First Footage of GT Sport's New Kyoto Driving Park — and a Tour of the Single Player Mode

For reference sake, so your post has some actual meaning, what kind of track would bother you?
Tracks like Route X. While kind interesting, it is very boring to race on. I know GTS has some oval tracks but, to me, their at least a bit more interesting than Route X.
Four years of development for this:
View attachment 663831
Yeah, they surely worked four years on that, they made the rest of the content in the blink of an eye 👍

Johnny, pretty much all of your comments are of the same old nature - and that since years, really, why do you bother?

I mean, you cant write THAT comment off with ,,constructive criticism“ as you otherwise do so happily ;)
BB Raceway is just as bland.


Then you have the simple ovals and pretty bland dirt tracks.

As I said in my other post, it seems pretty clear they've quickly cobbled a lot of these fictional tracks together because they're so far behind on development of the proper real world tracks.

Worst track lineup in any full GT game, easily. Even GT1 is better when you consider it was their first game with much lower budget and staff and the fictional tracks at least had imagination, unlike these vanilla track-by-numbers things. They have no excuse for this, just woefully slow as usual.


This was created for GT5 (this is from GT6 tho) and this is a great complex circuit, I like to drive it.
Here you have great turns, wide and narrow one's, up and down.

I like original tracks like real one's but new one's seems... too easy for me.

Hope they'll import SSR7 at least, try new cars and sounds in tunnel should be amazing.
My take on this ? - GTS wasn't a choice. It was a necessity.

Remastered tracks from GT6, bumping car count by creating as many versions of one car as possible. Fictional tracks that look like from some copy/paste program...

And even the car themselves are from GT6 - yes remade from 0 but they had 100% of data and reference material for large portion of them. (saves so much time)

That "it became less about competition and more about collecting cars" trailer. (because for some reason you can't have many cars AND great competition:rolleyes:)

E-sport/competition focus spin was the only way. What do you do with GT7: Prologue that is bigger than previous prologues but smaller than expected GT7 ?


The difference in budget is seen among the 2 products at the technical level or does it mean that the technical part should not be considered in this pseudo comparison? According to you to develop everything from scratch with that quality is simple?
And incidentally, the PDs are 200 employees and the Slightly Mad Studios are over 170 so they have an almost equal work force.

The facts are other and not as simple as you paint them or others who do this kind of comparison;).

In my opinion, if the PD recycled all the GT6 material, it would not be good anyway because many would be unhappy to see many recycled tracks not at the level of those reworked from zero XD
it doesn't matter how you cut it, SMS will have a 2nd title out on three platforms before PDI has released one on one platform. It will have far more content, with a smaller team and smaller budget. Not to mention some of the finger in GTS is just a downright lame attempt. Some of these tracks such as the ovals and the two on the other page give the image that they were added because they were quicker to knock out rather than because they add qualify to the game.

Same old story on this forum, everyone talks like PDI have an impossible task and act like other devs don't exist within the same reality, and with less resources. Which reminds me. PDI have had access to the PS4 before everyone.
it doesn't matter how you cut it, SMS will have a 2nd title out on three platforms before PDI has released one on one platform. It will have far more content, with a smaller team and smaller budget. Not to mention some of the finger in GTS is just a downright lame attempt. Some of these tracks such as the ovals and the two on the other page give the image that they were added because they were quicker to knock out rather than because they add qualify to the game.

Same old story on this forum, everyone talks like PDI have an impossible task and act like other devs don't exist within the same reality, and with less resources. Which reminds me. PDI have had access to the PS4 before everyone.
It's almost criminal when you think about it.
Oh my.... I don't understand, is being in japan made PD totally tone deaf or out of touch?

What exactly does being made in Japan have to do with this? I'm almost positive all the complaints here have nothing to do with where they are based.
Do you not know what a question mark is?

