Fiat Barchetta @Toscana Mini Enduro *MCRC* Mon @ 3pm EDT / 8pm BST

Errrrrm. Just got a phone call from the gf, finally not able to make the race tonight. Shame, i love stock cars :(

See ya'll next Monday ;)
Ah the girlfriend... :D :lol:

We'll be in the VCRC lounge if the FRs haven't gotten in, should be clear & mostly all added.
I can't even remember ever signing into the MCRC_Lounge acct myself, or if I ever had the login. :guilty: I'll work on that.

So just everyone check they have VCRC
I hit a 36.7 I thought a fast lap would be 36.2 36.00 range... How many PP do you have?
Don't know the exact answer for that, but my car only has an oil change in it, no other modifications (as the rules state ;)).
SIGNING INTO VCRC acct now to add peoples.

If people are going to be doing 2:34.s... I'm just doomed. :nervous: :ill: :boggled:
If I practiced for another hour maybe. I'm probably not even going to hit 35s during the race, maybe once if I'm lucky. I'm more worried about hitting the walls, which tends to happen when I push myself too hard.
Oh okay so I'm still waiting on GTP_Litchi

Okay scratch that, I think everyone's added to VCRC now. Litchi is the one who can't make it.
Okay guys, I have a problem, I'd just joined and entered the track, then I got disconnected, I tried to rejoin, to no avail, it kept refusing me due to network incompatibility ?? I could get into the room and entered the track once ... :(
Next time we do a race at night, can we use a car that actually has high beams?
I missed all the fun ....

I'm sorry I couldn't understand what happened to you.
And I don't know what that "network incompatibility" means either, as I didn't think there was a "host" in a lounge - I could be wrong though. Who was at the top? Does that matter?

And the grid order & qualifying. WTH? WTH??
It's like every time you turn around there's something messed up with the way you have to do things to get the grid to form properly. :rolleyes:
Did I miss the latest memo on the best procedure?

RE: Brights
I stink in the dark, but I can say that even when a car has excellent lights (such as the premium 135i)... I still stink in the dark. :lol:

Anyway, sorry I scooted quickly right after the race, have an occasional issue with some dental work... dentist keeps saying, time after time, "nothing is wrong" :boggled: and "unless & until something is wrong" there's nothing to be done about it. :rolleyes: So every once in awhile - usually at a very inconvenient time :grumpy: I get a sudden (usually brief - no more than an hour) but rather nasty toothache. :mad:
Not that there's any convenient time to get pain. :crazy: But I got a little damage on lap 11, and then coming into the last turn on lap 14, I got a toothache & started swerving all around & all in the wrong gears... and I could see turbogeit dogging me on my map. :lol: So I pressed on. :rolleyes:

PS: will post results when I locate my misplaced phone with the results photo on it!! :guilty:
(I'm going to have to call it and hope the ringer is on!)
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Fun fun fun! A little race story:

Managed to qualify 3rd with a 2:35.999, was really surprised that i qualified ahead of carracer actually. Got a great start but then i did a sloppy gear change and fell to 4th. After that me carracer and carbonox was fighting for many laps while michmich started building a gap.

Me and carb started making some mistakes and lost carracer and i almost lost carb as well but closed in just ahead of my pitstop. But being close while pitting isn't a good idea as i should have learn long time ago, my car slowed way down while carbs car turned in to his box. That all lost me some seconds and i could barely see carb after the pit stop. I could see dylansan (?) though who almost passed me in to the first turn, I managed to hold him off and made a little gap, but then the darkness came and the first time it got real dark I missed an apex and slammed straight in to the wall.

Having just made a pit stop i decided to stay out and hope to get fifth at least. dylan caught up really fast and put me down to fifth. By then I was thinking about trying to keep the one behind from catching up but after a while I noticed that I could keep up with dylan, and finally on the last lap I passed for 4th and kept it all the way to the finnish. It really felt like winning. ^^
Fun fun fun! A little race story:

Managed to qualify 3rd with a 2:35.999, was really surprised that i qualified ahead of carracer actually. Got a great start but then i did a sloppy gear change and fell to 4th. After that me carracer and carbonox was fighting for many laps while michmich started building a gap.

