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  • Thread starter berty1979
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PB- It could have weather, it depends if my little village in scotland has rain on the day. If it is dry there we use the dry version of the track as I am led to believe there is a grip difference in the two even if both are dry.
What is your fee? A kangaroo steak and a lifetimes supply of skin tight Aussie rules shorts?
A much loved horse!!.Disregard my pm about the track then berty E.
I think i slightly outbraked myself giving somebody a small nudge.
You cant gain a better lap time by cutting the corners at fuji can you,just about all the car cutting?Ive always thought any grass meant dirty tyres with a slight lap time drop
Its less about cutting corners (there were two you could cut and gain time, the second corner and the 5th) and it was more about running wide/
It depends where you do it, i think if you went wide in the second corner you could carry way more speed into the long right hander.
Also on the last corner, one person i was following went wide through there, and pulled away a fair bit on the straight.
Correct pagey. Going wide/cutting was dumb for most of the track. Running wide could gainyou time on turn 2 and possibly the last before the straight (risky). Someone has been done for it in the stewards report too, I allow some wide runs and then start taking points. If your struggling with control you wont be penalised, no one has done any serious cutting yet and I doubt we will find anyone did TBH.

Etid had a good race with Ellis in parts and also Pagey ( bit rough by etid though). My overtake on Pagey on the first lap was awesome (if I do say so myself) and i had a great battle with Spurgey. Its a cushty replay if anyone hasnt had a gander yet.
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Check me from lap 1 to 5-6 I think. Great bit there, really enjoyed it.
No you didnt :D The only mention of me was about the final race, and there was nothing on runfast or Caterham racing :(
I apologise, I think you will be very strong as the odds I gave you suggested. You have a good team mate there so help him with the tune/strats.
Stratergies? Stratergies?!?! I dont use such things, just split the laps up to do either 2/3/4 stopper thats all :D But Ill be helping him with setups of course :)
Good man!
Runfast is an odd one (in terms of racing :lol: put your mossberg away steve!) even when he has similar laptimes as me he seems to crash a lot on race day!
Sort it :D
As do I, its the geek in us all coming to the fore. How many litres, all the tuning figures ooooohhhhhh :D

Stewards report is 80% done 3 drivers under investigation so far, just waiting to hear from the last steward 👍
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It should be I am awaiting the report of Sakery and I think we are done so it depends when he finds time. I think he works until about 9 ish.
If I can be bothered I can get to the point of working out theoretical time in the pits. The optimal time to put in and fuel to put in. Litres per lap. Ooooooh im tingling thinking about it :D
if we had an fgtc race team. I would do pits :D
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Who the hell is going to drive then with me and Pagey in admin?
Spurgey is the tea boy so that leaves.............the robot!!!!!

Ellis- Did you send questionaires out? If its a lot of work on your phone send me mine again and ill edit- copy- paste them.
Me, teaboy? Dont think so some how :) That can be ETID. Ill be the backup driver making sure noone gets near to the robot, which is an easy job really because he doesnt need any help with that! :D Or you can be backup Brett and Ill be supervisor, but Ellis might not approve :)
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