I'm very aware of what a Question mark is, otherwise I wouldn't have asked a simple question inquiring about your point (something that happens in a discussion). That response wasn't needed.
A g
BB Raceway is just as bland.


Then you have the simple ovals and pretty bland dirt tracks.

As I said in my other post, it seems pretty clear they've quickly cobbled a lot of these fictional tracks together because they're so far behind on development of the proper real world tracks.

Worst track lineup in any full GT game, easily. Even GT1 is better when you consider it was their first game with much lower budget and staff and the fictional tracks at least had imagination, unlike these vanilla track-by-numbers things. They have no excuse for this, just woefully slow as usual.
A grmn gt86?????
If I could interupt the bickering about time vs content for just a sec...
This screen was in the video for half a second, I managed to snap a very poor shot of it.

It made me very happy to see all your stats displayed with nice clean presentation in true PD style.
yKnow yall can not buy the game and just move on with your lives like regular people. If the vision of this game aint for you then more power to you.

Sure. I'll do that. I'll give my money to Assetto Corsa, PCARS 2 and FM7, games that are present on consoles, and don't have the sort of 'two steps forward, two steps back' mentality that modern GT games, and indeed, PD as a studio have.

Do you not know what a question mark is? Japan are very well known to be like that, usually it is japanese developers who are out of touch with the industry.

As my avatar might attest to, I know this feeling very well being a fan of Atlus. However, that's not completely the case with PD, it's more so them being so behind the curve with how much the sim racing market has grown, alongside their competition becoming more numerous even compared to 2013, when GT6 came out, and how they have progressed.
yKnow yall can not buy the game and just move on with your lives like regular people. If the vision of this game aint for you then more power to you.
Y'all can also continue to discuss positives and negatives of the game from our own perspective like regular people tend to do, if that's ok with you.
20 years to cone up with the original GT in HD.

I always wanted PDI to remake GT with future graphics. Now, I take it back. I understand the school is optional, online is optional, car collecting is there. To me, it's just not a fresh and exciting GT. I've jumped ship and I want to climb back onboard, but I'm most likely swimming back to shore. For PDI's sake, I hope Single Player is fun with AI.

When I flip my above comment, I see this as a clean slate. Reboot GT. Forget that "next chapter" nonsense. This is GT1 online. It's going to sell. Might be the highest selling GT game over its lifespan.

Driving around, with a created "I heart Honda" sticker on the rear bumper, will bring that sense of ownership from the first game. The car culture will be greater than GT5 & 6, because of the livery creator.
I think GT Sport will be recieved well, and most of us will log substantial miles.
As said above, the livery editor if any good will be the most satisfying improvement with the franchise.
Will it be my personal go to for a racing league? We'll see.
But, it will definetely be a part of my racing library.
Now if Assetto could present itself as well as it drives and as cleanly as my post above, there would be no other option for me.
The difference in budget is seen among the 2 products at the technical level or does it mean that the technical part should not be considered in this pseudo comparison? According to you to develop everything from scratch with that quality is simple?
And incidentally, the PDs are 200 employees and the Slightly Mad Studios are over 170 so they have an almost equal work force.

The facts are other and not as simple as you paint them or others who do this kind of comparison;).

In my opinion, if the PD recycled all the GT6 material, it would not be good anyway because many would be unhappy to see many recycled tracks not at the level of those reworked from zero XD

You didn't consider that PD develops for an exclusive platform only (PS4) having full support from Sony and after 4 years of development they are providing a game with very few contents and not new big improvements at all from GT6. They also removed day-night cycle from GT6 that was the only important feature (that I loved) added from GT5.