Me and carb started making some mistakes and lost carracer and i almost lost carb as well but closed in just ahead of my pitstop. But being close while pitting isn't a good idea as i should have learn long time ago, my car slowed way down while carbs car turned in to his box. That all lost me some seconds and i could barely see carb after the pit stop. I could see dylansan (?) though who almost passed me in to the first turn, I managed to hold him off and made a little gap, but then the darkness came and the first time it got real dark I missed an apex and slammed straight in to the wall.

Having just made a pit stop i decided to stay out and hope to get fifth at least. dylan caught up really fast and put me down to fifth. By then I was thinking about trying to keep the one behind from catching up but after a while I noticed that I could keep up with dylan, and finally on the last lap I passed for 4th and kept it all the way to the finnish. It really felt like winning. ^^
That damn blind corner, made even more blind by the darkness...

Basically I became a pinball halfway through the last lap. You were already ahead at that point though.
I'm sorry I couldn't understand what happened to you.
And I don't know what that "network incompatibility" means either, as I didn't think there was a "host" in a lounge - I could be wrong though. Who was at the top? Does that matter?

I got into the room just fine, a few seconds later I saw you joined in, then I got into the track, Carbonox exited the track if I'm not mistaken, then when I am about to exit the pit, suddenly I got black screen ( disconnected from the lobby server ). I did not give good look at the top of the player list who was the host. Afterwards I kept trying to join in, it was futile effort though, same error all the time. Usually network incompatibility issue will prevent a player from joining the room, this time I can join in at first, but the end is the same :(.
Anyway I'll try to join in your other racing events like the low pp shuffle races.
Monday 27 August @ 3pm US EDT / 8pm UK BST / 9pm CEST / (19:00 UTC/GMT)

Congratulations to

swooped in with a last moment sign-up and sweeped the course! :lol: ;)
  1. Michouw / GTP_MichMich / yellow
  2. Carracerptp / Carracerptp / tan
  3. Carbonox / Carbonox / black
  4. Phouchg / xNikodemusx / Mustard Yellow
  5. dylansan / GTP_dylansan / Rosso Corsa
  6. dabneyd / dabneyd / Silver
  7. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / Papaya Orange
  8. jammy21 / GTP_Jammy / Rosso corsa
  9. turbogeit / turbogeit / gray

Close finishes for 1st & last! :)

Thanks all!
I got into the room just fine, a few seconds later I saw you joined in, then I got into the track, Carbonox exited the track if I'm not mistaken, then when I am about to exit the pit, suddenly I got black screen ( disconnected from the lobby server ). I did not give good look at the top of the player list who was the host. Afterwards I kept trying to join in, it was futile effort though, same error all the time. Usually network incompatibility issue will prevent a player from joining the room, this time I can join in at first, but the end is the same :(.
Anyway I'll try to join in your other racing events like the low pp shuffle races.

Send me a friend request: PSN: wat3rm370n
And next time we're both online, we'll have to test if the problem is between us! Because you left right after I joined. :( :( :( I hope it's not me!@! :( :(

I was wondering what was going on but as I was late to begin with, I wasn't about to check the board again to see what was happening. I figured maybe you too had a "surprise girlfriend" or something of that nature. :sly:

Does anyone remember who was at "top" in the lounge?
I'll send FR ASAP :)

Don't worry too much about who was the host ... I had good time doing some Miata tuning for TT at my own lounge.
If you make anymore of these races I may try and pop in, esp if it's Fwd :). (Did concider jumping in last minute but am still quite tired after going to the BTCC at Knockhill lol)
dabneyd was the host if I remember correctly.

Hmmm, I'm pretty sure he's hard-wired.
The most common problem with people being incompatible, that I've seen in the past is when there's 2 people on wireless, and then they might have problems joining the same lounge.

