Changing a wheel in a real car won't make you faster either.
Thing is: the TM is made for GT and has all the buttons on the right places. That was not the case for the G27 I owned before.
The only "downside" for me is the rubbery substance as opposed to the leather of the G27. The leather on the other hand may wear faster...
I wonder why TM is selling these simple pedal sets with the TM300, while they have the very good T500 pedals, which seem to be compatible...
So what is a rough number of people who aren't happy with the new FFB on logitech wheels?100-1000 maybe?Not many at all considering there would be tens of thousands using it,to me,it sounds like people need to adapt.
I'm willing to bet 90% of G25/27 users are unhappy with the new update. The remaining 10% have never driven a real car, let alone real performance driving.
I never said it would and I don't know how/why @Stotty got that from my post.I'm not foolish enough to think that buying a new wheel is instantly going to make me faster. When I said upgrade, I meant change to a better wheel, nothing else. I went and did do some more research however and from everything I have read/heard, I have formed the opinion that the Thrustmaster is indeed a better wheel, therefore, I will be "upgrading" to that wheel.
And, none of the "pro's" of the wheel as anything to do with it making me a better/faster driver.
That part is solely up to me. 👍
I'm willing to bet 90% of G25/27 users are unhappy with the new update. The remaining 10% have never driven a real car, let alone real performance driving.
Common sense and logic would indicate that a Formula car with no power steering, slicks and high downforce would have super heavy steering. You don't need to drive one to know. In any case, before 1.12 came along these cars are totally fine. But after 1.12 they have lost all feedback. Other cars still have feedback (albeit lighter, but it's fine), so the problem points to these individual cars instead of the feedback model. That's what I and other Logitech users want fixed. I agree that we'll probably see more tweaks to the FFB, but it remains to be seen if the issue with Logitech will be addressed.
I don't even care if the PS4 doesn't support Logitech anymore. I've decided I won't buy it. But this is PS3 and Logitech wheels are supposed to be supported. Even within the GT6 game itself there are separate button mappings for all Logitech wheels. I'm happy that they've improved the FFB to take advantage of TM's more advanced wheels, but I'm NOT happy that they have to compromise Logitech users for that when support for both CAN co-exist. That's my main beef with the latest update.
Have you tried changing your steering rotation to 640º (or whatever it is)? It makes a world of difference to the weight of the wheel. I think I have my Fanatec around 700º and when I drove the 97T on Saturday it did feel a bit lighter than I expected but still had plenty of weight/resistance to it. Seeing as the Lotus likely didn't have 900º steering this is probably the more realistic setting anyway. I dialed mine down to 700º when driving the F3 car some months ago and it felt so good on that car and all other cars that I've never gone back.
I'm looking forward to seeing some feedback when you get the T300:tup: In case you aren't aware, there is a dongle available to allow you to use the G27 pedals with the Thrustmaster wheels.I'm hoping the T300 GTE will help me be a bit faster, seems a step up from T500RS and hopefully the pedals have good response compared to it. I'm currently using G27.
Things that I think will help get faster lap times:
Hopefully no force feedback fade and better quality of force feedback in GT6. It should be more quieter so more likely to play at later hours and more likely to participate in rally events so should help me get faster. Hopefully rubber cladding instead of leather wrap is easier on the hands so more likely to play longer and more often.
Will find out maybe later this month to see how it works out if the wheel works...
TRL_beau uses T300RS and has got good placings such as top 10 with it. Can see some of his recent laps on his YouTube channel: Link
Funny thing is his last TT with his broken G27 was maybe first TT he won on GT6.
I was thinking about getting another set of G27 pedals as I plan on selling the G27 as I have a spare new DFGT wheel boxed which I could use for older games that the T300 wheel doesn't support. Will see how well the stock pedals are though, from what I read should be as good as G27 ones but without clutch.I'm looking forward to seeing some feedback when you get the T300:tup: In case you aren't aware, there is a dongle available to allow you to use the G27 pedals with the Thrustmaster wheels.
Driving Force Pro switches between 900 and 180 degrees by pressing select, R3 and right shifter simultaneously. I didn't find any use for 180° even when drifting.Is there a way to set the rotation amount in driving force pro, I've red that it's possible on DFGT but I could't get it to work on my wheel.
That's a tricky one. Here the T300RS/GTE is showing around €340 and the T500RS is showing around €370, so indeed it's a tiny difference.Has buying T300 instead of T500 any sense? It's just marginally cheeper...
Ok, that seems like bit too little of turning angle... So there's nothing but 900 and 180 decrees? I mean if there's TT in monaco on formula I think I'll have settle with 180Driving Force Pro switches between 900 and 180 degrees by pressing select, R3 and right shifter simultaneously. I didn't find any use for 180° even when drifting.
DFGT has far more options to change rotation:, that seems like bit too little of turning angle... So there's nothing but 900 and 180 decrees? I mean if there's TT in monaco on formula I think I'll have settle with 180
Do you know is there some differences between DFP and DFGT?
Honestly, I'll just build a new PC this winter, keep my G27, get Project Cars and an Oculus Rift and have the best ****ing time ever, nothing next gen interests me besides Forza, and theres no real wheel support for Xbox One.
Im sure you also like to set the TV so that the image is 1/1 with what you see in your real car...
The problem comes when you dont have triple screens or a big enough TV.
Same happens with the G27/G25... they just dont have enough torque for you to feel all the info send to them with that much strenght.
I rather feel the curbs, the bumps, the oversteer and understeer, the brake lock ups... And I really hope they dont numb the FFB because its much more enjoable and informative and closer to what you get on a PC sim.
In any case, if they keep the current FFB I am also quite happy. I agree the detail is much better 👍 I can also adapt to the slightly weaker feeling 👍 But some cars like the Lotus 97 (with my G25 at least) have zero resistance. I think you will agree that's certainly not right. I would like PD to fix these cars. Or have 2 profiles so I can switch when I'm driving these cars.
Really, it's a small thing, but the only thing good about GT these days is it's driving. If that's not enjoyable then there's no point playing.