I played the GTS beta for 3 months (in Europe) and it was difficult for me to understand the reasons why some people say that GTS provided a lot of big improvements (not considering the audio that was a MUST to have after 20 years).
During the GTS beta PD simply tuned here and there some minor issues (with no need from community).
Physics is very similar to GT6 and graphics is nothing so special for me. They even imported 2D trees from GT6 (see for example the last part of Nurburgring or almost all Brands Hatch (with the exeption of the second corner were 3D trees are present in the inner side)). They provided a good AA, lighting and 3D crowds but graphics is cartonish and made artificial on computer (with exception of Willow Spring that was very good also in GT6). All the fantasy tracks (i.e. Dragon Trail and the Oval) seems improved graphics on a PS3 (not realistic at all).

Honestly, since the GT6 beta I made the opinion that PD is focused to improve what they are able to improve and not what they SHOULD really improve (simply because they are not a talented SH as others). How could I forget that stupid choice to provide the hybrid 1080p resolution on GT6 when framerate was unstable even on 720p (25-60 fps) with even a bad AA compared to GT5?

I bought PC1 when I bought my PS4 Pro (so played the game with all fixes realesed in the last 2 years) and honesty (if pad control will be fixed as it seems it was fixed in PC2) I think PC1 is overal better than GTS (day night cycle, weather, career, number, of tracks, number of cars in the track etc...).
From all the video and review I'm following, it seems in PC2 all the real problems present in PC1 were addressed and resolved (handling system etc...). Furthermore the improved graphics providing better AA, lighting, very good trees. Finally they added new feature such as live track and season, new real tracks that will provide longevity to the game.
You didn't consider that PD develops for an exclusive platform only (PS4) having full support from Sony and after 4 years of development they are providing a game with very few contents and not new big improvements at all from GT6. They also removed day-night cycle from GT6 that was the only important feature (that I loved) added from GT5.

I played the GTS beta for 3 months (in Europe) and it was difficult for me to understand the reasons why some people say that GTS provided a lot of big improvements (not considering the audio that was a MUST to have after 20 years).
During the GTS beta PD simply tuned here and there some minor issues (with no need from community).
Physics is very similar to GT6 and graphics is nothing so special for me. They even imported 2D trees from GT6 (see for example the last part of Nurburgring or almost all Brands Hatch (with the exeption of the second corner were 3D trees are present in the inner side)). They provided a good AA, lighting and 3D crowds but graphics is cartonish and made artificial on computer (with exception of Willow Spring that was very good also in GT6). All the fantasy tracks (i.e. Dragon Trail and the Oval) seems improved graphics on a PS3 (not realistic at all).

Honestly, since the GT6 beta I made the opinion that PD is focused to improve what they are able to improve and not what they SHOULD really improve (simply because they are not a talented SH as others). How could I forget that stupid choice to provide the hybrid 1080p resolution on GT6 when framerate was unstable even on 720p (25-60 fps) with even a bad AA compared to GT5?

I bought PC1 when I bought my PS4 Pro (so played the game with all fixes realesed in the last 2 years) and honesty (if pad control will be fixed as it seems it was fixed in PC2) I think PC1 is overal better than GTS (day night cycle, weather, career, number, of tracks, number of cars in the track etc...).
From all the video and review I'm following, it seems in PC2 all the real problems present in PC1 were addressed and resolved (handling system etc...). Furthermore the improved graphics providing better AA, lighting, very good trees. Finally they added new feature such as live track and season, new real tracks that will provide longevity to the game.

True that PDs are only working on a platform but it is also true that SMSs are basically working on PCs (far more powerful platform than a poor PS4 XD) but when they bring the game on consoles they will cut off much of the technical part to make it run decently The minimal effort of optimization ... so the excuse to work on a single platform of PDs against 3 SMS platforms is a stupid thing because they will optimize as much as it is enough to make it run decently on ps4 and X1 when the game on pc will be just a 'Other thing ... great XD effort
Without forgetting that ps4 and x1 have a very similar hardware so optimization is even simpler because they will just have to cut more on X1 ... I do not see all that great effort is that many of you are advancing, indeed XD
They have removed the dynamic weather conditions because it would have affected the framerate and did not want the game to have the same big GT5 / 6 problems but apparently for many it was okay so so if PC2 (like the first one) will have big problems In this respect there should be no complaints, right?
The graphics already from the beta (which I remember was a fragment of the final game that only tested ONLY the online part) had better graphics than any 60fps racing on the market, which you then found some cardboard trees saying that it has a cardboard graphic For me it's a trolling speech considering what has screened the game (IN BETA it's good to remember it;)) and considering that others do not even approach that quality :) then talk about new (wip) tracks on beta As stuff ps3, when already from the videos of the dragon track E3 was awesome.
I understand then that for you beta was the final game, good to know :)