I wish that PD would explain these things. :grumpy:
I was host, and I often host with no issues. I've found that if you get booted from a room and can't get back in, the best thing to do is to restart your PS3 and then clear your network cache.
I often host practice no ABS public room, sometimes there are people who got disconnected right after they showed up on the list ( join in alert ). That might be what I was having. I always cleared my cache every time I want to get online on GT5, when I got booted right after exiting the pit at the Fiat race, I tried to join in again, kept getting error, then I tried to join public lobby, no issue there, then I hosted my own lounge to some tuning for over an hour, no issue as well. It might just be a simple network mismatch, I had 2 other player so far that I can't connect with due to the same type of error. Mostly fine with other players, bad luck I guess. By the way, I am hardwired via CAT5.
I was host, and I often host with no issues. I've found that if you get booted from a room and can't get back in, the best thing to do is to restart your PS3 and then clear your network cache.

You seem to have the least amount of problems of most people I race with.
If you're at the top in a lounge, are you really the host though? I've never been clear on how that works.

And yeah that's good advice for just about any problem.
(Rebooting being the #1 fix for most computers. :lol:)

I've never had trouble actually getting into a lounge (or lobby). But I've heard a few times people saying they've gotten incompatibility messages.
Occasionally I'll get that "failed to join" message, but I assume that's different, because usually if I see that, I just immediately try again, and I get in.
Having just made a pit stop i decided to stay out and hope to get fifth at least. dylan caught up really fast and put me down to fifth. By then I was thinking about trying to keep the one behind from catching up but after a while I noticed that I could keep up with dylan, and finally on the last lap I passed for 4th and kept it all the way to the finnish. It really felt like winning. ^^

That a deliberate typo? :dopey:
Couldn't it be issues with NAT? I had lot's of issues when I had NAT3 because then you can only join people with NAT1 or something like that.. I think I got that same incompability message.

And no Carb, not deliberate but quite funny typo :)
That a deliberate typo? :dopey:

:lol: :lol: I hadn't noticed that! :D

Couldn't it be issues with NAT? I had lot's of issues when I had NAT3 because then you can only join people with NAT1 or something like that.. I think I got that same incompability message.

And no Carb, not deliberate but quite funny typo :)

Nat3 is bad I assume?
Do you know why you had Nat3?

I don't know. I've always had Nat2. It's never said anything different.
I don't think the speed of connection matters so much as the quality.
We don't have a very fast connection speed.
I have heard it said that our set-up/connection is the best way to do it.
I have hard wired cat6 cable from ps3 directly to the modem/router.
I have NO wireless network in my house at all.
And there are just 2 of us using the internet. So there's nobody else doing heavy internet usage while the other is racing.
(I believe that's the cause of "lag starts" or the lag that shoots cars about the track. I think it happens when someone's sharing an internet connection with someone else in the household who starts "hogging the pipe" to download something.)

I only know that a lot of the invisible car problems seemed to happen when at least 1 or 2 of the people not seeing each other had wireless internet connection to the ps3. I associate the incompatibility issue with the invisible car problems, because the only people who have ever had incompatibility issues also had, at some point, invisible car problems.
So I assume they're related issues.
But I don't know for sure.

I know that there were 2 people in VCRC who could not join the same lounge at the same time, if one of them was at top "host position". I can't recall who they were... But I remember them telling me they had this problem with each other. If they see the other at top position, they could not enter the VCRC lounge.

So, in future, those who have these issues, should contact those in the room... and next time perhaps we'll try changing the person at "top host position"... to see if that resolves it.
Maybe it will, maybe it won't.

Would really be helpful if PD would explain these things why they happen, so we would know what to do (or not do) to improve our chances of good experiences.

Edit: One time someone did have a problem with me as host. It was jackargent. There was just one or 2 days that he couldn't enter the lounge if I was at the top position.
But that was a very isolated incident... never happened again.
Which is why I forgot about it.
We spoke about it at the time - and neither of us had done anything differently during that time. :boggled: