My speedometer read 120mph, but I believe that it reads about 5 mph fast, at least according to the "Your Speed Is:" police boxes, so it was probably more like 115.
Speedometers are usually out by a percentage, not a fixed speed. If you're 5mph fast at 30mph, then you'll probably be 10mph fast at 60mph, and so on.My speedometer read 120mph, but I believe that it reads about 5 mph fast, at least according to the "Your Speed Is:" police boxes, so it was probably more like 115.
Speedometers are usually out by a percentage, not a fixed speed. If you're 5mph fast at 30mph, then you'll probably be 10mph fast at 60mph, and so on.
Well, my max is 120 in the I-90 tunnel. But I slowed down to 45 before that run, so I could probably hit the 130 limiter if I started from 80.
In a Corvette we were at 250km so I think that is like 156mp unless I did the math wrong, we looked down at the speedo then looked up at the road and the cars ahead of us were fast approaching so let it off.
over the summer my dad and i were on the blue route, if you have ever been to Philadelphia/Chester/the hood/Philadelphia Airport you may know what the blue route is like. anyway, we were cruising at around 70 and some teenage girl in dady's Acura ran us onto the shoulder of the highway, we were about 2feet from the grass. she acted like we weren't even there, WE WERE DRIVING IN A FLAME RED DODGE RAM! so, my dad decided to freak her out so he chased her, he floored it and we went flying. i watched the speedo go up the gas gauge go down. we were up around 110 and she freaked out and started weaving in and out of traffic and we lost her. i know it sounds dangerous and mean, but this lady just pissed my dad off so much had to do something.
managed 165kph or 105mph in a 2000 rav4 in a back road. So much wind noise and the car doesnt feel the best on the narrow road plus i had a corner coming so thats about it. In a decent straight smooth and wide and no fear of other cars coming from nowhere + no cops then im sure it would maybe do 180.
My speedometer read 120mph, but I believe that it reads about 5 mph fast, at least according to the "Your Speed Is:" police boxes, so it was probably more like 115.
I'd like to try for the 130 limiter, but I always get nervous on public roads and only try when I have a long view of empty road ahead of me.
If I get a chance in a safe environment I will really push it then.
Well the fastest I've gone is about 105-108MPH, Zipping up and down I-94 at about 2am in my Ford Probe GT (V6). I would drive faster but thats pretty much all that car had, and I've never had any car that could go any faster. But one day I WILL have my Vette!!!
^Finally, someone being 100% honest in this thread.
Incidentally, GrumpEone, the Probe V6 has 167hp and is capable of 135mph.
the engine block cracked within two months
With all due respect, Famine, this thread has lasted 6 years and really hasn't changed its tune. I'm sure a few people lied, but let's face it, most of us were probably in excess of speed limits at the time anyhow.All we need to know in this thread is how fast you've gone in your car, not where you did it. Unless you did it on an Autobahn/derestricted road/private road/track/airfield, it's not going to be legal. So don't bring the location into it.
Thank GOD it's not an interference engine, eh?
I'll bet most people give up on them the instant the cambelt goes.
With all due respect, Famine, this thread has lasted 6 years and really hasn't changed its tune.
New Zealand, not AustraliaAre Ford Lasers really that common down there? Turbo Lag had one of those I think.
1996 Volvo 850 Turbo:
I have went 138MPH in my uncle's 5.0 mustang, it wasn't stock though, he always worked on the inside of his car, not the outside. In other words his car is a sleeper. I also did 115MPH in a b..... ahh who cares about that. lol.