It makes me smile that PD is not a talented SH who for 20 years have dictated the standards for the racing we have today XD
Ok I understand that your post has the purpose of praising PC2 (which is very similar to PC1 graphically) and throwing mud on PD, I note it.

After this my answer I will not waste any more time answering this kind of post that only have the purpose of provoking :)

True that PDs are only working on a platform but it is also true that SMSs are basically working on PCs (far more powerful platform than a poor PS4 XD) but when they bring the game on consoles they will cut off much of the technical part to make it run decently The minimal effort of optimization ... so the excuse to work on a single platform of PDs against 3 SMS platforms is a stupid thing because they will optimize as much as it is enough to make it run decently on ps4 and X1 when the game on pc will be just a 'Other thing ... great XD effort
Without forgetting that ps4 and x1 have a very similar hardware so optimization is even simpler because they will just have to cut more on X1 ... I do not see all that great effort is that many of you are advancing, indeed XD
They have removed the dynamic weather conditions because it would have affected the framerate and did not want the game to have the same big GT5 / 6 problems but apparently for many it was okay so so if PC2 (like the first one) will have big problems In this respect there should be no complaints, right?
The graphics already from the beta (which I remember was a fragment of the final game that only tested ONLY the online part) had better graphics than any 60fps racing on the market, which you then found some cardboard trees saying that it has a cardboard graphic For me it's a trolling speech considering what has screened the game (IN BETA it's good to remember it;)) and considering that others do not even approach that quality :) then talk about new (wip) tracks on beta As stuff ps3, when already from the videos of the dragon track E3 was awesome.
I understand then that for you beta was the final game, good to know :)

It makes me smile that PD is not a talented SH who for 20 years have dictated the standards for the racing we have today XD
Ok I understand that your post has the purpose of praising PC2 (which is very similar to PC1 graphically) and throwing mud on PD, I note it.

After this my answer I will not waste any more time answering this kind of post that only have the purpose of provoking :)

If you think moving a game from pc to console is just a copy/paste with some cutting of the technical part, you have no clue what you're talking about. Try googling the process and learn something. Don't mock things you don't know anything about.
If you think moving a game from pc to console is just a copy/paste with some cutting of the technical part, you have no clue what you're talking about. Try googling the process and learn something. Don't mock things you don't know anything about.

I'm not saying this, I'm just saying that optimizing a game in today's consoles, which have optimized boxed pc hardware, it's much simpler in this generation to carry the gaming code made from PC to console is a fact eh; ); Not by chance in this generation we see much more indie than in the past generation just because the costs have been amortized for this reason, as well as seeing more often the multiplatform versions of the games for all the 3 piattorme (outside the exclusive trading agreements ) Compared to the past generation and this is another fact;)
We no longer have hardware different or exotic where developers have to massively optimize and costly on each platform, today we have hardware PC canned, with the same component (cpu jaguar - gpu AMD customized) that makes this type of job much slimmer :D
I am a person who is informed and also sees of DF analyzes and many multy on consoles have the pc version settings that correspond to the various bands: low-media - or mixed settings and is a fact;)

