Final Fantasy XIII

Totally true. I'm in love with this game, level 8 is really hilarious so far.
I even started to watch the cutscenes as was suggested to me earlier :) they are fantastic (also a more than welcome break after some fights) and the story is developing very nice, too.
Just the first few levels where not so interesting, but it all makes sense now... and in the beginning I didn't realise how long this game actually is.

Edit/ oops, I'm in level 10 already... no clue how that happened :P but I meant level 9 was the fun one :-)
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I need to get back into this game - been too busy with both work and life generally, and haven't played it since I got stuck in Chp 11 - sadly, it's not the kind of game you can really play in fits and starts and really need to be able to commit to a sequence of longish playing sessions to make any progress, hence why I am finding it hard going now.
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Lol I used to play this game 2 months ago. Although I completed the story I don't even feel like playing it again, maybe sometime in the future..
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I need to get back into this game - been too busy with both work and life generally, and haven't played it since I got stuck in Chp 11 - sadly, it's not the kind of game you can really play in fits and starts and really need to be able to commit to a sequence of longish playing sessions to make any progress, hence why I am finding it hard going now.
Sometimes I just fire it up and play to the next savepoint, if not much it's a bit of progress everytime.

I just got the Loremaster trophy which unlocks a theme for PS3, that's a nice addition to the otherwise boring trophy hunting. 👍
Lol I used to play this game 2 months ago. Although I completed the story I don't even feel like playing it again, maybe sometime in the future..

There is no reason to play this game 2 times, well only if you want to get all the Trophies.
Scrap that. Now I need help with ...

the eidolon of Vanille (I think) in chapter 11... I think I'll need to beat that in order to get the ability to kill the bigger animals (something with Deathspell?)
However I tried with and without aegosol, but I can't beat it, just like the other eidolons it will just kill me after a while even tho I can charge the cauge pretty good until that. Any tips?
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I am also another person who let this game fall off the priority list. I keep saying i want to get back into it, but when i get home, i don't have that same motivation to pop it back in as i would have wanted too earlier on that day. I do want to finish the game, and i WILL finish the game. I really want to find the true purpose of their Focus and how it all pans out. :)👍
As much as I loved this game I have also let it slip off the backlogg list. It was such a great experience that I dont want to ruin it in any way by being forced to grind for any type of achievements and I dont see any reason right now to play back through it especially with summer here. With summer approaching I have less and less gaming each day so I need to choose wisely what I play. I really do love this game and still think it is GOTY 2010 so far.
As much as I loved this game I have also let it slip off the backlogg list. It was such a great experience that I dont want to ruin it in any way by being forced to grind for any type of achievements and I dont see any reason right now to play back through it especially with summer here. With summer approaching I have less and less gaming each day so I need to choose wisely what I play. I really do love this game and still think it is GOTY 2010 so far.

I say thats a big statement to say GOTY with so many good game came out.
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Does dumbed down mean made a lot harder or something? Cause I find it ultra hard. :scared:

I still play this game everyday, I just love it, the feeling of the characters is so cool and the fights just look awesome... (story is more than boring, but that has to be like this IMO, it's a game and not a book afterall and some cutscenes are just mindblowing).

IMO after GT1 best game evarr. 👍

Even if I'm still stuck in level 11, tho I'm not really stuck since there's always new parts to explore yet and I haven't even tried once again to beat the
Eidolon !?
there's just so much to do and I have a feeling that's a good place to collect stuff and make CP. :)
[empty space];3859738
eh? it really wasnt that hard for me, but, i also lost interest in the game shortly into chapter 8.

Oh, fair enough, but it gets a lot harder and demanding from somewhere between chapter 10 and 11, at least for me because I don't grind much and also don't really ever played RPGs except Final Fantasy( VII & VIII.)
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Thats understandable. Yes it did take quite a while for the game to truly pick up but dang once it did, it never slowed down. The last few levels are incredible.
I need to get back to this just been too busy. It is a shame it takes so long to get anywhere
[empty space];3859806
but, see, im a firm believer that you shouldn't be almost done with the game before it gets interesting.
Ok I'm NOT trying to convince you, but the time for me to go to chapter 8 was 15-20 hours and I'm in chapter 11 now and the playtime shows 45 something hours, so I just don't get your point I think?

