybe.

And I'll disagree. While some complaints are valid, a lot are fanboy rhetoric. There are both.

How long is the warranty on the G27 and T500. Maybe people should point that out to Fanatec and say if you don't match this we'll not buy your product.
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