Rather than responding in this way, make a turn on digital foundray ;)
So are coffee breaks back?!!! CONES!!!!!!!!!!
We get a little look at the Mission Challenge section too. The mission on show involves a cone challenge, as per the Coffee Breaks of Gran Turismo 6. Again, this doesn’t seem too strenuous, but Gran Turismo has had quite the variety of challenges in the past.
It's a test that's part of the Mission Challenge section. It resembles Coffee Breaks, but it's a driving mission.
True that PDs are only working on a platform but it is also true that SMSs are basically working on PCs (far more powerful platform than a poor PS4 XD) but when they bring the game on consoles they will cut off much of the technical part to make it run decently The minimal effort of optimization ... so the excuse to work on a single platform of PDs against 3 SMS platforms is a stupid thing because they will optimize as much as it is enough to make it run decently on ps4 and X1 when the game on pc will be just a 'Other thing ... great XD effort
Without forgetting that ps4 and x1 have a very similar hardware so optimization is even simpler because they will just have to cut more on X1 ... I do not see all that great effort is that many of you are advancing, indeed XD
They have removed the dynamic weather conditions because it would have affected the framerate and did not want the game to have the same big GT5 / 6 problems but apparently for many it was okay so so if PC2 (like the first one) will have big problems In this respect there should be no complaints, right?
The graphics already from the beta (which I remember was a fragment of the final game that only tested ONLY the online part) had better graphics than any 60fps racing on the market, which you then found some cardboard trees saying that it has a cardboard graphic For me it's a trolling speech considering what has screened the game (IN BETA it's good to remember it;)) and considering that others do not even approach that quality :) then talk about new (wip) tracks on beta As stuff ps3, when already from the videos of the dragon track E3 was awesome.
I understand then that for you beta was the final game, good to know :)

It makes me smile that PD is not a talented SH who for 20 years have dictated the standards for the racing we have today XD
Ok I understand that your post has the purpose of praising PC2 (which is very similar to PC1 graphically) and throwing mud on PD, I note it.

After this my answer I will not waste any more time answering this kind of post that only have the purpose of provoking :)


The porting from a lead platform to other similar hardware architecture is not easy as you think. In fact the optimization of pc1 on ps4 was not so good.
I also remember kaz justifying all the problems had on gt5 and gt6 due to ps3 limited hardware and that with ps4 they could finally implement everythings they were not able to realize on gt6. I don't think GTS is offering any big new feature at all.
I never said GTS beta is final but considering the result in almost 4 years I don't expect PD will produce big changes in the remaining 3 months. It was the same with GT6 demo.
You also refer to screenshots of the game demonstraiting the quality of the game on Internet that let me suspect you didn't partecipate to the beta. Anyone can provide his opinion as I did based on my history with GT but it seems to me you tried alot to defend a game leaiving perplexity in most old GT fans like me.
True that PDs are only working on a platform but it is also true that SMSs are basically working on PCs (far more powerful platform than a poor PS4 XD) but when they bring the game on consoles they will cut off much of the technical part to make it run decently The minimal effort of optimization ... so the excuse to work on a single platform of PDs against 3 SMS platforms is a stupid thing because they will optimize as much as it is enough to make it run decently on ps4 and X1 when the game on pc will be just a 'Other thing ... great XD effort
Without forgetting that ps4 and x1 have a very similar hardware so optimization is even simpler because they will just have to cut more on X1 ... I do not see all that great effort is that many of you are advancing, indeed XD

Yes. Almost seems as if publishing on a single platform is the tough thing to do. Those lazy guys, publishing on several platforms, no effort, just doing piece of cake stuff. PD being an exclusive is just a hater's stupid excuse. SRLY? *owl meme*

They have removed the dynamic weather conditions because it would have affected the framerate and did not want the game to have the same big GT5 / 6 problems but apparently for many it was okay so so if PC2 (like the first one) will have big problems In this respect there should be no complaints, right?

Or SMS can just make it so that dynamic weather doesn't affect the framerate as hard as it did on GT5 and GT6, right? I know it's a technical challenge for devs but there's not only way of doing it. Guess what, complaints will always exist. But SMS doing the effort to keep dynamic wather gets some credit from me. On the other hand, PD scaped it even tough KAZ himself (via translator-san) has said:

Gran turismo Sport is a title that actually contains all the different features that we've had in the past titles of the series.