I need to get back to this just been too busy. It is a shame it takes so long to get anywhere

Yeah true, but however it's always fun to come back for a little while and if you are doing missions, that's about 10 minutes each. 👍
I got back into this a week or so ago. Finally finished up all the missions, although I haven't 5 stared them all. Just grinding now to max everyone's Crystarium and get money to upgrade. So far I have 4 characters with ultimate weapons. Found a nice place to grind.
Just keep re-doing Mission 24 over and over. It gets a bit boring, but I just can't consistently take down Adamantoise in a decent enough time. 12000 CP plus a reward that sells for 6000 Gil and battles that take under 30 seconds. Can easily get 60 battles in about an hour when all is said and done. 720,000 CP plus a guaranteed 360,000 Gil...much better than I could average per hour trying to farm Adamantoise.
I'll keep it up until I max everyone out then probably stop again for a while. Gonna take a long time to get the Platinum trophy, the Treasure Hunter one is going to be a nightmare.
Sounds like a good spot, should I ever need to grind, I'll try that. 👍

Tho I don't really get the point of it, I'm still on tier 1 (level8-11) weapons and I'm almost thru with the game (I think )... you need ultima weapons for platinum trophy or something?

Just realised, judging by the trophy's description you will. :scared:
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Sounds like a good spot, should I ever need to grind, I'll try that. 👍

Tho I don't really get the point of it, I'm still on tier 1 (level8-11) weapons and I'm almost thru with the game (I think )... you need ultima weapons for platinum trophy or something?

Just realised, judging by the trophy's description you will. :scared:

You don't need them to get through the game. I didn't have maxed 2nd tier until either just before the end or after I completed, it's been a while so I forget. You will need them for the Treasure hunter trophy and thus the Platinum as well. You'll definitely need to grind if you want to Platinum it. It's the only way to get gil, and you need a ton of it. I've gotten all but 4 normal trophies and the Plat: 1 hidden, Adamant Will, Treasure Hunter, and Master's Seal. All the others are doable without much trouble.
You don't need them to get through the game. I didn't have maxed 2nd tier until either just before the end or after I completed, it's been a while so I forget. You will need them for the Treasure hunter trophy and thus the Platinum as well. You'll definitely need to grind if you want to Platinum it. It's the only way to get gil, and you need a ton of it. I've gotten all but 4 normal trophies and the Plat: 1 hidden, Adamant Will, Treasure Hunter, and Master's Seal. All the others are doable without much trouble.

Ah, I see. that's cool. I like playing with what the game gives me along the way and I don't care much about the plat. Although I can see me still playing after I beat it, it's just so awesome.
I certainly don't know how many gtplaneters are interested in upgrading weapons and accessories in FFXIII, and have an iPhone/iPod Touch handy, but I just read the following in a thread on GameFaqs:


We at Agfonzo ( have recently released our Final Fantasy 13 Inventory Guide application for the iPhone and are giving away 50 promotional codes which allow recipients to download the app free of charge. All that we ask in return is that you leave an honest review after trying it out.

If you are interested in testing our app and satisfy the following requirements...

- Play Final Fantasy 13!
- Have an iPhone or iPod Touch
- Have access to the United States version of the AppStore
- Are willing to leave honest feedback in the form of a short review

... please email us at for a promotional code while supplies last.


AGFONZO Development Team"

Link to topic on GameFaqs:

Link to agfonzo website:

After clicking through the links on the agfonzo website, I realize that this app would have been useful to me several weeks ago, since I do have an iPhone, but I earned my Platinum Trophy for this game about a week ago. The Treasure Hunter Trophy really took up a lot of time.
Beat it today. Really loved it and I'll go definately back to max my stats out and whatnot... it's so georgeus!
As usual, I have to completely disagree with this not being GOTY seeing all GOTYs I know of where games I had zero interest in or found them really rubbish. Maybe GOTC? Game Of The Century then? ;)