Sure, that doesn't mean "dynamic weather" is a feature for PD. Or the hability to tune a car's power output at your will (turbo stages, intercooler, NA engine stages, exhaust systems, etc). Or the used car marketplace. Or... a carrer mode. But when they say that they left out dynamic weather "because framerate", I find it hard to believe that was the main reason.

The graphics already from the beta (which I remember was a fragment of the final game that only tested ONLY the online part) had better graphics than any 60fps racing on the market, which you then found some cardboard trees saying that it has a cardboard graphic For me it's a trolling speech considering what has screened the game (IN BETA it's good to remember it;)) and considering that others do not even approach that quality :)

This was supposed to be about tracks / content. Not graphics. Also, we haven't seen nigher GTS or PC2 (I guess you're implying PC2 here) final versions running on the same platform - because they're not out yet. I'm sure GTS will be a step ahead in terms of llighting and car detail. But from what I've seen from PC2, their track detail is higher than GTS's. Well they're all laser scanned, so that fact alone makes the quality of their tracks higher.

then talk about new (wip) tracks on beta As stuff ps3, when already from the videos of the dragon track E3 was awesome.
I understand then that for you beta was the final game, good to know :)

This thread was open because of a new revealed track and people were talking about tracks. At least from what we know atm about them. And the facts still stand:
PD had (at least) 4 years to work on GTS and they took out several tracks from GT6 and will had 1 (one) new real world track (Maggiore) to the game and a few fantasy tracks, several being ovals or very simple in layout.

SMS is launching PC2 a month earlier and they had just over 2 years since PC1. They are adding 20 new real world circuits to the game - 1 oval. PC1 already had loads of tracks.

It makes me smile that PD is not a talented SH who for 20 years have dictated the standards for the racing we have today XD

Dictated the standars of racing for 20 years? They might have (I believe they did) started it. Lots or racing simulators came along in the last 10/15 years that replicate what racing is way better than GT. On console? For sure... until AC and PC came along. And I'm ignoring the rally titles because I don't play them.

PD has been groundbreaking for sure. But in a lot of areas what they do has nothing to do with racing. Dev techniques (like surface reflexes with GT1), photomode and project Vision GT come to mind.

Ok I understand that your post has the purpose of praising PC2 (which is very similar to PC1 graphically) and throwing mud on PD, I note it.

Nope. GT is in the mud only when we talk about number of tracks. We didn't throw it there. We just acknoledged it. And I'm writing as a GT fan since GT1. I've preordered the GTS Co Edition. But I have 2 eyes to see and some things that I see in GTS I don't like. Track number being one of them. I'm stoked about the game from what I've seen but I can't just unsee the negative points.

After this my answer I will not waste any more time answering this kind of post that only have the purpose of provoking :)


If you address the content and the arguments, and entertain the idea that you might be wrong, the provoking thing (wherever you see it) won't bother you at all.

Last edited:
I like what I see. I don't like stuff being left out or behind, like tracks. But I don't have to final game in my hand. And even when I do, I don't know if DLC will be added. I assume so based on some photos in other forums. So that's where I'll look to see if we get tracks like Spa, Fuji, Silverstone etc. back. As long as we don't have to wait 6 months, a year or whatever to get more content I think that'll be good. Not ideal, but good. And I like the new 'originals' PD has made.
Yes. Almost seems as if publishing on a single platform is the tough thing to do. Those lazy guys, publishing on several platforms, no effort, just doing piece of cake stuff. PD being an exclusive is just a hater's stupid excuse. SRLY? *owl meme*

Or SMS can just make it so that dynamic weather doesn't affect the framerate as hard as it did on GT5 and GT6, right? I know it's a technical challenge for devs but there's not only way of doing it. Guess what, complaints will always exist. But SMS doing the effort to keep dynamic wather gets some credit from me. On the other hand, PD scaped it even tough KAZ himself (via translator-san) has said:

Gran turismo Sport is a title that actually contains all the different features that we've had in the past titles of the series.

Sure, that doesn't mean "dynamic weather" is a feature for PD. Or the hability to tune a car's power output at your will (turbo stages, intercooler, NA engine stages, exhaust systems, etc). Or the used car marketplace. Or... a carrer mode. But when they say that they left out dynamic weather "because framerate", I find it hard to believe that was the main reason.

This was supposed to be about tracks / content. Not graphics. Also, we haven't seen nigher GTS or PC2 (I guess you're implying PC2 here) final versions running on the same platform - because they're not out yet. I'm sure GTS will be a step ahead in terms of llighting and car detail. But from what I've seen from PC2, their track detail is higher than GTS's. Well they're all laser scanned, so that fact alone makes the quality of their tracks higher.

This thread was open because of a new revealed track and people were talking about tracks. At least from what we know atm about them. And the facts still stand:
PD had (at least) 4 years to work on GTS and they took out several tracks from GT6 and will had 1 (one) new real world track (Maggiore) to the game and a few fantasy tracks, several being ovals or very simple in layout.

SMS is launching PC2 a month earlier and they had just over 2 years since PC1. They are adding 20 new real world circuits to the game - 1 oval. PC1 already had loads of tracks.

Dictated the standars of racing for 20 years? They might have (I believe they did) started it. Lots or racing simulators came along in the last 10/15 years that replicate what racing is way better than GT. On console? For sure... until AC and PC came along. And I'm ignoring the rally titles because I don't play them.

PD has been groundbreaking for sure. But in a lot of areas what they do has nothing to do with racing. Dev techniques (like surface reflexes with GT1), photomode and project Vision GT come to mind.

Nope. GT is in the mud only when we talk about number of tracks. We didn't throw it there. We just acknoledged it. And I'm writing as a GT fan since GT1. I've preordered the GTS Co Edition. But I have 2 eyes to see and some things that I see in GTS I don't like. Track number being one of them. I'm stoked about the game from what I've seen but I can't just unsee the negative points.

If you address the content and the arguments, and entertain the idea that you might be wrong, the provoking thing (wherever you see it) won't bother you at all.


You caught all the meaning (and concerns) of my opinion on GTS for which danh25 considered me a detractor for GTS and a sponsor for PC.
I simply provided my neutral vision of good and bad things for both GTS (beta) and PC1 (that I fully played on PS4 Pro, compared and finally evaluated).
Maybe GT was the pioneer of racing game but in my opinion it's from GT5-GT6 that started a descending phase. In the meanwhile the competitors (that were not even present 20 years ago) are far more reactive than PD to provide excellent new features and contents in just few years with a far less budget than PD/Sony.
Everytime PD seems to have impossible features to implement when the competitors are able to provide them (e.g. day-night cycle, weather, on PC1 in 2015) just in few years of development starting from scratch. At least we all were expecting those features on GTS in 2017.
Just my 2 pence. In recent history most of all the gaming I do is online racing with my friends, rarely competing in campaign mode because of terrible or boring AI.

The news of a reduced campaign means very little to me personally, online is where it's at for ME. But I'll add that I buy GT in all it's iterations because they work and work well. I own Pcars and stopped using it because the game was incredibly inconsistent, freezing, and dropping feedback to my thrustmaster. The online gameplay required everyone to leave the lobby anytime we wanted to change tracks. When I got the GTS beta everything worked in sync with no issues that Pcars gives me, and I had a blast online. It reminded me why me and my friends choose GT every weekend.

I've been with GT since their inception and will continue on with them. Yes things may be slow to release but I have no real interest in most games put out on gaming platforms anyhow. I just want this game released already!

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